
There were many people in the world with garbage mindset that was unlikely to exist. There were too many people who did what they shouldn't do in the general moral category, such as someone spreading rumors that their favorite idol was abusing, someone who was abusing nonsense, and someone who came to find out that his son had been sued.

However, many such people couldn't help themselves. If he came and fought with the person who beat him yesterday, he would have been hurt badly, and if he did, he would have been punished too. His body, which is like a gilded lump, has no scars at all.

He was just beaten up because he could not be punished legally. Even if it's not that moment, there's plenty of ways to give it back as much as you've been beaten.

After walking through the night street that only the white streetlights shined, I arrived at the apartment complex that had just left the tracker.

It was a reasonably expensive apartment in the area because of its location. It's only been almost 10 years since it was built and the facilities themselves were nothing compared to the modern apartments. So unlike the apartment today, there was only a security guard at the entrance and there was no need to enter the apartment by typing in the password.

However, the apartment is equipped with CCTV, so in case you were wondering, the situation took out the lower magical items prepared and pressed the button. Nevertheless, nothing happened that made the image transparent, but the image was not seen on the camera at all by disrupting machines such as CCTV.

This is already the fourth magical item, so now I can only select one lower magical item. However, I felt that the item itself, which ignored video recording such as CCTV, was quite useful and a good choice.

After entering room 101 written on the tracker, you took the elevator up to the 11th floor. The apartment is a little old, so the elevator feels a little bumpy.

Shortly after arriving on the 11th floor, when the door of the elevator opened, the city walked out quietly and stood in front of the door of room 1101. The sensor illuminates a yellow light on the ceiling.

Although there were only two houses on one floor, not a corridor apartment, the city remained still for a while to pay attention.

The sight removed the obstacle bypass hoop from the subspace as the light that was turned on by the sensor went out. This hoop, which I didn't think was necessary at all, was very helpful in a surprising situation. If it weren't for this hoop, you wouldn't even have a plan to visit at dawn like this.

Grab a hoop from the metal front door and snap it like a goddamned magnet. Fortunately, a circular passageway was created to ensure that the front door did not exceed 10 cm.

My heart is pounding a little. The poem crossed a small passageway with a flexible body. Then I immediately removed the hook and put it into the subspace.

Since it was summer, I was able to enter the living room without any problems. The living room was spacious because the level house was quite spacious compared to the officetel where he lived.

I walked carefully into the room without making any footsteps. As I said before, all the doors were open because of the summer, so I didn't have to open them and check.

In the bed in the room, the couple who had been fighting him was lying down and sleeping.

The poem dragged Margie up, summoned the door to Kestron Castle, and left it wide open. Then I flashed my uncle and aunt and immediately moved to Kestron Castle and destroyed the door.

“Well, what the.... ”

When the poem brought the couple to Quezron's castle was thrown roughly to the ground, the surprised man and woman looked around with a dazed mind and met the poem and eyes.

“What the hell are you doing?! ”

The man who saw the poem got excited and got up from his seat. I was definitely sleeping in my own bed until just now, but when I came to the luxurious bedroom I had never seen before, I wondered if it was a dream. If he had come to me in his sleep, he would not have felt this kind of awkwardness. When he opened his eyes to the sudden shock, he could not feel the reality at all because he was in a splendid, daytime bedroom.

“Honey, what's going on? ”

She also looked at her husband with a confused expression mixed with fear and confusion.

“Do you know why I was so impatient when I got hit earlier? ”

“What the fuck is he talking about? ”

As soon as the poem speaks, the reality returns, and I get angry like yesterday afternoon. Nevertheless, there are eyes mixed with fear in this unbelievable reality.

“On Earth, I'm punished if I fight you because of the law. That's why I brought him to my place. Because if you die here, no one will know. ”

“Hey, honey. ”

The words of the poem remind me of your face.

“I want this son of a bitch to search. ”

The big guy got excited and rushed toward the poem and punched. However, the fist of an ordinary person could not hurt the poem, but it was slow enough to close my eyes and avoid it.

I thought I would hear a blunt strike, but the poem turns its head and avoids it lightly, making only the creaking sound of the corners of its clothes. The big man wielded his fist with all his might, but the situation was not beaten. It was a completely different movement from the crowded cafe.

“Huff-puff... ”

The sound of rough breathing began to leak out of his mouth.



The Pope's fist hit the man's boat. Light petrified movement. Even a layman's hand could not be easily avoided by the layman, but even if he did not pull Margie up, this hand stroke with the poem was so fast that it could not be avoided by the layman.

