
“Look, I told you I was looking for you. ”

“Ugh... Thank God... ”

In the words of the poem, silver didn't even answer properly. I just shed tears. When I saw the ring that the poet found, I couldn't believe it even if I saw it with my own eyes. I was looking for it with the idea that I must find it, but when I searched for more than an hour or two, I thought that I couldn't find it. When I found myself in such a desperate thought, I couldn't believe it, but after a few thought processes, I realized it was the truth, and I cried with tears because of the joy of the subject I felt at that moment.

“Eun-Bee……. ”

The poem gently hugged and patted me on the back like before. This consolation of the poem calms my mind. That's why the secret was to sniff and not push the poem away.

“Are you okay now? ”

As the sneeze of silver subsides, the poet lets go of the sneeze, and Silver gives a nod.

“Why don't I take another picture as a souvenir of finding the ring? Put on the ring."

“Well, I'll just give it back. What if I have it and I lose it again? ”

The poem surprised Silver Rain and quickly said. I'm too scared to lose my ring again. Then I was distracted by the ring and forgot to wear the necklace and earrings. You quickly check your ring and necklace and sigh of relief knowing that the furious secret is in place.

Silver took off the necklace and earrings and gave them directly to the poet. Now I'm a little relieved.

“Let me know if you want to try again later. ”

“I'm fine!”

Seeing the situation that made fun of you, Silver Secret replied softly. As I searched for the ring, I became more familiar with the poem, and I liked the spirit, so I came out with my usual personality.

“Haha. Then I'll put these parcels in my bag. ”

The poem, who received the ring, necklace and earring from Silver Secret, pretended to put it in the jewelry box and put it in the sub-space.

“I'll give you this, too. Wait a minute."

“Then take a shower while you change. You were nervous earlier and you're sweating a lot, but you're not feeling well. ”

“Oh, no! I'm sweating because it's hot! ”

Silver rain echoes in reflex as I bring out the embarrassment I did earlier. I'm still ashamed of my thoughts at that time. However, I did not immediately refuse to take a shower because he cared about the cold sweat part that touched his pride.

“Well, there's some clothes in the closet that you can just put on, so take a shower now. I can do it later. ”


When the atmosphere suddenly got a little strange, Silver Rain was embarrassed and told the poet. I had never been with a man this late before, but I instinctively felt something dangerous.

“Are you going to sleep without taking a shower? I'll take a shower first. ”

“Well, go ahead. ”

I was embarrassed and replied with a secret that had no immunity to any of this.

“Then get some rest. ”

When the poet heard the secret answer, he took his panties out of his bag and went into the bathroom. Silver only sits on the chair, not knowing what to do with this sudden situation. It felt like a strange lover who came to visit the island and got shipwrecked.

The sound of the poem showering is clear even after the bathroom door is closed. When I imagined the poem showering naturally, Silver Rain blushed his face.

It clearly reminds me of what I said to the poet earlier about sleeping here. It was an inevitable decision to find the ring, but after finding the ring, it couldn't be more embarrassing. But I couldn't just leave now. It was not a courtesy to comfort myself when I lost my ring, and I was sure that if I left the hotel like this morning and got caught by someone, I would be in trouble.

After finishing the shower, I came out of the bathroom wearing shorts. You gaze at the slick, fragmented muscles in a daze of anger, but unable to keep your eyes open. Among the male celebrities, I've seen quite a few handsome, tall, and handsome men than the poem, but none is as charming as the poem.

My calm heart is ringing again.

“Are you sure you don't want to wash? ”

“I don't know. ”

The poem's words puzzled Silver Rain and replied. As the poem said, I wanted to take a shower because I was so uncomfortable about how cold sweat was shed, but I feel uncomfortable.

“Don't you wash like that at home? ”

“W-what? It's not like that! ”

“Apparently, I think so. Well, I understand that sometimes when I'm home, I don't wash myself. ”

“I'm not!”

Seeing the poem speaking with a smile, Silver Rain cried out. I don't know who's keeping me from washing up.

“You're not going to wash anyway, are you? Then it's time to go to sleep. ”

“I'm going to wash! Hmph.”

When the poem said with a dirty look on his eyes, he replied roughly to the heart of the rain and went straight to the bathroom. However, when I entered the bathroom, it felt like it was getting dark.

Now he had no panties or clothes to wear. But I couldn't wear panties full of cold and secretions and sweaty clothes because of vaginitis.

The second-guessing secret comes out of the bathroom. The poem was lying in bed watching TV as he finished preparing well. Come to think of it, there were two pillows on the bed, but the bed itself was a little difficult to sleep on. One of them had to sleep on the floor, but when he saw the poem lying there like that, he felt like he grew up on the floor.

