Under one roof.

“Now you're thinking all kinds of crazy things. ”

“Huh? What? ”

“Oh, no. Is your leg okay now? Do you want me to rub it in again? ”

I was just talking to myself, and I turned to Eugene, who was furious about the sudden revelation.

“Oh, that hardly hurts anymore. But if Jina rubs it in, it feels good, so can you rub it in again? ”

“Yes, I'll rub it on you. ”

Eugene lay in bed, approached the poem watching TV, and carefully massaged his legs. Just a week ago, I never imagined that I would rub someone's legs so hard, but now I feel even more uncomfortable if I don't listen to the poem like this.

“For now, let's talk about it over dinner later. ”

“Ugh, yeah? W-what are you talking about? ”

Eugene, who was secretly enjoying watching the erectile, coveted penis, responded with surprise and reflection to the words of the sudden revelation.

“About the future? Now that you're back home, we can finish what we started and we can talk about something new. ”

“Well, I see. Oh, okay. ”

Eugene's expression suddenly got worse. I kept wondering if I could just stay with him, but I couldn't say it out loud.

“And yet you disappear for a week without a word, and it's surprisingly quiet? An important person like you disappears, but shouldn't the bodyguards that used to be there have to work hard to find it? ”

“Ah……. Those bodyguards called me because they don't know my brother very well, and I usually just stay by myself. I don't even care if there are people like that around me who aren't young... ”


It felt like the question was finally resolved after listening to him. Somehow, I thought that the bodyguards would be watching wherever the youngest daughter of the chairman of the Three Gang Group went, but my imagination and reality seemed different.


“Oh! Wait a minute. ”

Eugene was surprised and cried out when a sudden ringtone rang.

“Should I go out and get it? You got something to wear? ”

“No, no. I'll take it. You stay put. Never wear clothes. I don't have anything to wear to my brother's house in the first place. ”

“Then I'm comfortable. ”

In response to Eugene's tumultuous reaction, the poem smiled and replied. Eugene's reaction was greater than I thought. When I came back to Earth, I had a feeling that I would be relieved if Eugene's behavior changed.

“Hey, this is just for a little while to get some food. I'll take it off as soon as I get the food, so don't worry. Do you understand, brother? ”

“Make yourself at home. ”

The poem replied, looking at Eugene while pulling out his clothes from the cowardly wardrobe. I told you to speak comfortably, but I think it's better to be naked than naked. If I took my clothes off, it would be welcome.

In a hurry, Eugene put on a thick, long dress so that he couldn't put on his underwear, and pulled the money out of his wallet and took a stub.

“Wait a minute, brother. I'll boil it right after I take off my clothes. ”

“Yeah. Take your time. ”

Eugene quickly took off his clothes, leaving the stew in the kitchen. I felt strangely uncomfortable wearing clothes for the first time in almost a week.

Eugene, who was perfectly exotic, went to the kitchen, put the ingredients in a pot and started boiling with a gas burner placed on the table. I'm almost done eating, so I feel like a newlyweds, so I got nostalgic.

“You're all set. Now come out to eat. ”

“Oh, that looks delicious. ”

Eugene glanced at Nausicaa as she walked out of the room with dazzling eyes. The body of the poem, which was not lacking to say that it was perfect, wanted to touch, stammer, and hug it at once.

Sitting at the table, the poet and Eugene ate without saying a word for a moment. This meal was hard to pronounce with words.

“Phew, I'm full. I was gonna talk to you about it over dinner, but all I did was eat. ”

“Do you want more food? ”

“No, it's okay. Now we're talking. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Eugene shifted slightly to the slightly serious look on his face. My heart fluttered as if I was going to say I'm going to leave now.

“Do you remember when we first met? You said you were launching a fashion brand. At that time, my Jina was very rough and rough. 180 degrees different from now. ”

“Well, that's ……. I'm sorry. I don't think I had much of an idea at the time. ”

When the poem first met, Eugene's face became gloomy. I wanted to make excuses for my work at that time, but I couldn't say anything. I just had to say I was sorry. If I go back in time, I will slap the poet in the cheek with all kinds of harsh words.

“No, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about it. ”

“I'm so sorry. I'll listen to you from now on. ”

Rather than just saying it, I tried to find out how Eugene would react when I brought it up. However, Eugene, who was proud and arrogant, said that the week had changed his mind quite a lot. I wonder if this is the perfect outcome.

“It's okay. I've forgotten. By the way, you said you were launching a brand. You have a detailed plan? ”

“No, I was thinking about graduating later. ”

“Is that so? Then that part is enough... Moving on, how do we deal with the jewels we brought? ”

“Gems? What do I do? I'm fine with you taking it. ”

Eugene said with a slightly anticipated expression. If the poem took it, I was going to put some conditions on it. Like dating once a week and sleeping at home.

