Dragon Lunamos

“How are you these days? Are you used to it? ”

The poem grabbed Fring's leg and asked. I like the rough feeling of black stockings quite well.

“Of course, my lord. He can do anything, no matter where he goes. But we're not on the subway yet. ”

“The subway? I don't care if you can't get on it. Okay, then don't call me" Master, "call me" Master. "If you keep calling me" Master "outside, I'll become a strange person. ”

“Ms. Grant? What's that? ”

“It means something similar to the owner. Call me boss from now on. ”

The situation was annoying and difficult to explain in detail, so I handed it over moderately. Whether you know what you want or not, all you had to do was not call me Lord.

“Yes, boss. I've never heard of Fring as the boss. ”

Frin even called the poet "the boss," but he tilted his head as if he still didn't understand.

“You said you know how to buy things at the supermarket, right? ”

“Yes, I can live. I had chocolate chips yesterday. Fries love chocolate chips the most. ”

“Fring is confident. Let's go to the convenience store in front of you. ”

The poem took out a hat that made an impression. I liked to be as careful as possible because my face appeared on the TV several times.

The poem and Fring got out of the car and went into the convenience store nearby. It was a convenience store in the neighborhood, but there were also a few guests.


When the door to the convenience store opened and Fring entered, the man at the counter and a few men who were picking things automatically turned to Fring in black stockings. The men who confirmed that she was a beautiful blonde with clear hair looked flawed at the same time as if she were weaving.

“You can buy what you want to eat and what I buy. ”

“Yes, boss. ”

Frye bought her favorite sweets first. And then I went around buying the corn tea and condoms that the pope told me to buy. Corn tea was easy to find in the refrigerator, but I had never heard of condoms, so I couldn't tell where they were.

Fring asked the male part-time student at the convenience store counter since it was difficult to find condoms.

“Where's the condom? ”

“Nose or condom? Wait a minute."

Suddenly Fring finds a condom, and the male part-time student is embarrassed and stutters a little. I didn't know the word condom could come from such a pretty mouth. The part-time student looked at the poem while looking for condoms. How can a pretty girl like that come and buy a condom with a guy named boss...? After the male part-time student, I began to imagine all kinds of things in my mind about what the poem and Fring would do.

“Hey, here it is. ”

“Thank you."

Fring picked up a condom at the place where part-time students taught him to calculate. When I scratched the card that the poet gave me and left the convenience store, the men chased Prince's back with a complicated look at the same time. The woman who looks like a secretary bought a condom with the boss and almost saw what would happen after that.

“You're doing great. ”

“Heheh. You're good, right? But what's a condom? Are you eating?”

“I'm not eating. It's for important reasons, but I don't need it. ”

The poem smiled and replied.

I don't know why he bought what he didn't need, but the poem gave him a reason.

After returning to the car, Fring ate the sweets he had just bought. The sweet taste of chocolate made me look mesmerized by myself.

“The card I just gave you is written by Prince in the future. Buy what you want to eat and what you want to buy. ”

“Yes, but Ms. Grant, You know, these sweets are delicious. Aww... I'm happy."

He was distracted by the fact that the Pope gave him a card, and Frye was distracted by the snack. It was because I still didn't know the importance of the card

It's been 20 minutes? I don't see any sign of Mina yet. The poem waits for Mina by touching Fring's thighs or touching her big breasts on the blouse. The chest of the C cup was showing great comfort even over an ordinary blouse, so it was hard not to touch it at this time.

Mina returns 15 minutes after the poem begins to touch Fring's breasts. It ended about half an hour after entering.

When Mina opens the door, the poem stops touching Fring's chest and sends her to the back seat. The video Mina brought was more important than Prince's breasts.

Mina frowns slightly and sits in the passenger seat as she sees the poem touching with his chest fully exposed.

“Did you get it?”

“Here you go. ”

Mina handed the phone to the poet. What Mina gave me was the latest smartphone this time. As the technology progressed, I was able to record quality and clean audio that was satisfactory enough on my smartphone.

When I received my smartphone, I immediately played the video. At first, it was recording only the sound of words on the black screen. The story of the sale through co-purchasing continued on the blog as the story of the episode was discussed in advance.

“Well done. I didn't care much for the back anyway, but you sound like a real employee. Did you know this was supposed to happen? ”

“We already know everything about the world. It's not that hard to say. ”

Mina replied dumbfounded.

It naturally led to a story about the skin of a powerblogger. And so naturally, the power blogger began to talk about the hidden truth. It was so natural that it was hard for even the town to notice that Mina had used magic.

“That's more than I thought. Meena's gonna make me so much more comfortable. ”

I told YuNarya to teach Illumina sex, but that was not the point. I wanted to have sex, but I really liked that ability.

“My Lord, no. Ms. Grant, I can do my job. ”

After praising Mina, Frin in the back seat asked the Pope to do something for him, too.

