Dragon Lunamos

“I had fun today. ”

The poem said, looking at the egg standing on the wall. I wasn't reciting the lines, I was serious.

“I... wasn't so bad myself. ”

I may have felt it was a moderate gesture, but the eggs were quite enjoyable today. I don't know if it was because I saw new things or because I went with the poem, but it was fun.

“Are you two kissing here? ”

“Yes……. ”

Obviously, she was just leaning against the same poem and the wall in front of the house, but the mood was awkward and tense, so she replied little. Contrary to kissing in an unexpected atmosphere, I felt nervous as it was confirmed that I would kiss soon.

“Can I kiss you? ”


The egg nods.

A man who asks if I may kiss him and a woman who allows him to kiss him. It was a pretty strange relationship when others saw it.

“Maybe we should kiss a little better this time? With your tongue. You should put in a scene like that. ”

“ ……. ”

The poem said that I was worried about the eggs. There was definitely a need to know the depth of the emotion used by the tongue, not just the kiss. I've seen firsthand that there's a huge difference between writing and never writing.

“Still don't like it? ”

“Okay, do that. ”

The eggs allow you to kiss with your tongue in front of the house, but this was just an experience to draw a cartoon. I mean, is it the business mind of a male actor and a female actor kissing a female actor in a drama or a movie? I can't say that I don't like the situation at all, but I wanted to think about the eggs as much as possible.

“Then I'll do it. ”

I grabbed the egg's head and kissed the poem. As I said before, it was not just a kiss, but a kiss that tangled each other's tongues.

However, the eggs were only seen in cartoons and movies, but I had never done it myself, so I did not know what to do. The egg worries whether to open its mouth or not. But I was also ashamed to kiss my mouth, but I couldn't even dare to open my mouth and lick my tongue. After asking for a deep kiss, the egg silences its embarrassment.

The situation leads directly because I expected the eggs to remain still. When I put my tongue into the egg's nest, the egg's mouth opens slightly. This is where it started.

Each other's tongues tangled. The eggs were still passive and awkward, but gradually improved over time. Whatever comes first is the hardest.

The poem who finished kissing looked at the eggs. The face of the egg was mentioned.

“How did you feel? Did you like it?”

“ ……. ”

The words of the poet, who purposely asked blatantly, spawned and gave no answer.

“Do it again? ”


The eggs have been rejected. I wanted to stay here today.

However, the poem did not return home, but quietly stared at the eggs. The eyes of the poem and the disturbance met. And his lips naturally approached the egg. The lips touched each other.

That's how the kiss went.

* *

The two of them often wandered around with an excuse to research comic books. I went to a cosplay event where I wanted to lay eggs and went to a bookstore. In a few days, she did most of the things she planned.

As usual, he went to school this morning. There were not many classes, so I was able to finish around lunch time.

The last lecture. The Goun taking classes together sat next to the poem. Goun bends his chin with his right hand and gazes at the situation with a steady eye.

“Do you want to have lunch with me today? I know a place that makes me taste good. ”

“Sorry. I'm just having a little trouble making an appointment. ”

As always, after finishing the lecture, the poem smiled and refused to play together. I didn't say no because I really had an appointment.

“Is this your lunch? Would you like to meet Bo-young for dinner and have a drink with her? ”


Suddenly, I asked him about the drink.

“Yeah, you know what? I haven't had a drink with my brother yet. ”

“I'm sorry I keep declining, but I'm busy tonight. I don't think so. Let's eat together next time we have time. ”

Since we first met, Goun continued to show interest in the poem. It was as if the fans of girls liked male celebrities.

“When? I'm free anytime. How about this Friday? ”

This time, I did not retreat as usual. Goun went out strong as if he would definitely make an appointment with the poem.

“Friday? Hmm…. I think I'll be fine. Then let's meet for lunch. ”

“Really? Oh, yeah. ”

Gough was really happy when he made an appointment with the poem.

Although not very pretty like Aruwa Silver, Goun also looked pretty and cute for college students of his age. Even though it was only 158 centimeters tall and quite dry overall, the chest was attractive with a peculiar unbalance of C cups.

Obviously, she was a good girl, but the situation strangely did not interest her. Is it too aggressive? Or is it because of the psychology that they don't want to increase their relationship anymore? The situation itself was unknown, but it was clear that it was not attractive.

“So, shall we eat and watch a movie? Where should I meet you? ”

When the promise was made, Goun continued to ask the poet what to do that day. Although it was a bit annoying, the situation did not stand out and the fine tuned to the desired direction as much as possible.

