Dragon Lunamos

The poem who finished sex asked Aru to buy a cat with Yumi, as promised. I wanted to go to buy a poem with him, but I didn't see the cat for no reason, so I almost had to say goodbye to the women, so I sent Yumi as my guardian.

I didn't think I'd be back until evening because I even gave him a card to buy me something else after I ate.

While the two of them were out, the situation was important to ask, and I called Lunamos into the living room to have sex.

Lying on a spacious couch, Lunamos opens his legs to reveal his vagina, regardless of the praise and ramucia at his side.

The poem buries its face between Lunamos' lecherous legs and licks its vaginas with its dazzling tongue technique, leaving it in the best condition for sex. And as he shook his waist, he confidently inserted his penis and asked Lunamos how to quickly get to Margie.

“I asked Konz, and he can't level up the Legacy with your help. So my ability to absorb a woman's penis directly increases Margie's, do you have any idea how to get it fast? ”

“Ha… it's very tricky and difficult to increase your magical power at once. ”

Whenever the poem waved, Lunamos continued to grunt lightly.

“It usually absorbs expensive magic stones, but in this case it takes a long time and is very inefficient. Ugh... But there are a few helpful ways to mix a woman's penis and her master's sheep and absorb moments of magic boosted by a reaction. ”

In spite of the groaning, Lunamos was explaining the principle of yin and yang symbiosis.

“Is that how it was? ”

“Yes, using this method can improve the rate of absorption of the magic force, which has been pointed out by conventional limits, but the disadvantage is that you often become a criminal because you have to have sex with tons of women, which is a constant repulsive tone. ”

“Usually. It's hard to keep replenishing the pitch. ”

“Yes, that's why they don't usually do it very well. Hah... But thanks to your use of this method, there is a way to amplify your magic at once... Ugh...”

“It's not dangerous for the other person, is it? ”

“It's not dangerous, but there's something I need to prepare... Ah...”

Lunamos' long explanation suddenly stops.

The excitement of the movement of the waist was speeding up.

The rapid waist movement resulted in an assessment of Lunamos' vagina. Then, as Lunamos said, the sheep of the poem and the music of Lunamos absorbed Magi amplified by the repulsive force that was generated by the mixture, and some Magi flowed to Lunamos.

The poem that put Margie on a short notice was bitten directly into Lunamos' mouth by pulling out his penis. Then Lunamos, the noble and mighty dragon, sucked the penis of the poem and cleaned it. If it were not for the poem, it would not have been a luxury for any existence.

In the meantime, praise was taken from the toilet paper and cleaned the semen from Lunamos' vagina. I had to keep the poem clean so it could be used again at any time.

“What do you need to prepare? ”

The poem that finished the sex touched Lunamos' chest and asked.

“Ha… I need a virgin first. ”

“Innocent woman? ”

“Yes, we need a quality record that no amount of music has ever approached before. ”

“All you need is an innocent woman? ”

“We also need the fruit of a 1000-year-old snowflake tree to further refine quality music, and the insides of the pitcher growing on fire. If a pure woman eats the fruit of a snowflake tree and has an icy, pure pitch, and the owner eats the inside of a pitcher and produces a fire-like brew and combines it with a yin and a lamb, you can gain enormous magical power at once with a huge amplification. ”

“I don't know if there are such elixirs. So that's all we need? ”

“We need to use the highest grade Magic Stone here to create an amplifier that amplifies more strongly when negative and positive are combined. ”

“It's complicated.”

I couldn't tell if Lunamos had the Fruit, Cabinet, or Magic Stone. First of all, that was the most anxious part.

“What if you can't do it without it? Is there any other easy way? ”

“Unfortunately, that's the easiest. The other method may be a little more efficient, but it's quite complicated because you have to prepare or have a magic team. ”

“Hmm… I see. Then we'll have to find out if it's weak and magical. Wait a minute."

The situation raised a search box with the power of will. And I just searched for nutrients that Lunamos mentioned.

I looked like I was doing nothing, but the poem was looking hard for the elixir.

On a square, elongated spear, he wrote that it was the fruit of a snowflake tree with willpower. And as soon as I pressed the search button, the results came out.

[Fruit of a 1000 Year-Old-Old-Fashioned Sovereign Tree] [1]

The number 1 on the right refers to the number, fortunately there was one fruit. Then I found the inner ring of the harmonica and the highest grade of the magic stone.

[Inner part of harmony] [2]

[Ultimate Magic Stone] [10]

There were two inner hemispheres of fine water and ten of the highest grade magical stones. I didn't know that. When I reached level 7, everything seemed to be there.

The town immediately pressed the send button to put the fruit of the sulphur tree, the inside of the pitcher, and the highest grade magic stone into the subspace.

“I looked it up, and I found everything. What are we gonna do with this? ”

“It's simple. You can feed the fruit of the vine to the woman, and the owner can eat the inner hem of the pitcher. And you can have sex as usual with the highest grade magic stones that you put in the amplifier. ”

“Can I feed the common man the fruit of the vine right away? It's not dangerous, is it? ”

The most important thing was the risk part. I never wanted to do anything to put a woman at risk for her own benefit. It would have been better to collect Margie through constant sex like now.

