Dragon Lunamos

You put the silkworm in a storage box and double-checked the information on the boiling hot water. While the information appeared during the fight, I couldn't help but read it.

[Boiling lava hot springs. This hot spring, which holds the mysterious power of lava, has the power to resist heat. If you immerse thread or cloth in this hot spring water for a day, it absorbs heat resistance effects]

It was surprisingly effective compared to the lava hot springs around the house. Combining the effects of heat resistance and calibration magic, people will immediately feel how great the outfit made by the Keslon brand is.

I summoned the dimensional gate of Quezron and went to the castle and immediately brought a large barrel of Thermal Water. I carried the hot springs all at once and increased my strength with Maggio and transferred to the castle.

Since the water was boiling, I put it in the bathtub until it cooled down and decided to finish the situation from the day I couldn't.

First I told Konz where the automation system is. The remaining six glass buildings were filled with sheep, spiders, and silkworms. Through this automation system, silk, spider silk and wool are piled up in the warehouse.

I finally got what I thought I was going to do from that far past.

I left the automated system building and took the magical silver thread from the pile and washed it off one by one in the bathtub. It was a treasure beyond imagination, even though it looked like a trinket.

The dried thread that had been washed and stripped of stickiness was dried on a drying floor in a separate dry room. As it was a dry room in Quezron's castle, not only did you dry your clothes for a short while, but you had the sheer sheen of a new garment.

The last one to the shower went to the bedroom with the eggs and Mina. Even though the health of the poem had surpassed the average person, I couldn't help but feel exhausted.

There are eggs and mina lying on a bed large enough for three to lie on. Both of them were lying naked, and the light of the rising sun was shining beautifully on both their eggs and Mina's bodies.

I didn't want to wake them up, so the poem tried to go to another bedroom. The easiest place to find it was in this castle anyway.


However, the poem I was about to go out called the egg in a bad way. Seeing his voice a little locked up, he seemed to wake up in his sleep.

“Did I wake you? Sorry."

“No, I was up before you came. ”

“Sleep tight. I'll sleep in the other room. ”

“Come here. You wouldn't miss this for the world. ”

I reached out to the pope as if she were holding an egg in my arms. Soft-looking breasts face each other in their natural beautiful curves.

It was certainly a shame to miss out on this opportunity. The poem lay between the eggs and Mina, being careful not to wake her up.

The spawn got tangled up in the poem. The situation was a little awkward because it looked different from usual.

“I'm sorry for the trouble today. I wanted to help, but instead I got help. ”

“It's so hot, I can't help it. Don't be sorry. He's a man who can protect you. ”

“Obviously... yes. It's true that I'm feeling much better today because of you. ”


The only thing I wouldn't say even if I was usually ashamed was that there were not many such emotions. To be honest, I felt embarrassed about the situation for no reason.

“How much better? I want to kiss my brother in his hot chest right now and enjoy the physical pleasures, but it must be hard having Mina awake next to me. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

When Mina turns to look around, she opens her eyes and stares at the situation. A thin, luxurious duvet covers Mina's stomach. Despite its natural appearance, there was an artistic beauty that seemed to pose as a professional model.

“Aren't you tired? ”

“I'm fine because I slept well. More than that, I don't care what I want to do. I've already seen you have sex with Prince many times. ”

Mina says it in the grave, but it feels like her heart is blazing for some reason because she thinks the poem and the eggs are having sex next to her. I was a little confused by this feeling I'd never felt before.

“Hmm, I'm not surprised. That's just the way he is. ”

I knew something I didn't know, but I didn't even make a pathetic look on my face. Everyone would be surprised if the child who had always scored 100 got a zero, but no one was surprised that the child who had scored 0 got another zero. The mind of the spawning was just like that.


The poem smiled awkwardly.

“Meena is fine, too. What do you think? Shall we do it now?”

“I'm having sex, but...”

I was quite active because I saved the eggs and increased my liking today.

“Why don't you come with me? Don't you think it's too much to care for when you say that you really loved the good food? Honestly, everyone else had sex with you, and I'm a little proud that I wasn't the only one. Don't you find it fascinating that I want to have sex? ”

“No, it's not like that... I have to get married when I'm with you...”

“Does that mean you don't want to marry me? ”

“That's not it...”

“Or do you want to have sex, but not enough to get married? ”

“I'm sorry. I'd love to, but I'm still a little overwhelmed to get married. I think I need to be more prepared. I want to have sex with you more than anyone else, but I insist. Really.”

When I first kissed her in the name of studying, she was embarrassed and complained that she no longer had sex.

Of course, the poem also wanted to have sex with eggs. What man would resist having sex with a woman as beautiful as an egg? But even marriages on other planets, the pressure of marriage itself was unusual.

I still wanted to feel a little more free.

“That makes it a little awkward. Well, you've had a great day, so I'll leave you to it. It's okay to use my body as much as you want now as you can repay the favor you received today. Do you want me to do it with my hands or my mouth? It's okay to rub it in your vagina without sticking it in. Oh, of course, I want you to put it in, so if you can't handle it with my body, you can put it in. ”

Although I spoke confidently, I was ashamed of the egg's face. I haven't had much experience, so I still have to do it. Rather, I liked the poem because it looked more cute.

