Dragon Lunamos

Chan wrote people's names in a simple rubric on the notebook, then took the poem to the room and blindfolded him with a sleeping eye patch. It was a game I could play if I had a body, so I was ready quickly.

Even though the situation was very developed while building up Margie, if I closed my eyes directly, I could not see ahead. The magic with fluoroscopic abilities was in the library, but it has not been learned yet. However, the other senses, other than hearing, touch, and sense of smell, were the same, so we could make as many correct choices as possible by aggregating various information.

As the various women gathered, there was a huge commotion caused by envy, jealousy, and conflict, but thankfully, praise was able to change the atmosphere. But for the poem, it was a big crisis. If anyone was wrong here, it could be the seeds of an uncontrollable conflict.

“I'm going out now. Be careful."

Chan grabs the poet's hand, covering his eyes, and guides him as carefully as possible. Never let the situation get hurt.

“You don't have to be so slow. ”

However, the poem naturally walked out the door as if it were in front of him.

He looked surprised. Obviously, he wrapped his eyes in a thick cloth and put his eye patch on, so he knew he could never see. Nevertheless, when I could easily demonstrate such a mysterious ability that was difficult for others to imitate, I felt how great the existence of the New Testament was.

“Can you show me around here? ”

“Oh, yes. ”

Praise grabbed the poem's hand and went to the living room where the women gathered.

When the sight came out, everyone's gaze was drawn. Everyone was quite nervous, and their faces were full of anxiety. Even though it was a lightweight game, everyone felt that this was obscuring the rankings of women.

“Now, first of all, take off your consultation. When you're all ready, I'll take you to him in order. ”

Everyone carefully took off their top without saying a word. Except for the poem, there was nothing to be ashamed of as a woman, but I felt embarrassed about touching my heart in front of everyone. However, Eunji and Yumi, who lived with the usual poem, naturally took off their clothes without any awkwardness and tension and revealed their breasts.

While everyone was undressing, the hymn sat on one side of the couch. Then I opened my chest to test which pose was comfortable, and sat down on my knees in front of the poem. I led the poem's hand to touch his chest, but both of these poses were a little uncomfortable. So, after taking a few tests, I decided to sit between the knees of the poem and touch my chest as if I were wrapped around my back.

“We're all set, so let's get started. ”

Over 10 women had already thrown a stew party in public. The size and shape were different, but the poem carefully touched the flesh and the color of the nipple and the shape of the chest, and I was amazed.

“Of course you shouldn't say that, and even if you're happy, you should never moan. ”

A compliment giving a simple warning sat between the pope's knees with an easy fit. Then he led his hand and placed it precisely around Hyo-jung's chest.

Since it was the first time that Hyo-jung touched his heart in front of everyone, Hyo-jung had to lie down with his face red with embarrassment.


At the moment he held his heart, he realized who it was that size didn't fit into one hand. Although there was only darkness because I closed my eyes, my senses became more sensitive thanks to my limited vision, and my chest shaped like 3D modeling was drawn in my head.


It can't be wrong, so I touched my nipple for a long time and said that the poem was Hyojeong.

“That's correct.”

Chan drew a line to the name of Hyojeong written in the note. It was the first stroke of a typical "" character for scoring.

I let Hyo-jung down and immediately sat down at Aru. Since Chan said not to make a sound, Aru held his mouth tightly while the poem touched his chest and did not even groan.


“That's correct.”

The situation was also simply correct again. I couldn't tell because my nipples were small and tender, and my nipples grew quickly when I touched them.

After closing his eyes, Aru was so happy that he smiled. Everyone was unconsciously amazed at how fresh and beautiful it looked.

Since then, Yumi, Eunji, and Sook sat between the knees of the poem, and the poem was not difficult.

Although some were seated from people who were deliberately easy to match, all the information from the smell of the body to the size, shape, and erection of the nipple could be combined and analyzed like a supercomputer to produce the perfect answer.

I hit all the women who could be difficult to lay eggs, fries, minas, and Hyunju, and then Silver Rain sat between the pope's knees. Of course, you couldn't fit in, so Silver stood up tall and looked around.

“Hmm... difficult...”

However, over time, the poem kept on touching my heart, and I couldn't easily answer it. As I kept worrying, my anxiety grew with Silver Secret's expression. I didn't think I could hit all the other girls, but my heart felt scary enough to drop. I can't believe you can just have sex and touch your boobs and not fit in. I was so sad that my tears pinged.

“Do you mind if I try it with my mouth? ”

“Mouth, penis, wherever. It's a rule to match without looking. ”

“Then put it in your mouth. ”

In the words of the poem, Silver Rain tucked his nipple into the poem's mouth like a nervous expression. Then, like a gourmet, he carefully sucked his nipple and decided who it was.

Actually, I knew the answer a long time ago. But I was pretending that everyone would be interested if I hit it too easily.

“I think it's a secret. ”

After making the papilla delicious for a long time, he said as if he could barely figure it out.

“That's right.”

“Hah... you idiot, you don't know that. Don't you know if you touch my boobs like that and you don't put them in your mouth? It's so stuffy.It's stuffy. ”

Praise was the right answer, and I was lightly angry with the poet, with only relief from the silver rain. When I was bored, I felt a little pride that it took me so long touching my heart. From now on, I felt obliged to take time to touch my breasts.

