Quezron Launch

The poet who had taken all the restraints returned the room to the library and took Fring to the treatment room.

In a large space, there were many baths like a bathhouse. I didn't have much of a question about the treatment in a place like this.

“How do you do that? All I have to do is put it in the tub? ”

“Yes, it heals naturally, not only in trauma, but also internal injuries. because it increases the healing power that people have. You can use it once because it also helps you get better with a simple cold. ”

“Really? Does it work in diseases that don't usually get better, like cancer or Atopy? ”

“It doesn't do much good for that disease. My primary purpose is to heal external wounds. ”

“I see.”

I was wondering if it was true. I did not expect much, so I was not disappointed. And even if it could cure cancer, I wondered if I could use it. Unlike merely expensive clothing, the treatment of cancer was different from what the world had noticed. I was sure that I would be in big trouble if I couldn't try to restore this ability because I made a mistake.

“Let's start by getting ready to put it in. ”

The poem tore Prince's clothes first and stripped them all off. Since the servant's clothes were already torn, it was easy to just tear them up.

You have an incredibly large chest with an incredibly agile and thin figure, just like your profile. Such a cute face and unnaturally big breasts would appear to be quite attractive at times, but no matter how angry and twisty I felt about the girl named Fring, no matter how naked I thought it was, I just felt dirty.

Then the restraints I brought earlier were placed on Fring's hands and legs. This gives me some relief.

The gravel was bitten, but I was going to be bitten if I woke up later.

“Is this tub automatically cleaned up? ”

“Yes, it cleans automatically, so you can use it at your convenience. ”

After Konz's confirmation, the poem put Fring in a healing bath. I wanted to throw it away roughly, but then when I drowned in my mouth and nose, I could suffocate and die, so I was as careful as I could so that I only drowned myself up to my neck.

“You can put your head in the water and you can breathe. ”

“Oh, really? Wonderful?”

The poem goes to the bath right next to him, tucks his face in, and breathes carefully. Like Konz said, it really breathes. However, it was not that the water full of oxygen could enter the lungs, but that when I breathed, only the oxygen dissolved in the water entered my nose and mouth. I don't know the details of the structure or method, but there were more than one or two things that were beyond the imagination of a dragon.

Since the safety check was confirmed, the poem threw Fring into the bath. Like a strangely precipitated rock, Fring sinks completely to the ground.

“Teach me when Fring wakes up later. ”

“I understand.”

The poem left the healing room and went to the concert hall.

I was going to gather Maggie until Fring woke up. We had to catch giant lava silkworms and train diligently because we needed more than 60 years to use Lunas' fragments.

Sitting on a flat, black stone in the concert hall, the poem pulls out a summoner from the subspace. I couldn't eat all three at once, so I wanted to eat one at a time and increase my drink safely. Should I say I don't want to be in too much danger?

When I opened my neck, a rich herbal scent spread deeply. It doesn't smell as good as the smell from an old book, but it smells strangely good.

As I swallowed the summoner, I put it gently into my mouth and began to warm up in my chest.

The poem immediately closes his eyes and begins to change the energy emanating from the Summoners to Finish. The black stone that heats the buttocks increases the absorption rate of the energy coming from the elixir, and the stature's yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin was very high than before, so I could easily change to yin yin yin yin yin.

He was already lying as if his blood was already wide, so he was able to get a little more than seven years out of the 10 year mark for the summoners without any difficulty.

In a short effort, the poem obtained Margie, which is equivalent to seven years of training for others. The world was so irrational.

“Phew……. ”

With a light exhale, the poem opens its eyes, feeling like the lower half of the battle is getting heavier as the number of horses lasts seven years.

I was thinking about it for a while, and then I ate another group and made Margie for seven years. It is not a game reality in reality, but when someone collects hard-earned air every day, the poem simply collects a period of 14 years so that the blood flows backwards.

Two of the summoners had just reached the end of 50 years, and now with only 10 more years to go, Lunas' fragments could be used.

“Dear Pope, ”


When the poem opened his eyes, Konz called out.

“The woman who brought him back woke up. ”

“Oh, really? Thank you."

The poem raised his left hand to check the time.

10: 30 am.

Apparently, they started collecting Margie around 3: 00 in the morning, but she passed away for 7 hours in a hurry.


The poem came down from the Black Stone and moved to the healing room.

“Untie me! Untie me!" ”

He shakes his restrained hands and legs and shouts roughly when he wakes up.

“You still have a foul mouth. ”

“You little fucker, nice to meet you. How dare you tie me up like this? ”

Immediately after discovering the situation, Fring woke up in the bathtub like he was running right now, not even caring about being naked. Fortunately, the strength dropped considerably, so I quickly collapsed again.

