
“Oh my…. It's beautiful.”

If it were a cartoon, you'd be distracted by a silver jewelry as much as a heart was painted on your eye. It was truly more beautiful than any jewelry I had ever seen in any store. The massive blue sapphires and diamonds have given you a sense of class between gems for the first time. It's not like they're worth more than a billion.

“But Eun Bi said she doesn't model... I can't help it. I'll put it back in now, if you like. They're very expensive, so you have to be careful. ”

“Wait a minute.”

The poet tried to wrap the accessories back in a soft cloth and put them in the jewelry box, and Silver Rain shouted to the poet.

“Yes? Why? ”

“Oh, you don't have to rush it. There's still plenty of time. ”

He said while making a peculiar hypocritical look to see if the embarrassed secret was a bit soothing. However, it only made me look like that, and I was full of enthusiasm for wearing accessories. No matter how many celebrities looked, it wasn't a rare opportunity to see more than one billion gems like this. It's not a billion, but a billion, maybe more, jewels per person.

“I have a recording in the morning. We don't have a lot of time. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

The words of the callous poem embarrassed Silver Rain and replied. When he usually says this, he usually acts as if he will remove the liver and gallbladder, but the poem was not like that at all. I had felt it before, but the poem didn't seem to be much of an emotion when I saw myself as a celebrity. Somehow I have a little pride.

“Yes, I'm a little tired from driving. ”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Then I'll model for you. ”

I didn't want to stay with myself all the time, but I thought I was going to stop at a moment when Silver Secret said to me to go quickly, and I responded reflectively to the slightest pain. He was blinded by the slightly offensive tone and jewelry, so he didn't think of the real problem.

“Oh, really? I'm glad you're modeling. Which dress would you like to wear? ”

“Yes? Well, that's... Now, wait a minute. Bathroom please……. ”

Silver didn't have to pee in embarrassment when the poem brought the dress back, but he went to the bathroom.

“Ahh... What should I do? This is annoying. ”

I pretended to smile and be nice in front of the poem, but Silver Rain's face frowned at once as I entered the bathroom. I felt a little irritated because I felt dried up in the face of the poem. Of course, I wanted to wear jewelry and I wanted to get paintings, but the situation was a problem anyway. It's so annoying.

Silver took off his pants and looked at his panties. As expected, vaginitis caused the panties to become stained. Just in case, when I sniff out the smell, it smells like smelly, disgusting smells.

It's really hard to wear such short dresses in this condition. When filming dramas, I don't use pantiliners such as pantiliners to prevent this situation. Even though they are thin, I don't usually wear them well because they are not good for stuffing, discomfort and vaginitis. However, I carry extra pantiliners whenever I record it, but now it's so sudden that I can't prepare myself.

Let's take off the panties and take a look, as expected, there was a bunch of yellow cold panties secreted by vaginitis, and there was an unpleasant white secretion around the labia.

“Ah……. Awesome.”

Silver beans ripped off some toilet paper and once they had cleaned off the discharge and cold, the panties were still stained and smelled pretty strong. At the beginning of vaginitis, it was not this bad, but the recording made my condition worsen greatly because I was wearing pantiliners for a long time. I didn't call the Pope several times for no reason.

The second-hand secret came out of the bathroom after once again wiping the panties with a paper towel. I was going to say no because something happened suddenly. I couldn't wear such a dress in this condition. Even though it didn't look like panties, it definitely smelled.

“What would you like to wear? ”

“Hey……. ”

When Silver came out of the bathroom, the poet pointed at the dress. Then Silver Rain hesitates a little.

“Why? Is something wrong? Did something happen suddenly? ”

“Yes? No. ”

He said that Silver was not unknowingly because the poem made him feel like it was obvious what you were thinking. Somehow, I feel strange and uneasy as I've been acting according to the intentions of the poem.

“That's good, because I was worried that if you said model, you'd just leave it and go. ”

“Oh, no. I don't look like much credit to you. ”

“Haha. I'm sorry. I guess I'm tired, so I'm just a little distracted. ”

With this, it becomes impossible to give a rough excuse and avoid the situation. After all, I had to wear a dress.

“What would you like to wear? ”

At the words of the poet, Silver Rain sighs and says I'm annoyed, then carefully examines the dress. Everyone had a short skirt, but I liked the design. If I wore this dress at the awards ceremony, I could get tremendous attention at once.

Everyone was fine with the design, but I chose one of my favourite dresses. It was a dress with a slight pink colour and a slight back, but the design was too pretty even though it was slightly exposed than the others.

“I'll take that. ”

“Yes. Go to that room and get changed. ”

According to the poem, Silver Rain entered the room next to him and locked the door. I don't want the poem to come in.

“Ahh... You'll be fine.”

Silver takes off her teas and trousers and puts on a dress. Although I felt a bit dull because my chest was an A cup, it made me feel the majesty of celebrities like slippery legs, chapped arms, and white skin like milk. The beauty that ordinary people find fascinating bloomed like a beautiful flower.

The secret of shining clothes on the mirror was a satisfactory smile. Your skirt is a little short, so if you're careless, you can see your panties, but your clothes are pretty but too pretty. I would like to ask you to lend it to me at the next awards ceremony if possible.

