Quezron Launch

After finishing the shower, the poet dressed in simple clothes returned to the room. However, Eugene and Irene continued to hear the sound of water and chatter in the bathroom, whether they were still in the shower.

The poem found a quest on the tablet, in case you were wondering.

[Have sex with a virgin princess. EXP 5000]

My experience was pretty high. It seemed that the fact that she was a princess and a virgin worked in combination to give a significant amount of experience.

[Have sex with the princess. EXP 2000]

By comparison, sex with non-virginal princesses greatly decreased experience. There aren't many princesses in one country, and it's only a matter of planets. There weren't many kingdoms on Earth. However, being a princess with a virginity here had such a huge scarcity.

That's why it was better to have sex with eggs than have sex with Irene, who may or may not be a virgin, to earn experience points. There's nothing wrong with being a princess on another planet that won't accumulate experience or be penalized, and the spawning was definitely a virgin princess.

It's just that nowadays, the eggs are a little rough...

“But that's a bit... ”

“I used to... …. ”

I heard Eugene and Irene talking faintly when they finished the shower. Eugene seems to be saying something in a slightly embarrassing voice, but I couldn't understand it properly because it was so small. The senses were more sensitive than before. Normal people could hardly hear it.

“Oh, I'm tired. I think I'm going to die because I'm more tired from the shower. ”

“Me too. I don't know when I've ever walked like this. I'd sleep in my bed right now. ”

Eugene and Irene came into the room after taking a shower to make sure we were done talking.

Dry hair and comfortably worn thin, short clothes made the eyes of the poem dizzy. Eugene was always naked and having sex, but Irene's body was so great that her eyes were dizzy.

“Did you wash everything? I'm tired today, so let's have a simple meal. ”

“Are you ready already? We could have been ready when we got out. ”

“I have some time left. ”

When Eugene said as if he was sorry, he replied as if the situation was not overwhelming. The poem was not interested in any of these trivial matters at all, and all he wanted to do was check the jewels in Irene's arms and resolve any doubts.

The poem glances at Irene. I checked to see if I had a ring and necklace, but I didn't notice that I was looking at my legs earlier.

Irene had no underwear at all. It was clear that a white teat protruded from the teat and was shining up to the teat. I was surprised by this, but the shorts attached to my body so close to my panties were representing the shape of Irene's vagina as though they were imitating it.

Earlier, Eugene came out of the bathroom and was not embarrassed.

“Oh, brother. Let's eat quickly. I'm a little tired. ”

“Yeah, let's do that. You both look exhausted. ”

When Eugene realized that the poem was looking at the place with an ax between Irene's legs, he quickly grabbed the poem and sat down on the table. It didn't feel good just to keep looking at Irene, but when Irene told me that she wasn't wearing underwear openly, I thought that Irene was seducing her.

If there was no poem with Irene, Eugene would call his friend right away and say, "Irene, why would he do that? It's ridiculous, 'he would have complained about everything.

“Wow, this soft cream is so good. ”

Whatever the poem and Eugene thought, Irene was amazed that the bread and wine she had bought earlier was delicious.

“Jina, hurry up and eat the poem. It's really good.”

“Ugh, yeah. Brother, let's eat too. ”

I just had a strange moment, but it became a drink in a warm atmosphere.

Eugene was very fluffy and liberal, unlike the image of a princess if it was the same image he had when we first met. I didn't even know she was a princess just by looking at it.

“Did you break up with your boyfriend? ”

“Yes. I kicked him out because he was annoying me. ”

“How did you piss me off? I can't imagine my pope being so good to me. ”

“I'm sick of death and I don't listen to anything I say...

At first, the usual story turned into something that women tell each other. Irene continues to complain and complain about her boyfriend, but Eugene is very tired and his eyelids are almost closed.

“Shall we go back to sleep? ”

“Ugh, yeah? Oh, no. It's okay."

When the poem asked, Eugene woke up furious and said he was okay, but soon after closing his eyelids slightly again, he began to doze off.

“Then stop drinking and get into bed. I'll give you a little blood massage. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

When Eugene was lying in bed, Irene next to him looked interesting.

“Do you massage? ”

“A little.”

“I'm very tired too. Can you do that for me? ”

“I'll start with Jina. ”

“Thank you. I'm going to a fancy, proper massage shop tomorrow. I walked a lot, and my legs hurt and I'm tired. ”

“Just take a break. ”

“Yes, take your time. I'm just going to sit here and have some more wine. ”

Fortunately, Irene showed interest in the massage and decided to make it simple. I was going to check it out in my sleep, but I was glad I didn't have to do anything suspicious.

When the poem and Irene had this conversation, Eugene, who was wary of Irene, intervened on the way, but as soon as he lay down on the bed, he fell asleep and could not hear the conversation.

