Quezron Launch

Then he vomited blood again. I vomited blood and glanced at the situation as if I were going to tear it apart right away.

No matter how much I think about it, I have not done anything so wrong as to insult myself. Of course, he was badly injured because he didn't know how to control his power, but this was only a defensive action against danger.

You walk into a secret warehouse, you steal something, and you suddenly pull out your sword and you try to kill it. Who's going to let you kill it? It wasn't that I didn't fully understand the feeling of cursing, but it wasn't that I felt bad at all.

I felt sorry for seeing it spill from my mouth to my blood, but the look on the poem changed a little as I continued to curse.

“I just need a few more days to meet this bastard.... I will chase you to hell and kill you for sure. You don't believe me? Hold on. I'll kill you. ”

“I can't. I was just trying to heal you, but I need to fix your habits. ”

“Puhaha. You fix habits? Fuckers. Fuckers. The more you torture me, the more painful I'll kill you. Just know this, asshole. ”

Even though her face looked like she was about to bleed from her mouth to death, she cursed to the end and stared at the poem.

This made me feel like I wanted to give potions to heal more and more, but when the eggs came, I thought I'd just tell the soldier outside that I was a thief and hand them over.

“But we have to treat it first. ”

I was injured because of myself anyway, so I decided to treat the situation first. I had to get better before I could ask the soldiers to scold me or lay hands on the eggs.

After just curing him, he was able to rush back to kill him if his condition improves, so the city took out the tea and stockings from the subspace.

I didn't know why there were stockings in the subspace, but the poem tightly tied the girl's arms and legs with the teas and stockings taken out. If I had a long rope, I would have fully embraced it using the arm and leg knot I learned in the army, but I was happy to tie my arms and legs tightly because of the situation.

“You were a wicked and disgusting wizard, weren't you? You pervert... He's got a fucking dick, apparently. Little fuckers like you disgust me. I don't take whores. Fuck you.”

Since I continued to curse with a slang that refers to a man's penis, the poem checked the profile in case I was wondering.


[Age: 20]

[Height: 161.1cm]

[Weight: 42kg]

[Chest Size 70C]

[Number of Sexs: None]

[Pregnancy Status: No]

It was even more shocking that the girl who thought she was at most in her late teens was a little surprised when she reached the age of 20, but there were no more sex times than that. A virgin who curses with a penis like that? But when I think about it, even high school students did not think about the meaning and abused a lot. The thought of swearing expanded to the idea that the feeling of spitting out what was stuck in my mouth rather than thinking about the meaning anyway, but the poem shook his head lightly and cleared out useless thoughts. I liked that.

However, I could not show the penis myself, but I could not hear the insult because it was not small at all.

“Huff. Fuck. It fucking hurts.”

He continued to curse, and now he couldn't take it because it was so painful. Fryn sighed painfully, but he did not forget to curse even at that moment.

The poem lightly ignored Fring's insult and pulled the potion out of the subspace.


I opened my mouth with my hands and poured out some potions. I didn't want to be nice to a woman or a blasphemous thief like this.

“Queek! Queek! ”

In the middle, Fring coughed, but ignored the poem and tore the belly of the maid. I didn't know how to treat internal injuries, so I decided to feed the potion and apply it directly to my stomach.

I tried to tear my chest so hard that I couldn't see it, but a large portion of the maid's clothing was torn, revealing a coveted and dirty chest veil. Even the maid's coat wasn't very clean, but what happened was that the white cloth curtain curled up even more.

“Piece of shit. Are you trying to rape me? I can't feel your dick because it's too small. Sick. Khh.”

The poem took the potion to the belly of the Prince and rubbed it with his hands, thinking that he would definitely repay it later. However, the hand of the poet turned dark and dirty as he rubbed the potion with his hand.

Moreover, when Fring was wearing clothes, the smell of the least amount of it tore his clothes, and the smell of disgust crawled out of his mouth.


As soon as I smiled, the door to the treasure vault that was closed opened opened and there were several eggs with books in my hands.

“What are you doing? ”

Tied to the hands and legs of a girl in a maid's clothing, and a significant tear to her clothes. Here, the egg frowned as the poem grinned and touched the girl's body.

“Please, help me. This guy pulls me in here all of a sudden and tries to rape me. Please help me. * Sobbing * ”

Fring was just making a big insult like that before, but his face suddenly shifted when he came to complain about how he was about to be raped by the poet.

“Who is this kid? ”

But the eggs were also not ordinary. Ordinary people would be greatly embarrassed, but the egg looked at Fring with a subtle look.

