Under one roof.

The poem borrowed a piece of clothing from Eugene, who never had anything to wear, and drove his car in front of the villa to a house in the province. When I came to Eugene's house, I told people around me that I hadn't been in for days and that I hadn't heard from them, but I was sure that everyone was worried a lot.

After running at a good pace, I was able to get home in less than 4 hours. I stopped in the parking lot and then took the elevator up to my house.

I don't have much time left in this office. Since the cafe acquisition was almost over for my parents, I didn't have a problem going to Seoul right away, but I had to fix up my relationship with the women first. Otherwise, it was terrible to imagine what kind of trouble would happen there.

Everyone else is fine, but the most important thing is to solve the problem between Eunji and Familiarity, Chan and Yumi....

“Sis! Sis... Brother!"

As the poem opened the office hotel door, Aru, who was sitting in the living room, called the poem in a surprised expression, and then he was moved, calling out, and finally hurriedly rushing to the poem and hugging him.

“How are you? ”

“Brother……. I missed you so much. * Sobbing * ”

The poem was overwhelmed and came to the living room with a tearful aru and sat on the couch.

“Hello? You should have called me halfway. Aroo's been holding on to his phone all day waiting for your call. ”

“Did you? Sorry Aruya. I was going to call you in the middle, but things got a little... I'm sorry."

In the words of the spawn, the poem shrugged and stroked Aru's head. I did not see the situation, but it was clearly drawn in my mind.

“Hehe……. Brother.”

“Come on, calm down. ”

The poem tried to calm down the fluffy aru on his cheek like a puppy, and put it aside, but I didn't think I'd ever see him again in a week. Seeing that, I had no choice but to talk to the egg while holding the aru.

“Nothing happened in a week, right? ”

“Yes. Nothing much happened. Women come to visit you in the middle, but you don't have to worry about that part because I talked to them well and sent them back. ”

“Really? Thank you. Then that's enough. How about a cartoon? Do you keep posting on the Internet? ”

“I need to talk to you about that. I posted a few more when my brother was away. But the more views we get, the more comments we get. ”

When Eggplant's slightly clever face said that he had 300 comments, his cheeks slightly reminded him and he made a joyful expression. When I met him, I thought he was quite cool, but at some point, I felt a little clumsy when I dealt with him. Was it because he was so obvious about his life with Aruba?

“You're more responsive than I thought. Congratulations."

“Thank you. It's important to have 300 comments, but the publisher sent me a note two days before that. First of all, I haven't responded because I don't have a brother. What should I do? ”

“Already? You're more popular than I thought? I'll check it out. ”

When the spawn sits next to her, the pope pulls the tablet out of the subspace. I was going to check it out myself.

“Huh? What's the alarm for? ”

There was an alarm on the tablet that I just pulled out. It wasn't texting or anything like that, it was like an alarm from a quest app. Before, the alarm itself did not come, but it seemed to have been automatically updated.

The poem confirmed the alarm with a curious face.

[Kiss women with assets over 1 billion won.] [Completed] [EXP 400]

[Kiss the daughter of the CEO.] [Completed] [EXP 500]

I completed two quests just by kissing Eugene. I earned an unexpected XP of 900, but I still needed more XP to get to level 5. I needed more XP to get to level 4 or 5 than I needed to get to level 3 or 4.

After doing the calculations for a while, I again confirmed that I can't answer every quest in this way. Instead of having sex with dragons and earning tens of thousands of experience at once, I had no choice but to carry out quests to gain immense experience such as cartoons, YouTube, and more.

After a brief check, Eggs went to the site where she posted her cartoons and saw the comments, most of which were about praising the cartoons and wanting the next move quickly. The situation could be somewhat certain of success in a much more vigorous response than I expected.

Then I looked at the note that it came from the publisher directly.

[Good morning and welcome.

We are a mid-level publisher of great comics, both domestic and international. I'm writing to you because I want to connect you with the adventures of Ruth Morun online. If you're interested in publishing, I hope you'll connect with us.]

At the end of the note was the phone number of the publisher who contacted him. I was originally going to go to the publisher myself after gaining some popularity, but I thought it would make publishing easier.

“Are you going to call me right away? ”

The egg asked with an anticipated expression.

“If you agree, I've heard of this publisher. I think it'll be okay. I'll call him first. ”

The poem now calmly lowered the Aru kissing on the ball to the side, then took out his cell phone and called straight away. You hear a beep shortly after the call.

[Yes, I am Kim Suk-woo.]

[Hello. My name is Ruth Morun, and I'm a record-breaking artist. Thank you for your note and we've been in touch.]

[Ah! You're the incarnate. Nice to meet you. Can I talk to you now?]

[Yes, you can.]

It was a slightly lower and more serious voice, not a rattling voice. It wasn't a bad feeling when I judged it with my voice.

[I was really impressed by your painting on my side. It felt like a masterpiece of painting and storytelling. I'd like to talk to you about the contract in person, but when do you have a moment?]