The man who was beaten by the poem coughed and coughed because it was very painful.

“Hey, honey. ”

However, he struck his face with his fist again, regardless of the situation.


The strange sound of bones crumbling and the blood flowing constantly from his nose.

“Ugh... ”

The leg is relieved by the tremendous pain and the man sits on the floor.

“Hey, honey! Evil! Evil! How can you hit someone so mercilessly? ”

When my husband fell in blood, the woman cried out to the poet. Yesterday afternoon, that pompous expression disappeared without a trace and was filled with only dark fears.

“You don't recall your husband hitting me yesterday afternoon. Don't worry, I have medical expenses, too. ”

The poem pushed the lady away and grabbed his neck and pulled her up. Then Margie, who was at the bottom, automatically pops up. A tremendous amount of power surrounds the whole body. If you hit this man with this power right now, he will die instantly.

“You, you my……. I know who I am……. ”

The man who was caught by the neck of the poem tried to escape even though his nose bone was broken because of his pride.

“Do I need to know? ”

“It's the prosecutor I know... You son of a bitch, I'm not gonna let you do this. ”

“Don't hold back. I'm not going to let you do that. ”

The poem hurled the big man to the ground as if he were throwing an object.


He cries out in agony if the bones hit the floor.


The lady hugged him while crying, but I didn't feel sorry for him at all. If he didn't have this kind of power, he would still be broken somewhere in the beating that he hit earlier. Then, queek, he would have filed a lawsuit, and it would have been settled.

But it's so unfair. After all the physical pain you've suffered, you can barely get the settlement money? Moreover, when I saw that he even had a known prosecutor, I was doubtful that he would be properly punished for not agreeing.

Such unreasonability made the situation unbearable. I had to repay these reckless people more than I deserved.

“You... you will never... let go... ”

The poem spilled into one ear no matter what he said, and kicked his chest with his feet.


The sound of cracked ribs sounds hostile. Margie has been scattered for a long time, but her strength is enormous. Every time she hits, her bones break like a hand.

“Stop, please stop. Money, I'll give you anything you want. Please. ”

The woman caught the situation with a scared expression, but pushed him away lightly and lifted him up again.

“Apologize and I'll forgive you. ”

“I…… I…… you……. To a guy like you... ”

Even though my face was so painfully dull, I could not help but ask the poet for forgiveness for my pride.

“Let's see who wins. ”

The pope slapped him on the cheek with his palm. Getting punched in the cheek is more humiliating than getting punched in the face.

Soon after, his cheeks swelled up and his lips burst, bleeding. His sturdy pride is starting to change, whether he can't stand the beating.

“Demon, die! Die!"

Suddenly, the lady with the planter behind tried to hit the poem's head. However, he had been aware of such movements for a long time and avoided the situation lightly. This is why I feel like I'm the villain. The one who did wrong is the one who beat himself up to protect the son and son who cursed at himself. If I put him in the middle, he would become a bad guy, so he slapped him mercilessly in front of the lady and punched him with his fist.

“Please, stop. * Sobbing * Because we were wrong... please.... ”

The lady gives a reason to look at the situation.

“Th……. Yeah. I, I didn't do well.... ”

Unlike before, he begged for forgiveness, but his arrogant attitude remained.

“You're in no position to do that. So you thought I'd say yes? ”

If you let them go in this state, they won't die or eat. The poem hit him harder than before. With pride and shit like that.

“Well, I didn't do well.... P-please forgive me... ”

“Because we were wrong……. Please stop forgiving me. People are going to die. ”

I couldn't stand the beating of the poem, and he barely spoke out with his bloodied lips. As I looked into his eyes, he was filled with only dark fears, unlike before.

But not like this.

When the poem clenches his fist again, his complexion flickers. In fact, from the moment I got hit, I was so sick and scared that I wanted to ask for forgiveness. But what his pride was, the pride of his words, did not make him ask for forgiveness.

“Don't worry, I have medical expenses. ”

“When, don't hit me. No, please. ”

The poem's words to strike again, and the man with a face full of terror on his fiery fist, quickly said as he reflexively frowned. It was a face, breasts, and it seemed to be killing me, but the fear of beating made me forget the pain.

“Isn't that all you have to do is beat him up and pay for his treatment? ”

“Well, I didn't get it right. Please forgive me, I will never do that again. ”

“I'm sorry. I really... We... we... (* sobbing *). ”

The scared man knelt down and said, and the woman next to him sat on the floor and wept endlessly.

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