Dragon Lunamos

The trophy photos of the city and autumn spread to sites like Special Forces very quickly and quickly.

The people who saw the photos reacted that they didn't really know that they were together, and fans of autumn failed to write because the mental collapse was so big.

[Wow, did you see the autumn date with the head of Quezron? What a shock.]

[If you're this popular, don't you think it's best to stay as hidden as possible for your fans or to lose interest in men? I don't need to see the autumn personality when I see a guy with money who's losing his mind and sneaking around.]

[It gives me the creeps to think that everything I've been pretending on TV is an act.]

[Now that I think about it, they made a lot of tea. They used to take pictures of each other backstage, and they used to write stories about journalists being together. I'm so jealous.

[Surprisingly, but they're all adults, so there's nothing you can't have. I don't know why everyone's so excited to write.]

Surprise, envy, anger, understanding, etc. There was a big fight between a man who said, 'Why do you want to make love when you are all grown up?' and a man who said, 'If you're going to do everything you want, what are you going to do?’

[You guys didn't know? It's even more shocking that there are so many reporters who have been dumping their pastries since before.]

But even then, there appeared someone who pretended to be rich and ignored others. It was always the same type of controversy.

When people were making a sudden argument about Idol's romance, the Fall fans who had recovered some of the collapsed mental faculties gave this opinion in a completely different way.

[Isn't the photo a little strange? Is there any evidence that the two of you are in love with each other? I think it's a good idea to get in the car with the number of the Quezron Representative, because everyone knows they're already close friends. They've been close to the head of Quezron since the fall, and there are lots of photos of them together since before the pink pets. You know, I think the fact that I'm so eager to meet my best friend and eat something as casual as this, he wrote an article about it.]

[Yeah, I don't think they actually held hands. I don't think they kissed. I think they posted an article to say, "Open up." I have to complain to the newspaper.]

Because there was no conclusive evidence, fans of autumn did not believe that autumn and poetry were dating. Rather, he even complained to the newspaper about false enthusiasm.

With all this commotion, I couldn't even recognize Azin Entertainment, an Autumn company.

Huang Mi-ju, a representative director, asked the autumn in Japan on a schedule, "Are you really dating?" And Huang Mi-ju replied, "Not autumn." I wasn't trying to hide it. I wasn't really dating. In the fall, he wished to answer that it was right to date the poem.

The director of Hwang Mi-ju, who had heard that he met when he was relaxed, immediately denied the enthusiasm and wrote a counter article saying that he was only close to his friend.

[Pink pete autumn, quezron president and loving wife “just close friends”]

These women's enthusiasm articles also spread on every site, but most people didn't believe it, just because they liked autumn fans as well.

This enthusiasm also entered the ears of women who had a close relationship with the situation, such as silver and praise and yumi. After checking the rebuttal article, they immediately assumed that the poem and autumn were more subtle than friends and less than lovers, while creating anxiety.

The current situation with women was quite subtle.

We liked each other and had physical relationships, but no one developed into a couple because there were so many competitors around us. I was afraid I would miss the poem rather than get angry when I found out it was having sex with another woman.

The existence of the poem was a very precious and beautiful jewel that seemed to be captured. The competition was so intense as it was worth it that everyone could only see it. An uneasy balance has been maintained.

However, this enthusiastic article cracked the balance a little.

It seemed like everyone in the world thought they were dating autumn and autumn was ahead of them.

In particular, Silver Rain was furious at the betrayal of her friend Autumn. Apparently, the last time I met him and confessed that he was close to the poem, he told me that autumn would help me get better.

Obviously, I felt anxious that the autumn and poetry were getting closer and closer, and Gear let go of the love story.

I almost didn't have to see what autumn would do. He would have tailed and seduced the poet with a ploy to provoke sympathy. Even a pervert is too kind and stupid, so the situation is easily seduced by such temptation.

This is why I pretended to be more friendly in front of the journalists in order to prepare for the poetry and enthusiasm beforehand, but there were very few articles related to me that were just like autumn and passion stories.

This humiliating defeat caused silver to hurt his pride greatly.

Silver Secret decided to go out so strong that it wasn't even close to autumn and take an honorable victory.

I contacted the city right away and made an appointment to meet immediately around 6: 00 today. I still had time before the drama, so I did not have any trouble falling out.

However, it was a little difficult for my parents to find out about the situation and the fallout, so she asked Ruby, her older sister, to tell me that she's coming in the next day for work.

There was still time, but Silver Rain was wondering what to wear for dinner. Normally, I would wear as much clothing as possible to hide my body and face from people, but I had no intention of doing so today.

I picked the prettiest clothes I could for fans and journalists waiting at the airport. I chose a white sheath blouse with slight exposure and a short tennis skirt with sleek legs. Underwear was also very important, as I chose the underwear that was shiny on the inside. I decided to wear a black brassiere and panties when I thought about it as much as I could.

I lay in bed and put on my smartphone for a long time after I found the situation and where I was going today. I tried to make it as pretty as possible, but it was almost 6 o'clock.

Suddenly, the phone rang and a text from the poet arrived. The secret of seeing the text reminds me a little of my face due to tension and excitement.