[Any time is fine. But I didn't do the cartoons by myself. I did the stories. The girl next to me did the cartoons.]

[Ah, is that so? I thought it was a great quality comic, but I see you have a different storyteller. We really thought about Ruth Morun's adventure because it was such a breathtaking story that anyone could read, both young and old.]

[Haha. Thank you.]

[Then if it's time for tomorrow afternoon...]

The poem decided to meet with the editor tomorrow afternoon and hung up. Even though it's quite far from Seoul, I didn't have much to worry about.

The comic book deal was over and we had to solve a more realistic problem.

“What do you say? ”

“Come tomorrow and talk about the contract. If there's no problem, I think I can just sign a simple contract. ”

“Finally, the contract……. ”

The word "eggs" made an anticipated expression. It seemed to be the most caring and endeavorable thing to come to Earth.

“We can do the deal tomorrow, so that's fine. I have more important things to do. ”

“More important? ”

The words of the poem asked with a slightly suspicious expression.

“Yes. I asked you to help me solve a woman's problem. I think it's time. ”

“Ah……. ”

The poem gives you a nod as if the egg understood. I don't know much about the relationship between women in the poem, but I have a feeling about what it feels like. In fact, nothing is more complicated than the mind of a human being and nothing is more difficult than the problems of men and women, but I have a headache already about how to solve this.

“All the other girls are fine, but Eunji, Sook, Chan and Yumi are big problems. ”

“So let's start by telling them exactly what their relationship is and what the situation is. ”

Seeing that the eggs were so clever, I was able to understand people's lives and cultures in a certain way based on the information I had lived, seen, heard and felt on earth, even though no one had taught me for sure. Then I realized that it's not normal to walk around naked or have sex at home, whether you're there or not. Well, since it was natural for a monogamous country to go out with a woman, and to take care of it one by one and try to solve the problem with love, the poem itself did not seem to be the owner of an ordinary mindset in the first place.

“Well, then I'll explain from the beginning. ”

The poem began to explain gradually from the beginning. Since the spawning is the only person who understands his situation well and can help, it is better to have a full explanation than to hide something.

“Eun-ji and I used to be best friends, but now we're in a bad relationship because of me. Especially when you have sex after a massage, you get jealous of each other.... ”

Following the words of the poem, the egg's face turned red. I had a rough guess when I saw Aroo having sex every day, but I didn't know it was that much. I was amazed at how energetic it was to be able to have sex three or four times a day.

“Brother, I want to have sex tonight too. ”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Don't worry, Aruya. I want to be patient for a week. ”

Aru hugged the poem and said, "Maybe it's because of the sex talk." A week without poetry was so horrible that I couldn't even imagine. Every night, I was so lonely that I could not bear to hug the eggs and sleep, and I sniggered and cried while looking at the picture of the poem. Now I can't achieve anything except the situation in Aru's life.

“Well, we'll talk about that later, but let's finish what we started. ”

“Yes. Let's keep going.... ”

The egg sighed and stopped talking about the poem and the aru, thinking that it would be hard for him again tonight.

The story continued for a long time, and the egg flushed its face and seriously listened to everything. Although there were quite a lot of dirty things, the relationship was quite interesting, even though it was as complex as the drama.

“It's more complicated than I thought. Seems like there's a way... ”

“How? You're not using any weird magic, are you? I certainly don't want to do that. ”

“Don't worry, I won't use psychological manipulation or mind-control magic. According to my brother, Eunji and his jealousy of familiarity are quite strong, but I think we can solve the problem without having to stay in the same house, even if it's not perfect. ”

“Oh, really? How?"

The poem stared at the disturbance as if it were strange. I was surprised that I thought of a solution once I heard the situation like the fog that was completely invisible.

“That's because when there are only two people named Sook and Eunji, they fight because they are jealous of each other, but when someone who wants to be an enemy from the outside comes in, they think about the part of the relationship.... ”

The words of the spawn continue to drink, and the eyes of the poem glisten. Certainly not the perfect solution, as Eggplant said, but at least the foundation for a perfect solution.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The inadvertently placed first place is a buzzing comment. Excessive profanity has been removed. I don't think it looks good.

And the manager asked me if I wanted to join him... but I don't think it's appropriate for me to put up the Dragon Legacy two or three times a day. I'm so tired of using one thing a day that I don't have time to use a manager. I'm sorry I don't just poop and clean up after you. I'll use the manager to gather some quantities and I'll make a cascade. I don't think it's enough to write two copies every day...

As I said the battle for the first time, it's not the state, so I don't usually come out that often, but I was thinking I should start putting it in. I think it's going to come out soon. I would love to write a piece of battle game on the Dragon's Legacy, but even managers find it hard to write more in a courtyard where they can't play.

And finally, I want to thank you all for reading my article.

I'll try not to do it all year round.

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