
7: 00 a.m. Thursday, November 8th.

When I was in high school, I was too cold on graduation day, and my body was shivering, but nowadays it's not that cold. The poem who had gone to the workout as usual ate breakfast with Aru and eggs.

I was not that nervous on the day of my graduation. Unlike people who do all of their qualifications, such as Go3, Lucky, and Three, the situation did not mean much even if they were incompetent. However, I was just not nervous because it was difficult to make contact with Eugene, the daughter of the chairman of the Triple Steel Group, but I didn't feel like going there lightly.

After finishing breakfast, the poem dressed easily was ready to go out.

“Good luck on your exam! I'll cheer hard at home. ”

“I think mastery is as good a test as it is for under-age youth. although it's kind of amazing what a 26-year-old papal brother can do on a teenage test. ”

Unlike a mere cheering aru, there seemed to be some doubt about the system of competence. I understand that the situation is natural, but it may not be natural in the world where the eggs lived.

“Thank you. I'll be going, then. ”


While being escorted by Aruwa, the situation went to the designated high school to take the test. It's not as cold as it used to be, but a cool breeze opened up my coat.

He was assigned to a high school not too far away, so he was able to relax and arrive at the school. In front of the school, the school and the teacher were there to support students who were graduating.

As I passed the crowded school and entered the playground, I got a text message on my phone.

I'll take the exam hard! Fight.]

It was Yumi's text. Yumi seemed to be shaking a lot because of the pressure to get high scores. So the poem gave Yumi tea to calm her mind and clear her head yesterday, but I don't know if she drank it.

Since then, letters of support have come to Eunji, Chanmi, Hyunju, Eun Bee, and Sojin. I hung the text with a happy face and looked around. When he read it, he entered the school building and sat in his seat in the designated class. luggage side

As soon as I arrived, I could see the various images, from the student lying on the table, to the student reading books with a nervous expression. After sitting down, the poem took out a novel from his bag and read it.

I was reading a book, so it was time to test my language. The teacher came in and handed out the language field test papers and the OMR card, and the situation was solved gradually from what I heard.

There was one problem that was a little confusing, but it was not difficult as a whole, so he quickly solved the test and checked again.

After finishing the language area, a short break later led to a repair area test, and the situation solved the problem by focusing as much as possible. I have been studying since the beginning of this year, so I solved the problem easily. However, unlike the mock exam or problem paper, there were some problems that wanted to be a little difficult, but when I saw the problem, I was straightened up and did not have a big difficulty solving it.

I finished to the repair area, had a simple lunch and hit a foreign language area. However, because English was so easy to compare with language or repair, I was able to solve the problem really quickly without any difficulty. I have so much time on my hands.

The poem, who finished his social exploration, took his bag and went to the house of praise. I feel uneasy about this because I have studied and prepared for the test for the past year.

When I went to the house of praise and pressed the bell, it opened the door with a nervous expression.

“How was your test? ”

“I saw it as usual. ”

“Wasn't it hard? ”

As he went to his room, he continued to ask the poet about the test. I was more nervous than the test run.

“There seem to be a lot of problems with repairs. It was okay.”

The poet sat on the bed of praise and said, pulling the stuffed paper out of his bag. I had a lot of time to check all the answers.

“Guess quickly. Brother.”

“Let's do it.”

Chan downloaded the answer sheet into the computer in advance and immediately entered the language area. While answering with a nervous expression, he sighed of relief as his language test was complete. Then I quickly checked my answers to repairs, English and hunting, but nothing was wrong.

“Oh, brother. It's a perfect score."

“Yeah? Well, the difficulty was fine. ”

To Chan, who was making a happy face, the poem shrugged. I expected it to be roughly a score from the time I took the test, but I'm still a little happy to see the results myself.

“Brother, on the news, the language and social exploration areas were a little more difficult than last year, but the repairs and language areas were very difficult. ”

“Well, I don't know about English, but there seems to be a bit of a problem with repairs. ”

Chan sat at the computer desk and constantly watched the news about his mastery. I couldn't hide my excitement from the idea that the poem was getting high scores.

“Aren't you the only one with a good degree? You're amazing. ”

“No way. I don't think it's that difficult. ”

Seeing praises that were not in charge of joy, the poem smiled lightly. High school students may be at the end of their qualifications, but they were only the starting point. Now I have to go up to Seoul and get a house and set up a cafe. Unlike the kids who play comfortably after completing their studies, they are more busy than before.

While praising Yumi, Yumi hurriedly ran to the front door as she opened the door.

“Sister, Brother. I think I took the test really well. ”

Yummi shouts as soon as he opens the call.


“Let's answer quickly. ”

Yumi passes the answer from her bag to Chan and quickly checks her score.

