Dragon Lunamos

The first thing I noticed was the breasts wrapped around the brassiere. Hyojeong's huge breasts, which I had never seen before, were creating breasts even though I did not intend to. But that was it. When I was dressed, the invisible flesh was exposed because I was naked.

Fat forearms, protruding belly, and chunky thighs. I didn't even feel fat, but I was not very good at modeling.

When I was covered in clothes, I felt that they were cute because they were not well exposed, but I was rather glamorous because I took off my clothes. Ordinary people were surprisingly fat enough to always think of dieting as a woman. I gained more weight than a simple weight problem.


The poem continued to examine Hyo-jung's body with an eye that had no desire at all. Even though I was wearing high heels with flat heels, my legs looked short and thick. This was an ordinary ugly leg, separate from its weight.

Hyo-jung slightly shifted his body in the eyes of the poem. I wore underwear, but I had never seen a man exposed like this before. I'm so ashamed of this situation and ashamed of my poor body that my ears turn red.

“Honestly, it's impossible to model in this body right now. ”

“I'm going to lose weight. I'm going on a really hard diet in the future. ”

Hyo-jung said he was going to go on a quick diet because he didn't say it wouldn't work. I was prepared to exercise so badly that I could fill my stomach with fruit every day if I just gave him a model of Quezron.

“Hmm, where to get rid of...”

It was the ability to calibrate the body for the poem anyway, and the existence of God Almighty for women, so it was not a problem at all with Hyojeong's poor body. Unlike Hyojeong's worrying heart, the poem was thinking about where to fix it so that the men would be fascinated as soon as they saw it.

“Ha, just give me a month and I'll show you 10 kilos. I'm serious.”

“Can I take a closer look? I'd like to see it for myself. Oh, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. ”

“Oh, no, I'm fine. Feel free to touch it.”

I was really ashamed to touch the body of the poet who had feelings beyond liking. Although I was really ashamed, Hyojung was relieved that the man who touched my body for the first time. If it was another man, he might have refused here.

“Is that okay?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. If the pope wants to touch and confirm it, so be it. ”

After obtaining permission from Huang Mi-ju next to him, he got up from his seat and went to Hyo-jung. Then I snored on the back of my neck and smelled it first. It has a sweet fragrance mixed with cosmetics and perfume.


Hyo-jung was greatly embarrassed that the poem might smell it. My heart was beating like my heart was about to burst.

The poem lightly touched the forearm after checking the smell. I can definitely catch some weight. Seeing only children with perfect bodies around them, it was refreshing to touch such a normal body.

Then I grabbed the belly. Full of tender belly. I didn't just hold it once, but I continued to wriggle and touch the belly.


Hyo-jung was ashamed and moved to his neck, not to mention his face and ears. Of course, I was more ashamed than anywhere else, but I even felt like hiding in a rat hole because I could feel the belly sticking out.

“I'll check the bridge. ”

The poem then went deep into his thighs. Hyo-jung was holding on to his shame or his body was slightly trembling.

I was checking and touching how fat I was and where to remove it, but I couldn't help but feel the erection as I was still touching the woman's body. Moreover, today, I was wearing stretchy clothes that made me feel more comfortable, and I was striking a huge tent as if my penis were going through my pants.

“Oh my, oh my. ”

Wang Mi-ju stared at the bizarre penis in surprise. Earlier, Hyo-jung assumed that he didn't know the penis of the poem, but it seemed like a really big penis. I've never seen my pants pop out like a rocket before in my life.

Hwang Mi-ju stared at his penis again, but he was so distracted by Hyo-jung's body check that he didn't even know it.

After checking all the checks to my arms, waist and legs, I sat back on the couch. And I closed my eyes and thought of an image in my head of how to lose weight.

