All of you, cosmic fortune.

The poem shakes his head once and clicks on any photo of the woman on the main site of the portal. When accessed to the women's clothing site for the first time, the thin model was wearing a black coat. At the same time, the profile was written next to it as before.

[Chest size 70B]

[Number of sex: 320 times]

He was a man more than anything else, so I noticed the size of his breasts and the amount of sex he had. 320 times I've had sex. This meant that he had sex for a year, barely rested, or had sex for several years.

“320 times…. I've never done it before, and I envy you. I wish I could have sex with a pretty girl like that. ”

I was surprised at what I didn't understand until just now, but soon I had fun and looked for pictures of other celebrities.

The fact that no one could see the sex life of celebrities came to me with great excitement.

The poem was based on younger celebrities, and for a long time it looked at whether or not sex was roughly the same as a map. The majority of teenage girl idols and celebrities were virgins, but the proportion started to grow considerably over the 20s, and by the time they were over the age of 25, the virgin celebrities were almost sparsely gone. Moreover, there were more than 200 times that Idol had never been in a relationship.

Just watching the number of female celebrities have sex made my breath hard and my mood was high. It's because it's easy to get excited just by imagining things like this.

“Let's not go to school. ”

I suddenly realized that the time had run out for school when I was continuing to look for pictures of celebrities. It was too late to take a shower, and I thought I would not be late for class if I washed my hands, but I felt like I was going to die because I didn't want to go.

“Let's just rest until today and work really hard tomorrow. ”

I thought it would be easy to rest until today because I always checked that the situation was F no matter how well I took the test after more than 15 hours and how many times I had to fall off for 15 hours. I had already lost my grades a long time ago, so I just didn't have to accept F. I could say, "It doesn't matter if I get an F or not," but even though the situation had given up grades, I didn't want to go to school for one more semester because I didn't want to get another semester, so F didn't.


I was on the internet for a long time and my phone vibrated. I received a phone number that I had never seen before, but I didn't think much of it.


“You're the Crown Prince, right? ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

“I have a delivery coming up. Are you home? ”


I felt like my parents had sent me something to eat because they said it was a sudden delivery.

“Yes, I'll be there in five minutes. ”

“I understand.”

When I hung up, the courier arrived in less than five minutes, and the status quo was boxed in. I saw the person my parents wanted to send, but there was nothing there but the recipient.

“Is there such a package? ”

The recipient definitely had his name on it, so he undoubtedly unpacked the package.


The poem shouted in surprise when the box contained a box labeled Tablet and Laminsha. I couldn't believe that the items that I thought came out of my dream last night had been delivered to my space for sure.

“Is it a dream, or am I really crazy? ”

It was because of an unbelievable reality.

Just in case, when I turned on the tablet, there was an icon called Quest like yesterday.

“It wasn't a dream. ”

Now that I feel real again, yesterday I felt that it wasn't just a dream.

“So did I really receive the legacy of the Gold Dragon, or did I do something to Quezron? ”

The poem muttered and tore a box of ramen tea and put it into a cup that had washed some leaves. Then I went to the kitchen on the first floor of the high rise and boiled water.

I decided to drink this tea and admit that if that kind of energy flows like yesterday, all of this is real. No, I didn't want to admit it. I just wanted it to be real. Dragon's Legacy? According to Konz, it's worth nothing compared to winning a lottery, but I didn't want to miss out on this luck.

“Let me start my life, too. ”

More than 90% already felt this was real. This tea that I'm drinking is important evidence to make that feeling a perfect reality.


Suddenly, a woman sounds surprised behind you.

The poem was surprised, so I glanced back and turned my head again. It was because the woman who had her head roughly tied with a strap, wearing a comfortable shade of dark, looked at the situation with slightly cautious eyes.

However, I was able to immediately find out that the profile next to the woman had about 100 sex times.

I sighed a little when I thought the poem was all about sex, except you. I really wanted to have sex with a woman.

Normally, high altitude parks remained floored, women's areas were fixed, and kitchens were shared, so there were occasions when snacks encountered with women.

Of course, because the poet didn't have the courage or the courage to pretend to be close to the woman who didn't know the poem, he immediately stopped caring and carefully poured boiled water into the cup he had brought.

As soon as the leaves were soaked in hot water, a sweet smell spread. I could feel my body and head getting clearer even though I just smelled the aroma.

“Huh? Where does this smell? ”

The woman who just came in mutters indiscriminately.

Yes, the expression "fragrance" was appropriate, not smell. It was not an irritating smell of perfume, but a subtle smell of flowers.

“Hehe. It's true. I'm serious.”

When I felt like I could feel the energy coming from my whole body just by smelling it with my nose, the poem barely suppressed the burst of laughter and tried to return to the room with a cup.

“Excuse me.”


But when I just came into the kitchen, the first woman who saw my face spoke to me.

“What's that? Aromatic?”

“Well, it's just a car. ”

Suddenly, when the woman spoke, the embarrassed situation slightly stuttered and said.

“Where did you get it? Smells good.”

As the woman approached, the situation flinched and stepped back slightly.

“I got it from someone I know. ”

“Then can't you just tell me where it is? It smells so good. ”

The situation is dismayed. Beyond what Konz explained yesterday, I don't remember much, and if I could remember it, I wouldn't believe it and I'd be fooled.

“I'm not selling it as a hobby for someone I know. I'm sorry."

The poem felt like it was cold sweating. I couldn't give this precious and precious car to a woman I'd never met before.

“Then there's nothing I can do. ”

The woman frowns as if sad. I was so eager that I didn't know the identity of the car.

The poem thought about giving me this car and making a connection for a while, but the car was too bad. I was reluctant to invest in the possibility that I would have to work for 50 years, but to be honest, she wasn't that pretty and she wasn't a virgin.

It just smelled sweet because the woman was a little close, and the penis swelled up a little.

“Yes, sorry. Goodbye.”

“Ah……. ”

I came back to the room with a woman who was still looking at me like it was a waste.

If she was a little prettier and virgin, she would have handed out her car right away. Since I've never talked to a woman, it was a problem that she was weak in immunity.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

See you tomorrow!

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