Dragon Lunamos

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Design was also important for PinkPet to wear, but more importantly, it was about catching the eye of others. Even though it was really well designed, it was impossible to make clothes that would satisfy most people unless they followed their destiny. But the poem had the ability to make that fortune.

After eating breakfast, the poem immediately went to the spawning room. Aru was in the middle of household chores such as dishes and laundry, so all she had to do was sit in the right position and do the internet.

“What are you doing?"

“I'm just on the Internet. What is your business here? ”

The egg turns its chair and stares at the situation expressionlessly. When I confessed that I liked him before, I felt like I liked him, but I didn't feel like it at all now. I don't know why it seems like it's back in the old days.

“Isn't it a little harsh, unlike last time? Is your love getting cold? ”

“I like her just as much as I did then. I just didn't usually come and suddenly thought I had something to do with it. Can I give you a skinship if you want? ”

“Yes. Give me a hug. I think it'll make me feel better. ”

“I think I've become a child since I refused to confess that girl at the university. ”

The horse looked like this, but the egg stood up from the chair and hugged the poem. It wasn't that I didn't feel like I still like the expression because it was a little clumsy.

He hugged lightly and lay down on his knees after laying the eggs on the bed. Then the egg naturally touches the head.

The poem got right to the point.

“You know, can you put enchantment on your clothes or something? ”

“Enchantment? Why do you need that? Are you trying to seduce another woman because you like her? ”

The egg blinds at once and asks. Before I realized I liked it, I was just pathetic that the poem met a lot of women, but now I have feelings of jealousy in my heart, not pity.

“No, no. I'm not trying to seduce a woman, I'm trying to promote a new business in Quezron, and I'm asking her to give her a name in another country. If possible, you can enchant and attract the popularity of girl idol costumes entering Japan. ”

“It's possible. But it's not what you think. ”

What kind? How? ”

“The magic I have is to turn the other person's will into a puppet. It's impossible to wager simultaneously on a large number of people, and it can't be used on inanimate objects like clothing. ”

“Definitely not what I had in mind. ”

What the poem wanted was to attract the likes of Caron's banner on the café menu, not make it a puppet.

If this happened, I would have to rely on the unknown Mina or use the fabric of giant lava silk in the volcanic area of Tual. The poetry itself was also caused by recycling clothes made of giant lava silkworms, egg eggs, and Mina's magic, but once the egg's magic became useless, I felt a little anxious.

“I'm sorry it didn't help. ”

As the poem seemed to be worrying for a long time, she apologized and said.

“There's no need to be sorry about the eggs, because their very existence helps me. ”

“I didn't know I existed that much. ”

Although not expressed in words, the egg continued to stroke the poet's head to see if he liked the word.

“Then I'll go to Quezron's castle and look for clothes made of giant lava silk. ”

As the poem gave a slightly alarming look, the eggs continued to think of things that might be helpful. The poem wasn't just about glamour, it was about popularity. Women's popularity eventually comes from beauty. Then, shouldn't she look pretty in the end?

“So how about this? ”

“Huh? Like what? ”

The poem asked with anticipation.

“I don't do magic to please people, but I do have magic to emphasize the beauty of women. ”

“Emphasize beauty? How can you emphasize that? ”

I couldn't think of an image of what it looked like just when I heard it.

“If you think of Internet broadcasting, it's simple. Cameras and visuals conceal a woman's flaws and highlight her beauty? It's not the same as my magic, but as a result, the effects are similar. But if you use too much magic, you feel an enormous disconnection when it disarms, giving it a slight point. ”

“Oh, that's nice. ”

Simply put, it also applies all kinds of corrective effects to the realities of women, often called Cam Red and Photography Red. However, when the effect was lifted from the stage costume, it could be as powerful as the Internet broadcast visas at the awards ceremony, so it needed attention.

Anyway, wherever I went, I just had to get to the destination, so this method seemed good enough.

“But even if you enchant it, it doesn't last that long, so you have to keep it magical. ”

I needed magical power, but I remembered the magical battery I gave to Autumn before, but it seemed difficult to use for a variety of practical reasons.

“One problem solves another. ”

“There is a solution. ”

“Oh, really? ”

“There's a silver thread that creates magic in the Castle Treasure Depot that I went to before. If you use it, it will be possible to slightly calibrate it, even if it's not too much. ”

“I think it's very precious. Can I use it? ”

“It's not impossible, so feel free to use it. because if you were there, you wouldn't have anything to do with your life. I think that rather than rotting in there, writing is what gives the tools real value. ”

“Thank you. I'll repay you in some other way. ”

“I'm not asking for anything in return. All you have to do is love me as much as the other girls. ”

I feel the affection of the egg, even though it's a little blunt. The poem was so cute that the eggs were unbearable. I laid the egg directly on the bed and got on top of it. Not even a brassiere, the large chest shined slightly with a thin teat.

