Dragon Lunamos

Clothes were important to get me to work. I don't know anything else, but the perception people get is different even if the clothes are worthwhile.

In that sense, the secretary was also a good suit for black stockings, high heels and maps.

The poem called Cornes and turned the room into a room full of clothes.


Despite several encounters, Fring groaned strangely about not being able to acclimatize, while Mina had not been surprised to see anything since she arrived at Quezron's castle.

The poem chose his preferred style of clothing in the wardrobe. The most important thing about choosing clothes was how much he liked them.

Kezron's wardrobe was designed to be nothing compared to the ordinary clothes in a luxury store, and functionally outstanding clothing could not be worn in a lifetime. I was filled with clothes that were so beautiful and spicy that I couldn't decide which clothes to choose for people with decision disabilities.

I took out all the clothes I liked. I handed the finest looking suit to Fring and Mina.

“Try it on."

“Yes, my lord. ”

After the poet handed over the clothes, Fring immediately took off the clothes he was wearing. When I took off the thin, brassiere, a large chest that doesn't fit at all. Unlike the awkward chest swings that are often expressed in games, a natural rumbling based on perfect physical movement appeared on Fring's chest. This sense of reality that I could not feel in the game was being overwhelmed by Fring's breasts.

Now that Fring has gotten used to it, he naturally wears a blouse and wears a black skirt.

“Why isn't Mina wearing it? ”

“Don't you have somewhere to change? ”

“The dressing room is over there. ”

“I see. I'll get changed. ”

It was digging a grave by myself to tell me to just change like Fring here. The impression I felt at first was more important than anything else. Never act as if you are interested in Mina's body. Naturally. It was important to act slowly and naturally. Rushing doesn't mean you have to force it.

“How are you, my lord? Is she pretty?”

While Mina was going to change, Fring dressed up and called the poem.

The moment the poem looked at Fring, attractive black stockings caught his eye. The adequate transparency that draws out the attraction of women without being overly black made the breasts of the poem palpitate. The black dotted white blouse and the H-line skirt also went well, but the black high heels were appropriately placed, making it look like a big business associate to anyone.

Eventually, Mina changed all her clothes, but in the case of Mina, there was a slight objection to the charm of clothes because of her beautiful but overly beautiful face. Thinking about it, so far, Mina doesn't even care what she's wearing. If your face is too pretty, is that a problem?

“Good. You two look good together. ”

How it was categorized. They both looked like secretaries, but they didn't think they could carry out their duties as secretaries at all. Just following me around like a secretary was enough. Having a physical relationship with a young and beautiful secretary is one of men's dreams, isn't it?

Since then, like a fashion show, Mina and Fring put on a few more clothes, leaving only the clothes that satisfied the poem, and putting the rest in.

I changed the room back to the bedroom and the poem sat on the bed. And I looked at Mina, who, despite wearing a T-shirt on her plain skinny pants, was giving off an overwhelming presence. It was intolerable to make that beautiful look ordinary. Appropriate adjustment was required.

“Can you reduce Mina's presence as much as I want? ”


“So let's zoom out a little bit. ”

According to the poem, Mina gradually diminishes her presence. Surprisingly, his face and body did not change at all, but his appeal was decreasing. At first, it was hard to endure even the most transcendent beauty, but as the existence gradually decreased, it became as attractive as the Aruna secret.

“Good. That's just it. Keep it that way from now on. If she's too pretty, other men won't wake up except for me. ”

“Humans who like the outer beauty of their shells. Pathetic.”

“Humans can't help themselves. It is human instinct to seek beauty in order to inherit a better gene for your species to reproduce. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to understand that, given its nature, than to swear unconditionally? ”

“...... That makes sense. I get it. Human nature, I get it. ”

Mina said in acceptance. Surprisingly, it didn't seem completely blocked. I didn't know that Yulnar could accomplish what he wanted.

But when I thought about it, I felt confused and the image was a little overlapping. Like a high-level compatibility with eggs? However, owing to her rare value as a princess, she still had the strength to withstand the beauty of Mina. It's just that now, all day long, she's turned into a parlour crasher who watches Aru and cartoons and animations all over the house, but she's a princess.

“It's time for Fring to leave the castle. ”

I thought I could take Prince to Korea now. Although the laroline that Fryn used to manage was a bit of a problem, he picked a lot of laroline in advance and put it in storage, so whenever he needed to, he and Fryn could come and win it together. If you level up later, you might get an automatic harvester or something.

“Lord, master, I'm sorry. Please don't kick me out. ”

However, Fring immediately frowned and began to pray, wondering if he misunderstood the intentions of the poem. Mina thought a new woman was coming in and trying to get rid of her.

