Quezron Launch

[Blood of Cargo. A strapping sword made by Cargo. It's the most popular of the 3 positron swords. Cargo's special magic and immersion make it a better cutting force and durability than other swords.]


When I pulled the sword out of the sword, it was a longsword similar to the one from the book. The performance of the stabbing attack, not to mention the slashing, was well balanced and had a moderate weight that was usually used with both hands, but could be used with one hand.

“A little over a kilo? ”

The poem carefully raised his knife, grabbing the handle with both hands, tried to make a reasonable posture. I had never held a sword like this before, so I felt awkward even thinking to myself.


I split the air more forcefully than I could swing my sword lightly. The day rushes through the air and makes some pretty eerie noises.

“That's scary. First I have to practice with a wooden sword. ”

The poem put the sword in the sword, carried it like a wooden sword, and went to the training room.

The training room was equipped with a training tree to test the cutting power of the sword.

The poem standing in front of the training tree throws it next to the wooden sword and draws the sword again to get into position.


I took a short inhale and tried to cut down the tree with my strong sword.


Instead of cutting down the tree differently, I just flew a lot of debris on the surface. I didn't even know how to use the sword in the first place, so everything from the distribution of power, balance, posture, and so on was a mess. It was strange to have a tree cut down while swinging like this.

“Then how do you make a sword? ”

I carefully placed it on the black floor and double-checked the swordsmanship.

[Expressing the sword is very difficult. Simply put, it is difficult, but if you don't have the effort and talent, you can't develop the sword even if you stick it to the sword until you die. Several conditions are required to express the calibration.

The first one had to build up through training before the bottom. If you practice using a sword that accepts the energy of nature and not just wielding it normally, everyone gets excited at the bottom. Use that energy to make your way to the sword by piercing the blood on your arm. So far, no matter how talented you are, you must practice swords for more than 30 years.

Second, we need to move the energy through the bloodstream. If the machinery transferred to the palm of the hand is assimilated with the sword, then all preparations are made for the machete. It's almost impossible to assimilate swords and chi. However, if you have been training your whole life and have sold it to the sword, you will see the way someday.]

“Mmmm…. ”

Not only did the advanced swordsmanship presented by the spawning, but it was also clear how to operate the air in exactly the way it was meant to.

“I kind of get it. Shall we try it?”

The poem raises Margaery and sends her right hand to pick up the sword that was placed on the ground again. The book said it took 30 years to build up and pierce the bloodstream, but it was meaningless to the poet who already had the blood transfused.

So far, it was no different than usual, and this next was important.

I tried to move him to the sword in my hand, but he was strangely weak. Even when I pushed it, only a trace of Margaery disappeared.

Even though it didn't work out, the situation decided to increase Margie's amount at all. You pull out a stronger magical force and send it to the palm of your hand. Since it was not a finely pierced bloodline or the same bloodline as the broad road, the huge amount of Margaery moved, but there was no pressure at all.

As you push Margie back and forth, her blade, which had only been injected with trace amounts, was piling up. The sword will only surrender to the sheer power of the poem that uses Magi for decades because there is no trading in the quantity.

It was not a fairy tale, it was a compulsory injection.

“Oh! It's glowing. ”

You feel a slight pinch of blue light on the sword that was shining silver. It felt like the blue energy was seeping into the sword rather than just the color turning blue.

The poem looked impressed and looked at the blue sword that was fluttering like a haze. Even though I used Margie a lot, I raised my sword to be a hard-ass.

“Let's do it!”

The poem gained great confidence and stood again in front of the training tree that was just about to be cut down.


Then he grabs his swords and swings them forcefully.



Earlier, the sword only scratched the surface and protruded out because the strength was not concentrated. With a faint feeling that the sword had cut something, the two cavities were easily cut down like a tofu.

This curiosity made the poem swing its sword at the tree once more, lightly forcing it.


I only gave a little strength, but I easily opened two cavities as before. The surface of the tree was incredibly smooth to the point that it was cut with a sword.

It seemed that it was not expressed to the book of sword that it was the best cutting force humanly can produce. The tree is pierced and cut down just by wielding the sword like a joke.

The situation became a little creepy and blocked Margaery from supplying the sword again and again when she felt like she could do nothing about it when she accidentally touched the human body.

Suddenly, the blue light that was shining on the sword faded away and turned into a normal sword.