The Silver Rain sniffs, sniffing around her crotch to see if it smells. It even smelled subtly smelly and similar, but it didn't feel that big. That's a relief.

After a thorough review, Silver Rain opened a locked visit and came out of the living room. Earlier, I raised my head to look at the poet who was indifferent and a little annoying to me.

“Oh, you look good together. What's the background? Do you like the background? ”

However, the reaction of the situation was too ordinary. Ordinary people would try to impress themselves with all kinds of compliments, but there was no such thing at all. I don't like it. That guy. Seriously.

“This dress doesn't look good on me, does it? ”

“Yes? You look great together. ”

“I didn't think you had a good reaction. ”

When the poem answered roughly, the image of Silver Rain, who was forcibly smiling, frowned a little and said a little harshly. I have to act nice and friendly, but it's a little hard to do with that because I'm with the poem. My original personality keeps coming out.

“Ah, haha. I must have made the reaction too ordinary. I'm sorry, they look really nice. ”

“It's not like that! Don't be weird. ”

Eun-Bee shouts because she's ashamed of what she said. I'm so ashamed. I can't believe the reaction to the poem was so normal.

“Now put these on. ”

The poem pointed to an accessory on the table.

“Oh, thank you so much. These precious things... ”

“Haha. It's okay if it doesn't get lost or scratched. because you have to be careful if you put it in an auction house and you get more than a billion. ”

“Oh, yes. I'll use it carefully.”

Silver smiled and said to the poet. I did something a little embarrassing before, but I had to pretend to be nice again to make the image look good.

“So, what about that night vision over there? ”

“Yes, do that. ”

The poem pointed to a large window. Sitting near that window where the night view of downtown Seoul caught my eye and drinking tea was one of the actions of the old poem. But now I was having this conversation with Jung-eun, who was the most popular man in my country, more than 9 pm. I never thought something like this would happen until I got the Dragon's Legacy.

Silver has worn over 1 billion won diamond earrings carefully, then a necklace, a ring. And compared to the large full-body mirror in the living room, it was really beautiful to look at. Proper harmony and color are important, not just wearing dresses, jewelry and expensive things, but they also fit together just as well as expert choices.

I really want to wear this to the awards ceremony.

“You won't be able to stand up, so sit down. I'm going to draw it on the upper-body side. ”

“Yes, I will. You have to draw well. ”

Silver beams sit in a luxurious chair near the window. I feel happy beyond the extent to which the first feeling of anxiety disappeared. I can't believe I'm wearing such expensive jewelry. Later, I was going to show off the content a little differently to people around me. In addition, if you take a photo and leave it in the fan cafe, it will also be published, so I think it will attract a lot of attention from people for a while.

“Oh, do you have a camera? ”

“Yes, I do. Why? ”

“I need you to take a picture of me with that. ”

“Let's take a picture first. ”

The town took the DSLR out of the bag. Then I sat in a chair and took countless pictures of silver in skilled poses. Professional photography made me feel different from when I took Yumi because I took an attractive pose without any tension at all.

“I did my best. How are you? ”

The poem showed a picture taken with a camera and said. The small LCD window had a beautiful view of the secret with good gradients and angles.

“Oh, it's beautiful. Please email me later. ”

“I have a laptop, so check the drawings and make sure.... But don't you smell a little strange? ”

The poem sniffed and said. It is because the posture itself was sitting on one knee to show the picture to Silver sitting on the chair, so it was very close to Silver's vagina. However, I didn't even snore near the vagina. Seeing how it smells so bad, the secret vaginitis seemed to be quite severe.

“Yes? Oh, I don't. Hurry up and draw. ”

“Really? I think it smells like weird.... What……. ”

As the poem stood up with his head tilted, I saw a slight silver rain, and his face was red as if it were exploding. He seemed to be more embarrassed than upset. The poem stopped at this point because he didn't know what Silver would do if he didn't want to say more. He sat a little distance from Silver and started painting.

Prepare a stand for painting and draw like a true painter. However, the pen used by the poet was used by cartoonists, so the feeling itself was a little comic.

I was able to draw all the pictures quickly because I activated the Magic Circuit to maximize my stats, but the poem was drawn more carefully and slowly. I drew it for more than an hour while drinking coffee in case the middle secret is hard. I was able to draw quickly, but it was hard to draw slowly on purpose.

However, I took the time to try to draw it in great detail, and it was even better than the painting I had painted for Sojin before. I always felt it, but I drew it really well. More delicate than any female cartoonist, more powerful than any male cartoonist. Then, it was not enough to show that the poem was unique and beautiful.

“I've drawn it all. Well done."

“No, the poet had a hard time. Thank you."

The secret of thanking the poem came to him with an anticipated gaze. I was so excited to see which painting was completed. However, when I got close to the poem, I was worried that the poem might smell vaginal salt, so I looked at the picture with a little distance.

“Oh my goodness, it's beautiful. ”

As soon as Silver saw the painting, he was amazed. It was unbelievably beautiful compared to the painting of consumption I showed you earlier. Sitting in a luxurious chair, he looked down at the city of Seoul so carefully and carefully drawn to the city of Seoul out of the window, he was stunned.

“Glad you like it."

The poem stood up from his seat after secretly pulling something out of his pocket.

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