While the poem was busy, I noticed a lot of erectile penises after watching the poem. Earlier, it had been burnt out, but it didn't come up like it was going through my pants. Hyojung immediately realized that it had become like that by touching his body. Even though I have no experience and do not know about men, I know that I need to be sexually aroused to have erections. If another man had an erection like that, he would have been offended, but I was also glad that the situation caused him to be excited about his disfigured body. Seeing that erectile penis made me feel dramatically better because I felt like I could somehow become a model for Quezron.

“Um... if you don't mind, could you take off your clothes and stand next to me? I think I can see the image clearly from the comparison. ”

“Me, too? ”

“Yes, please. ”

It seemed better to see her body as well than Hyo-jung's body. When they stood side by side and compared, it seemed like the image could be perfectly captured of how to correct Hyo-jung's body. In fact, Hyojeong's body does not suddenly thin even if she tries to lose weight. Calibration was essential.

“Of course we should listen to what our pope asks. But you won't have to look at her body. ”

There was no way she could refuse the request of the poem. She gets up right away, and she goes to Hyo-jung's side and starts undressing. I took off the neat black dress I wore on my mind to meet the poem. Then I sat down on the chair, took off my black stockings, and put on my high heels again and stood next to Hyo-jung.

I couldn't help but feel ashamed when I showed my poor body with my daughter in underwear and high heels.

“Not so good? I'm so ashamed she's just standing in her underwear. ”

“No, not at all. You have such a beautiful body. You've worked very hard to manage it, haven't you? ”

Even when I was in my dress, I wanted to look not as good as I was in my early 40s, but when I took off my clothes, I clearly saw that I was facing him. Unlike her fat daughter, Hyojeong, who had a slim and balanced body, her belly came out next to her to make sure she was careful with exercise and body care. Especially the breasts were smaller than the potency, but it seemed like a C cup.

Compared to Hyojeong, I noticed things I hadn't seen until now. She was old, but she had a distinctive, nauseating hue like a well-maintained 40-year-old female celebrity.

“Oh, really? Thank you so much for looking out for me. You can touch me if you want. You don't want to touch her? ”

When the poem praised him, Wang Mi-ju was overjoyed and asked him to touch his body, which he did not ask for. He was active in his 40s.

As it was erected, the poem stood up and approached Hwang Mi-ju and touched his body. She looks beautiful and has a colorful body, but when I touched her arms and waist, I felt a slight loss of elasticity.

I couldn't help but wonder if I should go to Quezron Castle and check out the tools and diets that improve skin elasticity for women in their 30s and older. If hair loss resolution was every man's dream, skin elasticity and diet were every woman's dream.

“Let me touch it for a moment and compare it. ”

“Yes, yes! ”

“Yes. Don't feel burdened. Feel it. ”

There was no pressure from the beginning, but I went behind Hyojung and Hwang Mi-ju and wrapped my hands around my waist and grabbed the two women lightly in my arms. The protruding penis appeared to be quite mischievous, as it wedged on the upper buttocks of Hyojeong and Hwang Mingi.



I thought I would just touch it lightly in front of me, but I hugged Hyo-jung and Hwang Mi-ju in my arms. Then Hyo-jung, a virgin, bowed her head and swallowed her saliva in the firmness of the pronounced penis around her hips and waist.

“Wait, turn around. ”

This time, I turned two women around and hugged them. This time, I feel a big chest and soft flesh as I hug it a little harder. Hyojeong has a colorful golden pearl and a cute and big heart. I was quite excited because I was hugging each of my great-looking mothers with an erection at once. The poem spilled copper fluid to make the front of the panties feel wet.

Then the poem stroked her waist and buttocks. I was thinking of various directions of improvement for Hyojeong and Hwang Americas to feel with my own body, but it seemed to me that I was just excited to touch my body.

Glug glug!

Then a phone call was made to the phone of the Empress.

“It's Mommy!"

Hyo-jung was startled by the sudden sound and screamed.

“I'm sorry. I have to take this. ”


I didn't want to answer the phone, but it could be important, so Wang Mi-ju had to leave the poem's arms and go to the table in his underwear and high heels. And I picked up a smartphone that I had neurologically put up and answered the phone.

