All of you, cosmic fortune.

Konz reaches into his pocket and pulls out his tablet. The 7.8-inch tablet fits into the poem's hand.

“Oh! Isn't this the latest tablet that's trending these days? I've been dying to have it, and you're touching it here. ”

When the timer pressed the power button and turned it on, the screen appeared exactly as seen in the TV advertisement. There were many icons, but the quest was prominent.

“Tap the quest icon. ”

After pressing the quest as Konz had said, the table of contents was listed.

[Martial Arts]





[Sociality] …….

I don't understand what it is, so when I press martial arts, the table of contents will appear again.


[Whistling] …….

Press the sword.

[Try catching a wooden sword. EXP 10.]

[Read the Minor Official. EXP 10.] …….

In this way, the quest was endlessly written.

“You know, roughly. ”

“What's your experience here? What's good about stacking up? ”

The poem asked if he wanted to level up like a game.

“That level of experience is increasingly limited as you accumulate above a certain level. Simply put, as you level up with quests and experience in the game, you will be able to wear more powerful weapons and learn magic, right? It's the same. If the Pope accumulates experience points through quests, he will level up and inherit more Legacy. ”

“Really? That's amazing. ”

The poem pressed on the quest list and pressed on the social part, but it was separated into women and men and pressed on women without much thought.

[Talk to the woman. EXP 10.]

[Register a woman's phone number. EXP 20.]

[Hunt. EXP 30.]

[Have sex. EXP 300.]

“Ugh, what is this? ”

At the part about having sex, the startled situation shouted loudly.

“There are so many kinds, aren't there? ”

“A lot of things seem impossible.... ”

“No, nothing's impossible. It's all possible. But you can't just go around doing one or two quests. Once you've completed all the quests on your sword, there are a limited amount of EXP you can get, so you can't level up any more than a certain level. Level up easily with even quests. ”

“What's the level? ”

“Level 10. If you finish all the items at level 10, you will inherit all the inheritance on the planet. ”

“I see. Must be hard to get a 10. ”

“Of course. Five levels gives me great power and power. ”

The poem continued to go through the list of quests while listening to Konz's rough talk. A quest with low experience was as simple as it could be right now, but there was only nonsense such as asking you to become president of a large corporation or to cut out two cars with your bare fists.

“The lower you go, the more ridiculous it is. I'm Spreadman.”

“Let's call it a day. You're going to school tomorrow. ”

“Sure. ”

The poem dropped the tablet on Konz's horse and got up on his feet.

“I'll send the tablet and Laminsha directly to the Pope's Heights. And finally……. ”


When Konz's words are blurred, he looks at Konz, and he folds his small, lovely hand like a gun, and aims at the head of the poem.


Before saying what the poem was, Konz shot out of his mouth, and the moment he felt something blurry popped out of his finger and penetrated his forehead, the poem fainted.

“Somehow the Pope doesn't want to come here anymore.... ”

As Konz's voice fades, the vision of the poem darkens.

I opened my eyes.

The poem woke up fearlessly in bed. I didn't want to get up, so I had to work hard because of my frustrated body, even though I forced my eyelids that wouldn't float after screaming for a long time in bed and did no hard work. For some reason, this morning was 36 hours too warm as if I slept well.

However, I had so vivid a dream that I remembered at the same time that I could wipe off the cold sweat on my iliac bone.

“It was a real dream. ”

The poem turned on the computer because there was still some time left until the 11 o'clock lecture. If there was an hour of free time, it was as natural to do computers as it was to eat if you were hungry.

I sat in a chair with my eyes wide open, checking the news from the portal site.

[People's Idol Bora, did you find out?]

[Bora, living with a boy named Adolf?]

The story that was interested in IT was suddenly covered with the story of the national idol Bora, when she started her daily life as news because she wanted new products or new technologies.

I didn't like idols very much and I knew that I couldn't have them, so I didn't have much interest in celebrities and, of course, I didn't really remember Bora's face as a national idol.

[A picture of Bora and Tae-sung kissing on the couch was leaked. Netizens are making speculations about whether they are living with them when they see photos of them kissing on the couch in their light clothes. These photos are already creating a huge impact through various online communities and SNS.]

As I continue reading the article, I scroll down and a picture comes out. It was a picture of a woman presumed to be Bora and a man doing something, wrapping their necks around each other and kissing each other. I envy you for kissing such a pretty girl.

“Huh? What, what? ”

However, there was a mysterious profile next to it, not just a picture.


[Age: 20]

[Birthday: May 12]

[Height: 160.5cm]

[Weight: 46kg]

[Chest Size 70A]

[Number of sex: 72 times]

[Pregnancy Status: No]

The situation was embarrassed, so I continued to rub my eyes, but I checked again. The profile on the photo was not enough to include the size of the breasts, the number of sex, and the pregnancy.

The poem felt strange when he saw another picture of Nambo, but the same profile was in all the photos.

A few days ago, a ghost door followed me around, but yesterday I had a crazy dream, and now when I see a picture of a woman, my profile shows the number of times I have sex.

“Am I crazy? ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

At first, it was reminiscent of the parent celebrity, but then it was revised by the blatant number of sex.

Thank you for reading.

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