

While still amazed and amazed, the poem glanced at the painting, suddenly groaning and smoking on the floor. Although it was a bit overwhelming in front of professional actors, Silver was distracted by the painting, so he probably didn't know he was acting awkward.

“Oh, are you okay? ”

As expected, Silver came closer unaware that the situation had been partially overturned, at which point he just pressed the switch on the tool that was removed from his pocket. At that moment, the 16-carat diamond ring, worth over a billion in silver, disappeared without a trace.

[Simple Item Summoner. A tool used to move and summon a specified item. Wherever and whenever you press the button, the item will move to the designated location, and when it is pressed again, it will move to its original location. Can be used once a day.]

The poem immediately put the Summoner button into the subspace.

Thanks to the Summoning Machine, the diamond ring, which just had a silver secret, has moved well into the poem's sub-space. However, Silver was busy pretending to be concerned about the situation without even knowing that the diamond ring was missing.

“It's okay. Eun Bee worries too.... Thank you so much."

The poem smiles at the silver rain. A grin without a malicious smile, but it seems to be pure gratitude to Silver Secret's eyes.

“I'm glad you're okay. ”

Silver didn't even know the ring was missing, and gave the poet a smile.

“I'm not asking for anything.... ”

The poem quickly turns to talk without noticing that Silver is missing a ring. And when he sits on a chair at a nearby table and gestures to Silver, the unknown Silver also sits across from the poem.

“Don't write my name in fan cafes or tweets like Sojin, just write a simple note saying that your fan gave it to you. ”

“There's so much I've received, can I just do that? I'm so sorry... ”

Even though it wasn't difficult or difficult to write just like the last time, Silver pretended to be a shame, but it was simple, so I sighed for relief.

If it were a sarcastic request like to eat together, I would insist on refusing. I had no choice but to come to the hotel today and eat together for a long time, but I wanted to avoid seeing each other from now on. The situation is quite famous, so if you two meet and have scandals like this, it will be a big loss for you.

“It's an honor for me to be alone with Eun Bee to talk to you and draw a picture like this. Haha.”

The poem continued to speak so that the conversation would not be interrupted. It didn't matter if Silver Secret noticed it now, but the later I realized it, the better.

“Oh, no. The lead singer drew this beautiful painting and gave me medicine for my father, and I should be more grateful. ”

Eun Bee has now concluded her conversation to get home. I had a long celebrity life, so I knew what to do to end the conversation. Then Silver touched his hand without much thought, but I felt something strange.

“It's already past 10: 00. It's late at night, but now I have to change my clothes... What's the matter? ”

The poem pretended to be curious, not as he spoke, but as he saw a faint silver complexion. It was a false expression that was commonly made by a secret.

“Yes? Oh, no. Oh, nothing. ”

Aside from just a moment of aggravation, the face of the secret, which used to maintain its usual poker face, was hard to see. I can feel something happening no matter who sees it.

“You don't look so good. Is something wrong? ”

“Oh, no. Oh, nothing happened. ”

The secret of answering the poem with a trembling voice avoided the eyes of the poem. I just touched my hand and felt empty. I looked at my finger, and there was no more than a billion won worth of diamond rings anywhere. At that moment, I felt a dark, terrifying feeling that fell from an endless cliff.

After that, Silver Rain looked at the crevice of the poem, wondering if it fell on the floor, but there was no ring anywhere. I had no idea what would happen if the poem found out, because my heart was already pounding and scared.

“Really? I'm glad to hear that. You need to get dressed, because you have to go back. ”

“Well, there's the poem. Joe, can we talk a little bit more? ”

“Yes? Talk? ”

I said, "Yeah, well, let's have a coffee and talk a little more. ”

Silver said, covering his fingers in case the poem catches on. I had to buy as much time as I could to find the ring.

“Is it? But it's almost 11: 00. Aren't you tired? ”

The poem clearly knew why the secret was done, but he continued to talk pretending not to know.

“Well, I'm fine. I don't have anything tomorrow anyway, and I wanted to talk to the Pope a little bit more. ”

The secret said to the poet, forcing his smile to not build. If you get caught losing a jewel like this, you are doomed. It is impossible to repay the one billion won. Even if a news article is published, it is obvious that the reputation and popularity that has been accumulated so far will fall at once.

“I see. It's an honor. I'm going to go to the kitchen and get some coffee, so sit down for a minute. ”

“Thank you.”

When the situation arose and headed to the kitchen, Silver quickly searched the floor and began to look for the ring. Finding the diamond ring is more important than that. Until now, I couldn't tell when the ring I was wearing was clearly on my hand.

