Dragon Lunamos

The meal was quick. Due to his autumn cooking skills, he ate two meals. Autumn laughed shyly when she told me that it was delicious after eating.

Soho, who had noticed at a glance, said he was doing the dishes and sent the poem and autumn to his room. Autumn said it would help, but no poles. It was a trick that allowed me to spend a little more time alone.

It was after 7: 00 one day. I wanted to drink lightly if possible, but I had an early fall schedule tomorrow morning.

“I'll be uncomfortable if I stay. I'll go back now. ”

“Already? You're welcome to stay a little longer. I'm not uncomfortable at all. ”

“But I also have your schedule. We can play again next time. Oh, and next time, I'll bring cosmetics. It's a new product and basic cosmetics. ”

Now, Fall's skin wasn't bad, but there were scars, stains, etc. that caused chest or human abnormalities. I had to make this perfect so that I could eat the scores in the ultra-high quality photos coming out of the pores.

“It's okay, brother. It's too expensive...”

“Well, that's just about it. Then I'll go. ”

After pinching his apologetic autumn cheek, the poem tried to leave the room. However, this fall caught up with the situation.

“Yes? Why? ”

“Give me a kiss."

“Oh, right. I couldn't do it before, so I have to do it. ”

The poem naturally tried to kiss the lips. Then the fall shakes his head. Then I whispered in my ear.

“My precious place, please. I want to be kissed by you. ”

Autumn, the axe print lowers the training shorts sharply. It revealed a cute little gloomy vagina.

The poem was quite surprised that autumn might voluntarily say so. I thought it was because of the sexy training that I opened my eyes to those attributes, but I could see my face was quite red and burning up to my ears.

“Of course I do. ”

The poet knelt down and buried his face between the legs of autumn. Just as the knight kissed the princess on the back of her foot, the poem kissed her in the autumn grin. It was mixed with the fragrance of mild semen and ginger, but it didn't hurt much.


When his lips touched, Autumn trembled. It was a light touch, but I felt overwhelmed by the tingling senses I had never felt before. At first, I was so sorry for Silver that I tried to keep the situation in mind, but now I feel so much better that I can't control my feelings.

After a subtle kiss to say "kiss," the poem came out of the house with an escort from autumn and Soho. Autumn and Soho looked quite sad.

When I got down to the parking lot, I thought about it for a moment without leaving immediately. I was able to do what the agency couldn't. In order for Kestron to be larger, it was necessary to target the world market, and Japan's popularity in autumn was one of its underscores.

The poem thought one by one about what to prepare.

* *

He called and made an appointment the next day because he knew the phone number of Empress America, director of Ajin Entertainment. Hwang Mi-ju agreed not to meet at the company building, but to have a meal and talk, and booked a high-end restaurant that he had never been to before.

The appointment time was 7: 00 p.m. When he arrived 20 minutes before 7: 00 p.m., he left his car at the hotel and went to the restaurant on the 32nd floor. I sat at a table by the window with a view because I made a reservation in advance. It also hung on the chandelier, although it was a fine restaurant and the atmosphere was calm.

Looking at the view, she slowly walked in a luxurious elegant dress and sat across from the poem. It was an expensive and glamorous dress worn by celebrities at the awards ceremony, and it was quite uncomfortable to walk because the heels were so high.

“Have you been waiting long? ”

Hwang Mi-ju said as if sorry. In other words, there was definitely a sticky, rich sexiness that only middle-aged people could have, unlike autumn.

“No, I just got here, too. You look even more beautiful in that dress. ”

Even the diamond necklace, which looks expensive, was worn on my neck, felt a bit overwhelming, but my clothes were pretty.

“I'm glad you liked it. I've been thinking a lot about what to wear. ”

Wang Mi-ju looked at the situation with a loving smile so that anyone could see it.

Earlier in the fall, I was sure that she was quite harsh, but the poem didn't seem like that at all.

“What would you like to eat? ”

When Wang Miju asked, the situation looked at the menu board. However, there were some unfamiliar articles written on the menu or in the papers that I had never seen before. I've been to a few regular restaurants, but the menu was hard to find.

“I've never been to a place like this, and I'm not sure what's good about it. ”

“Oh, really? So this is your first time? Then I'll take care of it. Leave everything to me. ”

Hwang Mi-ju said with a sly smile. Given my age, the expression was clearly different from younger kids.

“Then I'll make sure you don't get sick. ”

The poem smiled lightly and replied because he liked such sexual jokes.

“I trust you. ”

The poem made me feel better. Wang Mi-ju sweeped his lips once and ordered the spell. I did not look at the menu and gave the most expensive course.

Light bread, etc. came out and cooked in the course. Hwang Mi-ju taught the poet how to eat. Wang Mi-ju was kinder than I had ever imagined.

When I tried to drink the wine, his face turned slightly red.

“Honey, can I talk to you? ”

“Yes, I'm fine. I'm much younger. ”

Usually, the other person suggested that Wang Mi-ju speak for himself. However, as he put it, the title changed from the poem to himself. Everyone noticed that Hwang Mi-ju looked at the situation with loving eyes like a girl in love.

