
[I received a painting gift from a fan today, and I was surprised at how well I drew it. Amazing, isn't it? I'm so impressed! Thank you so much for your fan gift. I'll hang it in the living room.]

It was a short article with pictures attached. Since Twitter itself should not exceed 140 characters, the content itself is not very much, but I feel thankful to say so.

Sojin was retweeting in an instant because he had a lot of followers because he was a hardworking celebrity on Twitter.

[D] Is this the work of an expert?]

[Are you going to get mad if you tell me you're prettier than your sister?]

[Wow, awesome! Awesome painting! That's a great drawing. I'd like to receive a gift like that.]

[You must really like your sister. It must have taken you a long time to draw that. Amazing!]

There was no meaningless evil like on the Internet because Twitter follows related hobbies, connections, or people who like or admire it. However, this post was captured in an instant and spread across several internet sites, not just on Twitter in exhaustion.

The poem searched the site daily for articles about paintings.

I saw an article titled [Common Fan's Painting Gift]. Just in case, I see a picture of the exhaustion I painted. And the text says, "If you want a fan to give you a painting, you have to draw this much."]. Typical irony. That's how good you are.

All they said was that they were really good at painting. Even if he could see it, he was absolutely incredible in painting.

“Hey, did you talk to Sojin? ”


“Is something wrong? ”

The poem briefly explained to Eun-si that he had sent the painting to her with a curious face, and she was eavesdropping on the conversation.

“I envy... …. ”

“I'll draw you a silver one later. ”

“Really? Thank you. Brother.”

The poem patted Eunuch's head with a cheerful smile and glanced at it. I feel frustrated to see you and Eunji getting along so well. However, the poem did not say that he would paint a picture for Hyunju in front of a hidden room, but only smiled at the strange relationship that ordinary people could not imagine.

It was a peaceful Friday unlike any other.

The scene at the cafe this morning was a busy time practicing cartoons. I practiced drawing a concentrate line that could be more immersed in cartoons and tried to capture the background. I felt myself getting better because I practiced constantly.

Glug glug!

I got a call at a number I didn't know at that time.


[Good morning, Mr. Pope. Brawl! This is Ha Young-soo from the main division.]

It was a phone call from the PD on the end of the broadcast that Sojin spoke of. It was a man's voice in his mid-30s, but I didn't find it particularly appealing, not a woman's.

[Oh, yeah. Hello.]

You heard the rough story from Mr. Sojin, right?]


[Our brawl! I'm going to bring together the chapters on the first chapter of the chapter of the chapter to battle, because I don't think the poet, called the chapter of the song, should be left out. Haha.]

[Haha. I'm not very good at it.]

Anyone who listens to me like I oiled his mouth because he was trying to eat something, is good at talking.

[Aigoo, humility. Anyway, so we have a recording next Tuesday, and you're okay with that?]

[Yes, everything's fine.]

[Yes, I will text you in detail where I can come from.]

After that, he gave a brief description of how to broadcast.

In summary, it was a broadcast where the five song directives came out, sang songs for each round, then were voted out by a total of 100 celebrities, including consumed, and then the lowest voted person in turn dropped.

Even though it's a channel, I feel like I can secretly watch. The poem who hung up on Ha Young-soo PD decided to practice singing until next week. Singing was fine, but I didn't know the lyrics and notes, so I had to practice them in advance. I'm ashamed to drop in the first round of broadcasting anyway.

“Brother, who are you? ”

The poem was looking for a song in preparation for the broadcast, but Eunji approached and asked if he had heard the phone.

“Oh, it's the broadcast PD. I got a call to be on the broadcast. ”


At the words of Eunji, part-time students and current spirits stare at the situation in surprise.

“Yeah, it's a song broadcast, and I'm going to record it next week. ”

“Wow, that's amazing. What kind of broadcast are you on? ”

Eun-ji asked with a sparkle in her eyes, and Hyun-joo who was nearby was listening to the conversation with his ears closed. The situation explained the broadcast step by step to Eun-si who was feeling much better than a few days ago.

At that time, a couple with strange expressions entered the cafe.

“There's no such thing as the Apocalypse! ”

The lady yelled loudly and looked for the situation. The look on my face made me very angry.

“I'm the apocalypse. What's going on? ”

I was wondering if you were here about the café, and the poem woke up at the table and said, Then the couple quickly approaches the poem.

“Hey! Did you sue my son? ”

As soon as he heard that, he realized why he came to see himself. Although the accused party couldn't get her phone number or other personal information because she said she didn't agree, she already had a lot of posts about herself and the café on the internet, so she was able to visit the cafe.

“I did sue a few Internet users, but I don't know if they sued your kids. ”

“Oh my God, look at you talking. ”

The poem says that the lady is absurd.

This sudden disruption caused people in the cafe to look at me with an interesting look, and Eunji and Hyunju were restless with a worried expression. A fierce force that seems to be fighting right now.

“Son of a bitch! My son sued me for saying a few words on the internet by mistake... ”

The big guy was pretty excited and put a stop to the poem.

“Oh, really? What's his ID? I think I made a mistake. ”

The couple who were excited by the poem's stubbornness was a little soft. It's because they thought the poem had a tail.

So the couple, without a doubt, tell you their son's identity right away.