“Why didn't you wash up? ”

“Cow, I'm here to pick up my underwear. ”

“Did you bring your underwear? ”

“That's not it……. ”

Silver said with an embarrassing expression. I couldn't keep my panties on, and I couldn't take a shower because of vaginitis. After I thought I'd gone through a big obstacle, I had no idea that there would be so many false pretenses waiting for me. I'm ashamed, embarrassed and a little annoyed.

“Will you at least wear my underwear? I haven't worn it yet. ”

“Never? ”

“Yes, I brought some new panties just in case. I don't think you're gonna be too uncomfortable in these trunks. ”

“I don't know. ”

“You can take off your pants and dry them, and you can remove them tomorrow. Well, there's nothing you can do about it. ”

Rather than persuading him, he replied in a manner that was no big deal. You shouldn't act like you're ashamed of yourself. Then I won't even ask you to do it because you're embarrassed.

“Well, give me that first. ”

At the words of a slobbering secret, the man who woke up from his bed took out a pair of pants from the bag on the table. Even though it was unpacked, it was full of new unique feelings.

When the poet gives me panties, Silver Rain will be poorly received. This situation that would have happened in Sitcom was ridiculous, but I couldn't help it because it was the reality that happened to me anyway.

“Can I get you clothes? ”

“Clothes? Give them to me first. ”

At this point, Silver Rain responded with a less embarrassing look than before.

The pope took out a white short sleeve and short shorts from his bag. Clothes that are no great burden on a woman.

“Now wash up. I'm gonna go watch some TV. ”


Silver took the panties and clothes from the poet and went back into the bathroom. I locked the door, but somehow I was anxious. I had never been out so late with a man, and there was a man outside who was not my father, and I had never taken a shower in the bathroom.

The sleepwalking secret took off all her clothes and looked at her panties. Your panties turned yellow because of discharge and even smelled bad. I can't sleep like this.

I turned on the shower and washed my pants, then put my panties in a basin with hot water. Once I washed it, the smell didn't go away properly.

Though the poem may have been eager to take a peek, you hear nothing but TV in the room. Then Silver Rain, which made me a little more comfortable, started to shower properly. I washed my head and armpits, especially my vagina. It was not just vaginitis that I washed up to have sex with the poem.

After washing her body with a towel, she washed her panties once more and hung her panties on the clothesline on the bathtub.

“Oh, what should I do? ”

Eun Byun pondered as he looked at the poem's panties. I was told to wear it, but I'm going to die of embarrassment because I want to wear it. Silver Rain's face rises red, even though no one can see it.

“Ahh... ”

After considering for a long time and sighing, she looks determined to do something and wears panties. I thought they'd be pretty big because they're men's trunks, but surprisingly, they fit perfectly. In addition, it is quite refreshing when the air is cool into the vagina due to good ventilation. I don't feel like I'm completely naked, but not bad. I feel uncomfortable thinking about buying a trunk panty.

The underpants were covered in a brassiere. I'm with the poet, and I can't see the Tyrone nipple sticking out. And when I took the shorts and the teas I received, I grabbed them to my nose and sniffed. Fortunately, I can't smell anything.

He carefully opened the bathroom door while wearing a pair of shorts and a tee.


The poem was lying in bed, smiling at the TV. Seeing you not even know you came out of the bathroom makes me feel a little bad.

“Where do I sleep? ”

Silver looked at the situation and said softly. There was no reason to fake anything to the poet in the yard like this. It's for popularity and image that you're pretending to be. So he never faked anything for someone who knew his original personality or for some other people.

“You can sleep next to me. ”


The poem opens his mouth as if the Silver Rain were bewildering. Oh, my God, is that even possible?


“Well, does that make sense? Of course, one of you has to sleep on the floor. ”

“This is all I have. ”

“Wait a minute. ”

The embarrassed look on her face makes her walk through her closet, but there was only one duvet in the bed. I heard you were on an espionage mission. You looked for the ring and thought all the pain would end, but unexpected difficulties continued to emerge.

“Look, it's not there. Hurry up and get into bed. I think I'm going to die of sleep. ”

According to the poem, I couldn't decide what to do with Silver Rain. The poem itself was quite pleasant and pleasant, but sleeping in a bed like that is really different.

“Eun-Bee. Are you going to stand still? Then I'll go to bed first. ”

“Well, what is it! No manners.”

When I really tried to sleep with the lights out, Silver Rain shouted. Unlike other people, the situation was too indifferent to itself. Feeling of pride somehow.

“I'm sleepy. ”

“Ah……. I'm not going to let you put one hand on me. ”

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Thank you for always reading.

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