Dragon Lunamos

At that moment, I met the eyes of the empress. The flinching, surprised Hye Mi quickly bows her head. I was only afraid that I would be scolded by Hwang Mi-ju because I was looking at him now.

“You can all do what you want. I'm going home now, too. ”

“Sissy, are you leaving already? Go play a little longer. I don't want to go too fast. ”

Wang Mi-ju said in a mixed voice that was not suitable for his age. At the actual age, it could have been a hard scene to see, but the poem made me feel very naughty as I was flowing with a beautiful and youthful face.

“Aren't you busy? ”

“It's okay, but this time she's your woman, too. ”

In the words of the empress, Hye Mi was frightened as she flinched again. I felt like I was going to be scolded for being the poet's woman all I wanted.

The image of the empress was so frightening that she trembled with fear, every word of her actions. He looked like a soldier who had just joined the army.

“I'm sorry that happened to Hye-mi. ”

“Oh, why are you sorry for Hye Mi? It's an honor, isn't it, Hye-mi? ”

Hwang Mi-ju asked Hye-mi.

“Yes, I'm honored, as you said. ”

This was not because she was afraid of Huang Mi-ju, but because she meant it. I still could not believe that I had become the woman of the poem. But that's what got me into trouble.

“Hye-mi is our first man, isn't he? ”

“Yes, I've never done it with Jules before. ”

If he were a male representative, he would be dragged away for sexual harassment right now, but he asked and answered the question, as well as Hwang Mi-ju and Hye-mi.

“Then it must be a little premature for our poet to have a penis in his mouth. Hyo-jung didn't do so well at first, but I taught him a little, and now he's doing well. ”


Although the conversation itself was quite embarrassing, it was even more surprising that she was so kind to herself. I can't believe how different the scary and bitter Hwang Mi-ju is. I felt the greatness of the New Testament.

“Now that we're here, come here. I'll teach you. ”

“Thank you, Mr. President. ”

Hye Mi sat down, digging between the bridges of the poem as she asked. I was so ashamed that I was watching Huang Mi-ju and Autumn.

“Hye-mi, if you don't want to do it, you don't have to do it. You're my sister, right?”

“Of course, I can't let you do that if you don't like her. ”

When the company's trainee said something mild, Hwang Mi-ju, who would preach a word, accepted the words of the poem unconditionally. Hye Mi was surprised whenever she saw him.

“I'd like to practice being a little more helpful to you. ”

“I'm glad to hear that. ”

He wanted to do it too, but the situation was impossible.

As soon as Hye-mi's permission fell, Hwang Mi-ju immediately took off the poem's trousers. Then I noticed a soft penis that was sagging.

“But would it be okay if I smelled sweat? ”

“It's okay. You guys smell nice and clean, too. Never mind. ”

Although the poem said that, he quickly used the words to get rid of the dirt in Hye-mi and Fall. I know you don't care much, but it was better to be clean than smelly.

“Go ahead. ”


Hye-mi put the penis in his mouth and began to suck. However, it was very awkward and unnatural because it was not long after sex. It was so natural. However, the poem was full of sympathy, so I was able to erect just by putting it in my mouth.

“Wait. That's it. ”

In the words of the empress, Hye-mi gently pulled the penis from her mouth. Hye Mi's spit flashed his penis.

“Then this fall, show Hye Mi a demonstration. ”


In the fall, I sat on the poem's couch and immediately asked him for his penis. Then I began to suck it with proficiency that was not even comparable to Hye Mi.

Just like watching the skilled demonstration of experts, Hye Mi learned how to take her eyes seriously. However, after the autumn was so holy, even sucking the penis of the poem, the elegant beauty of the sheep's house was revealed.

“That's all for the fall. ”

Fall also pulled the penis out of her mouth in the paper of the Empress.

The Pope's penis quickly entered the mouths of two pink pet members and came out.

Since then, Hwang Mi-ju taught Hye-mi how to suck the penis while directly sucking the penis of the poem, and Hye-mi tried to get used to it as hard as she could.

Without rest, three women continued to suck the penis of the poem. They used the penis of the poem as an educational tool. She continued to explain how to massage, suck and suck the way the poem liked the most, and Hye Mi was able to suck a little more skillfully than before.

“Sis, I think I'm going to pee. ”

The poem told Wang Mi-ju who was sucking his penis while giving him a demonstration and fulfilling his desire.

“Oh, really? Then open your mouth, Hye-mi. ”

“Like this?"

Hye Mi knelt on the floor and opened her mouth in a position where the penis of the poem was easy to get in.

“Yes, that's all I need. ”

Wang Mi-ju rubbed the penis with his hand, putting the penis on her mouth. Soon after, the penis flinched and gushed out precisely into Hye Mi's mouth.

“I gave it to Hye Mi especially if I didn't eat it. How great is the sperm? Eating makes your skin healthier and younger. I've become so pretty and young after eating sperm. ”

Wang Mi-ju boasted endlessly as if he were serving a very precious dish. However, it was not poverty, but actually having sex with the poem and drinking semen made me young and beautiful enough to live with a lot of envy around me. Hwang Mi-ju had already noticed that the sperm of the poem was worth more to her than any other treasure.

“The lyrics.”

