Internal air, exercise, knowledge, magic.

The startled situation shocked me and let go of my hand and crushed my butt.

I met the eyes of the poem who was making a trembling face.

“Piece of shit. ”

He said, looking at his expressionless face as if he saw a disgusting insect in the mouth of a hymn.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. ”

The poem stood up and politely apologized because he was right.

“Get lost, you bugger. ”

I was wrong, but I was slightly offended by the compliment. I must have made a mistake and apologized, but I felt I had to curse like this.

“I know I made a big mistake, but didn't you say something a little harsh? ”

“Okay, just get out of here. ”

I would have just said I was sorry, but now I couldn't bear this insulting talk. A woman should not be vulnerable. The poem was weak to strong men, but weaker to women.

But now I can't talk to a girl with a B cup and a pretty face. This is how self-confidence comes to the surface.


The poem called, but Chan just ignored it and tried to get off the bike and go to the changing room.

When I finished like this, the poet, who was chasing praise quickly because he really thought he had done something bad on purpose, suddenly stopped with a grumpy face and turned around.

“You, huh? ”


The poem suddenly stopped and tried to stop itself because of praise, but the body did not become willing. It was natural because of the inertia. Just as the car pressed on the brake while running, it did not stop immediately, and just as there was braking distance, the landscape also tried to stop as quickly as possible because of inertia.

At this rate, I felt like I was going to smash my arms open and hug the hymn. Thanks to this, I was able to stand still for a second or two.

The situation arose in my mind to wonder if this was really real. It was also a spill that was unusual.

“Hey! Let go of me! ”

Immediately after hugging the poem, the praises with an angry face rang out loudly.

Everyone in the gym is looking this way.

“I'm sorry. ”

Praise be to the Apologise.

“You've been sneaking up on me for this, haven't you? A sex offender like you needs to get his dick cut off. ”

Earlier, he looked annoyed, but now he yells like he's really angry.

“I didn't steal it before. I was wrong, but you're mistaken. ”

“Do you think I've seen guys like you once or twice? ”

“Yes? I looked at you? Why am I looking at a face that's not that pretty? ”

The poem has been for a long time. When someone criticizes or insults you, you pretend to be insufferable and polite, and use sarcastic language that raises the opposition.

“What? Ha, are you thinking about your face now? It looks like an ant lick.”

I was still angry, but when the poem taunted me and said it, I said as much as I could think of.

“You're talking too much.

The situation is getting angry. What do you mean, you licked an ant? Is that an ant licking you when you speak?

“You're a gangster, aren't you? It's obvious what you're doing. ”



I said a compliment, and I made a slightly embarrassed look on my face and went inside the dressing room after laughing.

The poem boiled inside. I can't believe I just made a mistake, even though it was a little awkward looking at a hairless vagina!

“You'll never let go. ”

He glanced at the chanted dressing room with hot eyes. Though he did not know praise, he was not of the dispositional nature. That's why, even in the Legendary League, he committed such actions as insulting himself and deliberately killing his enemies with retaliation.

People murmur as they look through the dressing room. They look like perverts.

“Ah, this is the worst. ”

I returned home, but I kept thinking about what happened at the gym. I was ashamed to suddenly think of myself or put on a blanket when I fell on my face.

As the poem sighed in agony, Aru took his hand to the poet and stroked his head. He decided to say a word. However, I was so ashamed that I just stumbled around and couldn't reach the poem easily.

“Why? Aruya? ”

“Oh, no. Brother.”

The poem stares at him and says, "Aru is suddenly embarrassed and turns his head."

Since yesterday's sex, the poem seems to be avoiding Aroo. I even thought I was avoiding him because he was sick yesterday.

“Did it hurt yesterday? I'm sorry."

When the poem approaches and hugs the aru, suddenly the aru pushes the poem slightly.


“Ah! My Lord, I'm sorry. ”

Suddenly, Aru pushed me out, and I was embarrassed. Aroo was greatly embarrassed at the moment and said that he was the master.

“No, it's okay. I'm gonna take a break. ”

“Ah……. ”

Aru lets out a sad sound when he goes to bed, saying the situation is okay. It wasn't like that before, but since yesterday, I'm still conscious because I'm embarrassed by the situation. I feel like my heart will burst if my eyes touch me or my hands touch my body.