“That's a lot of Margie."

A third of Margie disappeared just by putting her sword in the trash for a moment, not by intertwining with the sword.

However, I felt pretty good because I was able to make a sword called a harsh hardness. But I still had to adapt to the sword and swing it like my hand because it was too dangerous.

Now, the poem made a sword and used it as if he had entrusted it to an elementary student. No one knew what was going to happen after using the sword.

The poem came back to the front of the book again, starting with proper practice.

I learned how to use the sword from the ground up.

I thought I had to do something like this, but I didn't know what the danger was in the Tual volcanic zone, so I had to be able to protect my body. And I felt good about it because it was becoming clear and strong enough to feel it.

The poem practiced and practiced the sword, sweating thickly every night like this.

* *

Café Quezron's homepage was completed during the chaos of learning how to use a sword. The overall configuration focused on designing simple yet neat, not so different from other cafe sites. Nothing so far. However, unlike other cafes, Café Quezron did not set up coffee or other menus, but actively used Yumi photos to create something special.

There was no awkward cosplay at all because the uniform design and the beauty of Yumi fit perfectly with the other cafes. Rather, it seemed to fit so well that it led the men's uniform fetish to the extreme.

Every man knows, but just because you have a low quality cosplay and are simply exposed doesn't make you attracted or obsessed. That cosplay requires quality and attractiveness to make your heart throb and cramp, and if a woman with such a job is really pretty and attractive, she will become popular beyond cosplay constantly on the internet.

Yumi's picture felt like that. Beautifully enough to appear in movies or cartoons, the cafe waiter was wearing cute fresh uniforms and shoes, so it was hard enough not to store pictures for any man.

The poem also created a gallery that purposefully compiled pictures of Yumi. Regardless of the cafe, Yumi was dressed in pretty clothes taken in the studio. I also received the picture and put it in the background of the computer.

However, no matter how pretty Yumi was, people couldn't know that the website was finished, so the poem put a huge promotional poster of Yumi's picture on the cafe glass. And there was an event underneath that poster to sign up for a homepage and get coupons to save 50% on coffee prices.

It was also for the purpose of promoting the cafe homepage, but it was also various undertakings for later. The first thing was to attract the subscribers. In this way, if there were many users visiting the website, Yumi would be more exposed, and the more it would increase Yumi's value.

And shortly after the event, according to the poem, there was a little talk about Yumi on various sites.

[Huff-puff! Isn't this girl beautiful? I went to the cafe site and saw this photo. The boss put a lot of photos of him. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. He's ridiculously cool and has a celebrity face. What kind of woman wants to have a personal cafe model? Is that 'cause you're a real photoshopper? Is it rotten eyes in real life?]

[Oh, she looks like she goes to our school. That's right. 100% right on the face and body. I've seen it a few times in school, but it's not a goddess' prank. A decent man would look at it with a genuine heart. Much prettier and better body than photos. Even if she's a celebrity right now, no one will suspect it. Word on the street is she's not the only guy who's after her, but she's too pretty to get close.

Where's the school? Verify it's crazy, it's bullshit.]

[Bullshit is real. She's from Sungkyunkwan University. I saw it more often because it was next to us. It really cleanses my eyes. If you see a girl who thinks she's prettier in her class than she is in her class, she's got rotten eyes.

I couldn't stop praising Yumi. There were a lot of anti-Semitism kids, but more and more people wrote that they were right.

The poem was reading the articles with a happy expression, but you have a lot of seniors who are aiming in the middle. Do you want to share and write a review? After reading the article, my expression became more and more distorted.

It seemed like Yumi would need mental education and some measures to keep her safe. I had no intention of interfering with Yumi's privacy, but I needed to get rid of the overly twisted flies.

“That's it for now... ”

The town covers the laptop and lightly opens its base.

It's already past 11 o'clock at night looking at this kind of information.

Usually, we have to cross to Kestron Castle earlier and practice swordsmanship, but it's a little late.

Besides, it's time to check on Fring's status. I always check Fring's condition in solitary confinement with the glass on the door, but now the poison has disappeared significantly from my eyes. At this point, I thought we could have a conversation.

The poem crossed over to Quezron Castle immediately went to the solitary confinement room where Frin was trapped.

I looked inside with the glass on my gown without opening the door.

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Thank you for reading.

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