Dragon Lunamos

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As the poem advised, Eggs wrote materials and stories for web toons. According to the poem, he attached his story. A princess who was similar to the Middle Ages but lived in a completely different world was drawn by the evil wizard to come to Korea on Earth and find out the true love.

The spawning wanted to draw a comic but moving relationship. This time I was going to thoroughly pre-verify to avoid making the same mistakes as before.

The day after I decided to get an education in the poem.

The egg doesn't sleep much because of tension. When I closed my eyes, I remembered the idea of kissing the poem, and the tremors about the education I will receive tomorrow made my mind confused.

In time for girls to go to school or work, the eggs immediately opened a visit to the poem. He was sitting at the table in his underwear, probably just taking a shower, looking at something on his laptop.



The egg sits across from the table, trying not to look at the situation with a slight look at its embarrassment. And he handed the book to the poet with a rough idea of what to do.

The poem that received the notebook began to read. The stirring stirs the sensation of the reaction of the poem. Somehow I was so ashamed to show her the date plan. The egg sighs because it decided to do this embarrassing thing on its own.

“This is what you wanted to do. I didn't know.”

While reading the notebook, the poem said that the face of the egg turned slightly red. I was embarrassed.

“No, it's just... it's just a cartoon story. Please don't connect with me. ”

Even though she said this, she actually wrote down what she wanted to do. I was somewhat embarrassed and couldn't see the face of the poem.

“Cosplay events, comic book dating……. Don't you think they're an overly manipulative hobby? You're gonna put this in a comic book? ”

“Settings are like comics. ”

The egg says a little.

“You like comics? You really did write it. So the protagonist princess came to Korea and became a cartoonist? You seem a little out of tune. ”

“I spend part time in a cafe to pay for my living at his sister's house, courtesy of the man I met when I first came to Korea. And the cartoons were recommended by my sister at the part-time spot, and she liked them. Anyway, at first, there are various episodes of being angry with the guy who is staying with him and falling in love more and more... ”

When the cartoon story came out, she told the story in detail.

The poem was a little doubtful that such a story would work. Maybe it's okay, maybe it's weird. I couldn't judge until I saw people's reactions.

“Then cafe part-time can be a day's experience in our cafe. ”

The poem that finished the notebook gave it to Eggs.

“Yes, in consideration of that, I did it as a café part time. The story will be led by a triangle that seduces the princess, a man who is part-time and wealthy and cheating like his brother. ”

“I'm not much of a cheater. ”

“ ……. ”

The absurd words of the poem make the egg's face frown. This cartoon story was mostly based on the story and thinking about myself. Looking at the poem, eggs became the ideal type for a very naive man who loves only one woman. The man who was seeing this woman like the poem could never go near the ideal type. The protagonist imagined a gentle poem that loved only one woman, and the seducing man set it in contemplation of the current situation.

“Let's get out of here. Let's go out and do what you said. All I have to do now is act like a man who wants to be together, right? ”

“Yes, that's right. Then I'll get changed. ”

“Got it."

She goes to her room and changes her clothes. Aru asked me where I was going, but I simply answered that the eggs were going out for work. Aru stared at me curiously, because I used to play everyday after work. But it seemed good. It's about the poetry and the work, because it was never a date.

When I went to the living room, the poet had already changed his clothes and was waiting. I liked that it wasn't too burdensome as it was casual in a tidy jacket.

“Let's get out of here. But what exactly are you doing? ”

“This is the first time a man who lives with her takes her to see Seoul. ”

“You're early.”

The situation I understood roughly was that I left home with the eggs. Then I got in my car and got off near Seoul Station. According to the description of the disturbance, it was a setting to wander around symbolic places in Seoul in its own right.

The situation and the rampage from the car went to Seoul Station. Wide roads and massive buildings fill your view. People rushed back and forth.

“Ah……. ”

Since I had never been to Seoul Station, I looked around frantically. It was a nice day to wander around thanks to the pleasant sky.

“You're new here, aren't you? ”

“Yes, I usually stay home. ”

The egg replies randomly.

“Actually, it's my first time, too. I always drove to Seoul, so I never came here. ”

“Don't you come here often with women? ”

“Near here, often. The store is also in Myeong-dong. ”

Seeing the situation that never denied she came with a woman, the egg sighed lightly.

As she wandered around Seoul Station, she took a picture. to collect data for cartoons. I took a selfie with him, saying it was an anniversary of the midterm, but somehow the egg looked at me with strange eyes. I was quite shy.

I decided to take the subway to Seoul Station.

“Why do you take the subway if you have a car? ”

On the way to get on the first boat, the poem asked the egg.

