Dragon Lunamos

“I wish... I don't know how people will like me. Thanks to you, I've been getting a lot of fame lately, but I think I have a long way to go. ”

With the help of the continued epic revelation, the rising of the sunset's popularity was inevitable. There were also quite a few bone marrow fans on the Internet who posted articles like "Today's Sunset .jpg" on the community board. However, the least recognized and less popular member seemed to have lost his confidence.

Apparently, the group itself was quite popular to express its prominence at the beginning, but for some reason, it only became more popular and remained static. Eventually, it was being pushed by subsequent girls. The agency did not choose to go to Japan for nothing.

“We've talked about this before. ”

When I met Sunset at the cafe, Sunset was still troubled because it was not popular.

“Oh, I'm sorry. You keep complaining about me. I'm so sorry, brother. ”

Sunset realized that she seemed to complain too much and apologized to the poem. As the situation became too reliant and comfortable, I said something I couldn't even say to my colleagues around me.

“Haha. I didn't say that because I didn't want to hear it. On the contrary? I've been thinking about something. ”


Sunset was relieved that it wasn't because I didn't want to hear it. And I tilted my head to say I had thought about it. What was he thinking?

“I told you glamour was important back then. It's not just that your face is pretty or that you sing well, it's that charm that you can engrave into people's minds a little bit more. So I had a sunset, and I thought, well, what's the charm of not finding it, or maybe having it? ”

The sunset was a little moved because I didn't know if you would think that much for yourself. I know it's a deep relationship with the secret, but I still couldn't escape the deep charm of the poem.

“The conclusion I came to after so many thoughts...”

The sunset swallows the saliva. The poem seemed to find his charm unexpectedly.

“It's breasts.”


The sunset reflected. It was definitely not a situation where the word "breasts" appeared, but when the word "breasts" came out, I couldn't tell whether it was a joke or a joke.

“Haha. More precisely, how expressive, how vibrant, and most importantly, how much it needs to be to elicit a man's desire? Including breasts. ”


I pretended to understand, but I didn't really know what the breasts had to do with them. Sunset confuses my head.

“So let's start with sunset when we're on TV. ”

I turned on the computer in the room. Then I searched YouTube for sunset videos and started playing them one by one.

Although it was Idol, he was quite embarrassed to see the video, so Sunset checked the video with his face turned red.

The first was an arts video. Unlike other members, Sunset has a weak reaction and has not been able to enter the conversation well. The images that followed were not very different. And before the poem engraved the magic circuit, I could feel the singing and dancing of the music broadcast.

“Reactions aren't good, they're not good at talking, they're not good at dancing, they're not good at singing. It's unpopular to me. ”

The first sunset that watched everything by itself disappeared, leaving nothing but self-esteem and self-pity. I tried as hard as I could, but I also felt that the job of Idol was not suitable for me.

“Singing and dancing are Idol's fundamentals, so even if it's important, not being able to react or talk is actually not that important. You can't make it attractive if you can't react, and you can't make it attractive if you can't talk. ”

The poem asked Sunset to watch a video of one of the most popular girl groups.

The most popular member of the Girls group was Jimin, who was not reacting as much as the sunset, but was full of cute behavior. For some reason, the only video that collected the interaction was hundreds of thousands of views. Moreover, when I stuttered or made a mistake because I couldn't speak well, I held out my tongue slightly and smiled naively, but even the appearance was cute and attractive enough to make me smile delightfully.

“You know, roughly. It's not that you're good at it or bad at it. It's that you're attracted to it in some way. When I see such a cute, sexy, lively look, and so on, men imagine," I wish I could go out with such a child. "I find it fascinating to be able to elicit that desire. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

The sunset felt clear about what the poem was saying.

“Then why don't you act cute like you just saw it? Don't force it to be cute like a charm, but be cute in your own way. ”

The poem sat in a chair as if it were a judge and watched the sunset. I wasn't really an expert on this type of thing, but at least I thought I had normal, man-level eyes.

“W, now? ”

“Yes. If you don't think of anything, simply say 'I like you, brother’ cute. ”

Sunset is ashamed. Suddenly, it was natural to pretend to be cute. However, since Sunset knew that it would always be the same at this rate, she decided to eat her heart and say it as naturally and cute as possible.

“I love you! ”

I held hands and raised my voice to look at the situation with a glare. Suddenly, I was embarrassed, and the ears of the sunset rose red.

“Well... I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think it's this way. ”

Looking at her pretty face, she was cute, but I couldn't feel her chest at all. Does it feel like a concept of compulsion rather than cuteness that comes from instinctive behavior?

“I see...”

The sunset was lightly disappointed.

“Hmmm, well, it's hard to deliberately appeal to a sunset anyway. Plus, people have different tastes, so it's very difficult to match what many people have. That's why it's all about the breasts. ”

“Go, boobs? ”

Sunset looks embarrassed when she talks about her breasts all of a sudden.