“Wait a minute. ”

“So, don't do that nonsense. Do you understand?”

When the poem went to the computer and did something, he became more vigorous, and now he's warning me. Nevertheless, the poem searched the computer without saying anything and approached the couple with a tablet.

“Here it is. I said," Do you have a mother? Bitch. "," Your mom's a whore. ’,‘ a fucking guy can't sing a fucking song. ’,' when is your mother going after you? 'You mean the one with the swearing back. ”

Suddenly, the couple's face turns red when they recite the conversation in a loud enough voice so that the poem can hear everything around them. He did not know that the poem would read his son's curses openly.

“Oh, did you use that kind of insult? How did he get an education so he could insult him? ”

“Yeah. There's a lot of kids on the Internet who talk like that, and they really need to taste it. ”

I heard a moan around, but I can hear it all. Then the big guy gets more excited than the first time, so he looks like he's going to beat the crap out of me.

“You son of a bitch! Do you know who I am? Huh?"

When I spoke, the big man pushed the situation roughly and made all kinds of insults. If you came all this way, you'd be here to settle a deal. I was a little annoyed.

“I don't know who you are, and you sued me for swearing at me. I have no intention of making a deal, so go back. ”

“Oh my God, look at you talking. Hey, do you think it's even possible to sue a kid with that kind of insult? What if he keeps a criminal record for nothing because of you? And you'll be responsible if anyone around you finds out about this? ”

The lady stared at the poem and said, no matter how much I looked at it, it was not an attitude to come to an agreement.


“Look at this guy? How much do you need? How much did you do that for? ”

The big guy bluntly slapped the table to see if he couldn't handle the anger.

“I don't need money. We don't want to settle anything. And you can't hit the table like that. If you keep doing this, I'm going to call the police. ”

The couple were indignant, but when the poem calmed down, he made a long face. Then the big guy grabs the neck of the poem.

“Are you going to hit me? ”

“Yes, son of a bitch. ”

The big man waved his fist at the face of the poem because he couldn't stand the words of the poem.


The poem was beaten as it was, and fell to the ground. The poem, who practiced the law at the end of 30 years, was deliberately beaten by this common man's fist. No, I didn't have the urge to do this in the first place.

“Hmph! ”

“Oh, brother! Oh, my God. ”

After the poem collapsed, the surprised cache and Hyunju ran to the poem and examined its condition. But fortunately, unlike a loud thump, there was no blood at all from the mouth of the poem. Even though the power of ordinary people is strong, it is impossible to do any damage to the body of the poem that has changed to be close to the stubbornness.

“It's okay.”

The situation that reassured Hyunju and Eunji took place. When the poem is beaten and collapsed, the big man becomes more vigorous and grabs the neck of the poem again.

I couldn't understand the situation. If your son had done something like that, how could he have begged for it in the middle of a fucking yard? The couple seemed to think it would all be resolved if they shouted and hit like this.

If the poem usually had a temperament of hypertension, he might have taken one without covering up the moment he got hit. However, I thought it was cold because the tendency of the poem was closer to the ice than fire. I don't know how to get revenge. Calling the police is not enough to fill the castle. Even with a few coins, you can't get rid of this irritation and anger boiling in your heart right now.

“Did you hit them all? ”

“What? Hit them all? You see what this son of a bitch is saying? ”

The big man was even more excited by the words of the spoken-word poet and punched the poet again. This time, I punch the face of the poem many times, not just one as before.

“Please stop. ”

“Sir, stop it. My brother is going to die. * Sobbing * ”

“Honey, stop it. ”

However, after beating him a little too much, Eunji and Hyunju, who had a white face, hung on to him, and his wife thought about it, and began to dry.

“Hey, you bastard. If you don't drop the suit right now, I'm gonna kill half your ass. Do you understand?”

I shout as I watch the poem fall to the ground. But I was furious inside, but I never wanted to use my hands now. You have to be frustrated when no one is around.

“Do you hear me?"

After a long time, the old man yelled at the fallen poet. And then they take out their wallets, and they take out a few ten-dollar bills, and they toss them around.

“Pay for this and drop the lawsuit tomorrow. If he gets sued tomorrow, you won't be done for the day. ”

“Honey, you have to go. I'm sure he understands. ”

I was originally going to give some money and make a deal, but I didn't think my husband would beat me because he was so excited. The slightly embarrassed woman took him out of the cafe. However, he was still angry. He insisted on going out to the cafe with all his insults, and people murmured as they watched the fall.

“Brother, brother. You okay? (* Sobbing *) ”

“Brother……. ”

Eungyo and Hyunju raised the fallen poem with tears.

“It's okay.”

The poem stood up while robbing. Even though I was hit quite a lot, there was no bruising, other than where the blood was shed. There was no harm or illness in being hit by an ordinary person. But that didn't mean I wasn't angry. After obtaining the dragon's legacy, the painter, who had never felt it before, lifted from his chest and a cold light was shining in the eyes of the poem.

3: 00 a.m. the day after he was beaten for not canceling his lawsuit by his abusive parents. After confirming that Aruwa lay asleep, the poet left the house.

Earlier, I knew the identity of the child who insulted me from the couple, so I was able to get the home address from the tracker at once.

The expression of the poem walking in the cold night streets was terribly stiff.

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