Dragon Lunamos

Hyo-jung was thinking of sending her on a diet as an advertising model for earphones. Although the earphones were the main one, Hyo-jung's chest needed some exposure to attract the attention of men at once.

The diet was planned after reviewing the various tools in Kestron Castle. I was able to touch myself with my hands and change Hyojeong's body like a beautiful pottery by doing regular exercise and diet, but it took too long. The help of the tools was also necessary for Kestron.

Thinking about it for a moment, I suddenly put on all the clothes of Hwang Mi-ju and Hyo-jung. Hwang Mi-ju always wore a sixth-style outfit that stuck to her body because she knew she was in good shape, while Hyo-jung wore a slightly more relaxed outfit to hide the flesh.

“I'm done for the day, so I'm going back. ”

I could play a little more, but I had to go home and check on Kestron Castle to see if there were any ideas.

“Already? Have dinner with me. I came specially. I have to give you something. ”

“That's right, we've had a lot of trouble today, and I'm so sorry if you just died! I'll buy you something delicious, so go have dinner. Please."

Hwang Mi-ju, Hyo-jung and his mother approached and told the poet to go to dinner. Especially Hyo-jung grabbed his arm and waved it lightly. Although he was a little fat, he seemed to have as much aesthetic character as he looked cute.

“Well... should I? ”

“Yes. I'll buy you something delicious, so be sure to eat it. And if you have anything else to ask, don't hesitate to ask. I'll listen to anything you want. ”

For some reason, Hwang Mi-ju looked at the situation with a sticky eye.

“Thank you. I'll eat then. ”

“Hehe. What do you like? I eat everything. I love meat most of all. I have a brother today. Can you buy me some beef? I'm excited."

Hyo-jung said he was going to go on a diet before, but he was already expecting to buy beef.

“Didn't you say you were on a diet? ”

“Ah! That's right! Then I'll just have a bite. I can endure it if I want to be a kezron model. I'm really going to eat a little and go on a hard diet starting today! ”

Hyojung was surprised at the point of the poem for a moment. Thinking about it, I had to go on a diet while adjusting my diet from today. I almost forgot the most important fact because I was so nervous just now.

“Haha. Enjoy your meal today. We'll take it slow. ”


“It's okay. It's okay. ”

“Thank you, but I'll eat properly. No matter how much I like to eat, I don't want to disappoint you. I think I'll be disappointed if I don't lose weight after eating too much. ”

Hyo-jung's determination was just as great as that to show off his worn underwear and disfigured body in front of the poem. I was also confident that the poem would take off all my clothes. He was a man who admired, liked and dreamed of modeling himself.

“Then let's get out of here. ”

In the words of the empress, the poem and Hyo-jung stood up. They all left the main board room together and rode to the grilled beef shop in the parked car of Wang Mi-ju.

In consideration of the poem, Wang Mi-ju deliberately went to the room. When I ordered the meat and waited a while, the table was ready quickly. As the poem approached, I deliberately came to the boss and greeted him lightly and signed a white paper to hang it on the wall.

The slight commotion subsides. I closed the door and began to grill beef.

Hyo-jung looked at the meat that was baked by Hwang Mi-ju with a gluttonous eye, but he tried to resist and refrain. I tried to eat as little meat as possible by placing the baked meat on the vegetables that I usually don't eat well.

“Sissy, this looks delicious. Take this.”

Hwang Mi-ju baked meat and continued to give Hyo-jung the thing that looked the most delicious to him.

Hyojeong, who was sensitive to food, quickly realized that her mother, Hwang Mi-ju, was full of love for the poem. My loving mother looked a little awkward, as if she were doing it to her boyfriend, rather than looking at other people expressionlessly and office. But it was the same situation, not anyone else. who is currently more popular than any actor in terms of liking it. If my mother had done that to a man other than the poem, she would have been quite shocked, but I understood it because it was the poem.

“Hyo-jung wants to ask you for a diet. ”

“Yes? Please? Ask for what?”

After being partly full, the town brought up a diet to Huang Americas. There was something I needed permission to do first.

“Can I go to Hyo-jung's house and do some diet exercises? It's not a run or anything, so the apartment is fine. ”

“Of course it's okay. I'll give you the password, so come anytime you want. If you let me know when you get here, I'll make you something delicious. ”

Hwang Mi-ju was delighted beyond permission. Somehow, waiting for Hyo-jung reminded me of the wild fantasy that there would be only two of them.

“Haha. I don't want to burden you with that. ”

“Oh, yeah? I'm fine.”

I wanted to be alone as much as possible, not at a decent level, but the situation seemed difficult. Hwang Mi-ju was a little disappointed.

“So you're on a diet at my house? ”

“Yes, I think so. I'll call you when I get there. ”

“Yes. Hehe. My mom's busy with work, so she won't be able to come during the day. But I know how to cook a little bit, so I can make you something delicious. ”

Hyo-jung has already made an anticipated face.