“It's best to create a man's desire with an attractive gesture… it's actually a little hard to do on purpose. But no man hates breasts. Big tits, too. ”

“Big breasts? ”

The sunset finally made sense of what the poem said. It was difficult to show charm by actions, so I seemed to want to add charm to the body such as the chest. Then, should we wear breast-correcting underwear?

“Yes. Chest. But it's hard because big breasts don't make it all the time. Anyway, can you take off all your clothes for a moment? ”

“Yes? Clothing? ”

Suddenly, the sunset was greatly embarrassed when I was told to take off my clothes. I used to go to the pension to get naked or sneak off to see the poetry and secret sex, but now I'm taking off all my clothes without having to hide them in the light of day. And I was not as sexually excited as I was then, so my body was deeply moved by the feeling of shame.

My emotions fluttered like a rollercoaster in a short time, following my embarrassment and embarrassment.

“Yes. If I'm embarrassed, should I take off all my clothes? Would that make you feel better? ”

“Oh, no. It's okay."

Sunset was strongly discouraged because taking off his clothes would have been a more awkward outcome than helping.

After a brief pause, the sunset finally turned around and began to undress. There was nothing wrong with what the poem said. At this rate, I was sure I would retire lonelily without being popular all my life. Therefore, the sunset was to follow the demand of the city to break and change its own shell as much as possible.

And even though I had already seen the poet wearing nothing but underwear, and even though I was bluffing, I also spaed with him naked and naked, my mind was not that hard.

You hear the sound of the sunset undressing and the sound of the clock ticking in the quiet room. Sitting in a chair, the poet relaxed to watch the back of the sunset undressing.

The top was peeled off and the brassiere was loosened. The bottom was a simple pair of pants with a rubber band, so it flowed down to the floor in an instant. I saw a slightly flat buttocks and pink panties wrapped around that buttocks quickly peeled off by the hands of the sunset.

I took off all my clothes, but for a moment, the sunset after clearing my mind, I turned back and faced the poem, covering my chest and vagina with my hands.

“Would you mind taking your hands off me? It's a little hard to tell when you're covered like that. ”

“Ah… yes. ”

The sunset slowly lowers its hand. A cup of a small breast revealed a pale brown nipple impregnated with a small breast, and a hairless conspiracy. The amount of fur is not very large, and I always look at my underwear, and it doesn't look like I'm shaving.

Before, the legs were corrected and the ankles were thin, so it was better, but when I peeled it off, it was not a very attractive body. The situation was prone to erection because of the nakedness of the female idol, but objectively, there were many areas to improve.

“Didn't the area I touched work before? ”

I had an erection, but the poem did not show at all, and I asked Sunset with a serious expression.

“I heard that my legs were pretty around me because my brother touched them and my legs were stretched and my ankles were thin. ”

I was embarrassed that I was doing this without my clothes on, but Sunset said as calmly as possible.

The place the poem touched was clearly better enough to feel around. It wasn't like a placebo effect. I was surprised to see the sunset. I don't know how it is possible, but the situation was definitely a little different from ordinary people.

“When I first gave you a makeover, you said you were going to fix four parts, right? Do you remember?"

“Oh, I remember. He said hips, butts, legs, ankles. ”

No, it was unforgettable. The first time I lay in a man's room and touched my body, it was strange to forget. And I will never forget how the poet looks at me with his clothes off.

“I was told that if you work, you get the buttocks or the pelvis. Do you want to take it?”

“I'd appreciate it if you could... Do you take off all your clothes? ”

The sunset pretended to be as calm as possible, but I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

“Yes. I need to do something naked. And I'm thinking about getting some boobs. How's that? Would you like some breasts, too? I'm planning something bigger than smaller breasts, so it's much easier to appeal to, so it's imperative that you do it. ”


Is that even possible? If your breasts were enlarged with a simple massage, who would go to plastics and put a implant in your chest? However, Sunset nodded her head because she had been through this until now that she could not judge the situation in her normal opinion.

“Okay, then get into bed. ”

The sunset was already intense, so I went to bed and lay down somewhat. I felt a slight tremor of embarrassment as I thought I was still looking in my own very secret place.

As he slowly walked up from the chair and sat down on the bed, the sunset swallowed his nerves. However, the poem did not start immediately, but began to explain some things again.

“I've been thinking about a lot of things, and Sunset looks like the best place to take a sexy route. So I'm not just going to do a corrective massage, but I'm going to do some training together that's going to make the sunset sexy. ”


What do you mean, training makes you sexy? I've never heard of it.

“Yes, actually, sexiness comes from the obscenity hidden in people. You can't do that if you don't know what a man's eyes and poses look like. But now when I look at the sunset, I feel too naive, so I don't feel that kind of color at all. So as part of your practice of having a vagina, you can keep Sunset talking while I massage it. ”


The sunset is reflexive again because it is too absurd.

“Here's the thing. ‘Brother, I want to have sex." Brother, please put it in quickly.’ Such words. Do you want to try it now? ”

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