The egg that removed the blanket reveals its naked body. She was not as perfectly balanced as Mina as a human, but more beautiful and distinctive than a normal human, or famous celebrity.

As she listens to the two of them, she scours the poem endlessly. Obviously, I used to think it was disgusting when I had sex with Prince, but now my heart is beating and I drool by myself. The eyes did not fall from the body of the poem.

“Then what should I do? I'm worried.”

The interim process was a little awkward, but the poem wondered what to do to make the eggs feel good because they could use whatever they wanted.

The spawning eyes of Mina stare back at her troubled body as she falls into a daze. As a woman, Mina notices how she feels. Seeing that there was already a woman around the poem, there was a jealous sympathy group.

“Meena seems quite interested in your body, do you want to join her? ”

“Oh, I'm fine. ”

Mina is embarrassed as she suddenly speaks to herself.

“He likes this. If an Elf touches me like Mina, I feel so good that I might just wrap it up quickly. Now, take a look. ”

The eggs grabbed Mina's hand and carried her to the poem's penis. If Mina insisted that she hated it here, she wouldn't have forced her eggs either.

But Mina seems to have taken it out a little bit, but eventually she leaves her hands where the eggs lead her. The urge to feel the body of the poem suddenly pushed up and grabbed the penis.

“Really? ”

I didn't think she would take her penis by hand because she knew how much she hated sexual activity from Elf Yunar.

“Well, how do you do that? ”

“Gently stroke here. ”

Mina, who is blushing in shame, looks at the situation and asks, "A disturbance has arisen." I taught Mina what I learned from the poet one by one.

Mina's clumsy hands sweep through the penis of the poem. I feel pretty good with a nice touch.

Neither the shy mina nor the egg taught them themselves, but they were quite fresh and new, so the poem lay down and watched the two of them act.

Mina was licking the pope's penis in her mouth, just as Egg taught her. The situation was greatly aroused by the fact that Mina put her penis in her mouth, although she was not very good at it.

“He likes this split part. Lick it like I did. ”

The spawning puts its vagina on the face of the poem and teaches it to Mina, grumbling and groaning. When Mina got used to it, she licked her penis and sucked it together.

Mina was busy following the instructions that she taught, but she was a little more experienced, so she tried to make the situation frustrating without inserting it.

The poem licked his vagina alternately, pointing his butt at his face, not only the eggs that hit his butt. The cleanliness and purity that smelled nothing created the desire to insert it immediately, but I endured the hiccups.

Both of them were quite clumsy, and it wasn't long before the situation had reached their mouths. Mina, who was ignorant of the castle, swallowed the semen, even if not enough.

However, the eggs were not this satisfied and stimulated with Mina in various ways taught by the poem. I climbed up to my vagina and rubbed it, or I induced the insertion in such a way that the ovulation carried the penis tip to my vagina and irritated her vagina, but it eventually failed.

The situation is quite exhausted, and I will go back to sleep several more times.


The egg lay beside the poet, stroked his head and kissed him. Even though marrying immediately would not require anything at all, the situation seemed to feel heavily burdened. That's why I had this intense desire to have sex and get married before other women.

“Ugh... Ahh...”

While the eggs lay exposed, touching or kissing the body of the poem, Meena continued to rub her vagina in the erect penis of the poem. After learning about late thievery, Meena enjoyed the body of the poem in a frenzy that made her aware of the intense pleasures of the flesh.

Due to the nature of the elves, there was a part of them that was vulnerable to pleasure because they had been living contrary to this stimulating sensation.

Suddenly, the sun was fully rising and illuminating a room full of obscenity.

* *

How long have you been asleep? The awakening immediately opened its eyes to a strange sensation. Somehow, I felt good pleasure in my penis.

Looking down, Mina is still naked, sucking her dick for a long time. It was a scene that reminded me of waking me up with oral sex as if it were from an adult cartoon.

“You haven't been doing it since before, have you? ”

I would have slept for six hours, but it was hard to imagine that I had been there for six hours.

“I woke up in my sleep, too. ”

Mina said with a slight stutter that she was ashamed of, but she didn't miss her penis. As soon as I woke up to the stimulus that began in the morning, I begged her for forgiveness.

In her case, Mina, who had no idea that normal men couldn't use their strength, swallowed semen and then raised her penis again to rub her vagina as Eggs taught her. It's addicted to pleasure.

It was the power of the penis that invested points in the increase in pleasure, as well as the combined strength of Mina's desire as Yulnar.

“Wait. That's it for today. I have to get up and work now. ”

I felt a physical burden even though I was energized by how much I had given during my sleep. Just a few more times here, no matter how difficult the situation was.

“I was going to stop without saying it. ”

However, unlike what she said, Mina came down from her penis with a mournful expression.

Mina realizes why the Elves think that sex is so low and distant. After experiencing the experience, I couldn't get rid of the addiction.

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