“We got it together. I can't take it. It's probably best to split it in half, right? ”

“I'm okay with you taking everything.... ”

Eugene made a slightly blurry face when he said that he wanted to split it in half. If I just asked, I wouldn't have liked it, but I felt a little heartache, not a lot, because it was like sharing in half as if my relationship with myself was nothing.

“Great, let's launch one of our brands for that jewelry price. ”

“Ugh, yeah? V. Brand? Uh, what kind of...? ”

Eugene's expression suddenly brightened. I never thought we'd just split the value of a gem in half, let's launch the brand together with it!

“It's hard for me to have a brand that I don't know how to run, so I want Jina to help me. Now that I think about it, we're the only ones we can trust. Are you okay? ”

“Oh, brother……. Thank you so much."

At the words of the poem, Jina woke up on her feet, her eyes flushed. Then, as I ran to the poet, I approached him and sat down on his lap and hugged him. I felt warm body temperature and soft skin. Suddenly, I felt cold and tears came out.

“Thank you. Let's go to bed and talk slowly about what we're going to do. ”

“Ugh... Brother.”

Eugene felt the touch of the poem patting him, so he couldn't stand the urge to kiss and skinship in his heart.

“Brother……. Can I kiss you?"

“Of course.”

As the poem's permission fell, Eugene wrapped his lips around the poem as if to pounce on it. I just ate the stew and I felt it, but I liked the taste of it.

Eugene, who didn't know what the technique was for kissing, opened his mouth slightly to confuse his tongue and tongue. The erectile penis of the poem touching his stomach twitched as he sucked the poem's tongue frantically because his body felt so good to melt.

In the quiet kitchen, the poet's tongue and Eugene's tongue tangled and a strange sound rang out.

“Ahh... ”

After a long time of kissing, Eugene took off his lips and lightly breathed out with the face mentioned above. While kissing, how good I felt, a little liquid flowed out.

“I'm sorry. I feel so good... ”

Eugene wiped the liquid from the pope's knee with a paper towel, expressing his embarrassment. I was a little ashamed that the fluid was spilling out, but it was okay because it was the poem.

“It's okay. I liked it, too. ”

Eugene would have said it was just fine, but the situation was hard to endure because of Cooper's liquid and the desire to boil.

“Wait a minute, you're out. I'll clean it up.”

Eugene wiped out the amount of Cooper fluid from the crown with a paper towel, just in case he knew the mind of the poem. I would have been hesitant to use this kind of savage skinship, but now I'm ready to listen to whatever the poem wants.

“Let's start cleaning up and get into the room.

“Yes, brother. Rest. I'll clean it up. ”

“Will you do that? Thank you."

Eugene, who came down from the poem's knee, smiled cheerfully and said without thanks to the poem, brushed his teeth and went into the room.

“That's hard.”

The poem lying on the bed looked at his bony erection. I wanted to have sex right now, but I still had to endure it. I just got back, and if I just had sex, it would be weird to put up with it.

“Hmm……. ”

I heard the dishes crawling in the kitchen. The city looked up at the ceiling and examined the plans.

At this point, Eugene was almost finished. The launch and operation of Quezron was sufficient by consultation with Eugene, and Cafe Quezron was clearly left firmly in Cheongdamdong based on its overwhelming taste. As the cartoons that spawned the eggs reacted well, many things were happening gradually, but one of the biggest problems remained.

It was a matter involving the women who had been made without any action. Until now, all the places where I lived were different, and I had stood behind one foot and formed a relationship, so there was not a big problem, but if I put it under one roof, I could not have a problem.

I asked the egg, but I needed to be more clear about the problem.

“Hey, we're done here. ”

After finishing the dishes, Eugene lay on the bed as if it were natural, hugging the poem. The poem also stroked Eugene's hair gently.

“Let's think about how to launch the brand. I want to make a brand called Quezron alive. In fact, I want to not only launch a clothing brand, but also sell top-quality cosmetics under the same name to give people the impression that Quezron is a top-quality product. ”

“It's the same name as your coffee shop in Quezron, is there a special reason? I think it's the best option to do it because it's a brand that people already know is very expensive. It takes more money and effort to build an image than I thought. ”

“A special reason... …. Of course I do. It changed my destiny. ”


Seeing Eugene making a curious face, the poem just glanced at him. If he hadn't inherited the Kestron legacy, would he be able to talk to Eugene like this now? The word Quezron for himself was more valuable than anything else.

He stroked Eugene's soft hair and talked late into the night about how the situation would launch the brand. I kissed intermediate, rubbed my body, and made an arduous skinship, but I never went any further. I couldn't be more patient.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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