Dragon Lunamos

“Is something wrong? Did you fight the rose?”

Praise, who felt an unusual atmosphere, asked Hye-mi. It was not good to fight in the same group. It's hard for everyone around me because of the atmosphere.

“I didn't fight... ugh...”

Hye-mi's sigh became deeper. I was worried whether or not to tell her about the Rose business.

“Let's go somewhere where no one is. ”

Praise, who felt something for sure, took Hye-mi to a place where no one was there. Just when one of the practice rooms was empty, we decided to talk there.

“If you two fight, the whole group will suffer damage. You know that, right?”

“Yes... I'm sorry. ”

“Can you tell me what's going on? I'll listen and try to make things right between you two. ”

“Well, it wasn't a fight...”

Hye Mi hesitated to open her mouth.

“What if it wasn't a fight? ”

“Ever since Jules and the scandal, she's been treating me like that. ”

“Right after you and the scandal? ”

“Yes... I asked him why I did it, but he didn't say anything, and before I went to see Jules with her, Rose looked very angry. ”


Autumn looked a little serious. I never imagined that the cause of the cold atmosphere would be the situation. Seeing that Hye Mi was adored by the poem and even after the scandal, the rose seemed to be jealous of it and treated her coldly.

“I want to make up with you, but I don't know what to do. ”

“But didn't the rose have that color? ”

Unlike Hye Mi, who liked the poem a lot, roses didn't seem to be interested in anything like other women. It was a bit surprising that I was not interested in anything when I thought it was normal to be interested.

“I didn't know. And suddenly, it's very embarrassing. ”

It made sense for Hye-mi to make a sad face.

“I'll have to ask the rose myself. Wait a minute. ”


When autumn came to pick up the rose, Hye Mi went to the corner and took out her smartphone. Then I turned on the photography app and watched a picture of the magnificent situation. When it was depressing and difficult, it was also best to look at the situation.

When I thought about the sex with the poem just now, my heart started to burn again. And at the same time, I became depressed. I have been really familiar with rose since the incident at the concert. And if the rose wanted to be the bride of the poem, she could accept it without any objection. But I knew it wasn't easy and it wasn't something I wanted to solve.

Rose confessed to the poem, but I was sure she would be rejected. I couldn't even become a lady of the poem after saying that I was okay with the poem thinking about it a few times. The poem was so kind that I didn't want the women around me to get hurt because of him.

As I watched the poem's graceful penis and waited, the door to the practice room opened, and roses and autumn came in with a expressionless face.

Hye Mi flinched and put her smartphone in her pocket.

“Come here, Hye-mi. ”

Hye Mi went to the place where autumn was. It seemed like I had sinned to be with the rose.

“Rose, why are you mad at Hye-mi these days? Can you tell her? ”

The autumn asked Rose calmly without anger.

A rose with a single head opened its mouth, sighing lightly, unable to ignore autumn's words.

“I'm sorry. Honestly, I didn't do anything wrong, but I'm such a bad kid...”

Tears welled up slightly in the eyes of the rose. Rose knew that she had done nothing wrong. I just couldn't stand it because I was so jealous that I suddenly became close to the poem and was loved like a lover. Until now, I had never liked a man so I pretended to be less interested, but in the end, the poem liked him less than Hye-in and I didn't even know he existed.

“Do you like the Roses, too? ”


In the fall, the rose nodded slightly and Hye-mi sighed lightly.

“But didn't Rose give you any of her favorite teas? I didn't know that at all. ”

“Because I'm a woman... I've been thinking about you ever since that day. I was trying not to tease you because I was ashamed of the fact that I liked you... Everyone thought I didn't like you very much, sob...”

Eventually, the rose shed tears.

I hid it because I was ashamed of love for the first time, but I didn't know it would turn out like this. If he had the courage, he was angry at Hye Mi who had nothing to do with the regret and anger that he would have been close to the situation like Hye Mi.

“Is that it? ”

It was a tough fall as it turned out. It wasn't just because three Pink Pet members liked the poem and the rose liked it unconditionally. Moreover, Rose had no idea how important it meant to like the poem. The burden of fighting fiercely to be loved even a little more among many women was unbearable on average.

“I'm sorry, Hye-mi... I'm sorry...”

“No... I'm sorry I didn't know...”

When the rose wept, Hye Mi wept. I liked the poem like that, but I'm sorry I didn't know it at all. If possible, Rose wanted to become a woman of the poem and get back to being close as before. Even though we made up now, it was obvious that if this condition persisted, we wouldn't have any more problems.


Autumn called for a serious rose.


“You just want to get along with the Pope? That way I can talk to my brother and get him to meet me. ”

“I want to be close to Jules like Autumn's sister or Hye Mi. I want to be loved. Ugh...”


Autumn sighed. It wasn't about wanting, it was entirely about the situation. Moreover, it was doubtful that naive and kind roses would adapt well to the world of fierce women.