The poem approached Eugene, who was sleeping on his bed, and massaged him lightly. Irene couldn't touch the places she wanted to touch, but she used the healing power to free her legs and back so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable walking tomorrow.

“Where would you like your massage? ”

“Go to my room.

Jina's villa is large and has plenty of rooms for Irene to live in.

I moved the room with Irene, who was reminded that she drank the wine well. Normally, he would have wondered how to seduce Irene while enjoying the situation, but now he was more distracted about identifying the ring and necklace, so he didn't want to do anything special about it.

“Get into bed. You can make yourself comfortable. ”

“Can I lie down like this? ”

Irene lies in bed. Even though the contours of the vagina are exposed, there is no shame in not wearing underwear at all, the eyes of the poem are drawn towards you. I was a little confused because there were several questions, but I couldn't help but be blind to the vagina in this situation.

“Here we go. ”

“Brace yourself. Be as good to me as you were to Jina. ”

“Haha. Of course. ”

The poem began massaging Irene's feet. They didn't wear high heels that much, they didn't have any stilettos, and they had straight legs.

“Hmm, good massage. If you're good at this, you're good to go. ”

“A compliment.”

I was planning a similar plan, but I didn't have to talk about it, so the situation turned to a smile lightly.

Irene closed her eyes after drinking wine and getting tired. I didn't know if I was sleeping or just closed my eyes, but the poem didn't have an urgent mind, and my hands slowly went up.

Even though the illusion that seemed to be in the labyrinth was attractive enough to create a strong desire to press down on the part of the chunky vagina that was perfectly shaped, the poem was repelling the temptation lightly and gradually reaching the necklace on its neck.

In order to study the information of the object, he pretended to massage the necklace and touched the necklace because it was possible to touch and examine the object.

The poem's hand crosses Irene's stomach and reaches her shoulder.

She closes her eyes as she sleeps and massages Irene's shoulder as carefully as she can while breathing regularly as she can. As soon as her hands reach up to her neck, Irene suddenly grabs her neck and pulls her into her chest.

“Oh, Irene? ”

It happened as soon as his hand reached for the necklace, so he was surprised and called Irene, but Irene hugged the necklace more tightly and did not answer.

The Pope's face burrowed through Irene's chest. Like any Korean woman I've ever seen, my big, elastic breasts provoked the face of the poem.

I was about to let go of my arm if I was going to do that in my sleep, but Irene was looking at her beautiful eyes with her eyes wide open.

The situation of this identity that really happened at one moment was confused as to what to accept.

“Can you let go of my arm? ”

“No, just stay here for a second. ”

In a slightly uncool posture, the poem buried his face on Irene's chest had a second thought about what to do with this identity.

However, when Irene's plump breasts and protruding nipples felt so clear that she was not wearing any underwear, but only a very thin tea, the penis of the poem was trying to grow gradually.

It was imperative that the penis of the poem grew because Irene's beauty and body were on one finger, and the best of her fingers was not exaggerated.

“Do you really love Jina? ”

“Of course. It's too obvious. I'm embarrassed to answer that. ”

The poem replied with a look on his face, slightly away from his buried chest. I loved all the women, not only Eugene, but Aru, Yumi and Chan.

“Hmm, really? ”

In response, Irene made an intriguing face.

“If you have the answer, can you let go of this arm? because it's a big deal if you're tired of this. ”

“Not yet. ”

“Ahh... ”

Suddenly, I had no idea why Irene was doing this. Before Eugene fell asleep just now, there was nothing wrong with just coming into this room and massaging. I toured normally and drank normally. I looked back a few times, but there was nothing picking me up.

“Do you want to have sex with me? ”


“Sex. Sex. Putting the Pope's penis in my vagina and making an assessment. ”

“Suddenly, what is that……. ”

“I got a little interested. ”

Irene smiles strangely enough to see that Irene was right in the daytime. But strangely, Irene didn't look at all familiar.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hello, it's only been a month...

I've had a few breaks, but I think it's really amazing and admirable for those of you who are constantly involved. Every time I take a break and return to softwood, I think I have to write regularly to complete it. After writing every day, after about two months, I feel suddenly demoralized and helpless even if I don't want to write.

Ah... I think I should write every day, but my laziness is too difficult to overcome. In that sense, I really admire other writers who play daily.

It's too hard for me to use the Dragon's Legacy, so I'm going to reinstate my manager soon. It's not a makeover, but I made some general edits to my manager, so I'm going to try posting again.

I'm sorry for those of you who have been waiting for the dragon's legacy... but I will rest and try to climb it. I don't know how long this will last, but I'm not in a bad mood right now.

Thank you for reading.

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