Soon after I heard groaning in the kitchen, the aroma of coffee began to spread to the living room. The poem was making almost all the coffee, but I couldn't see where the ring had gone.

“What are you doing, Eun-Bi? ”

The mystery that the poem was looking for the ring in a frenzy, without even knowing if he had brought coffee, woke up in horror. The tension caused cold sweat on her forehead and pale complexion to make her feel strange to anyone.

“Oh, no. Bo, I dropped my pen. ”

“Really? Leave your ballpoint pen and eat from your coffee. That's it. We'll find it later. I didn't lose my jewelry. Haha.”

At the words of the poem, Silver Rain's complexion becomes more pale. I don't know where it went wrong. If you confess to the Pope that you lost your ring now, or if you call the police right away, that's it.

Beyond just losing the jewels, it will also be revealed that the situation and the fact that you were in the hotel alone until late at night, and if you do that, you will be on all sorts of lore. Never, never let that happen.

Silver coincidentally drank coffee. With my left hand on the ring hidden, I only had a coffee conversation with my right hand. However, my head was full of rings, so I didn't know what the poem was talking about.

“I've already finished my coffee. I had a great time today. Eun-bee, I think you better get ready to go back. It's almost 11: 30. ”

“Hey, I'm so sorry to break up with you. Joe, just a little more. ”

“No, we'll see each other again. Now that you've changed your clothes... ”

The mystery of how to buy time and the fierce neurological warfare of the city to send such a blessing home. The secret of not knowing that the poem had orchestrated the whole thing was that the child would just burn to death.

“Do you want to send me away so soon? We need to talk more! ”

I couldn't bear the words of the poem, who was trying to send me home without knowing his heart, and Silver Rain shouted. It was an original nature that would never show up unless it was a close friend.

“Oh, well, do that. ”

The atmosphere became awkward for a moment.

“Oh, my. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't know I wanted to stay with you. ”

After he shouted, the embarrassed secret immediately apologized.

“No, it's okay. Haha.Would you like some sweets? ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

The poem went to get more cookies, and Silver Rain searched the floor again, but the ring was nowhere to be found. This overwhelming despair that I had never felt before turned into a tearful expression on my face, and tears welled up.

“Find a ballpoint pen later, and here's a cookie. ”

When the poem placed the basket of sweets on the table, Silver Rain rose in a hurry.

“I need to use the bathroom. ”

“Yes, please. ”

The silver rain in the bathroom wiped away the flowing tears with a toilet paper. I wanted to cry out loud, but I couldn't even make that sound because I was afraid of the poem. I felt like I was going to die because it was so unfair and frustrating how I ended up like this. Even if the poem didn't show jewelry, none of this would have happened, but it's all his fault.

After the tears subsided, Silver Rain looked in the mirror, cleaned his face again, and then left the bathroom.

“Are you tired? You have red eyes. ”

“No, I don't. I think I saw something in my eyes. ”

“Oh, yeah? Do you want some eye drops?”

“No, I'm fine now. ”

“I'm glad.”

Silver no longer smiles pretentiously and falsely, but replies to the poem.

“Have a cookie. Delicious."

The poem said, "I ate some sweets with no silver on my face." I'm sure there's a ring in this room, but it's too hard to find it secretly. At that moment, I had a good idea in Silver's head. Can't we just find the ring while the poem sleeps? I said the poem was tired, so I'm sure it will make me drowsy if I say it like this. Then you can find the ring and return it.

So Eun-Bee deliberately said boring things to help the poem sleep. When people who were not interested heard about the difficulties of actors who did not know the poem well, or the difficulties of acting, they would often fall asleep.

“Wow, really? Thank you so much.Eun Bi, you're amazing. ”

However, unlike I expected, the situation was too well confronted with an interesting face. So I was nervous, but I had fun talking in secret, so it was after 12 o'clock one day. I think there is no answer at this rate, and I have a very extreme idea that I would say I'm sleeping here at all.

“Ahem, but Eun Bi. Now that I'm so tired, can we please just go back? ”

“Joe, just play a little more. ”

Normally, I could never come out, but now I have to draw time, so I asked the poet to play more. The atmosphere is definitely going to make me drowsy if I talk a little more.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sleepy, I can't do this anymore. I have a recording tomorrow morning, so I'm going to break up with you today and talk to you later. ”

“Oh, no. Just a little more, okay? ”

Silver has begun to give reason. It is not a pretentious act that I usually do, but a natural expression that I really like.

“I can't.... ”

“Well, then it's too late for me today, and I'm going to sleep here. ”


“I'm staying here. I can't get home past 12 anyway, so that's good. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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