The professor came in and the class started.

While in class, Goun wasn't just looking at the professor, he was looking at the poem. With the eyes of a girl who was deeply in love, every action of the poem was imprinted on her eyes. At that time, cocoa tox resounded with the high-quality smartphone left on the desk. When Goun checked the text and unlocked the smartphone, he immediately saw a large wallpaper.

The poem accidentally looked at the screen. I knew Goun liked himself, but I didn't think it would be in the background of a smartphone. I wasn't offended, but I was embarrassed.

After sending all the texts, Goun looked back at the situation. I didn't notice anything about the class. Goun liked the poetry, so it was good to just look at it like this. At first, I was satisfied with this, but over time, I wanted to get closer to the situation. That's why I keep asking the pope to eat with me.

I finished the class just by looking at the poem. Goun took his bag and left the classroom with the poem and Bo-young.

“Are you going home now? ”

“No, I have someone I want to meet here. ”



I thought it might be a woman, and I frowned a little. Even though the poem had a girlfriend, it was not strange, but it was frustrating to think of her as a girlfriend.

As I left the building, I felt bright sunshine and warmth. It became a sudden spring. People were walking around the campus in light clothing, even though they were wearing outerwear. Goun wanted to walk the campus holding hands with the poem.

“There he is. Then I'll go. See you tomorrow."

“Oh, yes. ”

The poem ran away before Goun even answered whether the promised person was waiting. When the poem suddenly left, Goun made a sad face. Then I kept chasing the situation with my eyes. I couldn't help but wonder who I was meeting with.

“Aren't you coming? ”

Bo-young, who was still next to me, asked Goun.

“Wait a minute.”

Goun identified the person the poet was meeting with. It was a woman, not just a woman, but a very beautiful woman. No, she was very, very pretty. It didn't just look pretty, it looked innocent and ridiculously beautiful. Goun bit his lip. My body trembled with a feeling of defeat for some reason.

The poem smiled and said something to her, and she answered expressionlessly. The poem smiled and told me, but when the woman answered silently, Goun was furious inside.

“Huh? The girl you're meeting with is very pretty. Are you going out?”

Ghoul's face rots in anger, but Bo-young said without noticing.

“Well, he's just a friend. Because you're so popular, you'll be attracted to weird girls like that. He must have approached you face to face. ”

A male idol fan blamed the woman who met the poem as he blamed the opponent's woman after his favorite idol became enthusiastic.

“I don't think so.... Anyway, let's go.”

Even though Bo-young asked me to go, Goun kept staring at the woman who met the poem. She looked at Goun as if she had noticed Goun's eyes. We looked into each other's eyes.


Suddenly, the egg looks at someone and the poem looks at them. Ghoul is looking right at me.

“Someone saw me. Who is she? ”

“A girl in class with me. He hasn't left yet. ”

The poem waved to Goun and walked the campus with the eggs.

The egg looks back one more time to see if Goun cares. Goun was looking at this with a furious look, even though his friend next to him asked him to go. The egg knew the reason for the confusion, but did nothing else.

“Is a campus date the end of the day? ”

“Yes, for now. ”

I said that the eggs were deliberate. I had a bit of a bad feeling about ending it right here. I have a lot of experience that I haven't done yet.

“But campus dating is nothing. ”

“Experiencing is important. Do you think we could get inside the building? ”

“Of course. Would you like to come in? ”


Per the request of the spawning, the town entered any nearby building. And I showed the classroom to the eggs. The poem is the classroom that I always see, so I didn't feel much different, but the eggs seemed to think about something while looking at the classroom.

It didn't take me long to get around campus and just sit on a bench and relax. If I was a student going to school together, I would have something to do with going to the library, etc., but it was only meaningful to look around the university because I was not a student.

I came home early today after lunch at school. I couldn't stay long in school unless I took a class. It wasn't even in the club.

The poem and the eggs returned home practiced kissing in the poem's room as usual. This daily practice of kissing was quite hard. I kept kissing them, both of them, how hard they were practicing, even though it would have been enough.

At that moment, the hand of the poet touched the breast of the egg. I was usually restrained, but after getting used to the continuous kiss, I didn't even know it.

The kissing egg flinches and pushes the poem away. Then I got up from bed and looked at the situation with a blank expression.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I want to use it every day, but I have a bad day if I use it all week, so I get a day off.

I want to finish this novel, so I will try to write it constantly.

Thank you for reading.

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