
11: 30 at night.

The part-time students left for work, and the cafe had less than the city and cold.

“You were about to tell me what I wanted to ask, weren't you? ”

“Yes, brother, what do you want? ”

The poem and praises sitting on the table had an incomplete conversation because of Yumi earlier.

“Go on a date with me today. ”

“De, a date? ”

Praise was said with a sudden expression of embarrassment. I thought it would be something difficult, but it was too okay and simple a request. Besides, the poem didn't ask for a date, but he wanted to ask for one.


“No, brother. I love it. But will that be all? ”

Rather, Chan said, caring about the poem.

“What more do you need for a date with Chan? But you can't just say no on a date. ”

“Yes, I understand. Brother.”

Praise be to the words of the poem, without much concern. I was wondering if there was something I could say no to. Earlier, the strange girls were annoyed because they were attached to the poem, but I felt better when the poem asked me out on a date.

After tidying up the cafe and closing the door, Chan came out on the street with praise. Nowadays, 12 o'clock is not so late at night, so the street in front of the university was crowded with people. The poem and praise walked a bright and lively street to a nearby bar.

“Brother, are you going to drink? ”

“Yes. I've been wanting a compliment for a long time. ”

The poem went to the bar, and the compliment flinched. The trend that I had drunk with the poem before was still vivid. At that time, I was so ashamed that I kicked the blanket when I was sleeping.

I went to a bar that was always divided into the rooms I was going to because it was a rarely coming poem. It seemed like a more comfortable place than an open place.

I entered it in September, but it was still pretty hot. Nonetheless, Praise hated exposing his body, so he wore long white trousers and long sleeves, but when his face and body were outstanding, he caught the eyes of the men on the road even though he wore long clothes.

As I enter the bar now, I glance at the part-time students and the men passing by. Then the hymn slightly frowned and clasped the arms of the poem, clinging to me.

The height of the hymn was 172 cm. If it were the same as old times, it would not have been that different from the statue, but the height of the poem was quite large thanks to the constant crossing every morning. It was less than 177 cm, but compared to before it was 171 cm, it was enormously tall.

“Brother, you're taller than ever. ”

He folded his arms and sat down with a compliment in his room. I didn't know that I was taller every day, but I felt that I was definitely taller when I clapped my arms.

“Yeah. I've been skipping a lot lately. ”

“Does crossing the rope make you taller? ”

“That's not what I have. ”

“Really? Expensive rope? ”

“It's free. ”

The poem smiled and said. While praise was often thinking about the functional crossing seen in advertising and not feeling any different, I wondered what kind of face it would make if I knew that crossing was a crossing that had a function that could not exist in this world. Of course, I don't intend to tell you the secret to the dragon's legacy.

Once the situation was done, 1700cc of beer with a simple drink. Not long after I ordered food and beer, the poem poured beer into a cup of praise. However, the compliment was a little restless when a beer full of cups poured out.

“Praise be to God. ”

“I'm just going to have a little drink. Brother.”

“It's okay. Don't pressure yourself. ”

“But……. ”

“You agreed not to say no. ”

When I thought about the poem and what I promised earlier, I took a short sigh and nodded. This time, I had to stay sober even when I was drunk. I will not make the same mistake again.

I drank a little bit while talking to the poem, but after a long time I drank it, I slipped away. Since the tribe's empty cup filled the beer and the atmosphere was good, praise drank a considerable amount of alcohol one day.

“Hey, who were those guys? ”

“Huh? Who? ”

“You know those kids who pretended to be close to you earlier? ”

“Oh, I'm just a fan. I just got an autograph. ”

Normal praises would never have said this, but a well-brewed praises unfolded in their hearts. As if she saw her boyfriend being close to another woman, praise followed the poem.

At first, it was hard to keep my mouth shut. When I got drunk, I kept drinking beer without any objection, and I forgot to set myself straight.

“Do you like Yumi then? Do you like me?"

“Of course I like praise. ”

The compliment was not that drunk, so I was already drunk and said something I would never normally do. Now that I'm drunk, I can see how much I'll regret it tomorrow.

However, the poem deliberately drank to see this praiseworthy response. Normal praises are so obedient and I understand everything, but when I get drunk, I show my true self like this.


“Yes, of course. ”

I've been drinking since about 12: 30, and it's already past 1: 30. The bar was just a place to raise the atmosphere, so after 1700cc of beer and drinks, he took a compliment and went to a nice motel nearby.

While Chan was quite drunk, he could not help himself. The compliment that came into the motel room reached out as she lay on the bed, gazing at the situation. As the poem came, he lay on the bed, holding a simple snack and beer on the table at the convenience store.

The body of praise is filled with the smell of alcohol and cosmetics.

I kissed naturally. It wasn't as exciting or glamorous as the first time I kissed her, but kissing a woman always made me feel good.

Usually, a slightly passive compliment teases the tongue to see if the drink is in. I kissed the poet's teeth and gums, sucking his tongue.

