Dragon Lunamos


The surprised faces looked the same.

“I didn't know, but Jina told me a while ago that I went to a cosmetic launch. In fact, it looks so tall and manly for our Jina. ”

Hong Hye-Sook lied without changing a single face. I yelled because I was angry, but that was good. Even if you have a company of great potential, how are you going to get it to the Three Rivers? If you allow me to marry you, I will shed tears because of the poem. That's why Hye-sook Hong decided to use the situation to elevate his dignity at this meeting.

“Oh, I just felt like I didn't know that either. ”

“Jina is not only good at studying, she has men's eyes. I didn't deserve it when I first heard about it, but my Jina liked it and allowed me to marry her. ”

“My sister has really high eyes. There's no such thing as a husband. If you grow it well, you'll have a great future. Phew, I wish my child was half like my sister's daughter. He wants a regular company that doesn't make a lot of money, and he wants to meet them and get married, but he's so stuffy. ”

As expected, you hear jealous noises everywhere. The tail of Hong Hye-Sook's mouth went up.

This is what he said: he was going to tear off the competition, boast about it, and get married and never be fixed. If I had not rediscovered the value of the situation today, I would never have given my permission to marry, but I thought I might have a big company in the future, so I could take a closer look at the progress and give my permission to marry. Having decided to do so, the image of the poem in my imagination changed from a pathetic and lousy person to a strong and trustworthy husband.

After the meal, Hye-sook Hong and the chairman's wife went with Myeong-sun Kim to the Quezron cosmetics store and bought the new products themselves.

Unlike before, Hong Hye-sook's gaze at the kezron cosmetics was completely different. Even though it was a local product, the ability of the city could only be predicted by the fact that the initial price put luxury cosmetics on the market well.

In my liking, I felt very strongly about the situation. According to Myeongsun Kim, who praises Quezron cosmetics without resting, it appeared to be a world-class cosmetics company.

Hye-sook Hong made a commitment to marry Jina and the poem.

However, as Hong Hye-sook thought, the situation was uncertain whether to marry diligently.

* *

While Hong Hye-sook boasted as if he knew the situation well, he was applying for a leave of absence at school.

I needed permission from the Dean to take a leave of absence. That's why he went to the dean himself and got permission to apply for a leave of absence because he was busy with business.

After applying for a leave of absence, he texted Goun walking the campus. The reason I took a leave of absence was that I continued to feel meaningless about school life than Goun. I entered here because of my heritage experience and the title of admission to the most prestigious university, not to enjoy my campus life.

Not long after I sent the text, I got a reply. It was a shame I didn't get to meet him because I didn't go to school yet. The poem suggested that we have dinner next time, and Goun liked it with all kinds of stickers on. Every time I talk to Goun like this, I feel sorry for him and I want to do better.

I took a leave of absence but did not have time to rest. Because she had her own company in Gangnam, and she was mostly in charge of the café and the familiarity, the situation was usually the most idle. However, the situation was busy in a different way, trying to improve the future and satisfy the women around it.

Today, Jina was promised a consultation at a famous construction office for a cafe and house. Cafés were also cafes, but I wanted to talk directly about them because the house to live in was more important.

I took a car parked in the parking lot to the construction office in Gangnam. A four-story building made of transparent glass walls felt sophisticated and modern.

I stopped in the parking lot and entered the entrance of the building. It was booked in advance, so I was able to start consulting with the architect as soon as I entered. The architect was in his mid-40s and he felt quite intelligent, even though his hair was a little bare, but he was wearing round glasses.

“Greetings, I'm Kwon Jinman, the architect. ”

“Hello, I am the Crown Princess. ”

I shook hands lightly and started talking about architecture.

“Once you have at least 8 rooms, ”

The poem takes out the horse from the number of rooms. It was to distribute the room of the women who lived together in the big land of 350 square meters in the first place. The number of rooms was most important to the city because it seemed like they had privacy issues and were a little uncomfortable having free sex.

The poem then continued to tell the architect, Kwon Jinman, what he wanted.

“One bedroom on the ground floor needs to be a bit larger and the kitchen needs to be spacious enough for eight people to eat. ”

“One spacious bedroom on the first floor, and a kitchen where eight people can eat...”

