Quezron Launch

“Yes. Question mark. Everything but the name is a question mark. ”

“Isn't that something to do with magical power? Occasionally, there are gems or tools that increase magic resistance to confuse information. ”

“Magic resistance? ”

“Yes. If not, it could just be a malfunction……. I'm sorry, I've never done this before, so I'm not sure why. ”

“Ahem……. ”

There was definitely a chance. Irene is unlikely to be aware of it at all, but is likely to have gems or tools with magical resistance. She was also a British princess, so it was not strange to inherit a jewel like that.

My questions were cleared. I wasn't sure, but I didn't think there was any other reason.

“Thank you.”

“No, Pope. ”

The poem quickly passes through the open door and releases the summon.

After a while, it was only a matter of time before I went to the bathroom, so I didn't have much suspicion.

I went to the first floor of the department store and looked around for Eugene and Irene. When they looked at each other so closely, they could easily find her without making a phone call. All I had to do was stare, stare, or face where people were staring.

“Brother! Over here. ”

As the poem approached, Eugene waved his hands.

However, Eugene and Irene were wearing shoes in a luxury store while the poem was in the car. I thought I was done shopping, but I felt like I needed to continue shopping.

“Ahh... ”

A sigh came from the mouth of the poem, and my face began to grow rapidly exhausted.

“What about Jina's shoes? Isn't she beautiful?"

“What do you think, brother? Is she pretty?”

The two women looked at the poem with a curious look at the answer. Then, the faces of the men who were constantly watching Eugene and Irene began to rot. I thought it was just two beautiful women, but I felt bad because I had a situation that looked like a boyfriend.

Of course, Eugene and Irene were often unable to eat or get along with any man in this department store without contact, but even the presence of a man who had a beauty regardless of that, most men were jealous at the same time.

When celebrity women got married for no reason, they did not abuse their husbands in comments. They were humorous expressions, but they were also comments because they were jealous and sick to the stomach.

“Well……. ”

Eugene's high heels were a design that he didn't really like. Thick leather straps wrapped around the tops of the feet, giving it no high-heel appeal.

“Isn't this prettier? ”

The poem looked around and showed Eugene one of the heels I liked. Since the heel is very thin and the heel is well exposed, it was an elegant and attractive diagram for women to wear just by wearing it.

“You like that kind of style. Then we'll buy one. ”

“Ugh, Stiletto Hill. Are you sure you want to buy that? ”

“Yes, I want to live where my brother likes it. ”

Eugene took the high heel of the poem, and Irene glanced at the poem with fierce eyes.

“I don't know if he's a man, but I can walk for half an hour in that thing, and my feet are killing me. Plus, what the poet showed me was very high heels, so I'd rather die than have that god in my hand. ”

“Well, is that so? ”

“Nice stiletto heels, though. Don't you know she's pretty? So why aren't they wearing them? It's so pretty and I want to wear it, but I can't wear it because my feet hurt so much. to the extent that the person who makes Stiletto Hill feel comfortable is really, really rich. ”

“I'm sorry. I didn't think that was it. ”

The poem apologized to Irene when she spoke in a strong tone, as if she saw an abomination. I just picked it up because it looked pretty, but it looked like a really sore heel. Men don't wear high heels, so there's no way to know how painful this is.

But I could find good information in unexpected places. The comfort of the feet when wearing high heels seemed to be a very important commercial element. If I could save this area, I was sure that the fashion brand, Kestron, would be able to do a great deal.

“It's okay. If you're pretty, that's it. ”

“What I'm saying is, if you wear these heels, you never want them to walk for long. Okay?"

“Oh, I'm fine. It's all useful even if you don't have to wear it outside. ”

“If you're not wearing them, what are you going to use them for? Do you want me to decorate it? Jina doesn't have a hobby of collecting shoes, does she? ”

“Well, there is such a thing. ”

Eugene blushes slightly and calculates the stiletto heel that the poem picked up. The next time I had sex, I made a purchase thinking of reporting this shoe that he liked.

“What are you going to use it for? You're curious.”

However, Irene continued to stick to Eugene and ask him where to use it.

“Oh, brother. Now that we're done shopping, let's go eat. ”

“Uh, uh. Yeah, should we go to the escalator? ”

“Anything's fine. Let's go. ”

Ignoring Irene's remarks, Eugene, with a box of paper with high heels, quickly walked in front of the poem and arms. I didn't say anything about the most important part, but I was ashamed, so my ears turned red.

“If you're not wearing them, what are you using them for? ”

At this point, Irene still seemed confused and chased after Eugene and the situation.

After eating at a department store and carrying the high heels I bought in my car, I went to Myeong-dong for a full tour. Although it was a weekday afternoon, Myeong-dong's streets were filled with foreigners from China and other countries.

Myeong-dong itself is a shopping destination, so there are a lot of cosmetics and clothing shops on the street.

Earlier, Eugene and Irene had just done a lot of shopping at the department store, and as soon as they came to Myeong-dong, they started walking around shining their eyes.

Unlike the department store just now, the situation was the first time I saw Myeong-dong, so I could follow Eugene and Irene with a curious look.