I quickly finished my makeup and put on the underwear and clothes I had chosen earlier. High heels were purchased directly from the Kestron store. High heels made in Quezron were high heels, but the feet were really comfortable, so it was easy to go around with the poem for a long time.

I also wore a fashion mask because it was a bit strange to reveal everything.

However, even when I covered my mouth, I could easily recognize that it was a secret with a beautiful body that maximized the beauty of women and an aura spurted out.

I told Ruby I was coming, and I took the elevator down. Outside the apartment complex, I saw the city's car on the side of the road.

I barely walked, but people around me were already staring at me, but I got into the poem's car without caring about the secret.

Silver immediately took off his mask.

“Hi. You look very pretty today. ”

“Did you have an affair with Autumn? ”

As soon as Silver got in the car, she told me about her love story.

“We just met in the fall for a long time, and a photo was taken of where they were taken. I guess it's because autumn is so popular these days. Autumn is a big deal these days. Haha.”

When the poem seemed to boast as if it were autumn, Silver's expression rotted.

“Hey! You like autumn that much? Why don't you marry me in the fall? ”

“Ugh, yeah? I didn't mean it like that... but I wanted to see the secret, too. I wanted to kiss you. ”

The poem tried to kiss me by pulling the secret of the angry and pointy.

“I don't feel like this right now. ”

However, unlike usual, Silver Rain pushed the situation away. Nevertheless, the poem hugged and kissed him lightly.

Whether I liked this forceful kiss or not, my expression got better as if I was a little angry.

“You have to do everything I say today. Do you understand?”

“Isn't that what you always do? ”

“Anyway! Just refuse me. ”

“Got it.”

The poem smiled lightly.

“Fine. Let's eat first. I'm so hungry right now. ”

“Very well, Eun-Bee. I'll do as you say."

The poem answered in a playful manner, going to a limited time restaurant that celebrities often go to. It was a private room where I could eat without caring about other people's eyes.

I arrived at a four-story restaurant and went straight to the individual room. I was able to enter without waiting for Silver to make a reservation in advance.

Even with the mask on, people at the restaurant continued to stare at me every step of the way because silver was shining on its own.

When I went into the room and ordered food and waited, the food was filled up. It was expensive but tasty, so high-ranking people visited it often.

When the dish was ready, Silver Rain moved right next to the poem.

“What did you have with Autumn? ”

In the question of secrecy, the poem flinches momentarily. That's when I remembered the fall hunger, so I went straight to the hotel and had sex without eating anything.

“I just ate it briefly. ”


You look familiar with the secret.

“But can I wear it like that? Don't you think they'll notice we're traveling together? I see a lot of people staring at me when I come in here. ”

“You don't know me because I'm covered in a mask. Don't worry about it. ”


It was nonsense, but the situation did not ask any more questions, but it was enough. If I keep digging, I can predict that silver will annoy me again, even if I don't have the ability to predict the future.

However, Silver Rain, who was eating, suddenly took a bite of meat from his mouth and put it on his lips.

“Here's Mugger. ”

Just as the mother bird fed him, the poem took food from Silver Rain with his mouth. Then Silver Rain looks satisfied.

The poem couldn't figure out what Silver Rain wanted to do.

The secret, which had been fed several times, suddenly put his left hand on his trousers and stubbed the pope's penis. A light hand, but the poem has a reflexive erection.

“I'm not going home today. Don't you go in there.”

The secret seduced the situation openly. It was a very autumn conscious action.

“How's it going? ”

“I'll take care of that. You don't have to worry. ”

Silver answered decisively.

When the meal was over, the city drove to the place where Eun Bi spoke. Ordinary buildings disappeared and motels started to pile up. The dazzling billboard made me dizzy.

“This is the only motel. ”

“I can't sleep anywhere. I have to sleep in a motel. ”

The secret seemed natural.

“Oh, let's pull over and stop at the convenience store over there. I want to get thirsty and brush my teeth. ”

According to his instructions, the town stopped on one side of the road. Then I went down with Silver Rain and entered the convenience store nearby.

Even with the mask on, the secret is explicitly radiating its presence. Then, some people at the convenience store and part-time students realized that the masked woman was a secret.

Those who stared at the silver rain noticed that the man next to him has become famous for his passion and autumn stories. The enthusiasm was born in the fall, but people didn't understand the fact that they were in a motel convenience store like a silver rain.

But the secret was buying toothpaste, toothbrushes, a few drinks, and the most important items, without even caring.

The situation also chose a drink to drink lightly.

“Give it to me. I'll do the math. ”

The secret to taking the poem's drink was calculated along with the item of your choice.

Nervous part-time student used a barcode scanner to take a picture of silver with trembling hands. Beverages, snacks were fine, but two toothbrushes and toothpaste made me imagine something strange. But the poem was autumn and enthusiastic, so part-time students tried to refrain from imagining it as much as possible.


But when I saw the last item taken, she made a strange sound without even knowing it.

[Ultra-thin condom 0.02mm]

The eyes of part-time students who took condoms and told me the price were tremendously shaken. The part-time student who received a card from Silver Moon continued to alternate between the status quo and Silver Moon.

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