
Silver has taken its last stand. Until now, I was so afraid of the fact that I was sleeping in the same room because the poem was a man. But it was a decision I could make because I was more afraid that I might lose everything than this fear.

“No, no, no. I still can't sleep with you. ”

“Why, because you don't want to put me to sleep? Oh, tiny. ”

Silver somehow said all sorts of things to help you sleep here.

“No, that's not it…. I can't. I'm a man, too. What if I say a few words to Eun Bee? ”

“I'm fine. You don't have to worry about that. You can just put her to sleep. ”

Normal men would be anxious to be with them a little bit, but the poem instead tried to put himself to sleep at home, so Silver Rain was a bit harsh in his heart.

However, as soon as Silver Rain's words were finished, the poem jumped out of the chair and approached Silver Rain. Suddenly, Silver's expression hardens in an unusual atmosphere.

The poet comes next to Silver Rain, sits on one knee, patting Silver Rain's head, and grabs the head gently with both hands and brings his face closer as if he were about to kiss. In the sudden act of the poem, the secret is so frozen that I can't sprinkle the poem's hands. I just stare at it dazed.

“Even now?”

The lip and lip stopped to the point of touching, looking at the silver rain. As the breath of the poem felt intact, Silver Rain blushed its cheeks. I kissed the male actor a few times in the drama, but I didn't feel any emotion. But now I felt strange as my heart tickled, not smoke. Moreover, in this embarrassing and embarrassing situation, I thought that the poem smelled quite pleasant to bloom like a flower, not like sweat. My heart keeps pounding.

“I'm a man, so I don't know what I'd do if I slept with someone as pretty as Eun Bi. I think you should just go home. ”

The poem fell to Silver Rain, smiling purely as usual.

“Ah……. ”

The secret is still stiff, unable to answer anything, just a low groaning sound.

“Now give me back my ring and earrings and necklace and get changed. You don't want to go too late. ”

I tried so hard to stop it, but in the end, I felt despair in the eyes of Silver Rain. Tears fall from the snow like waterfalls in the silver rain, thinking that everything is over.

“Ugh. Eun-bee, what's wrong? ”

“* Sobbing *... ”

“Eun-Bee……. ”

Silver didn't answer the bewildered poem, but continued to weep, and the slightest glimpse of it caught my attention. Since the timing was the right time, the silver rain, which I would have hated with my whole body, would have just wept quietly in my arms.

“Let me go.”

He said, holding the poem in his arms for a while, he fell from his arms to see if the secret of wetting his shirt was a bit soothing. When I thought it was over, I cried with great despair, but it was only funny that I felt a little relieved when the poem held me a little while.

“Eun-Bee, what's wrong? Is something wrong? ”

When I saw the poem looking at me worryingly, my tears poured out again. I couldn't tell the poet that I lost the ring because I was so scared and scared.

“ ……. ”

The secret wipes away the tears that flow again rather than looking at the floor without a word.

“Eun-Bee……. Calm down and tell me what's going on. ”

The poet grabbed the silver rain and stroked his back.

“The ring……. The ring... ”

Then Silver Rain cries out. Often celebrities behave brazenly even in accidents, but surprisingly, the secret was quite naive. If he was a more shameless and bad celebrity, he would have been angry with himself and blamed his sins.

“Why the ring? ”

“The ring... I lost it. * Sobbing * ”

After the poem was buried in a soft voice, Silver Rain finally told me that she had lost her ring. Then, tears poured out of the eyes of the mystery and drenched the poem's shirt.

“Eun-Bi, just calm down. ”

As the poem continues to pat and pat the back of the silver rain, Silver Rain's crying becomes more and more frequent. The situation that I thought would be angry and going on for a long time became more and more relaxed as I comforted myself and said it gently.

“Are you feeling better now? ”

Silver rain nods at the words of the poem. I still shed a few tears, but it was much calmer than before.

“When did you lose it? ”

The poet grabs the left hand of the silver rain and checks the ring. Suddenly, when he holds hands, Silver Rain flinches, but he doesn't budge or refuse. It's because she is well cared for like a popular actress. Her hands are so wild and soft.

“I was there when I was painting.... * Sobbing * ”

According to Silver's words, the poem checked the picture. I knew when I lost it more clearly than I did in secret, but it was all necessary and necessary.

“Yes. I can see the ring that Eun Bee wore in my painting. Then I lost it afterwards... ”

Eun Byun examines the vision. It's a relief to hear the reaction of the situation that is completely different from what was expected. I knew the poem was kind, but I was so sweet, kind, and kindhearted in addition to what I thought. I naturally think of the scent of flowers that bloomed secretly when I hugged myself earlier.