The air cooled in a flash so much that I thought it would be a good atmosphere during the fashion show.

It was not a problem to seduce the situation and have all of this performance property. I didn't want to break up with the poem. Since there was no house, money, power, or ability to go back, he was sure to become a slave by spreading the streets, stealing, or being caught stealing. Fring knew his destiny.

In the old days, I didn't know it was unhappiness. It was natural. But now, living with the poem and eating fine food in a luxurious bed, I realize that my old life was so unhappy. I didn't want to miss this happiness. I wanted to live with the poem and have a normal and comfortable life with my child.

“Please forgive me. I won't do it again. I'll do whatever you want me to do. * Sobbing * ”

Fring had no idea what he had done wrong, but he sought forgiveness from the poem unconditionally. Tears poured down because I thought I might get kicked out.

“I'm not kicking you out. ”

Seeing him trembling like that and asking for forgiveness, the poem didn't even make a joke. Rather, if I had lived through so far, I would have felt sad if I could ask for forgiveness like that.

The poem hugged Fring so tightly that his big heart was crushed.

“Ugh... ”

“I'm not kicking you out. You're coming with me. ”


“Yes. Together. ”

The poem wiped Fring's tears.


Is it the tears? The nose and cheeks of the Valgrezin Fring ask again. In the big eyes, I was trembling as if tears were about to flow.

“It's going to be harder than it is now, because I have to help you with the tough stuff. ”

“Ugh... Thank you very much, my lord. I'll do whatever you say. Thank you very, very much. ”

Hearing the poem, Frin was happy to shed tears again. And I hugged the poem. I was so thankful.I thought the poem might have driven it out, but the poem was different from the other nobles.

“If you want to fix Fring's bad habits, you shouldn't kick him out already. ”

“Hehe, I will never steal again, I will never curse again, and I will be nice. ”

Now, Fring replied, puffing his face against the poem's chest, to see if it made him feel better again. I was smiling with red eyes, nose and cheeks because I just cried, and I felt a strange attraction from Fring.

“All you have to do is listen to me. Okay?"

“Yes! I'll take the poison if my master asks me to. ”

“Really? Then take this pill. ”

“Yes? Hey, pills? ”

Fring said this to show you what his faith is like. Suddenly, he winced as he took out a strange potion that gave him his identity. The poet didn't give me any medicine to die, but I was worried for some reason.

“You don't want to eat? ”

“Oh, no! I'll eat it. I'll eat it right now. Aye!”

Fring swallowed the medicine the poem gave him in one fell swoop. Immediately, I felt anxious that my head was sticking and aching, but I sighed for relief as soon as I became okay.

“Great. Now Fring is able to speak perfect English. However, even if it is perfect, it varies depending on the vocabulary and sentence proficiency that you have. ”

“Yes? What's English? ”

“The language I speak now. ”

The poem spoke to Prince in English, but he understood perfectly and instead asked him again in English. Yes, the pill I just gave was a pill for language acquisition. I deliberately taught English, not Korean. So far, Fring still has a lot of weak parts, so it was likely that it would cause problems if we let him write Korean. I was going to watch the situation in English and let you learn Korean later.

“Huh? Do I really use weird words? ”

Fring continues to speak, as he says. When I spoke in English with the blonde Frin in an office look, I felt like a refined foreigner without any camouflage. The image has changed considerably just by changing the language.

“Now, let's go to the library. ”

“Yes, my lord! I want to see another fun book. ”

As the poem and Fring left the room, Mina, who was watching the situation, followed her out shaking her head. No matter how much I looked at them, I couldn't understand them.

When he arrived at the library, he handed the books to Fring to understand the approximate concept of the Earth. After all, Fring knew more and noticed faster than Aru, so he could carry him around with him if he trained him a little.

“That's enough for Fring. Now, why don't we have a duel with Mina? Are you okay? ”

“It doesn't matter.”

With Mina's permission, the pope took Mina to the dugout. While the poem and Mina were fighting, Fring decided to look at the book in the bedroom.

[Classroom. Woundless Clash Room. No matter what weapon you attack each other with, you will only receive a hit that is reduced by more than the original, and no injury will be inflicted. It's good to check each other's skills.]

There was no equipment or furniture in the spacious room. It was just a white wall and a hard, ordinary floor. There was no shortage of struggle, but it couldn't have been so ordinary that the classroom created by Kesron was unharmed.

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Sorry, Pavak! I want to use it every day, but it still takes a while to write if it's not in perfect condition. But Faith is still coming back, so I think I can write it up in a day or two.

Thank you so much for always reading.

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