The poem thought that Aru was in a bad mood today and thought about how to give praise. Suddenly, I thought that the biggest revenge was to make her fall in love with herself.

There was nothing more refreshing than a cold kick when she confessed against herself.

“But how? ”

Yes. I spoke to her earlier and she seemed to have extreme disgust for herself. You said everything you said about licking ants, didn't you?

The current situation had nothing to boast about. I did not have a good education and did not have a lot of money. If he had a handsome face and a good body, he would use a handsome penis, but he can't do it with his face and height now.

“Have I ever been this good? ”

No matter how much I thought about it, there was nothing to boast about. The only thing is that it has the legacy of Kestron, but it was also taken by luck, not by effort.


No hobbies and no expertise Ugly face and poor house.

“It's really gone. ”

Suddenly I feel depressed. I feel angry and frustrated that I haven't had anything good in 26 years.

I received the Kestron legacy, but I felt that I was really using it to a lesser extent. It's full of good stuff, but I can't wait to use it at this level.

I mean, who would want to go out with themselves?

“Damn it.”

While he was lying in bed, he opened the book he bought last time. All he could do now was accumulate knowledge, exercise, and accumulate internal air.

It was natural to collect EXP and inherit a level 3 inheritance, so it was not worth mentioning.

The poem was praised. It made me realize my own shortcomings.

After reading the book, I learned my brother by looking at the letter of recommendation. So far, I have only been able to imitate the moves while looking at the book.

In the evening, I paid attention to skin whitening in the Elven state bath and applied the cosmetics I received as an inheritance thoroughly to my face along with Aru to reduce wrinkles and remove blemishes.

And after reading again, at 10 o'clock, I have sex with Aru for the yin and yang union.

It was the second sex, so it still seemed to be a little more painful than pleasure. Still, I longed for the lips of the poem constantly, smiling to see if it hurt less than yesterday.

A similar day followed. In the morning, I go to the playground to celebrate and go to the gym when I have time. And he remembered his commitment to not fall in love with the praise of looking down on him with contempt.

In the afternoon, I met Eunji, Minyoung and Hyoju at a nearby cafe, but the previous line of dialogue was changed to English and ended. I decided to eat with Eunji next week anyway, so there was no big hurry.

Although it was the test period, time passed, not studying for any test, but only caring about self-improvement.

And Tuesday.

After barely finishing the English language test, I came home to read and was resting, and suddenly I got a call from Jiyoung.

[Hey, Shifu!]

Jiyoung's voice was slightly hovering.

[Sis, what's wrong?]

[The cosmetics you gave me earlier. Is there another one of these?]

Finally, the voice that the poem had been waiting for came.

After 3 or 4 days of applying cosmetics, the effect slowly begins to appear. The blemishes and wrinkles on your face don't disappear, but the wrinkles and blemish improvement effect is starting to appear to be noticeable enough for anyone interested in the skin.


The situation was not as reckless as the last time. That's when I realized I always had to hide my cards.

[My sister called me because she wants to buy this cosmetic. You told me our pope was gonna sell cosmetics.]

[Ahh…… Okay, but I can't just sell it to anyone because it's expensive and it's hard to get. I gave it to you for free.]

[Oh, really?]

Jiyoung smiled in a cheerful manner at the words of the poem.

[Yes, so I only want to sell to certain people. There's not a lot of them in the first place.]

[Don't worry. Sis, she works with me, and she's very close to me. I guarantee it.]

[Really? Then I'll only sell it to you. When do I get to meet him?]

[My sister wants to buy it right now, but how's our pope doing? Are you okay?]

[Um, hold on a second.]

The poem looked at the watch. Seven o'clock at night.

I pretended to take the exam today and check my schedule to make no impression that I had nothing to do but do nothing.

[Can't you?]

[It's a test period now, but I'm asking you for a favor, so it's okay for a while. Where do I look?]

Jiyoung cautiously asked, but she said with a nuance that the poem is busy because of the test, but she is going out because of her sister.

[Oh, yeah? I'm sorry. I'll buy you something delicious next time.]

[It's okay, Sis.]

[Thank you, Mr. Hwang, would you like to meet me at the cafe in front of the school?]

[Yes, I understand. I'm leaving now.]

[Yeah, I'll see you soon.]

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