Dragon Lunamos

Here, I sent two women to the castle first, and the poem decided to look around alone. Seeing the level of monsters I met, I didn't think there was any big problem going alone.

“Let's go to the castle first. I think I can come here alone. ”

“No, I'm fine. Phew... I can endure this much heat. ”

I just told the volcano rat that Mina is fine after nearly getting her heart ripped off. However, after saying that simple word, I continued to groan.

I was worried about going any further.

“Then, should I come back with some armor on? ”

“If you wear your armor in this heat, you'll fall right down. Now finding her as soon as possible is a way to save your strength. ”

Seeing their pride as wizards, they don't seem to want to just go back because of the heat.

“Then there's nothing I can do. ”

After all, it was helpful to be there, so the shrugged poem kept on looking for my sister. Without any information, I stumbled around and encountered a few monsters, but the situation was not that difficult.

Walking as soon as I reached my feet, I noticed a huge forest with countless trees mixed up irregularly.

The picturesque volcanic zone was such a place where lava flowed and only rocks were left, but it wasn't that long ago, so the trees and grass stood still, overcoming the heat.

When I think about it, I felt like I would be in a place like this.

I decided to take a look into this hideous forest, where the trees were thick and only had deep shade. The poem took a fragment of Lunas and pushed the irritating branches and grass forward, making it easy to follow behind.

As I was processing the branches and grasses like in the beginning, the thin, elongated thread that was tightly woven in front of me glittered beautifully in silver depending on the angle. Not just the size of the palm of the earth, but the cows were a huge web of spiders.

The situation shifted sideways to avoid spider silk.

“Hmph! ”

Suddenly, you hear the screams of the eggs behind you.

The situation quickly turned around.

The egg and Mina have just fallen on the spider web and are struggling. Both of them were so tired and confused that they were caught without finding any webs.

“Hold on, I'll let you go. ”

The poem took a step to cut the cobwebs with Lunas' fragments. However, somehow the eggs and Mina were posing as being quite obscene because they were constantly shifting.

As if on purpose, the butt of the egg was lifting upward, revealing its anus toward the poem, and Meena was spreading her legs as wide as she could to expose her vagina.

As I was walking along the scene, the situation felt strange and unpleasant. I looked around for some reason, but there was nothing.

“Up top!”

Mina, who was revealing a vagina like a blooming cherry blossom, opened her legs and shouted toward the city.

The poem stares up at Mina's shout, reflexively pulling Margaery up and injecting her into the glove. The scales of the black dragon curled up and the giant spider, who was slowly coming down the tree, jumped at once and named himself by his feet.

A fragment of Lunas falls to the ground.

The jumping speed was so fast and so great that the poem could barely react to wearing armor. I have instinctively felt a different overwhelming power than the low-level monsters I have met.

[Giant silver venomous spider. A silver spider silk that cannot escape the ordinary way and is used as food for trapped monsters or humans. Basic jumping ability and speed are exceptional, so hunting skills are also excellent. If you are bitten by venom surrounded by the legs of this spider, even an adult male can't make an antidote and will die in a single stroke.]

It wasn't until I saw the information that the vision revealed that this spider was a giant silver venomous spider. This monster, which draws unlimited magical silver, had to be captured alive to make a fashion brand.

A giant spider, who had perfectly secured the sight with its eight thick legs, tried to stick a venom in it. However, the dragon's scales are blocked with no poison teeth. The giant spider, who gave up several attempts, tried to tighten his legs to break the body of the poem.


The poem groans under enormous pressure. The dragon scale was perfectly defensive for physical attacks coming from the outside, but it didn't help much with the pressure of tightening.

It was dangerous to do this, so I pulled Margie up and created a strong force. A huge surge of power erupts throughout your body.


The poem resisted the leg of a tightening spider based on its strong strength. If you lose here, you will lose your life over broken bones.

Even the spiders tightened their legs with power enough to crush even the bulls at once to kill the resisting poem.

However, the legs of the giant spider began to spread.


The giant spider did everything in its power, but the power of the poem was stronger.

The spider's legs that began to spread became more and more numerous. Without missing the gap, the poem springs out of the ground like a rapid spring.

There was a power gap, but it wasn't a giant spider that allowed the Apocalypse to unfold. As soon as the poem exited, I immediately jumped and tried to wrap the poem's body around my legs again.

It was an ugly spider, but it was so big that it couldn't tell me it was the pressure to run to kill it because it was over two meters long.

This time I avoided it with a small difference. I was able to react simultaneously with the jump because I had experienced it once.

After several more workshops, the spider decided to change its objective. They decided to take the Human and Elven Woman caught in spider silk and feed them.

The spider moves its giant legs, reaching for the eggs and Mina at a rapid rate.

As the giant spider approaches, the normally calm eggs and Mina's face turn into a reflection.


Urgently, the egg casts a protective spell, but the spider tears the protective shield like a crest. The protective shield was so helplessly pierced that a deep horror appeared on the egg's face.

