Dragon Lunamos


You can see whether the cat is hungry or hungry. At the level of the kezron chip, it seemed to be able to understand even the simple animal emotions.

“He's hungry. ”

“Ah! Then Aru will feed you. ”

Aru quickly rode cat milk from the Dog Shop and handed the cat over to the pope to pass on the bottle. After handing over the bottle, the kitten sucked the milk while she was busy.

“Wow, that's so cute. ”

Yumi, who was next to him, also called out that he was elongated while watching the cat eat milk. Praise and Ramucia, even Lunamos, gathered to see the cat.

Especially since Ramusa saw the same cat, he couldn't help but notice that it was a cute little cat.

“Are those all dog products? ”

While watching the girls eat kitten milk for a long time, the poem asked Yumi who the paper bags were.

“I got some dog supplies, some dolls Aru wants to buy, and some things I want to buy. Hehe.”

As the poem said, everything I wanted to buy seemed to be alive.

Yumi starts showing you the things she bought with paper bags on the table in the living room. A bunch of cute bear puppets and puppies Aroo likes. At most, Yumi bought socks and lipstick, so Aru bought most of them.

“Take a picture with my brother, my brother and that cat. ”

Aru, who doesn't know what to do with his cat, asked the Pope to take a picture.

“I'll be back in a minute with the camera. ”

The poem brought a camera to the room and photographed Aru holding the cat. Even though I took it roughly, the picture appeared as if it were a picture.

I also filmed giving milk to the cat or playing with him as Aru wanted. Aru was so happy to show you the video that he asked you to send it to his computer.

The situation was pleasant just to see Aru happy like that. When I first met her, she was terrified and trembling... And seeing her smiling and happy like this, somehow, I was moved by the situation.

The poem smiled gladly as he stroked Aru's head in cat panties.

* *

The situation was urgent. Production was not as bad as it used to be when it didn't meet demand, but it still lacked supply compared to demand. It happened because the poem had to go and replicate various materials with magic bars. No matter how much Margie had, she could only replicate enough to match the demand. Moreover, I wanted to use +1 magic silver threads or create new features on my smartphone and sell them worldwide, but I couldn't create a cloning magic.

In order to expand the store globally and create magical factions that could replicate +1 magic silver threads, Magi was needed eventually, in order for the poem to bother every time and not replicate the magical silver threads. That's why I asked Lunamos how to gather Margie quickly.

To collect Margie, she needed all the tools, but she was already ready, so all she had to do was have sex with an innocent woman. However, there were very few innocent children left for the women who knew that they had a lot of sex with the women around them. The only thing left was Hye-mi, whom I knew at least.

So, the poem decided to get to know Hye-mi better.

Early in the morning, the poem massaged Hyundai's breasts sleeping naked next to him and sent a text to Hye-mi asking if it was time today.

It's a little after 6: 00 in the morning, so I didn't expect to hear back, but I just texted back.

[Just practice a new song in the practice room today and that's it! I think it will end before 5 p.m. because of my sister's autumn schedule. We'll call you as soon as we're done!]

[I'll wait.]

[Thank you! We'll get back to you as soon as we can.]

Thanks for what, Hye Mi thanked the Pope and said she would keep in touch quickly.

I suddenly texted, but I made a promise to meet Hye-mi. Then, I was wondering what to do to get to know Hye Mi. Of course, I knew that Hye-mi liked him. But I didn't intend to ask for sex like a joke with that mind. The poem was clearly close to Hye Mi and only wanted to have sex when she agreed to understand everything.


I was rubbing my heart for a long time, and Hyunju woke up.

The poem had sex with Hyunju lightly since morning.

It was 2 p.m. in an instant when I had sex with women. I decided to go to sick entertainment for a while because Hye-mi said it would be over before 5: 00 pm. I wondered what the new song was like to practice.

The poem took the car to Azin Entertainment. When I stopped in the parking lot and entered the building, the trainees who recognized me hurriedly ran to greet me.

“Hello, Jules! ”

“Nice to meet you. Do you know where you practice your pink pets? ”

“I-I 'll show you! ”

“Thank you.”

When the cheerful female trainee showed the poem the way, she looked at the other trainees around her with jealous eyes.

The female trainee who was guiding the way was relaxed by the tension of walking with the poem. Occasionally, I have seen him from afar when he visited, but I had never walked so close together. Obviously, the poem flowed with distinction from other men, and it smelled luscious and aromatic because it was by my side.

“Hey, over here! ”

The female trainee who showed me to the practice room stammered.

“Thank you. I'll see you next time. ”

“Hey, Jules...”

As I was about to enter with a cliché greeting, suddenly the female trainee called me a poem.


“Oh, can you shake my hand? ”

“Of course I do. Thank you."

The poet reached out his hand, and the girl practitioner grabbed her hand lightly. The girl's hands were damp because of how nervous she was.

Only after shaking hands did I know that the female trainee's face turned red.

“I'm sorry. ”

“No, thank you. ”

The girl who had red ears fled like a trainee. Even though she was moist, her hands were soft and good as she was a child practitioner.

As I opened the door that the girl taught me, pink petting members were dancing to the song, including autumn. Seeing that it's the first pink pet song I've ever heard, it's like a new song.

The poem watched as he stood back and practiced. Everyone was dancing vigorously to the choreographer in front of him. I was eager to publish a new song soon.

