Dragon Lunamos

[Our apologies for your concern. We have always strived to provide our customers with only the highest quality products, but we apologize again for any inconvenience this may have caused.

If you have a problem using our products, I don't think any words will comfort you. For those in need, we will do our best to help you improve your skin, as well as to provide you with better quality products.

If you have a serious skin problem, I will personally forgive you. We're sorry for your concern.]

The situation is like this and that, without making excuses, he only said that he was sorry unconditionally. There was nothing to be solved by making excuses like this. Rather, they are only criticized for apologizing again.

Soon after posting the apology, praise and Jina came to the palace. I came to the scene almost simultaneously as if on purpose and surprised the situation a little.


“Nice to meet you."

Of course, praise came to Jina first because she didn't come with me on purpose. The atmosphere was not very good because they had no reason to be close and could not be close. However, the poem did not dislike this awkward atmosphere.

“Let's talk in my room. ”

The poem took praise and Jina to the room. Praise and Jina were sitting at the table in the room. The town put a laptop on the table easily and apologized on the screen of the laptop just posted to the site. It was not long before the poem came into the room and manipulated the laptop, but there was a heavy silence.

“You know, one of the customers who bought our product had a problem. I apologized, but I don't like the sound of that. ”

He said, checking sites he had added to his favorites. It was very rare for the public to change their opinion by saying sorry because there was already a problem.

“Are you sure you used our product? I honestly can't believe it. I wear our makeup and everything around us, and you know how smooth and smooth our skin is. ”

Jina frowned and said that she couldn't believe it at this moment.

“Of course I do. But it might not be right for him. ”

The poem relaxed. I would have been embarrassed if I didn't know, but I was relaxed enough to hold a small spleen in my hand.

“An apology would be nice. I think, from a consumer's point of view, that there's a problem, but the fact that it's consistent with an excuse is it's secondly avoiding the problem in the business. It's obviously upsetting. ”

Praise looked at the apology posted by the poem and spoke from the general consumer's point of view.

“No, it's not an excuse. You don't know anything yet. Honestly, I'm not sure it's our problem, but I think apologizing first is our responsibility, so I don't think it's a good idea to be honest. ”

“I don't know if it's our problem or not, like Jina said. But I still think that this apology is the only way to stop the public from getting worse. If it's not really our problem, it will definitely come out in the future, and I think redeeming the image at that time is a way to minimize the risk. ”

“If you don't know if it's our problem, you should first find out the truth about the case. It's really hard to recover images that have already been damaged. People don't care much about what's already past. It's not just image restoration, it's just fixing the image that our cosmetics are a problem."

Seeing that Jina and Chan thought differently, there was a sharp conflict. Without even looking at the poem, Jina and Praise were staring at each other with firm expressions.

“I feel like a 99-minute discussion. Haha.”

The poem made a light joke to ease the mood. As Jina said, it was not our problem, but I also somewhat agree that the Apostle should be apologized as complimented. However, if we listen to Jina again and think about it, it was a very difficult problem to accept the problem that apologizing immediately is not our problem. If there really was a problem, the problem was the manipulation, which was no reason to apologize.

Even in the joke of the poem, Jina and praise did not open their faces. It was hard to reconcile the two of them now, and I felt that I needed to comfort them at night.

While Jina and Chan were talking, the poem went around on laptops like this. I was checking the opinions myself, and I saw a very eye-catching title on one site.

[It turns out he was a power blogger who actually smoked in Café Quezron when he wrote that he had bad skin after using Quezron cosmetics.]

How did you find it? Café Quezron is the same person who discovered it as the Power Blogger. The screenshot of the person who posted it was hard to believe because there was some evidence that proved it was the same person.

[Are you sure? So did he do it on purpose to get revenge for what he really did? This is kind of creepy.]

Given some information, there was also an article that approached the truth.

[Clearly, there seems to be some intention in the writing... …. I'll keep an eye on him.]

The poem didn't even bring out his cards, but the public opinion had already begun to reverse a bit. Even though it was so little, it was a big change for someone to start speaking from a neutral standpoint after just eating lust.

[If you can't attack the message, you asked me to attack the messenger. That's exactly what it looks like. What does it matter whether or not he's the real deal in Café Quezron? Now the point of criticism is that you end up using kezron cosmetics to mess up your skin and sell it to garbage for an expensive price.]

[Are they on the move already? Selling $10 million worth of cosmetics pays the bills.

I haven't even brought in the money for cosmetics yet, but that wasn't the point. After all, the flow of unilateral criticism has changed a bit, and it was important that the netizens now fight each other.