“Lual Room! ”

At the moment of crisis, Mina, who was forcibly imparting a confused mind, only succeeded in a magical landscape and emitted a powerful epilepsy. A lightning bolt struck every side with intense light, and a brainstorm ran 160,000 kilometers per second into the spider.

The spider trembles. However, compared to natural lightning, whether it was weaker or more resistant, the spider paused for a moment and soon tried to stick its giant venom into Mina's pale skin.

At this rate, Mina may die.

The poem hit the ground in one fell swoop. You jump right into the spider's mouth like a gunshot.


“You okay?"

Mina closes her eyes in horror, thinking she was bitten by a spider's venom. She opens her eyes as she hears the voice of the poem. At a breathtaking distance, you can see the spider's venom piercing the poem.

“Are you okay? ”

“Well, I have armor made of dragon scales. ”

In order to protect herself, Meena's heart trembled as she jumped into the spider's mouth and relaxed. As if he were a dragon, he would fall in love with the relaxed and confident appearance of everything.

Whether he knew it or not, the poem took the pill right out of the sub-space to make sure he didn't miss his chance.

“Take your pills. ”

Then he stuck his arm into the spider's mouth and injected the medicine.


The spider forcefully swallows the medicine, staggering back. But just in case, I took another pill and shoved it back in my mouth.

I couldn't have imagined it without dragon scaled armor, but Meena stared at me dazed by its toughness.

A giant spider spilling from his mouth, saliva or bodily fluids, crawled back to the pope. Then, unlike before, he massaged the body of the poem with his legs. Luckily, it seems to have been tamed.

However, just in case, I confirmed that the poem does not bite with my arm on the spider's venom several times.

“Phew, you're lucky to find a giant silver venomous spider here. ”

Like a monster that gives you a great item called Magic Silver, you have tremendous speed and power. Thanks to dragon scaled armor, we were able to withstand the pressure on those legs and escape. If we were naked, our bodies would be crushed at once.



As the poem tames the spider, the spawn and Mina sigh of relief just then. I came here to help the poem, but instead of getting tired of the heat, I got in the way.

The scroll that took the storage box out of the subspace was also inserted into the spider. I was worried that spiders would eat sheep, but I just threw them in because they were much more valuable than sheep.

Once safety was secured, the armor was removed and the storage box returned to subspace. The armor consumes Margie just as much as it does, so she's already laid bare.

The poem picks up a fragment of Lunas from the ground. Then you slowly cut the webbing around the egg and mina.

He carefully lays the stiff eggs and mina on the ground, wrapped around a web of spiders. It was dangerous to remove the webbing from Lunas' body, so I had to leave it tied up.

“Brother, I'm sorry. I'm here to help...”

“It's okay. We didn't know this was a volcano, so we can't help it. ”

An egg tied to a spider web reveals the anus between its buttocks.

“Me, too... I'm sorry about the damage. I'll do anything you ask me to do to save your life. ”

Mina showed her apology to the Pope for spreading her legs, whether there was a sexual function in spider silk. Even though Mina revealed her vagina clearly enough that she could no longer reveal it, she was not embarrassed at all because she felt dizzy and ashamed that she was not helping.

“You'll do anything for me? Hmm, got it. But for now, let's get rid of the stickiness of this spider web with water. ”

The poem knew that the magical silver thread made by giant silver venom spiders would remove the stickiness if washed with water. Immediately he summoned the door and moved the eggs and Mina to the castle first.

And I cut a large amount of Magical Silver Thread between the trees and brought it all back to the castle.

“Haaang... I think I'll live now. ”

Upon returning to Quezron's castle, the eggs vomited a groan that felt joyful. I could barely live out of the heat that was choking my breath and sweating.

Mina falls to the ground, unable to tell if she has reached exhaustion level.

The poem took the two of them to the bathhouse. The poem took off all of his clothes and took the magical silver thread that was attached to the eggs and Mina's body by taking a shower. Seeing that the magical silver thread was wrapped around the sensitive area, it was inevitable to reach the hand of the poem.

The poem washed both of their bodies and made a cold laminated tea that restores their health by lying them naked in the bedroom and gave them to them.

While Eggs and Mina were sipping Lamin Tea, the Pope told Konz all kinds of dishes that could fill his stomach and put them on the table.

“Take a break. I'm gonna take a look around. If you're hungry, eat something at the table. ”

“Thank you. I think I can recover in a few moments. ”

Since we felt directly how strong the situation was, the child and Mina decided to rest in bed as the child asked.

After eating the Summoners and recovering Margie, she returned to the Tual volcano and went around looking for her sister.

I've dealt with all the tribes that meet monsters. No monsters are as useful as before.

After wandering around for a long time, I could only find three giant lava noodles in the boiling, sticky water.

The silkworm emits a hot fire like lava, but thanks to its scaly dragon armor, it was able to feed its pills lightly and obtain three silkworms.

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Thank you for reading.

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