Dragon Lunamos

“Shall we begin?”


When the poem that had been doing well so far suddenly called out for a while, everyone looked curious as to why.

“Having a hard time? Should I take a break? ”

“It's not that... I'm really sorry, but I honestly don't believe it this time. So why don't we just put it in one at a time while we know who it is first, and then we can do it? ”

“Then let's take a break. My brother will be tired all the time. ”

Praise took out the penis of the poem and let go of the blindfold and the cloth covering his eyes.

“Come to think of it, I had more sex with my satisfaction than I felt with you guys. I'm so sorry."

“No, you've guessed it all. Who else could it be? ”

Jina came to comfort me when I took off all my clothes and became naked. The fact that not a single person was wrong about breasts, kisses, and vaginas was quite remarkable. It was almost impossible to match more than 10 women, even though everyone had different breasts sizes and different vaginal shapes. Similar to what the poem said about loving them deeply, some women, including Jina, also pinged their tears.

“Yes, don't be sorry to us. I'm so thankful and grateful to you right now. ”

Likewise, I wiped the tears falling from my heart to the familiarity of exposing my vagina. I was so glad and thankful that I could just smell it and lick my vagina with my tongue. Recently, I felt overwhelmed by the fact that I like my breasts and vaginas like other women.

In the forefront of Jina and familiarity, the women came to comfort me with the feeling of apology. They were all in the middle of a game, so I was barely dressed. At best, everyone revealed their breasts and precious places without great shame, except for the fact that she was wearing black stockings without stripping them off.

Women who were as beautiful as angels were showing off their breasts and vaginas and comforting a man who was having a erect penis. It was a picture as beautiful as a picture, but a very strange sight.

After taking a short break from the women's comfort, the poem resumes the game of reconciliation.

The hymn closed my eyes with a thick cloth and prepared me to put a tarp on it. And the poem decided to give us the name first and give us a chance to insert it once.

First, I brought the praises from Wang Mi-ju, right next to him, and sat on the couch. And he asked me to open up the phoneme to reveal the hole. Then, Hwang Mi-ju generously revealed his hole prepared for the poem.

Praise was again rubbed in the poem's penis with a lovesell in his hand. And he took the slippery penis directly and inserted it well into the hole of the emperor.

The pope's penis dug a perfect hole.

“Sis Hwang, my sister in the Americas. You don't have to guess a woman like you, so don't be too burdened. Okay?"

“I can't do that. I'm sure you'll fit right in. Wait a minute. Let me make sure I know what that feels like. ”

The poem focused on the mind. I raised Margie and focused all my senses on her genitals. Then, even though I couldn't see, the quality of the emperor felt clear. Repeating the subtraction of the penis in the meaning of exploration rather than pleasure, the vaginal fluid was secreted and drenched. At that moment, I was flinching, sensitive to the movement of my penis.

I felt everything, including good quality wrinkles wrapped around my penis, sensitive reactions that felt momentary, and fluid that was seeping constantly. At first, I tried to taste it lightly, but I couldn't help but shake my back. Then, I realized at some point that I needed to stimulate which areas of the brain to make Huanglongju react more sensitive.

“Ah... What should I do, Sis? I feel so good already. Arrggg... I can't do this because I have girls like my daughter...”

Although the poem had put the penis in the vagina at a constant rate, the emperor continued to groan, twisting his body at a more intense sensation than before. Everyone was already gazing at the image of the emperor who was already feeling cheerful enough to stand up straight to his body, avoiding being amazed.

Unlike Jung Min-ju, who was constantly panting for pleasure, the situation was gaining a big realization by putting in a sensitive penis like a detector. Usually I just insert and shake for pleasure, but now I can see the love and sweet affection of the empress. It was a new sensation.

In response to the movement of the penis, expressing excitement and love directly, I felt vague about what the truth of yin and yang working together and co-existing.

After putting the penis away for a long time, the poem continued to assess the quality of the emperor. I was blindfolded and focused on my penis, so the vaginal movement was clearly drawn.

“Oh... I shouldn't have done this...”

Within moments of receiving the semen, Wang Mi-ju shivers and becomes overwhelmed by a huge orgasm. The anus and vagina rapidly repeated contractions and relaxations as if fluid were spilling from the vagina wall. I felt a tingling sensation, as if I were walking on a cloud, rising and falling from a high place.


She couldn't help but scream and tightly embraced the situation. This was the most intense pleasure I've ever had.

The poem accurately recognized the feeling of reaching orgasm with his penis. In the vagina repeating contractions and relaxations, I felt the love and affection of Hwang Mi-ju. I could tell by my vagina, even if I didn't say it. In addition, there was a deep affection for Hwang Mi-ju.

Yin Yang is symbiotic and united. It is not just a physical relationship, but true love that reaches a little deeper into my heart.

“Hah... I'm sorry. You guys, I'm wasting my time, aren't I? I'll be out of your way.”

When the excitement had only calmed down, Hwang Mi-ju said with a face full of embarrassment. Even though the penis of the poem felt good, I didn't think I would feel orgasm in front of young children and real daughters like my daughter just by slipping it in and out.

When I pulled out the penis of the poem in the vagina for the next person, the semen flowed out.

“Oh, Mom! You have a lot of semen. It's embarrassing. I'll clean it up.”

Then Hyojeong, who was watching, immediately picked a toilet paper and cleaned up the semen from her mother's vagina. As my daughter said, I was so embarrassed that I felt an orgasm in the light insertion of the poem and showed myself flowing down to the semen. Moreover, I could barely breathe on the couch next to Hyo-jung because I still couldn't get enough strength into my body because of the excitement.