“When you eat the fruit of the vine, your tone is extremely refined and your skin becomes transparent. Eating fruit is harmless, but if the first sexual intercourse is common, your body will freeze and die from extreme purification. ”

What was dangerous was not the woman who ate the fruit, but the man who was having sex with her. It was fortunate that the skin became transparent and not dangerous to women.

“Good. That's a relief. So how do you build an amplifier? Do I need any special tools? ”

“Ordinary humans need to engrave the Amplification Wizards precisely, or place the Magic Stone where it is engraved, but you can make it simple if you're a linguist. ”

“In dragon? How? ”

“It's simple. Just say, 'Be able to amplify.' but we have to make sure that it's time to have sex on the condition that yin and yang merge. ”

“Well, I see. I'll do it right now.”

The poem put his hand into the subspace and took out the magic stone. The highest grade of magical stones with a deep blue glow resembled a slightly larger gemstone. But it looked so crude that it was difficult to use it as a jewel.

I held the Magic Stone in my hand and made a sentence in my head. And I took a deep breath and used words.

“Have the ability to amplify your magic when Yin Yin and Yang unite through sex! ”

I muttered willingly. About a third of Magi's losses disappeared, and the Magic Stone became capable of amplification. If anyone saw magic, he would have realized at once how absurd the situation was, but the only people around him were Ramusa and praise and the all-powerful dragon who used the same vocabulary. No one was surprised and just looked at him normally.

“Is this it? ”

The poem was simply confirmed by Lunamos when he gave the Magic Stone to Lunamos.

“Yes, it's perfect. Now you can give this to a pure woman, but no ordinary woman on Earth would feel any value for this crude rock. Do you want me to make you a beautiful necklace or a ring? ”

“I'd love to, but I don't know if I can. ”

As Lunamos said, it was strange to ask a woman to have a magic stone that looked like a stone, even though it was pretty when she made love. By contrast, a ring or necklace must have been naturally kept while having sex.

“First of all, I'm going to ask Konz. ”

The poem immediately summoned the door and went to the castle. And as Lunamos just said, he asked if making magic stones or necklaces with amplified magic would interfere with the quest experience.

“That's okay. I don't care at all because I'm just pretending to do what the Pope already made. However, if the Magic Stone was given by Lunamos or enchanted by him, he would not be able to gain experience at all if he performed the quest using the Magic Stone later on. ”

“I see. Thank you. ”

“No, if you don't know, you'd better ask me. ”

It was better to ask him exactly what Konz said. Now, it wouldn't be a problem, but if you didn't know it and you didn't get any Quest EXP after getting help from Lunamos, you'd be in a lot of trouble.

I returned home because I had the answer.

Then he asked Lunamos to make it into a necklace and gave it to the Magic Stone. Lunamos said he left it to a professional jewelry engineer and disappeared in no time.

Lunamos reappears, thinking it's going to take some time.

Praise was heard from the poem roughly, but the scene that suddenly appeared and disappeared like that was astonishing and mysterious.

“Have you already been there? ”

The poem asked Lunamos.

“Yes. I'm a master craftsman in the universe, so I'm sure I'll make you a necklace that you'll like. ”

“Is that the kind of person who takes care of you? Didn't it cost you a lot? I got it. How much? ”

“I didn't pay for it. You're the only one who can ask me for money. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

I always forget that Lunamos is the mighty dragon. In front of her, she was never without a pitiful and beautiful being, but she was also followed by a god. The poem felt the greatness of Saab Lunamos.

By the way, Lunamos has roughly finished preparing you for the magic gathering at once. Then I had to find someone to amplify my magic. Since she said she was only a virgin, she had to exclude all the women around her who had already had hundreds of sex.

When I thought about it for a moment, I thought of Hye Mi and Rose. Rose seemed to be difficult because she didn't seem to like herself that much, and she had the possibility. Of course, I didn't want to forget the benefits of having sex while hiding everything. At least I wanted to tell her that I had a deep relationship with other women and get permission.

I used to like her and her sex as much as I wanted, but now I think it was a very dangerous and rude act to the other person. It was fortunate that everyone was so understanding. If she was a woman like Yoon Smile, she would have threatened to tell people and taken advantage of herself when she found out about her relationship with other women.

However, now that everyone is well in harmony, the poem had sex with Ramucia and collected Maggie with a light heart.

Aru and Yumi came back with the sound of the gate opening because they were eating and having fun in the middle. It was already past 7: 00 at night.

The front door opens and Aroo holds something precious in his arms. It was the cat Aru wanted. Yumi's hands were filled with paper bags.

“Did you buy a cat? Yumi bought a lot of things. ”

“Hehe. Look at this. It's so cute.”

I just had sex and gave the cat Aru held in her arms to the poet whose penis was shiny with saliva.

The poem carefully hugged me, looking at the cute little cat that just appeared to be born. Soft fur felt so good and so cute that I wanted to flush my face, but suddenly something was wrong with my vision.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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