Internal air, exercise, knowledge, magic.

I hung up the phone with Jiyoung, and the poem just revisited the conversation. It was more important to find out if there were any gaps in the conversation than to finally be happy to be able to sell 5 million won of cosmetics.

“Fair enough. ”

I was satisfied. It was a short conversation, but not as foolish as before, and I tried to make the most of it by hiding what I had.

If Jiyoung had just said yes when she wanted to meet, she would never have said thank you. Being favored by Jiyoung not long ago was really helpful.

The poem changed his clothes, put a set of cosmetics in his bag and headed to the cafe where he was supposed to meet.

When I opened the cafe door, I saw a woman in her mid-30s and Jiyoung sitting in the corner of the window, and the first woman I saw was covered in acne scars. It was a face that made sense why I coveted my own cosmetics. The appearance itself was not bad, but the acne scars made me not very impressed.

[Park Hye-jin]

[Age: 34]

[Chest Size: 75A]

[Number of sex: 808 times]

The situation started with the profile. It was the woman I had sex with the most.


“Ah! Here comes the poem. ”

Ji-young greets me when the poem calls.

“This is the situation I was talking about. ”


“Hello, I'm Park Hye-jin. ”

In the greeting of the poem, Jiyoung's sister looked at the poem slightly. Unlike what I thought, the clothes or appearance of the poem did not give much credit.

“It's the Apocalypse.”

“What would you like to drink? I'll buy it for you.”

After finishing the name, Jiyoung talks to the poem.

“Then I'll have lemonade. ”

“Yes, I'll order some. ”

Ji-young told me to order, and the two of them hid an awkward silence. The poem thought about what to say.

“Maybe……. ”


“If you don't mind me asking, can you identify the brand of cosmetics? ”

“Oh, a brand? ”

The poem was wondering what to explain to Hye-jin. The longer I responded, the more I started to lose confidence, so I had to tell a lie as quickly and accurately as I did the truth.

“It's Quezron, but you haven't heard of it since it's not sold like a regular brand. My uncle works at an overseas laboratory that makes this product, and he doesn't make it unless he orders it in particular. No matter how much money you pay me to buy this, I won't make it for you unless you're a specific person. ”

“Is that so?"

It was plausible to hear what the poem said. If I had just heard this without information about the product, I would have thought I was a fraud right away, but it sounded good because I had already tried it once and knew the value of cosmetics.

Hye-jin thought it was a lie to make fun of him when Ji-young first said she was wearing 5 million won cosmetics with a spooky tone. So I said it with a slightly offensive tone, and then I brought out a bottle that looked really luxurious. When I applied it because I thought Jiyoung would never use it just once, it was a unique aroma that stuck to the skin and gave off a subtle fragrance. And when I confirmed that Jiyoung's skin was clearly smoother than before and that wrinkles and blemishes were noticeably clearer, I completely fell in love with her as I had seen my first love.

“Yes. My uncle sent me several orders that were cancelled from the Royal Court of England. I can't even imagine how cheap it would be if my uncle worked there. ”

I didn't think I'd stop once the lies came out. However, to provoke Hyejin's vanity, I thought it was a bit excessive to say "Royal Britain", but I looked carefully, but I didn't see any suspicious appearance. Rather, I could see him recite the word "imperial Britain."

When the poem saw him, he sighed of relief lightly.

“Sissy, I got it right here. ”

Ji-young wanted to come a little later, but she immediately got lemonade. I don't know if it's because it's annoying to go back and forth or just to be left alone.

“Thank you, Sis. ”

“Thank you for this. ”

Jiyoung looked at the situation with her eyes filled with admiration.

“Can I see your product? ”

“Of course.”

Hyejin said, the poem took out the cosmetic set from the bag.

Whether it was sprinkled with pearl dust or a silver flashing white cosmetic box was too pretty to be used for decoration.

“Oh, my.”

Hyejin admired the box as soon as he saw it. I heard it was a product from the British Imperial Court. Unlike other luxury cosmetics, the box was full of luxury.

After opening the lid very carefully, the word "mother" continues to appear from Hyejin's mouth.

“The composition is small, but if you use it consistently, the scars, blemishes and spots on your face will disappear. ”

“Can I try it on? ”

Hye-jin excitedly told the poet.

“I brought my lotion. Use this."

I took the lotion that the poet was wearing from his bag and gave it to Hye-jin.