Gwon Jinman wrote down what the poem demanded on the notepad.

The luxury of the house and so on was important, but the most important thing for the poem was the house where everyone could live smoothly. Of course, the smoothness was the most important element of sex, so he said with the most care.

The situation and Gwon Jinman's story continued to go back and forth and they were able to capture the basic plan. I wanted to build it as luxuriously and safely as possible because it didn't matter if it cost a lot of money.

“We'll make it a modern yet sophisticated home that blends well with the space. ”

Kwon Jinman said to the poet with a very satisfied smile, whether there was no pressure on the money.

After my consultation with the house, I also consulted with the new cafe building. The design concept itself was designed to inherit the existing Caffron because it was close to expanding its size.

Of course, I was going to decorate the whole building to make it feel more like a medieval building, not only to make the cafe more luxurious because it would be completely new. The main goal was to bring to mind the word luxury at once in various parts, including new uniforms, new coffee glasses and beautiful disposable cup designs.

After the consultation, he left the building office and got into the car in the parking lot. Then I took out my smartphone and texted Sunset a little later and left for the place where Sunset lived.

In the evening, I was supposed to meet the sunset. The role of the sunset was very important to implement ideas that came up while looking at Yumi and Faceview a few days ago, so I had to meet in advance and make my body look beautiful.

As I knew where Sunset was, I immediately stopped in the parking lot and texted Sunset that I arrived on my smartphone.

[Can I come up now?]

[Yes, I'm fine.]

With permission, the situation dropped out of the car immediately went up to PinkPet's residence where the sunset dwells. Standing in front of the door, you press the bell and the door opens immediately.

“Hey, brother. ”

The sunset you've been waiting for greets you with a slightly shy face.

“Come in.”

As I entered the house as a guide to the sunset, I watched the sunset and the scene as Soho, a member of Pink Pet, in a convenient outfit in the living room, laughed bitterly at what he was thinking.


The poem greeted Soho like that.

“Oh! Hello. It's been a long time since you've been here. You're welcome to come more often. ”

Even when we met before, Soho was not tough. Especially the sly smile that spread around the mouth seemed to be perfectly confirmed that the poem and sunset were already dating.

“Haha, you must be busy and tired, but I can't come and bother you. ”

“Oh, you're no longer with us, so please make yourself comfortable. ”

“Oh, is that so? ”

The poem naturally ended up talking to Soho.

“Yes, please speak comfortably. I'm tired, so I'm going to go into my room and sigh, so enjoy the sunset. For the record, I don't hear anything once I go to sleep, so don't worry. ”

“Well, it's not like that! Really…”

Sunset, knowing the meaning of Soho's words, blushes and yells at Soho.

“Then I'll go to my room. Make yourself comfortable."

However, regardless of what she said, Soho greeted the poem and really went into the room.


The sunset sighs lightly.

“Haha. Let's go into the room first. ”

The lightly smiled poem went to the room with the sunset. I felt it when I came here before, but the room was quite crowded, unlike the image of Idol.

The poem sat on the bed. Then the sunset also sat next to the poem.

“Oh, right. Brother.”

“Yes? Why? ”

“We decided to go to Japan a little later. ”

“Going to Japan? ”

It was the first I had heard of it. I looked at the news from PinkPet briefly, but I had never seen an article in Japan.

“Yes. It's not in the press yet, but it should be coming out soon. I think I want to try going to Japan because it's popular in Korea. ”

Sunset said with a cheerful expression. If it's going to be popular in Korea, it's not going to be. It's going to be popular in the middle, but it seems like it's the last chance.

“Why? You don't think it'll work? ”

“I don't know, but I honestly don't feel confident. The male idol has a fixed female fan base, which is kind of popular, but it's hard because the female idol doesn't have a fan base. ”

“Then you can be popular. ”

The poem smiled lightly and said. He was not the only one who tried to take advantage of the recent surge in Korean fans. Apparently, PinkPet's agencies were planning to go abroad with growing numbers of Korean fans. A large market called Japan was worth the adventure because the benefits of success outweighed the risks of failure.

Suddenly a decent plate was made. If we were to board well, Japanese guests visiting Quezron would grow rapidly and we might be able to set up shop in the heart of Tokyo.

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