“Huhu… how can we be so cool? I want to hold her in my heart. ”


It was hard to answer. At this point, I decided to cut to the chase.

“What I wanted to see you about today is, as I said, going to Japan in pink pets. When pink pets enter Japan, I want to dress up in a stage costume designed by our Quezron. ”

“Stage outfit? Okay."

Of course, I thought there would be some more talk, but Hwang Mi-ju gave her permission at once without even thinking about it.

“Are you sure you're okay? ”

I brought it up to get my permission, but I had the answer too quickly, so I asked again.

I said, "Yes, because the Keslon brand has a luxury image, it's good for the press. Public relations are everything in this neighborhood. If you get away from the public, that's it. So we should be thanking you. ”

Though he seemed to have answered without any thought, it was also not.

“Is there a song to sing in Japan? ”

“Whether it was a popular debut song or a concept, everyone's thinking about taking another song from the album. What song do you think you'd like? I think pink pets can be very popular in Japan with advice from someone as smart as you. ”

The intersection of love, the song that the poem wrote and sang, ranked number one on a sound recording site that Pink Pet had never even played. When she saw the song on the street sounding so annoying, she thought that the poem clearly had a natural sensation and an extraordinary talent that ordinary people could not reach. Often, a smart person is called a sexy man with a sexy brain, but in the eyes of Wang Mi-ju, the poem was a sexy man.

“First, we need a clear concept. I don't think it would be a big appeal for my country Idol to be better than the Japanese Idol, but because the Korean Idols so far have been doing well. So I think it's important to make choreography as sexy as the eye can see with a point, like a trapeze or a butt dance. ”

It wasn't that pink pets didn't have choreography points, but they were as popular as dancing and singing. I like to work hard, but in the end, it's just a feeling that doesn't impress you. The situation was not a very special expert, but it could be seen from the perspective of ordinary people.

Realistically, just making a sexy point choreography is not going to make you popular, but if you combine outrageous outfits with eye-catching choreographies, there is definitely a possibility.

“So the point choreographer is not what you think he is. Okay, I'll try that. ”

There must be a reason the pink pets didn't rise, and that could be the point of the situation. Despite his stubbornness, pink pets finally set foot in place for several years. Therefore, Huang Mi-ju decided to do what the poem said about Cafe Quezron and Quezron cosmetics. Of course, there was an infinite amount of love and affection that was hard to put in my heart.

Talking about pink pets, Wang Mi-ju continued to drink wine. It was so red that anyone could feel that I was drunk. There was a clear distinction between drinking a sip of wine and not speaking.

“You're eating too much. Are you okay? I think you're a little drunk. ”

“Do I look that weak? I'm not this drunk. You're still fine, right?”

She was drunk, but she drank wine, saying that she was still fine.

After everything we talked about, the poem decided to get up. I don't think I'm going home anymore.

“Let's stop getting up. ”

“Already? We'd like to have more drinks with you... but I'll wake up if you promise to eat with us next time." ”

“Very well. Dinner next time you're comfortable. ”

There was a need to meet once, because we had to keep talking about pink pets.

“Hmmm, don't forget later. ”

If the answer of the poem was pleasant, Hwang Mi-ju stood up immediately. However, he drank a lot and wore something so high that he almost fell down.

The poem that saw it jumped up with an enormous reflex nerve and boosted Huang Mi-ju. I smelled the sweet scent of what perfume was sprayed on my body.

“Honey, do you want to hug me? ”

“I'll give you a lift. ”

“I'd like that. ”

As the poem lifted up and walked, Wang Mi-ju hugged the poet like a hug and walked slowly. At the counter, she said she would do the calculations, but the situation was simple and she took the elevator down.

Since Hwang Mi-ju could not drive at this rate, the city called for a female surrogate driver while a hotel employee came out with a luxury foreign car in Hwang America. Shortly after, the staff brought the car. The city put Hwang Mi-ju in the back seat, drove to the front of the hotel, and stopped the car.

“Honey, come in the back seat until you get a surrogate. ”

“I understand.”

Without turning off the ignition, the poem was moved to the back seat.

“I'm feeling a little dizzy. Can I lean on you for a second? ”

“Relax and lean back. ”

Wang Mi-ju nodded his head at the poem's shoulders as soon as permission fell.

The poem did not have any special feelings for the empress. However, seeing that she is quite pretty at an old age, there is no objection to this kind of skinship. If he had a husband, he would have refrained from skinship as much as possible, but he was a widow, so I thought it would be okay to do this kindly.

“I had fun today. ”

“I had fun, too. ”

Wang Mi-ju simply leaned against the shoulders of the poem and did not stroke his chest or touch his butt.

A female surrogate came to talk small and waited.

When the poet got out of the car, Hwang Mi-ju slowly left, promising to eat with the poet again.

It was not that I disliked the affection of the empress, but it was burdensome. But I was fortunate that the love was less than the love of my life. I would have been much more stimulating if I hadn't.

The lightly opened sights dragged the car home.

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