
[Yeah, probably enough.]

[Haha, Seoul.]

He couldn't even tell me if he was really happy. He was even happier than when he received the dragon's inheritance and gave his parents 3 million won to be obedient. I've never seen my dad like this in my life. It seemed to me that I couldn't learn from my father that well.

[So if I pass Seoul University, I want to go up to Seoul and live.]

[Yes, yes. Let's do it. If you need anything, talk to your dad right away. Okay?]

[Yeah, okay. By the way, this cafe...]

The poem said, "What should I do with this cafe after my parents?" I was just thinking about closing the cafe, but it was too bad to close this cafe with more than KRW 50 million a month in sales.

[I'll talk to your mother about that.]

[Okay, call me later.]

[Yes, my son. I'm so proud of you.]

The poem hung up, smiling shyly at the compliments of my father I'd never heard before. I think it's the first time my dad has liked me like this in my life. I also felt sad to study hard and be obedient to my parents, but I feel lucky that I can still be obedient like this.

The situation made me feel better than when I confirmed that I was good at proficiency, and I went into the cafe and played with Yumi until late at night. Yumi finished her studies without rest and had more atmosphere than usual because of her liberation. She said all sorts of trivial things to the poem.

After 12 o'clock at night, the poem closed the cafe door and took Yumi to the house, but I feel refreshed to think it's over soon. I enjoyed walking down the street after the cafe, talking praise and stuff.

When he returned home, he searched the computer for where to buy a house. I have about 2 billion now, but it took a lot of money to set up a cafe and buy a house in Cheongdam. It didn't cost that much to run a cafe because it was cheap in the province, but Bronze was expensive and I was going to expand the cafe plains quite a bit, and because Aru and Yumi had to buy a big house to live in, it was worth 2 billion.

In roughly five rooms, more than a billion well-intentioned apartments, which were also slightly cheaper, and two billion high-rise apartments, called the symbol of wealth, could not be more than 50 square feet. The city has been searching the Internet for a long time, wondering if the villa would be better.

Suddenly Aru and Eggplant fell asleep and the situation was still researching the real estate rate. Since the Internet does not have all the information, it is quite difficult to find the information that is clear, but only the approximate information. If I had 10 billion won, I could just go live where I like....

“Man's greed is endless. ”

He stroked his chin, seeing how good he would be if he had 10 billion won, even though he had a lot of money. Although this lust is a life-giving driver, if you get too caught up in matter, you become an ugly human being who does anything because of the money in dramas or novels.

“Be careful.”

The poem whispered low and examined where to find a house. The difference between the university he wanted to go to, the university he wanted to go to, and the university Yumi would accept, was the most important thing that compliments and Yummi without a car should not be uncomfortable.

As he turned over the Internet page, the situation constantly searched for information.

It was suddenly entering winter. The trees on the street were showing only ugly branches, and the cold winds made people wander the streets wearing thick jumpers.

The poem went to the high school he had attended in the past to get a certificate of proficiency. It was only about 10: 00 in the morning, so I didn't see any students.

When he arrived at school, he entered the office. Unfortunately, I saw some students who looked like they had already received their transcripts. The poem also stood in line behind them, waiting for his turn.

“What's your name? ”

“The Apocalypse.”

“The Apocalypse.... ”

The teacher in his mid-40s, who heard the name of the poem, briefly tilted his head with a curious look, and began searching for the test report card.

“Hey! You're the apocalypse. ”


The teacher who saw the transcript looked at the situation as if he had finally understood it.

“Did you know that this guy is a master? Haha.”

“Ah……. ”

Before students receive their transcripts, the teacher must have received and had the transcript. So it was natural to look at the transcript of the status quota, which has a higher standard score than anyone else, and check how many points they got, not to mention the first grade.

“Where are you going to college? Will you apply to Seoul University Law School instead of med school? ”

“I'm thinking about it. I'm applying to Seoul University, but I haven't decided which department to go to yet. ”

“Yes, business or law, it's important to be self-sufficient. Ten grand, by the way. That's great.I heard that this year's qualifications are very difficult, so you may or may not come out at all. Aren't you the only one with a full score? ”

According to the poem, the teacher smiled and talked. He seemed quite satisfied that the poem was fully qualified.

“I don't know. Could it be just me? ”

“I don't know. This test is too difficult.... But you look familiar. Were you in my class? ”

When I handed the report card to the poem, the teacher said with a confused look. It's a name. I knew it because I checked the original score as soon as I saw the report card, but I didn't know it looked so familiar to me.

“Mr. Jung, he's a very famous cafe owner in front of you. You look familiar because you've been on TV a few times. ”

The female teacher who appeared to be in her early 40s intervened beside her, saying. Seeing that I know the situation quite well, I think I've been to Cafe Quezron a few times.

“Oh, really? You don't recognize this celebrity. Haha.”

After having a meaningless conversation with the teachers for quite a long time, he was able to leave school with his transcript. At first, the students who received the transcript were not exceptional, so they just gave the transcript without saying anything else. Seeing them constantly talking about college to the subject of proficiency, the impact of excellence seemed great.