Hye-mi thanked me for keeping the sperm in the poem. When the poem came to an end, Hye Mi was a little moved by the fact that she was sucking on her penis and could eat it as it was, but she gave herself a concession. I thought this was the only kind of stickiness that only the women of the poem had.

“Come on, let's clean up the rest in the fall. ”


Autumn cleared the penis of the poem according to the order of the Empress. It was not something that Idol, who was very popular in Korea and Japan, could do, but Autumn didn't care at all but cared about sucking the penis of the poem with all his heart.

“And Hye Mi, you should know that the Pope likes to ask other women to settle down after he gives an excuse in a crowd like this. If the pope doesn't put his penis in his mouth, put it in his mouth first and don't go behind his back. It takes away the joy from our poetry. ”

No matter how thick the situation was, I was a little ashamed to say it directly, even to my own small sexual hobby.

Hye Mi, who had just heard that, remembered it as if she knew something important.

“You can eat it. Eat slowly or eat at once. Do whatever you want. ”

In the words of the empress, Hye Mi swallowed the Holy Spirit's semen all at once. An addictive sweetness filled my mouth. I wanted to keep eating if I could, because my skin is so good and my body is healthier.

“Tasty, isn't it?"

“Yes, it's delicious. ”

Hwang Mi-ju smiled gladly at Hye-mi's words.

“Sissy, do you want to have sex now? ”

Wang Mi-ju asked.

“Is time okay? ”

“It's okay. Try it while you're at it. I don't know when the time is right again, but it's fun to do things with our kids at work in a different way. ”

“Got it.”

“Really? Thank you, papa. Then I'll be ready in a minute. ”

Hwang Mi-ju took Hye-mi and Autumn and sat on the couch across from her. And the table was roughly pushed back to make the situation easier to move.

This time, Hwang Mi-ju taught Hye-mi many things.

“The poet likes to wear a little more than he likes to look good. And I like the way you keep your vagina open. ”

Wang Mi-ju only took off her pants and panties during Hye Mi's training outfit, leaving her top and sneakers alone. Then he let me sit on the couch and make an M bridge and let Hye-mi open her vagina.

Then I became just the way the poet liked it. Wang Mi-ju knew all her tastes in detail enough to be ashamed of the poem.

Then, in autumn, the same pose was posed and Hwang Mi-ju sat next to Hye-mi.

“Now, you can pick whichever you want. ”

A socially conscious director of celebrity and two popular idols opened their vaginas and revealed their holes.

As the Empress said, I shot the palate of the poem. At once, the penis popped up and the penis stabbed the vagina of the emperor who was closest to it.

It was still the afternoon, so the company building was struggling with the hard work of idol trainees to move forward in an enthusiastic future.

However, not too far from the Executive Director's office, sexual lewdness and wild sex did not match that passion at all.

The situation is so that there is no sound in the hallway, and we have some safety measures in place to prevent this obscene appearance. However, the women had no idea that, so they tried to hold the groaning in their way so that the noise in the hallway was not loud, but they were too busy groaning violently. No matter how hard I tried to endure it, the sex of the poem was not the kind of pleasant to endure.

The long, long sex ended with the situational quotient of all three.

With just one condition, the tone of Hwang Mi-ju, Autumn and Hye-mi became refined, skin became smoother, and at the same time the appeal rose.

The poem cleaned all the sperm of the three women who were distracted by the pleasures themselves.

After a while, the women who were feeling cheerful woke up and kissed the lips of the poem in turn.

“I had fun today. I'll be going now. ”

After the sex, it was almost sunset. Now I had to go back home and show her my bag and let the women judge me. I worked harder at something else, but that's what I came here for.

“I had fun, too. When the time comes again, let's play like this. I'll think of something more fun next time. ”

Wang Mi-ju, who looked at the vagina as it was not lowering his skirt properly, said lovingly to the poet.

“Goodbye, all of you. I'm going now.”

“I'll contact you next time I have a schedule. ”

“Goodbye. Jules.”

After taking greetings from Fall and Hye-mi, the poem took the bag and left.


After the poem left, Wang Mi-ju sat on the couch. Even though I just had sex, I also had an appetite to have sex with the poem. I felt like staying by the poem all day long.

“Chief Executive Officer, we have to go. ”

Autumn told Huang Americas. While Wang Mi-ju missed the poem, both autumn and Hye-mi were properly dressed.

“Oh, and tell me if something is difficult or difficult. I'll help you. ”

“Thank you."

“Okay, get out of here. ”

Fall and Hye Mi left the representative board room.

However, after just having such pleasant sex, Hye-mi's face didn't look good. I was filled with anxiety.

“What's the matter? Is something wrong? ”

Autumn saw that and carefully asked Hye Mi. I was worried that I might have just been shocked by the sex. For the women of the poem, it could have been a huge shock to Hye Mi, who had just come in.


Hye-mi was unable to answer.

“Did you just get shocked in the board room? ”

“No, it doesn't matter. Rather, I was glad that the CEO taught me a lot. ”

“Really? So, what's the other problem? ”


Hye Mi could not easily speak.

It was then.

Rose, a member of the same pink pet, lightly greeted Autumn and passed by with a expressionless face, not pretending to know her best friend.

Seeing such roses, Hye-mi's face became more depressed.

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