“Sorry……. I'm so sorry... ”

“It's okay, Eun-Bi. I lost it in this room, and it won't be long before I find it. Don't worry."

The poem replied with a gentle smile to the apple in the silver rain. Then Silver turns his cheeks slightly red and turns his head. The situation makes me strangely ashamed of the thought of holding myself just now.

“Well, find it quickly. ”


The city and secrets began to find the bottom of the hotel. However, 16 carats of diamond rings have now moved to the subspace of the poem. That meant there was no way we could find anything that didn't exist in the first place.

As if a soldier were looking for the missing ammunition, Silver took all efforts to find the ring, but there was no ring anywhere. The heart that had calmed down by the warm and gentle words of the poem once again thumped, and my worries and fears rose sharply.

“Oh, I don't see it. ”

“Oh, my... ”

“It's already past one o'clock. Aren't you tired, Eun-Bi? Should I wake up and look for him? ”

“No, no, no. We need to find him now. ”

The secret said with a tearful face. I had to look all night.

“Eun Bee looks nice. ”


Suddenly, the words of the poem became a secret again.

“I used to feel a bit forced to smile when I saw Eun Bi. You look much prettier talking with your natural face than you used to. ”

“Go, what's that all of a sudden……. ”

The poem says, "Silver Rain is blushing." I didn't know that he was thinking that way about his fake smile and behavior during this time. I'm so ashamed of myself that I'm going to die.

“Dad, hurry up and find the ring. Well, don't be weird. ”

“Haha. Sure. ”

He shouldn't have done that, but Silver Rain also said harshly to the poet. When I talk to the poem, my original personality keeps popping up without me knowing it. But strangely, I don't feel that bad.

Silver knelt on the floor with his cheeks red and found the ring. I couldn't calm down at all because of the worry, fear, and feeling so strange that my heart was tingling and buzzing.

“How can you be so calm when you've lost over a billion rings? ”

Silver Rain, who was looking for the ring, looked at the situation and said. The moment someone else realized that he had lost his ring, he would freak out and get angry at all kinds of things, but the situation was quite calm. I didn't fully understand that human trust relationships were broken for only tens of millions of won.

“I am confident that Eun Bee is in this room because she told me she honestly lost it. And I feel like I'll find it with Eun Bi. ”

Since you are in your subspace, you can always find the secret of calmness, but the poem told you nice things to hear.

“What if we can't find it? ”

Nevertheless, Silver was filled with anxiety and said to the poet.

“It's my fault. If I don't find it, I'll pay you back in half. Haha. Since you know him, why don't you give him a discount? ”

“What about you, Pope? ”

Silver Rain surprised me when I heard the poem would repay me. If I were you, I would have yelled at you to get it all. The poem's words were really comforting and thankful at this moment. It was too different from the men I had seen so far. At this point, I would find the situation quite attractive if only I had a little liking.

“Yes. So, don't worry too much and look again. ”

Since the ring was with him anyway, he said that the poem can buy the pleasure of the secret. In fact, if you had lost more than 1 billion won, you would not have acted like this even if you were good.

“Yes……. ”

Silver Secret was so grateful for the situation that this time I shed an emotional tear and found the ring again. Even though I searched and searched for him for an hour, I couldn't find the ring anywhere. It was already 2: 00 in the morning. My legs hurt too much and I feel too strong. But the fear of not being able to find the ring is more than this physical pain, so the secret is constantly sweeping the floor.

The poem took the ring out of the sub-space and put it in a slightly remote place.

“Strange. They must be in this living room.... Why can't I see it? ”

“I don't know. I don't know where.... ”

Silver's face turns back into a tear. I'm going to cry again.

“Where did you roll so far? ”

“Then I'll go further than the living room. ”

While Silver goes to the corner of the living room, the poem picks up the ring he just left in the remote place.


“Why, why? ”

When the poem suddenly raised a loud voice, I looked at the poem with suspicion that it was raining. Please, I prayed in my heart that the poem would find me.

“Found it!”

“Are you sure? You're not mocking me, are you? ”


The poem showed the ring to Silver Rain. Then, the expression of the secret, filled with worry and tension, brightens like a beam of light. Not that pretentious smile that I had made so far, but a really happy smile was so beautiful that it was hard to say anything about it.

“That's good. That's really good. * Sobbing * ”

Suddenly, Silver Rain, who was making a happy smile, shed tears again. Earlier, if it had been tears of fear and worry, now it was tears of joy.

The poem felt that the three women were crying a lot. Anyway, now it was important here. I had to take advantage of something like silver, full of joy. This is not enough.

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