Dragon Lunamos


Silver Secret told the embarrassing part-time student.

“Oh, yes, yes. ”

The part-time student quickly shot the condom with trembling hands.

You may have mistaken me for someone else, but hearing your voice is perfectly covert. Not a popular actor, not an idol, but a secret figure, so I couldn't tell.

I finished the calculation with the card I received from Silver and put the toothbrush, condom, etc. in the envelope.

“Thank you."

The envelope and the card were received, and the silver coin crossed its arms and went out of the convenience store.

Looking at the autumn and enthusiastic quezron representatives and the arm-wearing silver, she looked back at him with her eyes open, wondering if he was dreaming right now.

The couple at the store also went behind the scenes and constantly talked about the secret and the situation.

“Awesome. You just bought a condo, right? Is that what you were doing with Eunvie and Representative Kezron? So, what happened to the autumn scandal? ”

“Who's that guy? Representative of Quezron?”

Compared to women, men had no idea what information they had or who the situation was.

“You know what? Fall and scandal guy. Don't you know the Quezron brand? Most popular with women these days. It's expensive, but it's worth it. Anyway, this isn't the point. We have to take a picture quickly. ”

The woman quickly took out her latest smartphone from her bag, went out of the convenience store and put her arms around her and took a picture of the silver and poetry going to the car.

The noise from the camera spread out in the night. Silver Rain also looked back when she tried to take her picture again.

I quickly touched the take button and saw the scene of Silver Secret peering back. Even though it was the latest smartphone, it was recognized as a secret, thanks to the bright lights of the street lamps and the nearby stores.

Silver approaches the car and turns his head toward the convenience store once more.

Then I heard the sound of photography again. This time, I went out to part-time students and filmed with them.

The secret, which provided enough data, got into the car smiling as if it were satisfied inside the mask.

“I thought you were taking pictures of us. Can I leave it? Should I tell him to go erase his picture? ”

The poem looked at the mystery and asked a little worried.

“Oh, no. It's okay. You wouldn't know it if you wore a mask anyway. Don't worry about it. ”

When the poem seemed to get out of the car immediately, Silver Rain panicked and withdrew. If the situation goes out and erases the photo, all the plans will be foiled. There's no point in writing on the Internet without any evidence of photography.

“Really? Then why did you buy a condom? We don't use condoms. ”

“That's... but if you do, you could get pregnant... Oh, I don't mean I don't want to get pregnant, but I don't care... I have to keep working, so there's a bit of a complication... I don't know. Anyway, let's get to the motel. I'm so tired. ”

Silver stutters, not answering properly. My mouth twitched to make excuses that didn't work.

I know I don't wear a condom, but I had no choice but to tell the part-time student that they were like that. If I didn't get my picture taken today, I was going to date a lot of people in the daytime tomorrow. If you kiss poetry and skin and act like a lover, you'll get the perfect scandal that won't compare to autumn.

“Really? Then it's fine. ”

He seems to be up to something, but he doesn't care about the situation because Silver Secret is okay. It was a good thing that the Fall Rumors would be refuted as soon as the two of them were taken together. Instead, the image of the secret would have fallen considerably, but it was what he wanted.

“Let's go quickly. I want to lie down fast. ”

“Are you tired already? You're not going straight to bed, are you? ”

“Ugh, pervert. I have nothing but dirty in my head. ”

“Haha. Where should we go? Silver Rain is tired, so let's go quickly before bed. ”

“Let's go over there. Looks good over there. ”

The poem goes to the luxurious motel indicated by the silver rain.

I parked my car in the parking lot of the motel and found the most expensive room at the counter. I went to the room carefully, covering my face that the silver rain was too burdensome.

Nevertheless, even those who work for the Super Beauty Force were looking at it, but they did not recognize it as a secret.

The Silver Rain entered the room, taking off the sticky poem and taking a shower first. When I tried to wash my hair and remove my makeup, the poem with a big penis came into the bathroom.

Silver gave me a light pinky glass and washed the body of the poet like a caress. Perhaps due to autumn awareness, Silver Secret stroked the body of the poem more actively than usual.

After finishing the shower, I began to have sex in my bed as if it were natural. Naturally, neither of them cared about condoms.

Every time the poem moved his waist and put a giant penis in his body, Silver felt a huge warmth and a storm of pleasure. But even though it felt so good, in my mind, I kept thinking about whether I would have sex with the autumn poem.

Of course, the day of the fall and the scandal, you could have eaten and not had sex. However, Autumn was already perceived as a woman who was trying to take the situation away from her, and all she kept getting was negative thoughts.

If we had sex, who would feel better? Do you really think Silver Rain is going to steal the situation?

I was jealous of autumn.

Eun Byun made every effort to satisfy the situation like a popular learner wishing that all men would get together and get married.

* *

Earlier on the Internet, the article about Silver Secrets buying condoms was posted on a large community site.