“Son of a bitch. After stabbing you with that gallbladder, it's as painful as it can be.... Town!”

I don't think we should leave it alone. The poem took the pebble out of the subspace and bit it in the mouth.

“I feel better now. ”

“Urgh! Urgh! Town!"

Even with Fring's hands and feet restrained, he was biting the gravel naked, making it seem like he was filming an AV right now. But, like AV, Fring wasn't giving off a wild look, he was trying to tear him apart right now.

“Konz, is Fring all right? ”

“Yes, Pope. She had some pretty bad internal injuries, but she was cured for seven hours, and they all healed. ”

“So there's no place like solitary confinement for such a rude child? ”

“Yes, it does. It's a solitary confinement room where you put prisoners in there, and you can't hear anything outside, and you can't feel anything at all. And the nutrients themselves are distributed in the air, so that breathing doesn't kill them, and it doesn't cause physiological effects like urine or feces. But I'm not hungry enough. ”

“Great, that's great. Is the light coming in?”

“No, because the brightness of the solitary confinement room is kept bright and dark, you can't even feel time when you're inside. If you don't have enough mental strength, you have to control your mind just by staying inside for a while. ”

I liked the solitary confinement room. I decided to put him in solitary for a while because I needed to make Fring the world's scariest.

Trying to have a conversation now was meaningless and annoying, so I decided to have a conversation after I had a hard time.

“Take me there. ”

“Yes, Pope. ”

The poem still picked up the fringe from the water.

“Urgh! Urgh! Town!"

Fring twists his body strongly, saying something presumed offensive. However, the strength itself was significantly reduced, so the poem was able to block most of the movement just by lightly empowering the arm.

The poet followed Konz and put Fring right into the solitary confinement room where he led him.

The solitary confinement room itself was not that large, but curiously, there was no wall at the end of the room at all. It was just an endless spread of white space.

“I won't let you out of here until you reflect. Oh, and some music to cleanse your filthy mind. Wait a minute."

“Town! Town! ”

You ignore Fring shouting something, and the town closes the door to solitary. Then I immediately summoned the door and crossed over to the room with Aru and the eggs.

It was already morning, so there were no arrows or disturbances in the room.

When I went to the living room, Aru, who was leaning against the egg and watching TV, immediately felt the spirit of the poem and rushed into his arms. After a moderate stroke of the aru, I found an old MP3 in the poem's room. Then I downloaded the half-night glasses from the music site and put them into MP3 and went back to Kestron's castle.


When I opened the solitary confinement room, Fring looked at the situation as if he was asking me to save him with a very stiff eye, unlike before.

“It's useless because I know it's an act. ”

Because I saw the smoke that I had done to the eggs earlier, I ignored the situation lightly, repeatedly reproduced the half-diameter on MP3, and then plugged the earphones into Fring's ears.

“I'll come back when I've cleared my mind. ”

“Town! Town! ”

When the door closes, you are completely silent without even knowing if Frin is inside. However, unlike the invisible inside, the glass in the middle of the outside made it easy to see what was happening inside.

Now that I've done this, I've decided to think more about Prince later. It's going to take some time to get that poison out.

“You should go to school. ”

Since the class was almost over, the poem went back to the room and immediately showered and went to school.

I wanted to see the swordsmanship that Egg brought me today, but the city knew better than anyone that if I didn't go with this lazy mind once, I wouldn't go.

I was only late in the afternoon after taking all the classes, enduring the desire that arose in my heart, so I could only return home after the class.

After a brief dinner, the poet returned to his room, crossed to Kestron's castle, sat on a cushy chair in the library, and began to read the swordsmanship.

The history of early swordsmanship was light, and I began to read about it properly.

[…… The knights who have just entered the sword think that if they only knew how to use a sword, they would reach such extreme hardship that there would be no enemy. But this is a huge misunderstanding. Swordsmanship is the best cutting or destructive force a human can produce, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's strong. Nevertheless, there are no great inspectors who use swords and have not yet reached the barren heights.

The reason is simple, because if you sweat a lot and don't practice a lot, you won't be able to develop a sword. In other words, the great tests that were able to express the sword could become great because they had undergone such harsh training.]

So, in the end, what this sword says is that you have to train hard. It was so natural that it was boring, but it wasn't that I didn't understand. But I was more interested in the word black.

The best cutting and destructive force a human can have.

I searched the book to see if there were any such settings, such as grade for the sword or steel, but there was nothing like that. Rather, I accidentally found an explanation of how to express a sword.

“Shall we try it? ”

Immediately, the curious vision immediately went to the armory and found a sword that resembled the sword in the book.

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Thank you for reading.

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