Dragon Lunamos

When the poem and Hwang Mi-ju entered the practice room, there were six girls waiting for them with a nervous expression without any other associates. When they saw the poem coming in with her, they were startled and turned to ice.

“President Quezron of the Apocalypse will be looking at your performance and selecting two. The two chosen ones will join the Pink Pet immediately, so make the most of them. ”


Surprised for a moment, the trainees responded loudly. Their eyes continue to pursue the situation.

As the azine entertainment practitioners, they had heard all kinds of stories about the situation from Soho and Jane, etc. It was just the same story I never imagined as a trainee, from the fact that the manners were too nice and too kind, to the story of when I gave them stage costumes of millions of won, to the story of giving them expensive Quezron cosmetics.

The trainees made a more motivated face, thinking that if they could just enter the pink pets, they might become more popular, as well as become acquainted with that great and talented poem.

I looked at his face and body first. Everyone had a good look and body because of the selected trainees, but no one was outstanding enough to catch my eye the first time I saw them.

Rather, when I first saw Hyo-jung, the daughter of the empress, I dug a lot more shocking than the trainee here. The peculiar charm of a cute face and a fleshy body imbalance has not yet been captured in my mind. It seemed more so because of the scarcity that could hardly be found around it.

Hwang Mi-ju sat down next to the table in the practice room. Here, there was also a paper that appeared as a rubric to assess the various skills of the trainees, singing, and dancing skills.

Hiring a new member was important to PinkPet, but it was a life-changing job for the nervous trainees.

“Here we go. ”

One of the girls stood in front of me as she spoke. Then, looking at the poem, he began to introduce himself.

“Hello, I'm candidate number one Yoon Da Eun. First, I'm going to sing you the love of Pink Pet seniors. ”

A slightly ordinary girl came out and sang and danced. His gaze was fixed on the vision.

The trainees tried their best to show their charm and to catch the attention of the poem.

A passion that can only be seen by the eyes. They danced hard and sang. No matter who they trained hard for, they danced, sang well, and were handsome enough.

The situation sought to be as fair and sound as possible. Although the eyes and knowledge to see were common for the judges, they focused on determining who would have a cleaner beauty when dressing pink pets and kezron.

All the trainees' tests were completed within.

Everyone looked at the situation with eager eyes. It was an important moment when their future and life were determined by the judgment of the poem.

“Get out of here for a minute. Don't let anyone in here until I call the meeting. ”


As she spoke, the trainees left the practice room after answering loudly.

The only silent space left was the city and the Yellow Americas.

“Who did you like? ”

When no one was around, Hwang Mi-ju once again asked the opinion of the situation in a sticky voice. The authoritative and cold appearance that I had just told the trainees disappeared quickly, and I became a woman who was mating in front of the poem.

“Well, number two and number five were good, and number two looked and acted cute enough to be popular, and number five was pretty, and I liked the unique and charming voice. ”

I chose two girls who would best fit into the image of Quezron and the image of a pink pet, not just a rough choice, by considering them carefully. I didn't mean to, but both girls were in the third grade of high school when they turned 20 next year.

“Really? Let's do number two and number five. ”

When the poem chose two people, Hwang Mi-ju made a decision without a worry. He clearly told the trainees as though he was going to have a meeting for a long time, but his fate was decided because he had less than a minute.

“There's more to the story than that. ”

Now that I've chosen an apprentice, I've decided to talk about the situation more important than that.

“Something else? What?”

“Can you give me Hyo-jung, your daughter? ”

“Hyo-jung? Hyo-jung? Did you like our Hyo-jung? Of course I want to hear it because it's a favor that you want...”

As if the dog chasing the chicken was staring at the roof, Wang Mi-ju made a face filled with emptiness. I wanted to be intimate with the poem, not the daughter I introduced to you today. Jealousy arose endlessly, but the poem asked for a favor, so even Wang Mi-ju tried to give it to her. This was as much faith and trust as the gods who believed in the cult.

“Haha, the vocabulary choice is a little wrong. I was too direct to ask if I could do a Quezron model. ”

The poem smiled embarrassingly as if it were a mistake. I only know if it was an accident or intentional situation, but I didn't ask you to make me date her anyway, so she took a deep breath.

“Oh, you scared me, too. But don't you think it's hard to model Kestron because our Hyo-jung has gained so much weight? ”

“I think I just need to lose a little weight. I think it's going to be less attractive if you take it out too far. ”

I couldn't leave my talent like Hyo-jung. The cute face and large breasts were enormous glamour that would make the image of Kestron even more popular with men.

“Really? I appreciate you looking after her so beautifully... but I think I should ask Hyo-jung first. ”

Ordinary parents would naturally be delighted with the fact that they would become a kezron model, but Wang Mi-ju felt awkward about the poem asking for a daughter. I was worried that they wouldn't go out with each other and get married for no reason.

“Then ask me now. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Hwang Mi-ju left the practice room together with the rubric checked by the poem in his luxury bag. I brought Hyo-jung, my daughter, to the Executive Director's office to inform the trainees who are waiting outside the practice room later.

Hyo-jung was still embarrassed by the shock of touching the penis of the poem.

“Hyo-jung, I have something to tell you. ”

The poem sat on the couch and looked at Hyojung with a serious face.

“Oh, please make yourself comfortable. I'm ashamed of what you're saying to me. ”

Hyo-jung asked the Pope to speak to him, even though he was embarrassed.