For a moment, they looked into each other's eyes. An egg grabs the poem and hugs him and kisses him. Then, as if it were natural, I put my hand inside the egg's teat and touched my chest. The chest filled with one hand continued to wriggle as if it were a good dough.

It wasn't until I kissed her for a long time that the poem fell from the body of the egg. Normally, you'd have to have morning sex, but sex with eggs was a marriage. That's why I still had to endure it for my solo life.

“Shall we go now? ”

After kissing and touching my chest, the thin reasoning of the poem was puffed up to the point of embarrassment. It was as if the rocket were going to be shot into space at any moment.

“Sure, but are you going to have an erection like that? ”

“This is what happens when you get excited. You don't have to worry about it. It'll diminish on its own. ”

The poem answered lightly and summoned the door. And through that door, I went over to Kestron Castle with the egg, and I pulled out some sort of comfortable shoes from my closet. However, unlike the poem that chose the shoes, I was slightly concerned that the eggs were women.

You put on your shoes and went through the gate to the Treasure Depot of the Raohim Empire. I had been there once before, so I could go as if I were going out.

I walked about 10 minutes to the stairs as before, and climbed up the stairs to open the dusty wooden door to the treasure vault.

Just like before, there were treasures everywhere in the Great Storage. Seeing so much expensive treasure, my senses seemed to be numb.

“There's no place for anything here. There's a special warehouse next door for royalty only. Let's go there. ”

A heap of gold piled up like a mountain is passed, and the egg lays its hand on the golden plank on the wall. Usually, when I watch cartoons like this, a colorful golden light would come out. Whether the producer didn't have such a sense, the wall split apart, and another room appeared.

As Eggs said before, each treasure was precious because it was a place to store special treasures. I had an illusion that I had come to a department store.

“Take a quick look around and pick out your favorite treasure. I'll look for thread. ”

“Can I take a few? ”

“Take whatever you like. There's no use for treasure here anyway. ”

While the spawning searched for the silver thread that produced magical power, the poem looked around to see if there was any treasure he liked.

As they are treasures in a special treasure vault, they all seem very valuable. Simple jewellery. Although it has a lot of insights, these are jewelry of great value, such as making one or two in a craftsman's life.

I took a beautiful design earring, ring, necklace, bracelet, etc. and put them in the space. Then I found a glove that I liked. The gloves were only on the right, but the design was stunning.

[Absolute armor of the Black Dragon. Simple gloves that wrap the user's body in a dragon's scale and give him absolute defense when injected with magical power. But surrounded by dragon scales, the physical and magical defenses greatly increase, but there are no special advantages.]

I liked the description better. The poem put on gloves and injected Margie. Then the scales rose from the gloves and wrapped around the whole body of the poem at once. Even the eyes were made of a transparent scale of dragons, so as long as Magi existed, the Apocalypse had almost the same defensive power as the dragon. However, it took a considerable amount of Margaery to maintain the scale of this Black Dragon. Just as expensive graphics cards sucked the electricity, armor quickly sucked at the end of the poem.

Since the usage was confirmed, the situation blocked Margaery and returned her to gloves. Somehow, I also felt like a shape-shifting hero I saw when I was a kid. I liked it quite a lot. The gloves were placed into the subspace.

“Are you done?”

The egg stands next to you from the moment you see it.

“Yes, I'm done. Did you find the silver thread?”

“Yes, I brought all the sheep because they're quite good. ”

The egg gives you a pile of silverware.

The poem, whether he received the silver thread or not, checked the information.

[Giant Silver Poisonous Spider's Magic Silver Thread. Spider silk produced by a giant Silver Poisonous Spider has a special ability to absorb and store magical powers, making it very rare. If you rinse and remove the stickiness from the water and use the thread, you can also make clothing with high strength.]

I didn't know if I could see the corrective effect with a few silver threads, but the amount seemed to be good enough for other clothes. Moreover, this silver thread was sprinkled with a subtle and beautiful color. Pretending was quite luxurious.

Since I got the most important thing, the poem crossed back to Kestron Castle with the eggs. And right through the door, you return to the spawning chamber. The treasure vault is a place where you can take the eggs if you want. I couldn't bring any more treasure, so I didn't feel bad about it.

Now that I have obtained the most important Magical Silver Thread, I have to find out how much I can use the corrective effect.

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Thank you for reading.

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