“Then Hyo-jung does it right away. ”

Praise, who knew the taste of the poem, deliberately sat Hyo-jung, the daughter on the couch.

And Hyo-jung was embarrassed and dying, waiting for the penis to open his vagina in front of everyone, in front of his mother.

“Wait a minute.”

Praise was given through the mouth of the poem to clean the filthy penis and put it in the hole immediately. Lovegel didn't need it because she had just had sex with her mother and the baby came out cheerful.

The poem immediately tasted Hyo-jung's quality as well. It was definitely a mother and daughter, but the feeling was completely different. The tightening of the vagina and the wrinkles surrounding the penis, as well as the location of sensitive reactions, the length of the vagina, and the amount of fluid flowing out, were not at all the same.

But similarly, that other characteristic felt full of affection. Moreover, Hyo-jung tried to shrink his vagina by flinching his anus in the sense that he would be ashamed to death but delight the situation. I felt like I saw the same articles on the internet as the conditions of men's favorite nomenclature.

Although it didn't seem to work as well as I thought, the cute behavior made him feel another affection. In such a warming love to the chest, the poem again focused as much as possible and put the penis in, and the force of the color ball naturally amplified the pleasure arose. Margie was drawn to a mysterious power, unintentionally but naturally, and Hyo-jung groaned greatly, feeling a gigantic orgasm like her mother, Hwang Mi-ju.

Jill was different from her mother, Wang Mi-ju, but when she got excited, she stood up straight.

And as always, the poem concluded by giving an assessment in the well of Hyo-jung.

“Hah... I'm embarrassed...”

I didn't know when I was feeling orgasm, but I was embarrassed by the fact that my excitement had faded a little and I felt so happy in front of the actor's silver and the Great Idol Autumn, and so many women.

Hyojeong tried to wipe off the semen that flowed from her vagina quickly, but her body didn't move properly. Then Yumi, a friend of mine, cleaned up the semen that flowed from Hyo-jung's vagina, and even lightly lifted it up and seated it next to her.

My mother was having sex with the poem in succession and resting on her nipples.

“Hyo-jung, you were so excited. It feels good to be with our poet, doesn't it? Such an orgasm would be an honor if it weren't for us. How can a poet be so cool when he can't even do that? Hah... Our poem...”

In the meantime, Hwang Mi-ju boasted that it was possible because it was the poem for her daughter who just had an orgasm. Someone showed me more affection than my daughter, Hyo-Infom, who knew that the poet was a son. Even now, the poem was looking at the heart with the same eyes, even though he was moving his waist and feeling vagina by inserting the penis into the hole in the hidden place. In addition, Eun-ji smiled delightfully like his son who got 100 points on the exam every time he moaned.

“Yes, it's an honor. Do you think he'd like you that much? ”

Hyo-jung was surprised how his mom liked the poem that much, which was usually so clumsy. No matter how much I love the poem, how much can I love him? Hyo-jung looked at the poem, shaking his head lightly and having sex very hard. However, Hyojeong's eyes looked at the situation differently than she thought.

“Ugh... I... I love you...”

Autumn, which received the best acting award and became the most popular as a generation idol, was greatly mourned by the orgasm. Whenever the penis of the poem went in and out, the hair felt whiter and brighter.

Within the fall, the poem left only eggs for assessment, and felt and understood every woman's quality perfectly.

I had felt a difference before, but I had never compared it in detail like now. It was a new sensation and experience. Every woman cried out that they loved each other, although the shapes and reactions were different in every detail.

“Next up is the eggs. ”

Praise put the eggs on the couch and made the penis of the poem clean by mouth.

“You don't have to do it if you don't want to do it. I'm doing a little bit of that right now. We'll just do it another time. ”

The poem hesitated a little and the face of the egg frowned. The other girls said they liked it, but it made me feel a little offended just because of you. Of course, I understand what it means to be married under the terms of sex, but it was a separate matter of feeling bad.

“I'll do it. It's weird when I'm out, isn't it? I'll take my terms off just this once. ”

“Are you sure you're okay? A little out here, aren't you? Why don't we do it in my room alone later? ”

“It's okay. It doesn't mean much anyway. ”

When the poem asked me if I could have my first experience here, I didn't really care about the eggs and said it was okay. It was the same whether you do it here or in the room alone, because you're a virgin to the poet one day. He didn't care much about Mood.

While the others were a little vague about what they were saying, she sat on the couch and opened her vagina herself. I thought about it, but I was a little nervous when I thought I put the penis in the poem for the first time.

Of course, the praise that I thought I would have sex with the Dizziness poem immediately put the penis of the Dizziness into the marked hole of the Dizziness.

“Then I'll put it in. ”

Since the magical circuit had been activated before, the situation did not hesitate to gently push the penis into the hole of the egg.

Then, a scene unfolded that I had never felt before. In the walls of a cave full of beautiful jewels, clear and resplendent liquids pour down. When the poem visited, he welcomed me with a bright light like "Why have you come now?"

The first time I visited, it was a little rough, but I made it to the end of the cave safely with the power of the magical circuits. I tried to leave again, but I didn't let go.

Ah... I see. The poem understood the mind of the disturbance he had. And I felt it. She vomited the horse in her heart to the most secret place. He didn't seem to care much about it on the outside, but in his heart, he hoped that the poem would give him love as well.


The egg vomits a pleasant breath.

It was only then that I understood the situation. Yin Yang's unity was to understand each other through love, affection, and words that she cared about.

It was an intense realization I had never felt before.

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