
When the average person received a perfect score, the Internet became hot when he received the poem, which has a reasonable recognition in the yard that became an issue. It was also on TV, but it was not very popular. However, it is quite popular with people who use the internet, so the story about the situation on each site has not been finished.

I've never felt anything like that before. I have never felt this emotion before because I have always been inferior to education. Unlike when I made a lot of money, I felt proud and proud, and I feel confident that I can do anything.

The poem continued to read Internet articles with a pleasant look, and suddenly I thought it would be interesting to broadcast about this time. I immediately entered the Serengeti station and wrote that I will be broadcasting this Saturday. I was a little worried about being on the air for too long, but the comment that I was excited about soon after posting was different from what I thought.

[Did you really get a degree? I was shocked by the news.]

[He's handsome and he sings well, but what if he studies well here?]

Comments were overwhelmingly sweeter than men. Even though I am not really my older brother, I have the ability to instantly distinguish between what a man wrote and what a woman wrote in short sentences over 10 years of experience on the Internet. It was a kind of insight.

As a child, it is difficult to tell whether it is in their 20s, 30s, or 40s. However, as we get older, as we meet various people, we learn that we have this face and shape at this age. At the end of the day, we can understand the age of the person.

Glug glug!

I was on the internet for a long time and someone called me.

I'm familiar with it. It's not the first time I've called since I went down to Busan, but I've been called once. However, if it was the nature of the familiarity, it was surprising that the phone call came every day.

[It's been a long time, my dear.]

[Oppa……. How are you?]

The voice of familiarity is slightly trembling. When I received the call earlier, I was still a little energetic, but my voice was so weak that I couldn't think of it as old familiarity now.

[Yes, it's me. What are you doing? It's been too long since I've seen you.]

[I'm just helping him out.]

[Factory work?]

[…… Yes.]

He replied with a slight hesitation. You feel something coming, but you don't ask me what's going on. It was because I didn't think it would be right to ask now and the atmosphere would be strange.

[Sook-yi Hyo. I'll help my parents.]

[No... Did you get your brother's degree?]

[Oh, yeah. You saw it on the news?]

[Yes, I was really surprised when I saw the internet that my brother had a perfect aptitude score. Congratulations, brother. I thought about it a long time ago, but I think he's really great.]

The familiarity was purely impressed.

[Thank you, hunchback.]

[But if you graduate, will you go to Seoul University?]

[Yeah, that's why I studied.]

[Then I won't be able to see you anymore.... It's still hard to meet.]

Familiarity said in a sad voice. I want to see my beloved poem, but I am so sad that I can't because of the realistic difficulties.

[Why is it so hard to meet? I'll go to Busan. Do you want to see it now?]

[Sorry, Oppa... I don't think I can because I'm busy helping my dad with work.]

[If not now, when? I'll see you on the weekend?]

[Oppa……. I'm sorry. I don't have time... Brother, you should go to Seoul to be healthy.]

Sook talked as if he would never see me again. I had a feeling from the moment I first hesitated, but by now, I was convinced that there was a big problem for my acquaintance.

[Thank you, hunchback. But it's a long way to go. Haha.]

The poem purposely smiled and replied, pretending not to know anything. But I hear a woman yelling loudly next to me.

[Oh, I'll call you later.]

[You're hanging up already?]

[I'm sorry, you're in good health.]

Sook's phone is disconnected. If it wasn't for the last woman I heard, I would have talked to her for a longer time. When he thought about familiarity, he pretended to pull it out of his bag and took out a multipurpose tracker from the subspace.

The existence of antimagic is a very poor tracking base that cannot be traced, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is almost a fraudulent item on Earth.

The town used a tracker to locate the address of the boarding house. Luckily, he was still living in Busan, speculating that his intestine had collapsed and left for another region. But in the beginning, he didn't know where the acquaintance lived, so it was difficult to answer with just this information.

“Eunji, come here for a second. ”

The poem, who was thinking about it for a moment, called Eunji.

“Oh, yes. Wait a minute. ”

After cleaning up the room, I washed my hands and sat across from the table where the poet was sitting. I've been so busy at the cafe lately.

“I just got a call from Sook. ”

“Familiar? How are you these days? It's been a few months since I've seen familiarity. ”

“Do you know what Sook is doing these days? You said the factory was a little difficult before. ”

The poem asked Eunji for information about familiarity.

“I heard before that you're better than us, but I'm not sure what you're doing. I heard you were doing well when you called.... Is something wrong? ”

“I just don't think the voice of familiarity is strong enough. Oh, and do you know where this address is? ”

The poem told Eun Ji the address of the boarding house that came out of the tracker.

“I know roughly where it is. And whose address is that? ”

“Just someone my parents knew. I'm asking you because you live in Busan. ”

“Oh, right. ”

Eunsey nods as if she understood something. After seeing the reaction of the mystery, I could see that it was not a house of familiarity. It would be a little easier if I told Eunji the truth, but I hid it on purpose because I didn't think familiarity would want to reveal it.

To be more clear, the city purposely asked about the neighborhood. Where to eat, where to play.