Hye-jin opened the lid with a trembling hand, floated the lotion inside and applied it to the back of his hand and smelled it. A unique aroma spreads gently. I really like the smell even if I smell it again. It does not smell like a common cosmetic, but it smells like a mysterious flower in a deep forest.

“Are you okay, sis? I'm not lying. After I put this on, the blemishes and wrinkles started to fade. You suffered a lot from acne scars, too. Maybe this will make your face really smooth. ”

Hye-jin definitely wanted to have that cosmetic product since it was next to Ji-young. However, a realistic amount of 5 million won catches up. It was all good, but I wasn't sure if that cosmetic was really worth 5 million won.

“Can't you just give me a little discount? ”

“I'm sorry, I'm almost on the market, too. This is a really expensive price. I know Jiyoung, so I'll give her something cheap. ”

I thought the poem might talk like a fraud after talking, but Hyejin didn't suspect anything at all. I thought it might be worth it because I actually felt the performance of the product.

I could ask him if he would feel guilty if he sold it at such an expensive price, but I thought the situation was too cheap to sell cosmetics that do not exist for 5 million won. Well, I didn't intend to pay for this.

“You can't pay in installments, right? ”

“I'm sorry."

Hyejin continued to conflict. I was hesitant to spend 5 million won at a time.

“By the way, ”


“What if the acne scars don't go away, even with this cosmetic? ”

I believe that it works on acne scars, but if the scars don't disappear, I feel like I'm being scammed. It smelled good and moisturized, but it was not enough to pay 5 million won.

“If it doesn't work after a month, I'll give you a full refund. ”

The poem said with confidence. The basis of fraud is that you always have to be confident. If I can't even make eye contact, no one will suspect me first.

“Well……. Hmm……. Then I will trust you because you are also my close brother. ”

“Oh my God, are you really living? ”

Hye-jin, who was struggling for a long time, said. If the salary of two months flew at once, but the acne scars on my face disappeared, it would not be a waste. If it didn't work, I had no reason not to buy the money back.

“What are you going to do with the money? ”

The poem was so happy that a smile was about to burst out, but he insisted and asked with a serious face.

“I'll send it to you right away on your phone. ”

Hyejin took out his smartphone and paid 5 million won to the city with internet banking.

“I sent it. Check it out. ”

“Wait a minute. ”

I tried to hold on to the tablets when I saw the Internet banking for 5 million won, but my jaw keeps going up.

“Sissy, did you get the money? ”

“Yes, thank you. If that doesn't work, please give me a call. ”

The poet took the exercise sheet out of his bag, tore it up a bit, and then wrote down his phone number and felt a bit uncomfortable. I had not thought of this part, but I could have a very negative impact on the reliability of the product beyond the look of selling 5 million won cosmetics and writing down the phone number on torn paper.

“Thank you.”

Fortunately, Hyejin takes the paper and puts it in his bag like a cosmetic.

“Sis, I'm going to buy lunch with the poet. Are you coming with me? ”

“I have to go home now. You two have fun. ”

Hye-jin said with a look on his face, "I'll step aside." Just the way Jiyoung kept staring at the poem stickily, I knew enough about the relationship between the two of them. And I wanted to try this cosmetic as soon as possible.

“Sis, we're going. ”

“Goodbye. ”

“Yes, have fun with Jiyoung. ”

Jiyoung and the poem that separated from Hyejin left the cafe ate pork ribs at a nearby store.

“Sis, thank you. I sold cosmetics because of you, so I'll buy it for you today. ”

The poem said with gratitude. I would never have sold cosmetics without Jiyoung. He didn't have any connections or anything.

“Sis, you said you'd buy me something delicious. Don't bother eating. ”

“But……. ”

“The pope can buy it for you next time, so just eat it today. Oh, by the way, I was supposed to buy it next time on the phone, but somehow I got it today. It's okay, right?”

“Of course you are. Thank you so much. ”

Ji-young baked the meat and as soon as it ripened, the broken version of the poem was placed on top.

“Have some, too. ”

“The Pope needs to get fat. ”

I wasn't sure why Jiyoung was grilling so gently, but I was so happy that a beauty like Jiyoung would bring up the meat. Come to think of it, it's the first time I've eaten with a woman in 26 years except Aru and my mother.