Thinking that Hyo-jung was alone with the poem in the house without him, Hwang Mi-ju slightly frowned at the jealousy. However, there were many opportunities to be together on Hyo-jung's diet because the city itself was an opportunity to visit often.

After finishing my meal, I went out to my room, and the boss once again came out and shook my hand and took a picture. The owner of the beef shop was really happy to tell the poet that he was using shampoo well. Even the middle-aged people in the store gathered to take pictures.

Even though he was not an actor or an idol, the poem that took pictures with people returned to the sick entertainment in Hwang Mi-jin's car. In the Executive Board room, I had a cup of coffee given by Huang Mi-ju and exchanged Hyo-jung and telephone numbers.

He told Hyo-jung that he would contact him later, and he drove home in his car. Wang Mi-ju was quite sad, but he had work to do.

It was quite late at night and the house was quiet as if everyone had already gone to sleep in their room. Praise for the sound of the poem coming out of my pajamas and welcomed me with sleepy eyes.

The poet lightly showered, changed his clothes, and went straight to the castle of Quezron.

And he asked me to teach him if he had any tools to increase diet and skin elasticity.

“There's a lot to be said about feminine beauty. As the pope reaches level five, there are diet pills in the open pharmacy. The pill will degrade fat all at once and reduce fat by three kilograms. But I usually recommend one in three days, because eating too much at once can put your life at risk. ”

“Um... diet pills...”

The diet pill, which dropped 3 kilograms immediately after taking it, was too effective. Slowly, it was hard to explain that 3 kilograms were lost as soon as it was eaten, and it did not fit with the Kestron brand concept, so it was difficult to sell it to the public later.

“Anything else? ”

“There are many different types of skin-lowering magic hugs, diet bags made with fruit eaten by Elves, and healing water that increases skin elasticity and makes bones stronger. ”

“What kind of magic is that? ”

“This is it.”


As Konz clapped his hands, a strange instrument appeared in one hand. The tool strangely stems from tentacles that look like the legs of an octopus on the handle. No matter how much I looked at it, I couldn't see it.

“You may think it's a strange tool, but it's not. When you press this button on the lining, the tentacles are very popular because they stretch and relieve the tired body while giving you a diet effect. ”

When Konz pressed the button, a tentacle stretched out and attached to the table beside him. Then he twitches the table with an incomprehensible movement and starts to frown. It didn't look good

“That might be a little hard to use. ”

It was a crowded item to use even if I didn't imagine Hyo-jung dieting with that veil.

“Then I'll show you something else. ”

Corns changed rooms daily to show tools related to a woman's beauty, such as diet or skin elasticity. On any planet, there were so many beauty related things in Quezron Castle as it was natural for a woman to pursue beauty.

The poem decided to try a lot of things.

In addition to the fruits eaten by the Elves, such as Tang and Skin Elasticity Healing, Suppositories to quench hunger, Elvish Bath to whiten skin, and Love Massage Gel to soften skin, I also took it with me in the newly opened library.

Surprisingly, there were many books in the library related to coloring, so I looked into the situation a little more. When I applied semen, my skin became smoother and radiant, and when I applied vaginal ejaculation, I took out a little color and put it into the sub-space to regain my physical youth and have beautiful beauty.

After drawing in my mind what to use and how to use it, the poem returned to the room. And first, I learned from two colorimetric books that lose weight for Hyo-jung.

The coloration of loss of weight through compassion was similar to healing, and massaging into the hands where they wanted to lose weight and breaking down fat. The coloration of loss of weight through sex maximized the exercise effect as if they were running long distances by sex alone.

Both are highly cost-effective and non-public, requiring considerable internal fluctuations compared to the effect. It was not a big shortage at this time because Margie was already made through yin and yang symbiosis and various elixirs, but she needed to increase her ability to use more colors.

I also had to worry about not getting pregnant through gonorrhea when I was having sex with a colored ball. There was also a great risk of pregnancy if sperm was shot from vaginal discharge because it only cared about color because it was enjoyable by mistake.

The poem clearly engraved on his chest watched the coloring throughout the night.

I've been burning my penis ever since.

* *

The production of earphones using Cureol metal vibration plates was proceeding gradually. Though unpopular in the world, experts with experience in making well-respected earphones owe Korean enthusiasts a fair share of luxury were passionate about making earphones.

They put a lot of effort into producing earphones that are as luxurious and rich as possible to meet the needs of the city. However, it was the first time I had made earphones using Cureol metal vibration plates, so I demanded a lot of experimentation and effort to have the desired sound and sound quality.

While the earphones were being produced step-by-step, the situation made an appointment for Hyojeong and diet. It was not a day off, but the class was finished around 11 am, so it was a great time for the two of them to meet up at home and go on a diet.

The town decided to go to the university and pick Hyo-jung up.

I pulled a luxurious foreign car and stopped in the parking lot of Hyo-jung's female university and waited for Hyo-jung to come out.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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