“Roses, you know, I'm around my brother, and Hye-mi and a lot of women. You're certainly not seeing anyone, but on the contrary, you're seeing everyone. You know, he's really sweet and nice, right? ”


Roses also knew that the situation was good. Otherwise, he wouldn't have saved himself and Hye-mi by throwing his life away.

“So he's always doing me a favor. Neither am I, and neither are my brothers and women with scandals. And then everyone really loved him, and he knew how much we felt, and he took care not to get hurt. By doing whatever we wanted to do without ever getting angry. ”

“... ”

Rose and Hye Mi listened to the autumn story.

“Rose needs to know that we all love our brother, not light-hearted. Like the Internet says, if you're a woman, it's never because you're all good and you seduce us. On the contrary. If you thought you liked your brother so lightly that you wanted to be alone, just give up now. That's good for you, too. Everyone is desperate to earn your love, but if you step in there with a light heart, you'll only get hurt. ”

“Well, I didn't have that lighthearted. I loved her so much... that I haven't been out of my head since that day, and I just wanted to be loved by her like everyone else. I never thought that I would be her lover over you or any other woman. ”

Rose was never a fan of the poetry with a light heart. Even though there were already countless scandals, I was filled with a desire to be loved like the scandalous women.


Then Hye Mi, who was still, began to talk.

“I know how you feel. I don't know if you're weak, but I'll do everything I can to help you be one of Jules' girls. ”

“Really? ”

Rose was surprised and asked Hye-mi again. I was jealous of Hye Mi and didn't say anything wrong, but I felt like I was going to cry again when she said she would help me for her sake. Thank you so much.

“I can't help it. Then I'll tell him myself. ”

“Thank you, sister. Ugh... I'm so glad. ”

Rose shed tears again when she said she would help me till the fall. I couldn't cry well, but I kept crying for some reason. If Autumn and Hye Mi helped, I did not know that I could be a woman of the poem.

“But keep in mind, Even if we help, it's the Pope who decides. If you like him, he'll let you, but if you don't like him because you don't behave well, that's it. ”

“Oh, I see. I'll try to be her favorite. ”


Autumn's words are not over.

“Becoming your woman also means giving your brother everything. Your first experience, are you willing to give it to your brother? ”

“Your first time? ”

Suddenly, the story of sex made Rose's face glow red. I just wanted to be loved like Hye-mi because the situation was so good in my heart, I never thought about it in terms of sex. I had never seen anything like it before and didn't pay much attention.

“You think that's hard? ”

“Of course I can give it to her if she wants, but I don't know how to do that...”

Roses really didn't know anything because they weren't looking at pornographic fanficks like Hye-mi. Of course, I knew what the baby would look like, but I didn't even dare to guess what to do with my first experience.

“Rose, have you never masturbated? ”

Every day, I watched the poem's fan picture and asked Hye Mi, who was obscene and masturbating.

“I've never masturbated before...”


Along with Hye Mi who was surprised, the autumn expression was a little stiff.

“Rose, can I tell you a secret you should never tell anyone? ”

“A secret?”

“Yes. If you really want to be his woman, I'll let you know, but if you're not, I think we should just do what we didn't give up here." ”

“Tell me, I want to be loved by Jules. In fact, I've never liked anyone since I was born, so I don't know how to do it, but I'm going to work really hard. Please teach me. ”

Rose's determination seemed unusual. I tried to make him give up if he liked the poem with a light heart, but it seemed like he had skipped that step. I felt strange in the fall as if I had seen myself who used to like poetry.

“Phew... I see. Actually, you and I are all in this together. Of course, we both gave it to him for the first time. And we just went to see him, didn't we? I had sex, too. ”

“Well, well, well...”

Rose was so surprised that she stuttered.

It was amazing that many of the women and the poem were mixed, but it was so amazing that they just had sex with the poem. I can't believe that's happening in the board room.

“Did you really do it, Hye-mi? ”

Rose asked Hye Mi.

“Yes, I did. But I just had my first experience. Jules and the scandal. I have the day. We slept at Jules' the other day. It was my first time. ”


I couldn't say it was too shocking. The sex was disgusting and not like that, but I didn't know that the poem and Hye-mi had done it without knowing it at all. I was shocking but also envious. I also wanted to be close to the poem. Like Hye Mi, I wanted to lie alone and whisper love.

“Do you want me to show you a picture? ”

“Picture? Picture of what? ”

A sudden photo story made Rose look confused.

“A picture of Jules. Wait a minute."

Hye Mi took out her smartphone and showed Rose a naked picture of the poem taken last time.

Inside the small smartphone screen, the penis was revealed and smiled brightly.

Roses were almost mesmerized and handed over the photos. My heart is strangely hot. I had never seen such an obscene and sexy picture, but I didn't feel dirty or gross. On the contrary, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

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