Because of the crash that caused the stage support to fall, many of the elderly people in the news found out who pink pets are. Popularity and awareness were celebrity values. Still the most popular pink pet in Japan, it was Korea's most famous idol.

And one of them was so busy in the fall that it was hard to even meet the city. Yesterday, I was whining because I wasn't popular, but now I'm seeing too many autumns even though I'm popular, so I think three hours is going too fast.

The song ended and the choreographer stopped.

It didn't seem like the practice was over, but autumn, when I wiped my towel with sweat, immediately approached the poet.

“Brother, when did you come? ”

“Just now. New songs are good. I think it's going to be popular again. ”

“Thank you. Are you here to see the CEO? ”

“No, I'm going to see Hye-mi. ”

The poem glanced at Hye-mi and said. Hye Mi in front of me said she didn't want to come, but there was an autumn next to her, so I couldn't but stare at her.


“Yes. We're going to eat together. ”

“Oh, I see. I want to eat with you...”

Fall also wanted to eat, have sex, and whisper love with the poem. I haven't been able to meet the current situation properly and it's been too hard.

“I can't help it because you're so busy. ”


Autumn sighed. If I announced a new song this time, I was sure to be crazy busy again. I wanted to meet the poem, but I never had time to meet him. If I was worried because it wasn't popular in the past, I was worried because it was so popular now that I couldn't meet the Pope. This made me miss pretending to be in love with the poem in the unpopular past. The coupling that the poem gave me at that time was still precious to the ring. It was thanks to the signs that the poem gave me that I was able to be empowered during this difficult time.

I sighed and whispered with my mouth close to Autumn's ear.

“Next time you have time, let's play all night doing dirty things. I'll give you a fun present. ”

“Yes, yes. Okay."

I whispered in front of the crowd that the poem was dirty all night and the autumn face turned slightly red. In addition, I've been moved by the expectations of what a fun gift to give at that time.

“Then practice. I'll wait for you in the board room. ”

I thought I could just have sex with Wang Mi-ju and wait until the practice was over.

“Oh, you're not going anywhere because of your job. ”

“Yeah? But I'll wait there. ”

“Okay, I'll stop by later before I go on another schedule. ”

“Got it.”

The poem smiled lightly for the fall. Even if I wasn't a pink pet member or choreographer looking around, I was kissing, but I saw too many eyes. So the poem grabbed him in the fall and patted him on the back.

And I shouted to Hye Mi who was staring at me from afar.

“Hye Mi, come to the CEO's office after practice. ”

“Oh, yes! Oh, yes, sir! ”

Suddenly, when I called out to him, Hye-mi was embarrassed and replied.

The poem left the practice room and went to a familiar representative director. As Autumn said, Wang Mi-ju was not there because of work.

Needless to do, he sat on the couch for a while and thought about improving by taking out his smartphone. The process of improving smartphones was security and convenience, including high quality cameras, fast speed, and fingerprint recognition. These improvements were meaningless if not overwhelming, and were separate from the evolution of the smartphone considered as a connection to the virtual reality game that the situation would make.

But I wanted to create a finished object as a product, not as a link to become a platform for virtual reality games. In order to do this, it was necessary to enter an exceptional camera, perfect security function, and a touch interface with a clear texture.

Knock, knock.

A long time ago, someone knocked while thinking about looking at my smartphone.

“Jules, it's Hye-mi. May I come in?"

“Yes, you can come in. ”

As soon as the poem gave me permission, the door opened and I changed into fresh clothes, and Hye-mi with a smartphone in her hand came in.

“Are you done practicing? ”

“Oh, yes. Jules was quick to tell me not to keep her waiting. ”

“Really? That's why you're here so fast. Then sit on the couch for a second. I didn't think about where I was going. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

Hye-mi sat on the couch opposite.

The situation was under consideration. I didn't have to think about what I would do to become friendly with Hye-mi. Even if I wanted to see a movie or something, people would notice it and it was hard for me to be alone because there were so many people to go home.

There was nothing to be done.

I was thinking a lot, but I noticed a smartphone with Hye-mi in the eyes of the poem. It was the latest smartphone in Pitch that I had never seen before. I was just thinking about improving my smartphone, so I got a little interested.

“That's the new product from a while ago, right? Can I touch it for a second? ”

“Yes, yes? Smartphone? ”

Hye Mi was greatly embarrassed and stuttered.

“Yeah, we're thinking about making a smartphone. Why, can't you show me? Then you don't have to show me. ”

“Oh, no. Spread it out. Make yourself comfortable. ”

Hye Mi, who was so embarrassed, unlocked with fingerprint recognition and handed the smartphone to the town. But I was shaking my hand strangely.

I knew there was something, but the situation pretended not to know anything and I received my smartphone. Then I pressed the internet icon while lightly touching it.

However, when the internet window was turned on, something unexpected appeared.

[I crushed the poem's penis with a jiggly foot. A giant penis was twitching just by stepping on it. He was the leader of the heavenly Kepron, but when it was just me and him, he was a poor man who was groaning with excitement just by stepping on his feet.

“You know what you did wrong? ”

I was punishing you.

“I'm sorry. Please punish me badly. ”

He told me not to skinship with the women around him, but the poem disobeyed my orders again. He was my property….]

The contents continued endlessly. It seemed to be a pornographic fan of celebrities.

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Thank you for reading.

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