While Wang Mi-ju was on the phone for a while, the situation grabbed Hyo-jung. I saw an erectile penis pressing down on the bottom of Hyo-jung's navel while wearing heels.

“I'm sorry. I can feel it when I hold you like this. ”

“Oh, it's okay. How do I look when I... touch and hold you? Are you okay?"

“Yes, I like it soft and soft. ”

The poem hugged Hyo-jung and whispered in his ear. Hyo-jung said it meant that he could do the Kestron model, but the situation just expressed that feeling.

Hyo-jung's face turned red after hearing the direct expression.

“Model... can you do it? ”

“Of course. Of course. But I have to go on a diet. The truth is, I'm in a difficult situation right now. ”

“Hey, I'll pull it out hard! I'm really just going to work out without eating. ”

“No, you should never go on a diet alone. You have to work with me to balance your body perfectly. But it might be a little embarrassing, okay? ”

The poem continued to hold onto Hyojeong and whispered while touching the brassiere strap.

As they were talking in a very small voice, Wang Mi-ju who was watching the appearance and calling seemed to be dying to hold the poem again soon. However, I couldn't see the end of the story because my friend was complaining about his son and husband who were not studying uselessly.

“What kind of embarrassment... do I have to wear underwear like this? ”

Hyojung was a little worried about the expression "Min-man."

“Of course, and I have a lot of touching to do. You know Silver and Fall, right? I touched them, too, and that's how I shaped them. ”

If the poem had not brought models of transcendent beauty to the head of Quezron, it would have been a common con man who coveted a woman's body.

“Th-that's okay! You can do it. If I tell you to take it off, I'll take it off. I want to be a beloved model for women and people like Silver, Fall and Yumi. ”

Since I had already taken off my clothes and showed you my underwear, I was done worrying. Hyo-jung's angst was great. When the poet told me to take off all my clothes, I didn't hesitate to take them off. And when I was getting fat like this, I also honestly had a girl's expectation that maybe the poem would like her.

“Haha. Good shot. Now that we're done, let's get dressed and schedule a diet. ”


When I was told to wear clothes, I felt sorry that I had to stay away from the poem. At first, I couldn't be so ashamed, but I wanted it to be a little more like this.

This was possible because the situation was already more than favorable to Hyo-jung before meeting. If the poem had acted the way it does before receiving the dragon's legacy, it would have already been slapped and taken by the police.

Hyo-jung, who was scolding for a while, had no choice but to come out of his arms. The penis that kept stabbing the bottom was quite burdensome, but the warm embrace of the man I had never felt was really good.

Since Hyo-jung was wearing the clothes that he left on Juju Island, Hwang Mi-ju returned to the poem to see if the call had ended.

“Sweetheart... no, it's a poem. Is it over already?”

When I was in a hurry, I almost saw the situation in front of my daughter and told her it was you. But it was more important to embrace the poem than that.

“Yes, that's enough. I got an image of how to shape Hyo-jung roughly. ”

“Really? Can I really not touch it anymore? ”

“Yes, thank you for your help. ”

Wang Mi-ju wanted to tell the poet that he was still having an erection, so he could touch it more, but he couldn't say it because his daughter was staring at him in her clothes right next to him.

“Then I'd better get dressed...”

With a mournful expression, Wang Mi-ju picked up the stockings that had been thrown on the couch and began to wear them again.

The poem sat on the couch and watched Hyo-jung and Hwang Mi-ju get dressed again.

Looking at the sensual bodies, I had an erection like my penis was going to explode, but I endured it because it wasn't just today. In the future, there were many things to meet as well as Huang Miju and Hyojo.

The poem looked at the body of his mother and devised a plan in his mind.

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I'm going to modify Hyojeong's weight to 60 kilograms in order to express a slightly more deformed body.

Thank you for reading

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