Dragon Lunamos

“If you fight here, you won't get hurt in any attack. ”

“Quezron's power. ”

Mina simply accepted. I was not surprised to see an Elf working under a dragon. Since the planet itself is its own home, there's nothing strange about its ability to approach the Almighty God.

“And I can change rooms any way I want. ”

From the menu at the bottom of the field of view, the location was Myeong-dong, Seoul, and the weather was clear. Suddenly, the classroom turned into a noun.

“This is where we were before. ”

“That's right."

Until just now, Myeong-dong's distance had been completely moved to a space that was just shallow. The streets were endlessly stretching, and where the ceiling was, the cloudless blue sky had the perfect distance. It wasn't just a trick. The mere deception does not represent the vividness that feels the same as this reality. The only thing that felt right in this perfect space that wouldn't be strange was that only Mina and the poem were there.

The poem marveled at the street. I can't believe this is possible.... I have no idea how powerful a dragon is. If you inherited a level 10 heritage, would you be able to do this? It was hard to imagine that the situation was due to excessive ability.

“Ready? ”

Mina is just standing still like before, but feeling great pressure.

“Hold on. Let's get ready. ”

The poem pulls Lunas' debris out of the subspace, into position, and raises Margie from the lower half of the battle. Margaery, who was filled with immense power, quickly flowed through the body of the poem and the fragments of Lunas, and the fragments of Lunas made perfect swords.

I feel tremendous power. 100 people on Earth use this power? No, 1,000 men could be slaughtered at once.

The eyes of the poem look at Mina and see a huge surge of energy. Professional boxers and mediastinospheres were fierce enough to consume their fears.

“Let's get started!”

“I see.”

At the end of the poem, a magical storm rages from Mina's body. The poem gave it to me, and the blouse and skirt were all fluffy, but unfortunately I couldn't see any panties.

Of course, there was no energy to produce 100% efficiency. Magic power and internal air were the same. Movement of enormous magical power causes a storm of magical power and spreads around it. In other words, even though Mina's clothes could not see her panties, it meant that she was moving enormous magical power.

“Diaz Pia. ”

A massive ball of fire forms next to Mina. At this rate, I was able to be hit by that fire all at once, but the poem was just staring quietly because it was more important to judge Mina's magic skills than to fight and find out who was strong.

A spherical flame was produced in an instant. I thought it would take time to use magic, but it didn't. A ball of fire, the size of a basketball, was emitting a great amount of heat as the eagle burned.

The situation felt a great deal of pressure, even though I was looking from afar.

“ ……. ”

Mina fires a ball of fire without saying a word. It was like a slow bicycling fireball, like a planet, with enormous speed momentarily, as if smashing it hard with something.


The poem was waiting, pulling up Margie in advance, to avoid the flying fireball or cut her into swords like in a cartoon. However, the speed of the ball of fire was much faster than I imagined, and I could barely avoid turning my head.

The flame just touched my ear instantly, but the poem felt the heat that would melt my ears. This was the dugout room in Quezron's castle, so I felt open. If it were real, my ears and face would melt.


The flame that struck the building after passing the poem exploded, making enormous noises that made them deaf to the ears.


Then part of the building melted down and the fire started to burn. With the sound of something exploding from the inside, a gruesome sound flows out of the building.

“Great, great. ”

The city was genuinely impressed by the glimpse of the burning building. I didn't think it would be this great.

“An Ascita. ”

Mina regains her magic, surprised or not, and this time, a spooky sphere begins to emerge.

Thinking that the sphere would freeze immediately, the poem rushed out of his feet towards Mina.


Despite pushing the ground gently because of Magi's strong strength, the hard floor dug a depression with a heavy sound, and the reaction caused the situation to have an enormous speed. At an uncommon rate, the poem reaches the target and slashes Mina with Lunas' debris. Inevitably fast for the average person and for someone who has learned exercise in earnest.

However, Mina simply paralyzed the poem's attack by a slight twist, and shot the poem with her expressionless sphere.

Unlike before, the sphere was faster and the range of spheres could be adjusted to fly towards the large body, so the poem could barely avoid it by bending its body as if it were skillful. After that, he quickly straightened up and ran back to stab her in the chest while she was still defenseless.


However, once I missed, I straightened the back of the poem to see when the sphere that I thought was over came back, and a cold cold cold phase rose quickly. His face distorted with horrific pain, frozen to the bone as well as nerves.

The poem tried to fight Margie, but it was not enough to repel the period that had already infiltrated the body.

