
When he arrived at Chan's house, he pressed the bell. Then, a slightly nervous expression opened the door.

“Hey, how was your test? ”

“That was okay.”

As I went to the room of praise, the poem said lightly. Then the hymn sighed a little relief. Despite the simulation, he was also quite nervous about praise because it was the first proper test that the poem took.

The poet entered the chamber of praise, sitting on the prepared table and pulling the answer sheet out of the bag. The mock exam was able to simply check the score because the answer would be published immediately.

I scored while looking at the simulated answers on the tablet.

“Oh, you're wrong. ”

I was wrong about one problem in the middle while taking it all without any problems. The poem's face frowned. Fortunately, it was a 2-point problem, but I felt bad about the fact that one problem was wrong.

“There's only one problem. Brother.”

“It can all be right.... What a waste.”

In the sense that praise was good, the poem was too bad about the one thing that was wrong. There were still a lot of things missing.

The sigh of sadness caught my mind, and I scored repairs, English, and hunting. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the rest of the subjects except language.

“Oh, brother……. Only one language is wrong and the rest is full. ”

I was surprised by the praise for scoring the score. I thought English would be so good that I would get a full score, but I didn't know that I would get a full score for repairs and exploration. Although the competition rate is much more intense than the previous one, 498 out of 500 points was a huge score for any university in Korea.

The situation identified the grade cutline through the internet. 98 points were listed as grade 1 cutlines, whether the language areas were easy. One more thing was wrong, and I almost went down to the second grade, and I couldn't meet the conditions that praise was the first grade for me.

“Praise has taught me. Of course I should get this score. ”

The poem smiled and said. One problem was wrong, but I was filled with joy because I had a huge score that I could not even dream of before. But it's also a bit strange that I shouldn't have studied like that in the past, but the previous self was quite low when I saw the rise in intelligence alone... I feel a bit uneasy.

“No, he worked hard to get good results. I try to get good grades with this strength. ”

“Thank you. But since this is like Chan's first grade confirmed, will you do me a favor?" ”

“Well, of course. What kind of favor?”

The poem smiled meaningfully and replied with a slightly awkward look on his face. Since sexual activity such as touching the breasts, having sex, etc. was natural, it was not a nature to ask for the poem. But I wouldn't ask you to lend me money... I didn't understand what I was asking.

“It's no big deal. After work today.... ”

Yumi came in as the poem was about to speak, hearing the door open.


“Ugh, yeah. ”

Immediately, the flow ceased.

“I'll tell you later. ”

“Ah……. Yes.”

Chan made a curious face, but he didn't bother to tell the poet quickly. It's because they knew that if they did something like that, they could hurt each other. Praise was a cold woman for other men, but a warm and caring woman for my men.

Yumi came in with a praiseworthy visit.

“Sister, Brother! I did a great test today. ”

Yumi sat next to the poet, holding his bag without changing his clothes. Then he took off his bag and took out his test paper. The poem removed all the test papers from the institute and wrote down the answers on the other paper, but it seemed like it could basically bring the test papers. I wonder why I walked the test paper out of the academy uncomfortably.

Yumi places the test paper on the table with a confident face.

96 for Language, 74 for Repair, 84 for Foreign Language. Although they were not very good compared to the poetry, they were all quite high enough to rank within the second grade.

“Good, right? You did good, right? If I study harder at the last minute here, I might be able to go to the top university in Seoul like my real sister. ”

Yumi's eyes glimpsed the word SKY. It was a question of whether or not he could enter Seoul University at the top of his qualifications, not where he would go to Senior High School. However, it was no exaggeration to say that this was a poem or something like that, and it was a dream for regular high school students like Yumi to go to Yao Dynasty. Moreover, if I entered the age of ointment, I could have more time for any relatives, and at the same time I gave my parents an additional effect of pride +10 and pride +10.

“Well done. I just need to try a little harder. Yumi.”

“That's great, Yumi. ”

Praise and poetry smiled and complimented me. Yumi's face grows thicker.

“You also tested today, right? How many points?”

“Me? Wrong language. ”

“Wow, that's amazing. Repair?”

Yumi asked what was the score of the repair, assuming the status quo was only a verbal area test score.

“Haha. They're all in the wrong language. ”

“Really? Gosh, that's amazing. No way. ”

I opened my mouth and admired Yumi's surprise. If the same class said that, it would be a little offended, but the situation was not competitive, so I just admired it purely and liked it.

“You're so strict. ”

“What kind of mother... Haha.”

Yumi said, and the poem laughed. It was not enough to define itself as the word "stringent." It's not a lottery, it's a dragon's legacy, it's a scale beyond Earth itself.