[I saw some nonsense earlier. I'm doing my job at the convenience store, and I'm coming in with a very beautiful woman. So I snuck up on him, and I felt like it was a secret. Would you hide that pretty face even if you wore a mask? This is as good as it gets, isn't it? But this next one is amazing. Eun Bi and Representative Kezron picked up some stuff, but I think they have condoms there. Wow, I couldn't believe it even when I saw it. I almost asked Eun-who if it was really a secret. And the customers at the store were very surprised that Cazron and Silver bought condoms. I had scans done with the autumn president of Quezron, and it seemed like it was a secret to date. I was so jealous that I almost died.]

In case you were wondering, part-time student just posted without a picture. But people couldn't believe this kind of writing all at once.

[Yeah. Next shit. The secretary and the head of Kezron went to the convenience store at dawn to buy condoms? You have to believe it to some extent.]

[blah blah blah blah] Seems like you've been doing a lot of work on azine entertainment. Did he tell you to ride in secret since it's autumn?]

[I caught it. I'll send it to the Silver Secret Service and have them sue me. Does it mean that a secret star actress buys condoms at a convenience store?]

Dozens of comments were written in an instant, but they were all negative and condemned.

The convenience store part-time student put up a list of items that Eun Byte had bought because he lied too much. There were toothbrushes, toothpaste, and ultra-thin condoms.

Nevertheless, the reaction was not good. No, it was just a lot of blame.

You expect me to believe this? These people are not fools enough to fall for this.]

At this point, part-time student had to upload a photo to prove his innocence.

[Last post. I saw all the other guests beside me. We stood together and took pictures. It's a blurry night, but you can see it's kind of discreet and representative of Quezron.]

[I also captured this. They're manipulating the data now because they don't believe it. You know this is a crime, right?]

Who would cheat on something like this? (Exhales)

The part-time student's cell phone was released about two years ago, so the picture came out blurry and dark. Still, is it a secret? Do you want to see a woman or a poem? The man who wanted to ride in the luxurious foreign car was photographed.

The public opinion began to change slowly as it looked like it was a picture of blurry quality at night, but it seemed to be a secret.

[Looks like a silver lining. Because the difference between Quezron and Silver Key is over 20 centimeters, that's exactly what makes it different. My girlfriend and I know about the height difference.]

[I know that place. Lots of motels around here. If I had bought a condom there, I could have done it.]

People analyzed it with a variety of data.

In particular, some people received enormous recommendations because they found out that the car in the picture and the car types on the scandal from the previous fall were exactly the same.

However, the story of the poem and the secret was not only posted here, but also in a large community of women. It was almost similar, and even though the photo was taken much more clearly and wearing a mask, no one could see it was a secret.

Even at dawn, the Internet was hot as an active volcano. All sorts of experts appeared and concealed the authenticity of the photograph, and finally it was concluded that the secret and the situation were correct.

When this happened, people noticed the receipt of the condom that the part-time student posted and disgraced.

[If Silver Rain handpicked that ultra-thin condom, I don't think you've had sex once or twice.]

[Oh, that's disgusting.]

It's raining.

[You're jealous of the Quezron Representative... you feel like you have the whole world in secret and sex, right?]

[Then what's autumn? I don't even date, but they're scandalous? How silly of you. Blah blah]

[Maybe he already got in the car and used one.]

There's all kinds of talk about condoms. There were people who deliberately talked about sex.

[If you're gonna buy a condom and have sex safely, shouldn't you compliment me?]

[It gives me the creeps. Why would you publish something like that? Shouldn't we be protecting our privacy?]

[I've been avoiding it a lot since I ate only food in the fall and scanned. Shouldn't we sue the critters?]

The Internet came up for people who simply saw condoms and talked about sex, who violated their privacy too much, and fans of the happy autumn.

Now, no one cared about the love story of autumn and poetry.

Now I'm constantly posting on the bulletin board with my passion for silver and poetry. Silver became what he wanted.

As the day dawned, the story of the story of the poem and the love of silver appeared in the news.

The shock of those who woke up in the morning and encountered this enthusiasm was enormous. And men felt a deep, dark emotion of anger.

In the fall, enthusiasm was right between numerous netizens and fans, but if there was a fight, there was only unconditional hostility to the situation.

There was no man in Korea who would not be angry that he was dating the best Korean beauty in secret and even had sex.

Then, without any context, all kinds of swearing came up. I know that Silver Star is in the distant sky, so I can't even approach it if I don't have the money to make a rocket as fast as the poem, but still, everyone's stomach aches.

The name of the poem became famous all at once because of the love story of autumn and silver. Before, everyone knew who was supposed to be the head of Quezron, but now, even if it only says the poem, men blasphemed immediately.

When the story broke, Yumi and Eunji were greatly satisfied by the reaction of news articles and netizens, while seeing the sequential scandal stories, Yumi and Eunji trembled with anxiety. At this rate, it seemed like the poem would marry stars like autumn or silver.

Even Chan Mim was shaken so much that the other women at home pretended to be depressed.

The poem enjoyed silver and sticky sex at dawn, and it felt that way as soon as he came home.

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