“The protagonist princess and man don't have cars. I can describe it more accurately on the subway, so I want to experience it firsthand. But didn't you teach me that experience is important? ”

“Hmm, I see. So this is a bluefin. ”

I realized the importance of the experience and even applied it in one day after I trained the eggs. The poem didn't expect the eggs to be so careful, but it seemed like he really wanted to paint the right cartoon. If it were like this, I couldn't confuse the situation either.

I went to the platform and waited for the subway. Even on this crowded platform, the appearance of the eggs was noticeable: 168cm tall and the chest of the C cup could not conceal its superiority, no matter how clothed they were. Even though I simply wore sneakers with no heel insoles, I had a misconception that the proportion was so good that it was over 170 centimeters.

“Men stare at you. ”

The poem deliberately whispered to the egg's ear that the men around him were sneaking around, staring at its face and breasts.

“I know. ”

The egg is expressionless, even though it has been heard. Since the eggs were so pretty and expressionless, I dared not speak to them. However, an aura of intimidation came out of the egg before it was simply pretty and stubborn. I feel like I'm seeing a bug when I talk to him.

“Isn't she just as beautiful as you? Then look at the men now. That way, when you see a princess in a comic book, the men will react. ”

“Ah……. ”

This time I realized the eggs. Even these trivial things make the cartoon feel real and rich in fun. I had to look at the faces of the men, not try not to look at them as much as I could, because their gaze was too heavy.

The spawning humbly converged the words of the poem. I turned my face and body and looked at the men's faces one by one. It wasn't that no one was staring, but most of them were staring blankly. An egg looked at the men and met a man who looked ordinary. The man whose eyes meet the egg twitches his feet and snaps his buttocks as he retreats. The man with the red face went far away from the platform in disgrace.

“Look, there's some harvest, right? ”


The egg nods. Surprisingly, there were a few things to learn from the poem.

Soon the subway entered the platform. The poem and the eggs were mixed with the people on the subway. I was already full of seats, so the situation and the disturbance were roughly at the end. It was not so hard to stand up properly that there was no inconvenience in standing up.

I landed on a limited time maestro bay. The poem and eggs went up to exit 5 to watch Seoul City Hall. I got tired of the poem quickly because there was nothing to see except the big buildings, but the eggs were thinking about something and looked at the city hall.

“Humans in this world are amazing. when you can build buildings that big with ease. ”

“Civilizations have evolved. Don't you have a building that big in your world? ”

“It wasn't there, but it wasn't much. That's a lot of manpower and money. ”

I looked at the huge buildings and felt wet because they were eggs that had never been around Seoul properly.

After I saw the city hall, I went to Deoksuggung, right near it. I disconnected my ticket from the front and went inside the palace. Workers who were working near it because it was lunchtime were strolling in the Deoksu Palace. If the past tense saw this scene instead of the present tense, it would have felt a tremendous sense of self-esteem.

There was nothing else in Deoksu Palace, so there was nothing to see. However, the eggs were taking pictures, leaving a record one by one. I left Deoksu Palace and walked along the stone wall. It was surprisingly pleasant to walk with the eggs because it was a well-made path.

“Surprisingly, isn't it fun? Playing out like this. ”

“Not bad. ”

The egg replied randomly, but it was surprisingly fun, as the poem said. I was only at home because I had no one to go out with, and I had no reason to go out with, but I had never known that it was so much fun to walk around talking with the poet. I kept this feeling in my head because I had to put it well into cartoons.

I walked through the stone wall and went to the Gwanghwamun Plaza. A lot of foreigners were touring, and the situation and disturbance were seen like foreigners, such as the statue of General Lee Sun-Shin and the statue of King Sejong.

I looked around the Gyeongbokgung Palace and also went around Cheonggye Cheon. I just walked, photographed, and talked nonsense, but the eggs felt quite pleasant.

I also took the subway to the Gwangjang Market and ate the poetry and food. At first, I felt like I was really working, but then suddenly I realized I was enjoying dating, not working. I was just enjoying being with the poem.

Since I couldn't go everywhere in Seoul in one day, I had to look around appropriately and look around until it was late at night before the eggs and poetry returned home.

But it wasn't over yet. I stopped in the parking lot of my house, and the poem and eggs came out in front of the house. To practice kissing on the streets that are commonly used in dramas and cartoons.

In the dark streets, streetlights were illuminating. Rare people passed by, but not so many.

The poem lays eggs on the wall next to the door. I grabbed his shoulder with my hand. My hands feel that the egg is tense. My body was trembling.

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