With a simple match between Jina and the rest of the gin and fall, none of the breast touching games were wrong, and it ended well. Hard-fit silver obesity was a little offended, but everyone could not hide their joy from the fact that the poem remembered his heart correctly.

The game continued.

Next was the kissing game. It was a simple rule to share kisses aligned with the poem and match who it was.

The game of kissing was more active than before because everyone was already relieved of the tension with the chest game. Everyone stared at me, but I was not nervous at all, and there was a hot kiss between the tongue and the tongue.

Again, the situation was not too difficult. The body, the tongue, was remembering. I immediately remembered how much I kissed and the feeling of my tongue getting tangled. It wasn't that there was no intermediate crisis, but I was able to fit it perfectly with the contours of my body that I felt when I smelled it and leaned with my arms.

In the note of praise, two strokes were drawn of one of the straight characters.

Battle of the year. That was intense. There was constant compassion on the Internet, but the current situation felt like a god who knew everything about women.

“Next is a vaginal alignment. I don't care what you do if you don't put it in. All right, everybody, take your panties off. ”

Everyone took off their panties without hesitation at the command of praise. Some women took off all their clothes because long skirts or trousers interfered with the process.

“Oh, I'm shaking. This is gonna be hard, isn't it? You need to prepare yourself. ”

“I'm a little confident because you like to touch and watch what's mine. ”

Yumi and Eunji talk with a tense face. If it smelled in the vagina, it would be easy to match, but it couldn't have smelled like that because the poem put extreme blood into the cleanliness. Feeling the shape of the vagina was the most important point, as it was hard to distinguish from the smell of the slightest pee.

This time I started in the fall.

Autumn sat on the couch with her legs spread, as Chan instructed. The colorful pink petals appeared in front of everyone, as if they were carrying a scent, not a smell. Who would have thought that just two days ago, the best acting award in performance, and the absolute popularity of Idol Fall in Korea and Japan would be spreading their legs in front of everyone?

Praise brought the poem and put the nose and mouth on the autumn's vagina. First, it was to smell and lick with my tongue.

“Can you open up a little bit? ”

Autumn, at the request of the poem, opened the vagina by hand. A straightforward crack opened up, revealing a secret hole no one could but the poem. Autumn presses the face of the poem gently into his vagina, meaning that he is ready.

The poem first buried his nose in the vagina and smelled it. The faint odor of urine and the distinctive aroma that emanated from the skin. I already touched my breasts and kissed and remembered whose scent it was, so I realized it was autumn already.

However, because it was not fun to fit right away, the poem licked the clitoris and labia with his tongue and felt the overall contour with his hands. And finally, after lowering my pants, I put my erectile penis in between my joints and rubbed it and tasted a good feeling.

“Hmm... I think it's autumn. Is that correct?"

“The right answer...”

“Jonathan, you're hit! It's me."

Before Chan finished speaking, Autumn was so happy that she hugged the poem at once and kissed him on the face. There are so many women, and all they can do is lick their tongues with the stench of their vaginas! In fact, the joy of autumn was even greater because no matter how much the situation was impossible.

Surprisingly, when I met the first autumn, other women sat on the couch with expectations and spread their legs.

I watched the poem lick his tongue while smelling the woman's vagina sitting on the couch. Every time the poem got the right answer, everyone applauded. At first, he fought like that, and as he played the game, the situation continuously got the right answer, the atmosphere became naturally warm and friendly. Hyo-jung was already quite close to Yumi and whispered to her.

The game of hitting the pubes with the last fringe is over. Everyone looked at the situation three times at the astonishing answer rate without any wrong answers. When I said I liked everyone together, I thought it was just words. There's gotta be someone who likes her a little bit more than the rest of us, 'cause I can't help it. However, when I distinguished all who was with just a single piece of information in the game leading to breasts, kisses, and vaginas, I was even touched by the idea that I was so loved by the poem. Because it would be impossible to tell a woman's vagina apart if she really liked it and didn't love it.

At this point, everyone would be happy, but how to hide their superiority led to the final game.

“The last one is to guess who you are by inserting your penis into your vagina. You can't smell it or touch it with your hands, you just have to insert a penis and feel it. ”

I couldn't help but feel nervous about this. Until now, I could easily tell from various information such as scent, body type and so on, but this was a very difficult game to figure out just by feeling the quality. Of course, the amount of tightening and the length of the vagina were different for each woman, but it was quite difficult to close my eyes and fit the feeling.

“Let me give you an example first. ”

Chan uncovered her vagina by taking off her panties and putting on a quezron uniform. Then he sat on the couch with his legs spread out and put a rub gel in the penis of the poem and inserted it directly into his vagina. In this state, Chan gave step-by-step explanations to the women who were looking at him in an interesting way.

“This is as far as I can go. So all you have to do is open your hands and let me do it easily. ”

“So I'm just supposed to keep it that way? ”

“No, it's okay to move like you're having sex here. But you can't touch it with your hands. ”


The poem moved slowly with the quality of praise. The slippery, squeezed vagina felt pretty good, but it would be a little difficult to guess if I didn't say it was a compliment. Somehow, I was worried that if I started immediately, I would get 30% of the answer rate.

I've done well so far, but it was quite difficult to get it wrong here. If any of them were wrong, I could almost see this peaceful atmosphere breaking apart and turning back into a hell full of conflict, jealousy, and jealousy.

The poem was in a hurry, but I calmed down with a detailed sense of praise. Then he figured out how to do it. There was no answer.

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