[Honestly, there's no evidence that she used cosmetics at all, is there? It's just a photograph of a bottle of kezron cosmetics with traces of use. And I was really surprised to see a high school girl with lots of pimple on her skin getting so smooth with a few of those cosmetics around me. It's worth 10 million won, but I think it's worth buying and spending it on someone who has a lot of skin issues.]

[I can't even go to a dermatologist for 10 million won. Is that what you call it? Is that cosmetic better than dermatology? That's ridiculous.

At first, it was just a simple criticism, but as the identity of the power blogger was revealed, there began fighting everywhere. Not only am I fighting as a power blogger, I'm constantly writing about whether I need to pay KRW 10 million for Keslon cosmetics. Korea's internet site was strung up with kezron cosmetics.

The poem enjoyed watching the fight and also told praise and Jina. When I saw the writings by Chan and Jina, who had been talking for a long time, I felt a little relaxed.

“I knew there was something about her. I knew it. ”

“Brother, we're not sure yet, so we should approach it more carefully. ”

Even though I saw the same article, Jina and praise reacted a little differently.

The poem glanced at Jina and praise. Originally, if it was just a little awkward, it would be hard to have good feelings for each other from today onwards. The situation was a little surprised because they might think differently to this extent. I was worried that I would be able to reconcile the two later, but first I had to deal with the important day that happened.

The poem sent a note to the power blogger with a different ID than the one he had previously contacted, because the identity of the woman who had already posted the post was revealed.

[Hi, I'm the President of Quezron Cosmetics. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We would like to meet and discuss in person, so please contact us at 010-xxxx-xxxx. Again, I'm very sorry.]

I didn't care if they contacted the power blogger or not. If you hear from me, you can record the call and go deeper, and if you don't hear from me, that's not so bad.

“I'll take care of this, so you don't have to worry too much. ”

“What are you going to do? ”

“Let me help you. ”

Jina and Chan asked at almost the same time. Even though they were fighting, they were worried about each other, so they only glanced at each other and looked at the situation with a worried look.

“Well, it's going to be okay. ”

I didn't know what confidence the poem had to say, so I was just worried about Jina and praise.

Jina stayed until late at night. The atmosphere of praise and praise is not good until Jina returns.

The atmosphere of the house was quite heavy because I knew everything that had happened to the poem except Aru.

No matter what the mood, the situation continued to look at the internet and keep looking at the timing of the cards.

The controversy lasted until late at night, but the day after the poem woke up, he was slightly distracted. The community sites were all flowing as usual and there was only a post about prominent quezron cosmetics.

The poem that was aiming for timing posted at 1 pm, not in the crowded evening. The poem was posted on a site where women had a lot of worrying counseling. It made the situation interesting that the site could post anonymously.

The poet wrote himself and then called for an egg to resign once. If she hadn't touched me, I thought the writing would be awkward and I needed the help of the eggs.

[I'm telling you the truth about the Quezron cosmetics case.

I was really worried about seeing this post yesterday... but my mind wouldn't allow me to keep lying about what I'm about to do. This post is for my conscience, not for Kezron cosmetics.

A few days ago, I was talking directly to him for a co-purchase inquiry, and during the conversation, there was a talk about skin, and I overheard the truth. I thought it was nothing, but now that I think about it... my hands are trembling with fear...]

I used to wrap things like this to make it feel like the poem was not sown intentionally, but a real conscience.

The poem posted an edited recording file to YouTube and then linked it.

[I didn't record this on purpose. I recorded it as usual, and I didn't know it until later. I put it in my bag, and I edited my company name so it didn't sound very good, but I never made any changes...]

Finally, the poem captured and connected each of the communication notes, traces of the call, and then pressed the Complete button.

The poem checked to see if there were any replies to yesterday's messages, but there were no replies. Rather than contacting him directly, he decided it would be better to leave this negative opinion as it is.

Naturally, the poem became an issue all at once. I thought I would do most of my work on weekday afternoons, so I put it up until late in the afternoon, but everyone was reacting fairly quickly to whether they were working on the internet or not.

A voice recording file confessing that the power blogger deliberately ruined the skin to get revenge on Quezron made the cold heat rise again.

Yesterday, it turned out that the article was written on purpose because people were accused of being serious about Cafe Quezron, and people were shocked.

[Wow, I told you not to talk nonsense when you saw someone do it on purpose yesterday, but it was real. Amazing, really.]

[If this is true, it's psychopathic. It's really creepy.]

Opinion was completely reversed. In just one day, things changed so much that I thought I could do this.

By driving this momentum, the poem contacted Jina to release a related article. I tried to contact her directly, but she also asked me to include a part of me that she didn't give any answers.

Despite the situation, there were still some suspicious people.

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Thank you for reading.

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