His overall scores were fairly high compared to the current situation, including 93 languages, 78 repairs, and 89 foreign languages. I looked at grades by grades in schools like Gigatudi, and overall, universities in Seoul had enough grades to go on.

“Nice test, Yumi. ”

“Amazing, right? Hyung? I was so nervous this morning that I was going to die, but drinking the tea that my brother gave me, I felt calm and turned my head and scored well. Thank you so much. ”

“Haha. Yumi studied hard. ”

“How many points are you? ”

Yumi asked the poet with a face that has not subsided yet.

“The Pope's brother is at an all-time high. Yumi.”

“Really? That's amazing. Are you sure you're up to it? ”

Yumi opened her eyes wide, surprised by the words of praise, and asked the poet. It was purely admirable.

“Yeah, I think so. ”

“You're amazing. So you're going to Seoul University? ”

“I'm going to put in a manuscript. ”

“Then I'll go to a place near Seoul University. ”

“Haha. Let's think about that and decide. Yumi, there's still plenty of time. ”

“Yes. Heheh. I'm really happy because I'm thinking of going to college in Seoul with my brother. ”

Yumi couldn't hide her excitement. I also felt good about getting a better score than my own, and I was so happy that I could stay in Seoul with the poem.

“Brother, I'll start preparing now. ”

“Yes. Yes. ”

As the cafe shift approached, Chan went to Yumi's room to change his clothes. Without Yumi, he would have changed clothes in front of the poem without hesitation, but seeing Yumi there, I couldn't do it.

“Brother, since you've graduated today, I want to go to your cafe. ”

As soon as Chan left the room, Yumi hugged the poem and said. I studied so hard in Seoul that I couldn't even meet him properly. It's been a long time since I felt the temperature of the poem like this.

“Now that I'm done with my qualifications, I won't say a word even if I want to. ”

“Of course. No matter how evil you are, you won't do that. ”


Yummi smiled lightly at Yummi's words, and Yummi, who had a glimpse of the poem, kissed. Yumi's face turned red even though his lips and lips touched because he only kissed. But shyness is temporary. Yummi, who felt the taste, hugged the poem and kissed him strongly.

Whenever I wanted to kiss the poem while studying, I kept pinching my thighs. So I felt like my body was melting just by kissing the poem.

Yumi, who was giving a sticky, dense kiss for a long time, was forced to fall from the poem because of the sound of praise. If only I had enough time, I would hug and kiss the poem all day. It's too bad.

“Sis, I'm going to play in your cafe, okay? ”

“Yes. I'm done with my studies. Do what you want. ”


Yumi, who received the permission of praise, shouted with joy. The power of winning was really great. I can't believe how simple a compliment like this would be for me to yell at you to study!

Yumi went to the cafe with praise and poetry. Then I sat across from the poem, sipping coffee, and talking to the epiphany. It was so common, but it was really hard to endure wanting to see the situation while studying for mastery. I'll come to the cafe every day from now on.

After talking with Yumi for a long time, I thought I should tell my parents that I'm going to Seoul. I felt better now because I felt so strangely when I came out of college.

“Yumi, let me call you back for a second. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

When he went out of the cafe, he called his mom. There were a lot of people passing by, so I didn't notice that I called in front of the café.

[Hello, is this a poem?]

[Yes, Mom. What are you doing?]

[I'm preparing dinner now. My son, what's wrong? I called my mom all of a sudden.]

My mother's senses were sharp. Given his relationship, he seems intuitively aware.

[It's nothing... Actually, I did my math today.]

[Mastery? Why suddenly mastery?]

[I'm going to college in Seoul.]

[In Seoul? Then how can you go to Seoul with this cafe?]

Suddenly, my mother was surprised by the words of the poem and said. You suddenly want to go to a university in Seoul, leaving a nice cafe that makes tens of millions of won a month? There is also the age of the poem. After collecting some more cafe work, I could marry Aru and have children and live well. Suddenly, I didn't understand why I wanted to go to college.

[A new cafe will be set up in Seoul. I'm thinking about handing the café over to someone else.]

[I know what you're thinking, Pope. But why don't you work hard at the cafe instead of going to Seoul? Even if you get good at college, it might be hard to earn as much as it is now.... I just want you to keep caffeinating.]

[Mom, I'm going to set up a cafe there, not just go to Seoul to go to college.]

[Sichua. Seoul is so competitive that it's hard to succeed... Oh, my.]

His mother continued to persuade him not to go to Seoul. But as I was talking, I heard someone stealing my phone.

[Sissy, how did you do?]

It was my dad.

[Yeah, that was a good hit.]

[Then how far do you think you can go to college? Are you sure you can get into a university in Seoul?]

His father seemed to want to go to a better college than to work in a café.

[I'm sure I'll be able to get into Seoul by the time I get my grades.]

[Seo, Seoul? Really?]

The poem said, and his father was surprised and stuttered. Seoul? I can't believe it.

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