“Oh, is that so? Then I'll make myself comfortable. ”

“Yes, I'm comfortable with this. Heehee.”

Hyo-jung felt good because the poem said half the time that we were close somehow.

“Do you want to model? ”

“Yes? Model? What model?"

Hyojeong puzzled the model proposal.

“Our Kestron model. I really want to use Hyo-jung for this new product. ”

“I-I 'm a kezron model? Like me? Are you kidding me? ”

HyoJeong looked at the situation in horror because of the word "kezron model." Surprise and excitement filled my face everywhere I came from embarrassment.

By the way, when you look at people who have modeled Kestron so far, they are not human beings like autumn, silver, or yumi. Moreover, Quezron was the only luxury brand in South Korea that was becoming more popular in the world than just luxury goods. It was unbelievable that HyoJeong offered him such a great position.

“Really. I've been looking at Hyo-jung's beauty ever since I first saw her. I'm a little sorry to have to tell you this in person, but no one in Korea would be so charming with such a cute face like you. ”

As the average breast size of Korean women is A cup, it was rare for someone with an E cup to be cute to the face, and the probability of a pretty body line was very low, even if they did not see the exact statistics. A Gravia Idol in Japan who was as cute and breathtaking as Hyo-jung for no reason was not attracting a pioneering popularity on the Internet.

“Me? Me? Strange. My friends say that they're fat all the time... but they don't like guys this much because of their breasts, so they're actually a little stressed. But he was really fat and bad-looking to me. ”

Hyojung asked with a look that he did not understand at all. Obviously, my friends have always told me to go on a diet, please, because they think of me as the body that men hate the most. Every time I heard that, I didn't have confidence in my body.

“Did your boyfriend say that? ”

What I didn't understand was the situation. A man's body is engraved so deeply into his brain that he doesn't like it? It was a bit of a household, but it was clear that if you subtracted it a little and calibrated it a little with your abilities, you would be transformed into a beauty of tremendous value in the world.

“Well, actually, I don't know a guy who went to Girls' College in the middle of the day... and very few of my friends have boyfriends. ”

After going to South Korea and South Korea, Hyo-jung didn't even speak properly with a woman at the university. In addition, Hyo-jung went to Yeongdo Girls, and there seemed to be no contact with a man at all.

Then I understood why Hyo-jung was a virgin. If he had gone to a normal college of boys and girls, no man would have left a girl with such cute, dark sex appeal. And, of course, the poetry.

Seeing Hyojeong who was confused, the poem wanted to play a joke lightly.

“Really? I don't think that's a good idea...”

“Isn't that right? So I can't be a Kestron model anymore? I thought it was strange to make you so fat and fat. Oh, I don't feel like crying...”

The poem joked lightly because he was joking, and Hyo-jung's eyes turned red as if he was crying right away. Don't just say that. You'll say yes. Then I lost my chance to be a kezron model for no reason. My own stupidity and fat body were too pathetic.

“Haha. Sorry. I was just joking. Now, don't cry, wipe it with this. ”

The poem gave me a handkerchief from Quezron's wardrobe in his pocket. This luxurious-looking handkerchief cleanses away dirt, so even if you loosen your nose quickly.

“Really? So I can be a model for Kestron? ”

“Yeah. Who would do that if she wasn't pretty like Hyo-jung? ”

“Ugh, thank you...”

This time I was so happy that I cried. It was only the poem that complimented her that she was beautiful. My friends always told me to lose weight.

Hyo-jung wiped his tears with the handkerchief that the poem gave him. The scent of the poem made me very fragrant and pleasant in the handkerchief.

Seeing the poem and Hyojeong making jokes as if they were friendly, Hwang Mi-ju bit his lips slightly. I was really glad that my daughter became a kezron model, but I didn't want to look weird when she got closer to the situation than she did. When Autumn, Silver, other women and the poetry scandal were so pretty, so I was just jealous that I wanted to have such scandals, but HyoJeong became close to the poem because she was a daughter.

Hyo-jung seemed to calm down after crying for a long time.

“I don't know if I can ask you this... Can you show me what you look like? It's hard to tell because you're wearing clothes. I think I can decide how much weight I need to lose in person. ”

“Bo, let me show you. ”

Hyo-jung did not even think about it, and replied.

The Kestron model is a symbol of a woman's beauty and values. Just looking at the Internet, the Quezron model was recognized as a beauty that exceeded human beings.

Maybe he would be such a great creature, but this time it would be really over if he told me he didn't want to hang around here anymore. Hyo-jung decided to think later about being ashamed.

“Are you okay? ”

The poem sought permission from the Empress beside him. I kept my eyes open and watched, so I asked formally.

“Yes. Of course it's me... do what the pope wants. ”

If someone else said, "Not right away," she said, but she gave her permission without even thinking about it, because it was a request from the poem. No matter how jealous and jealous he was, he could not refuse him anything.

“I know it's a little embarrassing, but would you mind taking off your underwear? ”

“Yes! I'll take it off right away! ”

Hyo-jung held on to his shame and began to take off his clothes.

I took off my pretty blouse specially chosen to meet the poem and short skirt with trembling hands. I quickly took off my clothes and put them on the couch in front of my mother, Wang Mi-ju, and stood in an empty space in the back to be seen by the poet.

Hyo-jung's fleshy body was revealed before the eyes of the poem.

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