“He's a thief. He got caught stealing gold coins, ran up to me with a knife and scolded me. ”

“Is that so? Please. I'll give it to the knights right away. ”

“Well, that's a lie. Please save me.This man threatened me with a knife and brought me here. I'm serious. (* Momma *) ”

Tears welled up from Fring's eyes in an instant. Even the top actors had to catch the emotion and do tear smoke immediately after they decided to do it.

“Enough with the crude lies. ”

It was a expressionless expression, but I felt like something was different from normal spawning. Is that the Princess' majesty?

“Then what is this? ”

The egg, which simply found a pocket of money in Fring's arms, flips its head back.

Gold coins collide with gold coins and pour out countless times. It was only after the gold coin had reached a small peak that it was a large bag.

“Fuck you, bitch. ”

Fring, who saw it, cursed the egg. As soon as he realized that the smoke didn't work, he immediately changed his position.


“Ugh! Ugh! ”

Unlike the story of endurance while eating the insult, the eggs immediately waved their hands as they ate the insult. You hear a murky sound of magic, and Fring flies away and spits blood out of his mouth.

“Please wait a moment. I'll send some knights to wipe out the Nine and bring them to their senses. ”

Approaching Fring, the egg grabs its hair and tries to drag it outside.

“Now, wait a minute. ”

The situation was slightly embarrassed because it was so different from the usual eggs, but I couldn't let Fring be so intelligent that I woke up.

I really didn't like him enough to hit him right away, but why should he be so smart? Although he had a 21st-century mindset, he didn't want to commit such an act of murder, even though he was someone else's hand.

And there was one big reason why I shouldn't have killed Fring.


“Let's teach them what they did wrong, rather than kill them. And I want to learn from him. ”

“Are you going to learn to swear? ”

“No, no. I want to learn a little body warming. You're very agile, unlike me, and I'd like to know that trick. ”

“Well, I understand. She's the one you caught. You can dispose of her. ”

The egg released Fring's hair from its grip.


When Fring vomited blood with a much paler look than before, the poem opened his mouth again and fed the potion.

“This…… sh……. ”

Whatever he was about to say, Fran eventually passed out, unable to speak a word.

I fainted, but now that I've fed the potion, I probably won't die. Maybe.

“The book is here. A sword that only a small part of the royal family can learn. ”

“Oh, thank you. ”

The poem examined the book with an interesting look after the egg gave it to him. The book was detailed in a picture of what to do from the basic description. At this rate, I thought I could learn from the situation.

“Oh, and can I take this sword? I'll give you money or something. ”

The poet said to the egg, who had roughly thrown a fragment of Lunas into battle earlier.

“Take whatever you want besides the sword. There's a lot of these secret warehouses rotting away anyway. ”

“Haha. Really? Then I'll take some jewels and gold as a souvenir without any thanks. It's mine anyway. It's mine, isn't it? ”

“I don't know.”


The lightly smiled poem picked up the pouch of Fring, whose eggs were thrown on the ground, and put it in the sub-space after containing a substantial quantity of Doubloons and a portion of the gem that Fring worked hard to collect.

Thanks to Prince, I got a decent pouch.

“Let's go back. I'll take care of Fring, so don't worry about the eggs. ”

The poem, who picked up the stunned Fring, crossed over to Kestron's Castle with the spawn.

“Well done. Get some rest first. ”


The poem that sent the eggs home first put Fring roughly on the couch in the library.

“It's Koontz.”

“Yes, Pope. ”

“That girl's hurt pretty bad. Is there someplace we can fix her? ”

“Yes, there's a treatment room. May I show you?”

“Well, wait a minute. Let's find some restraints first. ”

I asked Konz to turn my study into a room full of low-grade magical items. And then I started looking for the equipment to put Fring away.

[Handcuffs of Love. Wild handcuffs for lovers who like to play on restraints. It doesn't burn or get hurt in violent movements.]

Strangely, there were many sex-related items, but the situation was not at all interested in SM, so I ignored them all and found some decent restraining items.

[Arrest for criminals. Restrict your strength to prevent criminals from easily rebelling or escaping. Each additional room increases the range of strength you can limit.]

Given that none of the lower magical items were perfectly subdued, I decided to settle for this.

“Yes? Should I use this too? ”

[The Confucius of Love. Wild Confectionery for lovers who like to play on restraints. It prevents drooling without hurting my jaw, even if I bite for a long time.]

It was an Adalt video, a restraining order with a round ball that I had seen in AV. It looked so adult that it was the best thing to shut me up.

I didn't mean to be naughty, I just meant to keep my mouth shut because I insulted him a lot. The other one was a violent muzzle for criminals, and it was an inevitable choice. It was true.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

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