Then the poem put his hand in the teat of praise and touched his chest. I feel good whenever I touch my breasts that are moderately big and supple.

The poem who finished kissing sat at the table and drank beer with praise. Once upon a time, I would have had sex like a beast as soon as I came to the motel, but now I have enjoyed the time I spend with you like this.

“Hey! The Apocalypse. ”

As the beer entered, the words and behavior of praise changed. That's a lot of injections.

“Praise be to God. ”

“Come take a shower with me. When I showered with you at my house before, it felt so good. ”

Chan seemed to have drunk himself to the point where he could maintain his reason. But he didn't go into the same commotion as the old days, or get too drunk to control it.

Before the poem could answer anything, the compliment that stood up at the table took off his clothes. As it was still hot, the compliment was quite simple to wear, so it was quick to undress.

“Hey, the Apocalypse. Let's get you out of these clothes. ”

Praise forced the poet to take off his clothes, even though he couldn't wait to take them off.

“Cute as a little girl. ”

Chan, who saw the penis of the undererected poem, lit up his eyes and said. And then you touch the penis like it's cute and adorable. When Chant touched the penis, the little penis slowly swelled up and began to erect something hideous.

“Oh, you already want to have sex with me? No, I'm gonna take a shower first, and then I'm gonna do it. ”

Praise was not for watching the poem, but for patting his penis and kissing him lightly. It was like doing something to a loving dog or lover.

“Yes, let's take a shower first. ”

The praise of drinking was full of its own charm. I particularly like that it is absolutely blatant and sexy in a way that is not normal.

The poem entered the bathroom with praise and lightly showered. We went into the bathtub and kissed and touched our bodies, and we rubbed our bodies together with a full body cleanser.

“Well, touch my nipples more. ”

While watching the poem, Chan explicitly asked me to touch the nipple, and the poem gently grabbed the chest of the poem with a bunch of bubbles. Then, the nipples are wedged between the fingers and pour out a low hymn.

The poem caresses the teat of praise, tucking the penis between the crotch of praise and slightly shaking its waist. I feel so good about the way the beak rubs against the praised thigh while slipping.

After not washing my body and loving each other for a long time, I felt like I wanted to pee. However, the poem removed the penis from the genitals of the hymn and then washed the genitals with water, because there was nothing to be gained by giving thanks to the place other than the mouth or vagina of the hymn.

“I'll put it in my mouth. ”

Then he pressed down on the shoulders of praise and put his penis in his mouth, saying. Then praise naturally sucked the penis of the poem, and shortly after, the poem was able to explain in the mouth of the praise.

“Mmmm... ”

Praise swallowed up the sperm from the poem that filled his mouth. Usually I feel disgusted or nauseous, but strangely, the sperm in the poem was a bit sweet to eat the reason rather than disgusting. A secretly addictive flavor.

“Delicious. I want another one. ”

Praise, who swallowed semen, put the shriveled penis in his mouth to squeeze the sperm from the poem. An ordinary man would be an outsider once, but he had almost limitless energy, so he erected once like a soldier who did not masturbate for a month.

You wrapped the semen once again in the skill of the subsequent Flattery Pelagio.

“Well……. ”

This time, praise tastes better and drinks semen. It was possible because of the effectiveness of Yin Yang symbiosis, but it was only 30 years until the end of the poem, so I was just giving it a little sweetness. If you have a period of more than 60 years, the sperm of the poem will go beyond sweetness and become flavorful enough to satisfy any woman's taste buds.

“Let's go to bed. ”

“I want to have sex soon, too. ”

The poem and compliments of washing my body in water and washing it with a towel were immediately laid bare in bed. And he naturally caressed for sex. Since it was already an excitement enough in the shower, the poem sucked on my chest, and I was in the right state to have sex with the fluids at once.

“Can you suck my feet? ”


“Suck my feet. It feels so good to suck your feet, Pope. You don't know that. You always suck your tits. ”

“Oh, really? I'm sorry. I'll read you in the future. ”

I knew that praise voice was in my feet, but if I wanted to wash my feet, I had to shower as cleanly as now. I didn't wash it because I didn't take a shower like that when I usually meet praise, but I was disappointed.

The poem went down to the bottom of the bed, grabbed the praiseworthy foot that was still a little damp, and activated the magic circuit and kneaded it.

“Hmm, I feel good... …. ”

Praise gave a satisfactory groan. The poem massaged both feet first and sucked the toes of praise into his mouth. I didn't feel dirty at all because the face and body of praise are so good and I like and love her.

“Ugh…. I love it……. Hey! The Apocalypse. From now on, suck your feet before you have sex. You know what? You're not doing me any favors. Bastard.”

“Okay. Praise. ”

I don't know what he's going to do tomorrow, but the poem smiled lightly and replied. I can think of a praiseworthy face to be ashamed of tomorrow, so I smiled.

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