When he arrived at the cafe, he looked at the news related to his qualifications on his laptop. Once upon a time, when my luck was ruined, I was annoyed by the fact that I only read about my qualifications on TV or the Internet, but after receiving my qualifications, I wanted to constantly check the information related to qualifications.

[There was only one scholar who was too difficult.

The results of the aptitude scoring have been published. Scoring resulted in large drops in all areas, leading to a score score of less than 1% per area.

Scoring results showed that the percentage of scorers decreased by a large percentage compared to last year's proficiency, which was relatively easy, such as 0.33% for language areas, 'repairs‘ or ’0.02%, and 0.17% for foreign languages.

All three areas, including the human race and the natural class, are solved by one of the top students who had a big difficulty in the exam....]

Since there were 650,000 candidates after this, it didn't matter how many candidates they played. Most importantly, it was the only 650,000 people who got a perfect score.

I did not feel that it was that difficult when I took the exam, but I felt that the repairs and foreign language areas were quite difficult.

The situation was a little bored, rather than just news articles with similar content, so I went to a site I frequently visited. On the bulletin board, it was as if the qualified people were good.

[I got my degree 211 2112. Is that okay? Can I consider it?]

[I just got my aptitude score and I want to die... …. 345 454 What should I do? Is luck the answer? I'm really depressed....]

I read several articles, and there were various articles that I was eager to boast about because of my aptitude scores, from writing that I was anxious to break the exam and to dying of depression.

The poem I was thinking about for a while wrote a letter.

[Do you think you'll be able to enter Seoul University first in your class if you get a degree?]

Comments were posted quickly because the posts were rotating fast.

[It's a mastery, but of course it's possible. What the fuck is this?]

Why do you even care if [doesn't even get a passing grade?]

[That scholar is really creepy. Oh, that's so uncool.]

[There's only one graduate this year, so why can't you get in first? However, if the score you gave is a variable and the test student does not reflect the score due to the three odd numbers, it is likely that you have won the entrance ceremony.]

There were a lot of useless comments, but the last post was worth reading. If the academic attainment was easy, the senior entry would be difficult, but fortunately, the academic attainment this year was so difficult that it would be easier for the grades to enter the senior class than I thought.

The poet takes the tablet out of his bag and examines the quest.

[Score on your math skills test.] [Completed] [EXP 2000]

The quest was completed at the completion of the proficiency score and you were able to gain 2000 XP. However, this did not just end here, but also led to the Senior Seoul University Entrance Quest, Grade Quest, etc. which provided a substantial amount of experience.

I put in my tablet and looked at these and other things, but a phone call came to a number I didn't know. The curious look on his face for a moment answered the phone.


[Hello, you're Mr. Kang, right?]

[Yes, I am. Who are you?]

Male voice in his mid-20s. Having a slightly thick bass voice, I did not face it in person, but I roughly expected what a man would feel like.

[I'm Reporter Kim Ji-hoon from Newsroll. I understand that you have received your qualification, but I wanted to let you know if the interview is available.]

It's fast. I knew the interview would come, but I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. I can't help but wonder where I am and how I get in touch with him.

[Yes, you can.]


He set an approximate time to meet later, and he hung up the phone. I had already done the interview several times, so I was not too nervous, so I caught the mouse to try to use the internet again. But soon the phone rings again.


[Hello, media now…….]

This was also an interview request call. As soon as I got my proficiency score, the press called me a lot.

There were also media outlets asking for interviews in person and asking themselves a few questions over the phone and posting them directly on the Internet. The fastest news article was by reporter Kim Chul-min from New Enyu, who had a slight friendship with him due to an earlier complaint. Seeing that he had some friendship, he talked in great detail over the phone.

When the phone stopped ringing, the city went online and waited for reporter Kim Cheol-min from New York to post an article. I was looking forward to writing the article in some way. Soon after I waited on the internet for a while, the article came up and immediately checked the situation.

This is your mother? Check with the singer-songwriter.]

Not a bad title.

[…… the entire humanitarian, natural and only one proficiency has been identified as the theme of the song. The song starring Kang Kyung-hyung, who is 26 years old, is passionate about academic studies... ….]

It didn't matter why reporter Chul-min Kim got the mastery. The background was that the masters wrote an article about the song.

The poem searched the portal site for songwriting proficiency. Suddenly, related articles are searched.

[I heard that the master singer is the lead singer. Isn't that really unfair? I don't even know how to sing, so I'm a good singer. It's really awesome. I'm trying to think of someone who doesn't know how to do anything and ruins their mastery... Oh, I'm pissed.]

It was mostly filled with tears about the poem. However, the poem thinks that if it were the opposite position, he would have done all kinds of insults.

[Don't you know that? I ride the song headline BMW M6. For your reference, 200 million. Blah blah blah]

This article had a picture of him getting in the car of where he was taken. It's not that famous, but when I came up with this picture, I could see how celebrities looked, but I could see it clearly.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I just got 200.

Thank you so much for always reading!

I'll see my brother off to join the Nonsan Training Camp today.

He's a little older, so he's joining the Army now;

I'm worried about how you might do your military service, but... well, I'm sure you'll do well. Heh heh

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