While talking with Yumi for a while, the poem went to the cafe with a compliment to switch with Hyunju after 6 pm.

After September, the university opened its doors, but the cafe was packed with guests even after 6: 00 because it was on magazines, newspapers, and public broadcasts. I had to wait a long time to even take out my coffee.

While praise was changing his clothes, the poem washed his hands and helped him find silver. Despite the narrow level, even though there were a lot of part-time students, I was busy when I saw too many guests.

However, Eun-si's expression strangely didn't look good. I was smiling, but I felt like he was making me laugh.

Evening part-time student came and chant shifted with Hyunju. The other part-time student quickly left work, but Hyunju and Eunji sat at the table where the poet sat and drank coffee relaxing.

“Eun-ji, what's wrong? ”

“No, brother. ”

Eun-si smiled and said no. But I didn't even have to think about it. It was obvious what Eunji was thinking right now.

It was clear Eun-ji had to pay back the money at the end of the next month, which is to say, by the end of this month, but I didn't think I had paid it back yet. I don't know how much, but it seemed like a lot of money.

“How long do we have? ”

“…… I think I have about two weeks left. ”

Eun-ji hesitated for a moment. This meant that there was still time for the week.

“How much do you need? I'll help you if I can. ”

“Oh, no. He's fine.”

The poem said that it would help in advance. Preheating like this will ensure smooth progress. It's a big deal if you tell them you'll help them when they're not around, and then Eunhyo continues to do the pole specs, or if there are other weird variables.

“It's okay, Eun-ji. How much do you need? Don't strain yourself. ”

“No, you don't have to really care. ”

The poem persuaded him, but he said Eun-si was fine. Thanks to the slightly strange atmosphere, I only drank coffee with an awkward look on my face.

However, the situation was quite pleasant. This is a strange atmosphere because Eun-si refused to lend money to think of herself. It seemed like there was only a misbegotten woman who was wondering how to lose men's money, but there were only good-hearted women around her. Well, if she had a miso, she wouldn't have cared in the first place.

“Okay. There's still time, so let's take our time thinking about it. ”

“Thank you for your concern. Brother.”

“What have you got there? ”

The poem shrugged. There is no hurry because there is still 2 weeks left. Eun Ji, I could convince you right away, but I was going to take some time to convince you slowly.

Eun-ji and Hyun-joo who were playing at the cafe left and the situation sat at the table and went online. The night was late, so there were fewer customers, so the cafe was quite quiet.


“There's Pope's brother. ”

“It's actually really cool. ”

“Hey, talk to me. ”

Three college girls who entered the cafe late at night made a bit of a commotion from the entrance, then rushed to the poem.

The poem listened to the conversations of college girls and realized at once that he had business, but he acted as if he didn't know anything on purpose.

[Don't you think it would taste so sweet if you kissed Jung Eun Bee? Honestly, I can't believe that Jung Eun Bi shit. How can you poop with that cute, pretty face?]

[What a jerk. Because she doesn't poop.]

[You guys, if you don't even shit and brush your teeth, your breath stinks. But I want to smell that mouth. Ugh...]

I was just looking at this low-level article, so it was a little hard to make a serious face, but it was a situation that had overcome many hardships and adversities for months since I got the Dragon's Legacy, so I was able to act really sensual.

“Oh, brother. Well, there... I'm a fan. Can I get you to sign this? ”

One of the three girls, who was frowning and making an awkward face, spoke to the poet with a trembling voice.

“Ah! Yes. Of course.”

After turning off the internet window, the poem expressed his admiration as if he had only just realized it, and looked at the college girls. However, the compliment of making coffee stares through this side and faintly looks at the edge of the field of view.

“I, too, am a fan. I saw the broadcast. Brother.”

“You sing really well. I was so moved by that show. ”

I was constantly talking about whether the college girls had seen the main course broadcasts that came out of the poem.

“Thank you very much. Haha.”

The poem smiled and signed the paper given to him by the college girl. Celebrities and celebrities were also one element representing the person, so the poem pulled up the magical circuits and signed them like a delicate drawing.

“Wow, that really tickles. ”

The college girls who saw the sign of the poem were overwhelmed with awe. Ordinary celebrity signatures were fine, but the poetry that lifted the magical circuit to its best felt artistic.

The college girls talked to the poem for a long time after they signed the poem, and they left saying that they were coming again.

This has happened a lot since the broadcast of the main course. When I was on the Internet, it happened very rarely. The influence of mass media reaches new levels.

The poem intentionally avoided the praiseworthy gaze of the female college student and went online again. If I make eye contact now, the atmosphere becomes a little awkward.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

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