Eventually, the poem became perfectly frozen, unable to move my hands and feet.

Mina waves her hand once and the heat clears and the poem can barely move her body. I didn't worry about getting hurt here anyway. I knew Mina really used magic, but I still didn't think I'd lose to just two spells.

No matter how weak the poem was, it seemed like magic was more problematic than that. The sphere's velocity is hard to react to. It moves in a free material. Once hit, it freezes and becomes frozen. Does this make sense?

“That magic, it's a scam. ”

“Fraud? What is fraud? I didn't use any tricks. ”

The poem is called scam by the expression "balance is so strong that it breaks," but Mina's expression makes no sense of understanding what the word scam means.

“No, that's not what I meant. That's too much magic. Isn't magic supposed to be slower? How can we not attack? ”

“A high-quality prosecutor would have simply broken this spell and attacked me at a speed I couldn't avoid. Your training is still lacking. ”

“It hasn't been many months since I grabbed the sword for sure……. ”

“Has it been less than a year? Then learning isn't so bad after all. With that much agility, you won't be defeated by any swordsman or wizard. ”

I haven't trained since I was a kid, and it's been months, and I can't believe I'm that good. Though Mina said this nonchalantly, she was quite surprised. It was not just a matter of months. The magical power and its speed were impossible with ordinary training. It must have been the power gained from Quezron's legacy. Soon after I got my inheritance, I became interested in what would happen at this level.

“So……. ”


“No, it's nothing. ”

Mina tries to say something, but quickly shuts up.

“Good. Let's do it again. ”

“I see.”

The poem and Mina started fighting again. Although the poem has been defeated many times, the tricks have increased over time, and the time to lose has become longer. It was impossible to win because the fundamental difference in skills was too great.

No matter how powerful and powerful the situation was, there was limited power available on Earth and Korea. But having power itself gives me a great sense of stability. At least the work itself will be rendered helpless and even if it is unfair, it will have the ability to solve it. Power is the most fundamental force human beings have.

* *

The more people who officially opened and bought Kezron cosmetics, the more controversial it was on the Internet.

Simply expensive and controversial was the story before the sale, and since it was sold, it has become a slightly different aspect.

It's not a dime or two, it's cosmetics that are worth the price of a car, so it was normal for women to post pictures on their favorite sites immediately, along with all sorts of luxury goods, and there was controversy.

[I made a cosmetic product for my aging skin that is getting worse. The latest celebrity trend in Keslon cosmetics!! My groom has been buying me a lot of trouble lately. Heehee! This will make your skin so clear and clean! My skin's gonna be like a celebrity now, right? Apply with coffee from Quezron Café.]

If I write like this, I take a picture of Keslon cosmetics, coffee, and luxury bags at the same time. It's not a big speech to brag about, but anyone who sees a picture bragging about it is fucking, so he who sees it will comment badly because his stomach is full.

The site where the men already go has photos taken with them of quezron cosmetics and coffee, blaming her for being a pretentious woman, and saying that the women who buy quezron cosmetics and coffee are stupid and pretentious.

Since it was not a product targeted at men in the first place, I didn't have to worry about it, but there were a lot of articles saying that cosmetics are only expensive compared to other cosmetics on sites where women go.

I used Quezron cosmetics to say I envy white skin photos of blemishes and blackheads, and comments on whether it really works or not, but the comments by employees of Quezron were not that bad.

Early in the morning, Eugene woke up, woke up and went to a site with only female members, checking daily for numerous comments blaming the Kestron cosmetics and frowning.

“Are you going to be okay? ”

“You'll be fine. ”

The poet said, sitting on the bed naked, patting Eugene's thighs on the Internet with a tablet.

“I'm a little nervous. Everywhere I go on the Internet, I swear to God. It breaks my heart every time I see our cosmetic writing. ”


While lying in bed, Juju Island woke up and squeezed his chest, hugging Eugene behind his back. The breasts that were smaller but more satisfying in size and elasticity than Prince were not tired of touching them all day long. The poem also grabbed Eugene's nipple, gently rubbed it and pulled it up. As the poem touched the nipple, the little Eugene's nipple slowly began to swell up.

“Oh my God, I'm serious. ”

“You really don't need to care. ”

The poem turned his head to look out the window as he kissed Eugene's neck and rubbed his chest.

It became a cold weather that slowly folded into winter. Outside the villa of Eugene, where the wind was strong and the branches were shaking, but the heated villa was full of warm heat and was enough for the poem and Eugene to live their lives without any clothes on.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

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