“Don't worry. Prince has a lot of work to do later. ”

“Hehe. Yes. ”

The poem soothed Fring returned to the officetel in Gangnam where Fring and Mina stayed. I had to make pre-edits.

While Mina and Fring were resting, the poem took their notebooks out of the subspace and sat at the table. Mina moves the recorded video to her laptop and starts making simple edits. The original video was divided into several cloud drives and backed up, leaving only conversations out of the video. I cut out only the truth and made it into two pieces, the whole conversation from beginning to end. The company I told PowerBlogger was Eunji's father's company name, so the company name was treated as a beep.

Now that I have finished editing, all I have to do is wait for the post of the Power Blogger. When the article came out, it must have been a huge impact on the image of a luxury brand called Quezron cosmetics. But we needed to take the risk for the greater good.

All the preparations are complete.

* *

Within a few days, a shocking article appeared on the internet. The article was about the major side effects that occurred after the use of Quezron cosmetics. Shortly after the post, information began to be shared on all sites.

The first thing that appeared in the shocking article was a photograph of a woman with messy skin and a kezron cosmetic.

[I can't get my mind off it, so I write here. Her face is pretty shaky, but I've heard a lot about her skin. But the woman who wanted to improve her skin, she worked so hard to get it, and with the money she saved up, she bought kezron cosmetics.

I felt a little pimply when I applied it at first, but I was tired, so I applied a lot of kezron cosmetics twice a day. And then one day I woke up, and my skin was all messed up. I continued to apply kezron cosmetics to make my messy skin better, but the more I applied, the worse it got, so I went to dermatology.

It turned out that my skin was ruined because of the poor quality kezron cosmetics that people couldn't even use. I cry every night because my skin is so messed up... I can't sleep because I'm so sad...]

In the end, there were pictures of the past skin that were fine, including the words "be careful when using kezron cosmetics."

The site was originally only available to women, but less than 30 minutes later, it was reporting a major war with over 300 comments.

[Wow, Quezron. Selling junk like that for 10 million won?]

[We need to sue right now. The corporations keep doing that because they don't let it go.]

[I was thinking about buying Quezron cosmetics too, but I won't even look at it.]

[I'm really sorry. If there is a skin problem, it's very difficult. Cheer up...]

[I have to go to the Quezron cosmetics site and say something. Does that make sense? Really?]

Comments were the criticism. Everyone was furious. I had a very negative opinion at an overly expensive price from the beginning, but the image of luxury that women had been acknowledged as being turned into the worst image all at once.

However, occasionally, the person who wrote the Kestron cosmetics directly made a comment.

[I've used Quezron cosmetics, but they're okay. I used to buy it because my skin was really bad, but it got really, really good. Honestly, I don't think he's wearing Kezron cosmetics...]

However, these advocacy comments, without knowing the atmosphere, were faced with harsh criticism.

[Hey, are you Kezron Albany? That makes sense.]

[Fuck? That's bullshit. Aren't you the one who didn't use it?]

[Your skin looks good with garbage cosmetics.]

I was shocked and erased from all kinds of insults in the advocacy of Quezron.

Women only sites began to produce all kinds of composite photos from male-oriented sites that were originally negative if there were many primary criticisms of women. Particularly, it was a composite photo of a basketball cartoon in which the poem alternated with the person who had previously caused great commotion clapping hands. Since the picture of the poem was already scattered a lot, synthetic data was not difficult to obtain.

This became a big issue, and the content was also published as a news article, and the portal site on which the article was published was covered with all kinds of insults.

It all happened half the day after the article was published. The speed of information spreading across the Internet was like an electrolyte painting.

I didn't know this until I got a praised call from the poet who was relaxing at home playing with Aru.

[You're in trouble.]

What happened? You're not hurt?]

When he first got the call, Chan talked so urgently that he thought he was hurt.

[I'm fine. It's not my problem. I'm having a big problem with an article on Quezron cosmetics on the Internet right now.]

[Ahh…… Now you're up.]

I thought it would be posted right away, but it was surprisingly much later than the poem expected, and I forgot.

[Brother, I've read the article, but the picture seemed to be a problem. People don't react that well, so I think we should quickly start by apologizing and realizing. I know Yumi and I have tried cosmetics, but I don't think the cosmetics will be a problem.]

Chan made his own cold judgment without being overwhelmed by public opinion.

[Okay, I'll apologize like Chan said. Thank you.]

[No, brother. Don't worry too much about what happens.]

Chan consoled the situation the whole time I called in case the situation was greatly broken.

After receiving a lot of consolation, I hung up on the praiseworthy phone, and then I got a call from Yumi, Jina, Eunji, and even my parents. It was a phone full of worries and anxiety.

Jina also asked me with a trembling voice, not just anxiety, but also how to solve the problem, but she told me that the situation is resolved by herself.

The poem posted an apple prepared on the Kestron cosmetics site.

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Thank you for reading.

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