“Sis, I'm having a corrective surgery this week. ”

“Correction? Where? ”

Even if everyone else did, Jiyoung was the most awkward person to meet after calibration. As I work in dentistry, I was as careful as I could because the knowledge related to it would be even better than the situation.

“I booked it last time because my mom has a hospital that someone she knows well. I was going to cancel it at my sister's dentist's, but I couldn't help but notice that she made the reservation herself. I'm so sorry, Sis."

The poem asked my mother for forgiveness. There were no deceptive lies.

“No, it's not. You have to listen to your parents. I don't want to be good later. And don't feel burdened because you don't have to do it in the dentist. Okay?"

I was worried that Jiyoung would think me to be a jerk, but she advised me as if she understood everything differently from what I thought.

“Thank you, Sis. But I'm so nervous because I think I'm operating. ”

“Extrusion is not a surgery that takes that long and you can eat in three or four days, so don't worry. I mean, don't you think you'd be really handsome after that? The pope has pretty eyes and nose, so he'll be handsome if he gains weight and corrects it. ”


At Jiyoung's words, the poem smiled pleasantly. I think of myself after I have calibrated already.

Jiyoung folded her arms and led her home as if she were taking her food for granted. We didn't talk to each other, but it seemed like we had an agreement to have sex.

Immediately after entering Jiyoung's study room, the poem wanted to hug Jiyoung and kiss her, but sat in a gurney.

Like Jiyoung said before, women will hate being so stubborn. So when I was having sex with Aru, I used to caress her for a long time and insert a penis.

“Sissy, I'll take a shower first. ”


Jiyoung hung her clothes on a hanger and put her brassiere and panties in the bath basket in front of the bathroom. The poem sat on the bed and gazed at him to the end, swallowing his saliva.

I turned on the TV, but the spirit of the situation was all in the bathroom. When I hear the shower sound, I can automatically imagine how Jiyoung would wash.


I can't even imagine my penis burning. Sex was the best play ever. I enjoyed sitting at home on the internet and wasting my time. Especially when giving vaginal assessment, the pleasure was self-soothing and refused to compare with when wrapped in toilet paper.

As I waited and swallowed, the bathroom door opened and Jiyoung came out, wiping her body.

“Hey! Can't you turn your head? I'm ashamed of you because you're a birthday girl. ”

As the poem sits on the bed and stares straight through, Jiyoung slightly covers her face and shouts. So not because I was ashamed to show my breasts and vaginas, but because I was ashamed of my face without makeup.

“You look beautiful without makeup. ”

I thought my face was a little worse than when I was definitely cremated, but it was not so different from when I was cremated, and I was not stupid enough to get this idea out of my mouth.

“No. Don't look. Go wash up. ”


However, it was one of the things that the woman hated the most, so the poem went straight into the bathroom and took a shower without talking.

When Jiyoung was lying in bed, wearing a thin layer of basic makeup, watching TV, the poem gave up his erectile penis and went to Jiyoung.

“Oh, what a pervert you are. ”

“Yes? Why? ”

“You don't know? ”

“How can you do this because you're so pretty? ”

“You really.... ”

Jiyoung bursts into laughter as the poem reveals more penises that are leaking Cooper's fluid.

Jiyoung grabs the penis of the approaching poet with her hand and sucks it into her mouth. The tongue licks the crown, plucking the penis deep into the throat.

Extreme pleasure as if the body were melting.

Afterwards, the poem and Jiyoung kissed and fondled each other's penises with their tongues. With a sticky groan, Cooper's fluid came out of the lungs and the vagina was secreted.

The excitement pushed the erectile penis into Jiyoung's hole. I had a lot of sex and now I can easily tell where to put my penis.

At first, I moved my lower back slowly as if I were tasting Jiyoung's quality, but the piston quality of the poem gradually accelerated as my excitement and excitement increased.

“Mmmm... Ah... ”

Jiyoung groans because she feels refreshed. With his fingers, he strokes his clitoris and swings his waist to the rhythm. The quality surrounding the penis of the poem repeats contraction and relaxation, creating an exhilarating sensation.

Only the murky sound of flesh and flesh colliding and the sticky groaning fill the room.

“Inside, inside, poppet. ”

Ji-young says to the poem, as soon as his penis twitches like it's going to accelerate and give him an excuse.

The epilepsy, which was originally intended to be vaginal, shot sperm into the uterus, and the expanded phase was accumulated before the inferior end by the perineum.


In the excitement of the situation, the situation took a deep breath.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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