“Thank you, Eunji. I'll do it now. ”

“Yes, brother. Heheh.”

The poem retrieves the approximate information, returns Eunji and looks around on the computer. These days, in the information age, it was easy to see through the street view of the map service on the portal site, even if you did not go there yourself.

It was a pretty messy neighborhood with narrow alleyways, as expected. I thought it would be a neighborhood in the same city as Eunji's house near Guan 'anri that I had previously visited. After checking so far, I'm really worried about familiarity.

The poem looked at the watch. It wasn't that late. It was the best morning I felt refreshed just when I got my diploma, but now my mind was heavier because of the work of familiarity.

I was thinking about going down right now, but I decided to go to the boarding house right now because the poem told me to take the horns off in the morning.

After telling Hyunju and Eunji that he had promised to go out and come back, he drove his car straight to Busan.

It was only 6: 00 in the afternoon, and it was already dark at sunset. The darkness of the night, which would not have been much thought of as usual, is now causing me to continue to imagine bad things. During this time, I was so sorry that I just listened to Eun-si and didn't pay any attention to her.

I could say the cafe was busy and busy because of its proficiency, but in the end, this was just a plea bargain. I had enough time to take care of my acquaintance if I wanted to. It was all his fault for lack of attention to familiarity.

About an hour later, I arrived in the town of Dormitory, off the tracker. It felt more shabby than I had seen in the photo. In order to get to the boarding house, I had to enter a narrow alleyway, but I could no longer enter because the cars had already been parked in the alleyway.

I did not deserve to stop the car, so I parked a little distance away and went to the boarding house. cracked walls and rusted gates. As narrow and shabby as the city's parents lived, the buildings were dense.

After entering a narrow alleyway for a long time, I was able to reach the house of a stranger under a hazy streetlight.

It was a house that would have been suspicious if the paint had been peeled off and the light had not been on in the building that looked narrow even with the black gate on. It hurts me to think that I live in a place like this.

When I looked around the wall but there was no bell, the poem knocked on the door.


You knock a few times, but no one comes out. When I saw the lights on in the house, I knew there was someone inside.

“Sook, it's me. Are you in there?”

The situation was already completed a long time ago, and I deliberately called the name of familiarity in a friendly voice because I think the person inside is mistaken for the debt.

Soon after, the door opened and a small woman opened the door. As soon as I saw it, I felt like the mother of familiarity.

“Who are you?”

“Hello. I'm a close friend of Sook's, and I came to talk to Sook. ”

“Really? But I don't have a boarding house... ”

Sook's mother glanced at the situation and said. Fortunately, it made me relieved that I wasn't a bad looking face.

“Where have you been? ”

“Is something wrong? ”

“Oh, yes. Actually, I got a call from Sook earlier, and he couldn't finish all the important things. ”

“What are you talking about? Do you want me to tell him?”

“No, no. It's very personal……. ”

“Really? I'm working at a restaurant that has a short-term residence, but if you want to find it.... ”

The poem said that Sook's mother, who was briefly concerned about the situation, told me what restaurant Sook is working at. If the face or appearance of the poem were a bit awkward, I wouldn't tell you, but I thought it would be okay to teach it to an innocent face so kind and polite. And I was worried that I would be disappointed because I was living in such a shabby place, even though I might be a friendly boyfriend.

“Thank you very much. By the way, what time does Sook work? ”

“It should be about 9: 30. ”

“Oh, right. Thank you very, very much. Mother, I'm going to go see Sook. ”

“Yes, goodbye. ”

“Yes, goodbye. ”

The poem politely greeted his mother and headed to a restaurant where he was working in a car. I was worried that I might be working in a bar, but fortunately, I was working in a normal restaurant.

The town came out pretty big, stopped in a paid parking lot and went to the restaurant where the boarding house worked.

A fairly large meat house. There were quite a lot of part-time students who looked inside a transparent window. The poem did not go in. I carefully examined the familiarity outside on purpose. Even though the glass door was frozen because it was so cold outside, I noticed a glimpse of the familiarity of working hard among some female Alba.


As soon as he discovered his familiarity, he admired himself without knowing it. Since I found familiarity, the city went a little further from the shop where the familiarity worked. If I kept looking inside in front of the store, it was a significant problem.

The situation went to the car for a little while because the familiarity was only about two hours away. It was strange to be standing on the street for 2 hours even though my body changed significantly less than the cold and heat.

Thinking about it like that, time passed faster than I thought. About 10 minutes before the boarding process ended, he stood in a narrow alleyway where he could see the door to the restaurant and waited for familiarity.

We put our hands in our pockets and waited for a while, and then Sook opened the door and left the restaurant. I was wearing a uniform before, but now that I'm a servant, it looks like the job is over.

The poem immediately tried to talk to Sook, but suddenly a man popped out and hung up next to Sook. The man who walks with earrings and touching his ears did not feel sincere and good at all.

The man kept talking to the familiarity, but the familiarity took a quick walk without even answering if he was annoying.

The situation itself was quite disturbing that such a man would continue to talk next to the familiarity.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading!

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