Obviously, even though it is Korea, there is a strange language around which Chinese, Japanese and other languages are unknown. Although most languages were not understood, the Japanese language was perfectly understood thanks to a pill for language acquisition.

While wandering around Myeong-dong Street, Eugene suddenly asked me to visit Namsan Tower.

I walked a little from Myeong-dong to the place where I rode the cable car. Although not as famous as Myeong-dong, there was a line of foreigners, even during the weekdays, full of cable cars.

After waiting a while, I got on the cable car, but it was a bit uncomfortable to move because there were so many people. Eugene and Irene were standing by the window, so the poem was close to Eugene and Irene to protect them from others.

When Eugene and Irene looked at each other, they looked at Koreans and even Westerners with girlfriends.

When the poem was close, Eugene cling to the poem for a while. It was better to hold the poem in the arms of a place like this than to see Seoul from a high place.

“Me too. ”

But even Irene, who was next to him, became attached to the poet. I didn't like the poem because it was interesting for Eugene to do, so I wanted to try it. Usually at this time, I have to get caught up in it, but surprisingly, Irene doesn't seem to know much about male and female relationships.

The poem carefully searches Irene like that. I was checking to see if you were wearing a necklace with magical resistance, but I was able to find it surprisingly easily. However, it was not like an old necklace, but a sophisticated modern necklace that smelled like a luxury shop.

However, just in case, the poem decided to investigate the necklace later.

I got down the cable car and climbed a few flights of stairs before I reached Namsan Tower. As soon as Eugene arrived at the Namsan Tower, he took out the poem and the lock with his name on it, and hung it on the wall.

Then it was filled with a refreshing smile.

I thought that's why I wanted to come to Namsan. Even the lock in advance, even the very prestigious lock, even the name of the lock, seemed to have been quite thoroughly prepared since a few days ago.

“When did you prepare that? ”

“When I came to Namsan, I made a custom order a few days ago to call. ”

“Jina didn't believe in that? ”

“Heh heh. Did you? ”

Eugene gives a slightly embarrassed smile, then crosses the arms of the poem and looks down at Seoul.

“Oh, my God, what a view. Jina, what's the name of that big building over there? ”

“Well…. I don't really know. ”

Irene, who was looking at Seoul downtown next to her, constantly asked, but Eugene enjoyed the situation and this moment while answering dry. It was nice and nice to see Irene for a while, but I wanted to spend this moment alone with the poem.

After taking a good look around Namsan, I took the cable car back down. After coming down Namsan, Eugene and Irene went around Myeong-dong to shop again, and the sudden exhausted situation followed with a weary look. I was not physically exhausted, but mentally exhausted.

I've been wandering around here and there, and time is running out and the sun is about to set.

After dinner in Myeong-dong, I went to a department store in Gangnam to buy food and liquor at night. There was only one cream roll from Japan that is very popular these days, so I bought it right away.

Normally, I would always wander around a limited place, but for the first time today, I was quite enjoyable to visit Myeong-dong and Namsan, but I was concerned about the existence of Irene, so the poem continued to examine Irene's behavior and so on. Then I checked my profile, but it was still full of question marks.

As the poem continued to look at Irene, Eugene noticed a few times, but it was okay to finish the first day of sightseeing.

The department store in Gangnam and Eugene's villa were not far from here, so they were able to arrive soon. When he stopped in the parking lot, he went up to Eugene's house with his hands full with food, liquor, and shopping.

“Hah, I'm tired. My legs are killing me. ”

“Me, too. It's hard. ”

As soon as I got home, Eugene and Irene lay in bed like they had fallen down. I've been wandering around all morning, and every man was so tired that he collapsed, but I couldn't feel any fatigue from the overwhelming windfall.

“I'll get ready, so wash up first. ”

“Ah……. Can't you take your clothes off? ”

“I'm fine... ”


When I looked at the poet Irene and said, Eugene looked surprised as if he had forgotten. I was so tired that I said what I usually said to the poet without thinking.

“I don't have to worry about it. I'll pretend you don't know if you're having sex at night. ”

Since he was an open European man about the castle, Irene talked about sex like it was nothing.


“I'm fine, really. I'm going to sleep in another room anyway, so even if I moan loudly.... ”

“Oh, no. I was just joking. Let's get you cleaned up. ”

At times like this, Irene would just keep talking about sex. Then Eugene, who could not bear the embarrassment, quickly took Irene to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, the poem set up the groceries on the table and organized the dizzy room. And I went to the bathroom attached to the room to wash up.

While washing my body in hot water, I thought of the situation.

I could just think of something that Irene has magical resistance to, but just in case, I wanted to check the evidence with my own eyes. I don't know if it was too sensitive, but it was because I felt strange that there was a profile coming out of this earth through question marks.

“Then…. ”

After taking a deep nap with Irene and Eugene, the poem decided to check out the jewels Irene had. I had to secretly examine the jewels in Irene's body while sleeping, so it was a little dangerous, but I couldn't help but remove them from my body.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

Thank you very, very much for the coupons you've given me for being such a bad writer.

I'll work hard!

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