Dragon Lunamos

Seeing that, Hye Mi made a satisfied face.

“Autumn, can I send this to Rose later? ”

The right to portrait belongs to the poet, but Hye-mi asked Autumn.

“Yeah, I'm fine. ”

“It's okay. It's a rose. I'll send you some pictures of Jules next week. ”

Hye-mi smiled and said. Even though the rose became the bride of the poem, the bride felt she was a colleague because there were so many women in the first place, but I didn't think she was a competitor at all. Rather, I was excited that there would be roses and common words.

“Oh, thank you. ”

I wanted to ask you to let me go, but I was ashamed to say it, so the rose stood still. I was ashamed and embarrassed that I wasn't used to this yet, so I didn't know what to say. Luckily, Hye Mi said she would send it first.

Strangely, since I saw the picture of the penis in the poem, the image of the penis has not left my mind. I had never seen a man's penis before. Seeing the most secret and secret penis of the unfathomable poem, my heart felt like it was burning like a flame.

“You like this picture, right? I love this picture. ”

Hye Mi showed Rose a picture of the anal discharge of the poem. Rose turned red and couldn't say anything.

“Rose, are you still a little embarrassed? ”

“Yes... I'm ashamed I haven't adapted yet. ”

Rose blushed her face and said.

I could have done anything for the sake of the poem, but I was still ashamed.

Looking at the picture, he felt like he had already fled as quickly as I did, but he could also become the poet's woman and follow her diligently. One way or another, I made my commitment to become a woman of the poem.

“I have some time today, so I'll figure out how to make a rose into your woman. ”

“I'll think about it. Rose.”

Autumn and Hye Mi said, the rose moved my tears.

“Thank you all so much. I really want to be Jules' woman and be loved with Autumn sister and Hye-mi. ”

Autumn gladly looked at the rose.

I remember a time when I wanted to be a woman in the middle of a poem. I was so happy pretending to be a lover back then. The coupling received back then was the most precious treasure for autumn.

The three women wondered endlessly how roses could become autumn women. I even asked Hwang Mi-ju, the CEO, to come up with my own plan.

A secret project began for three members of the Pink Pet that nobody knew about.

* *

The three Pink Pet members gathered and worked hard to make a bag.

I concluded that I do not simply use the same abilities for all bags, but a variety of complex magicians depending on the type of bag.

A clutchbag in clutch-like hands carries a complex enchantment that makes it look more luxurious and durable so it doesn't melt easily.

In addition, the Toddbag or Shoulder Bag used a combination of wizards that were luxurious yet easy to carry and lightly reduced in weight, while the travel carrier used a combination of wizards that expanded the luxurious yet spacious use space.

Basically, I walked very strongly to make any luxury bag look humble. I could easily get tired of it if it was too glamorous, but because the Kestron brand's bag was not glamorous but simple and luxurious, I was desperate to get it from anyone I saw, rather than bored.

Since all the most important foundations were laid by the situational system, all Jina had to do after that was produce, promote and prepare for the fashion show.

He was also scheduled to announce at the end of the fashion show that he was going to launch a kezron fashion brand store in each metropolitan city and go abroad.

They had not yet been notified in the press, so more and more people were asking for a store in their own city or country in the official email of Kestron.

Because there was no substitute for Quezron anywhere in the world, once you tasted it, you couldn't be satisfied with other products.

Thanks to the creation of an advanced magic team, it became possible to enter overseas by building a fully automated system, but on the contrary, Fring became completely white and was busy playing and eating at home.

It was also common to play games and play all night because I had fallen in love with Downwatch once before. Seeing that, most of them were sleeping alone when they ate breakfast.

The situation in high school was similar to the time when the game was played until 4 a.m., then I got up again and again the next morning and slept all day at school.

Because of his memories, the poem did not say much even if Fring played all night and slept through the day while living a white life. Rather, the way I assimilated myself into other worlds gave the city great satisfaction.

Late afternoon.

The poem went to Prince's room to see if he was still playing today. And then, as expected, Fring is in a frenzied downwatch.

I was surprisingly talented when I looked back for a moment. The ability to deal mainly with the dealer with situational awareness and accurate aim led to victory with little to no loss of life.

After finishing the score, you were ranked more than 4300 points. It was considered good enough to be good enough. With Fring's beauty and this game skill, he would be able to gather huge male fans at once, but he had no reason not to do something with it.

After watching the game a little longer, the poem gave Prince some advice and went to Aru's room. Aru, who doesn't do housework, wondered what he was doing.

When I opened the door, I heard a loud song. After seeing what he was doing, Aru was watching various doll videos on YouTube. At the knee of Aru, looking at the doll with great enthusiasm, the cat that bought it last time was lying still and sleeping.

Prince was so focused on the game that he remained calm, but Aru was watching a video of a doll that he hugged Aru and touched his chest.

“Oh, when did you get here? ”

Aru smiles happily when he sees the situation and turns his head and kisses lightly.

“What were you doing? ”

“I was watching the doll. Isn't this so cute? ”

Aru was excited when the poem asked, and continued to show various cat puppet videos and favorite cat videos. It was a pleasure and joy for others to be interested in their hobbies.


The poem observed a video of Aru's cat. Yes, I did not see it, I observed it.

“Hey, isn't this cute? Your feet look so dry. ”

Aru said as he showed the cat video, it had over a million views. Other things that had hundreds of thousands of views came right into the eyes of the poem.

Earning money from uploading videos and cumulative views were also included in the EXP. Even if Aru films and uploads a video, he creates the foundation to gain experience.

As I reached level 7, it was difficult to level up with a simple quest. So I had to make the most of the quests that accumulated experience points per person, such as selling smartphones or virtual reality games.

If there were hundreds of thousands of images of Aru here, I could get good experience. Of course, Aru's doctor was the most important, but not bad. It took a little while for Aru to become famous, but he hardly left the house anyway, so there was no big problem.



“Aroo, would you like to take a video like this and upload it? ”

“Me, too? Really? ”

The poem said that Aru's eyes sparkled. He looked quite interested.

I said, "Yeah. Every time I want to do a little video of Aru's favorite doll, like a minute of playing with her cat, ”

“I want to. I want to put this up, too. ”

Aru was very active.

The situation was quite pleasant to see the aru expressing the intention to actively want to do it differently than in the old days. It seemed like I saw a cute little brother growing up.

“Good. But we can't do it right now, so let's do it later. We'll go buy dolls together. ”

“With you? Oh, I hope that day comes soon. ”

Aru was very happy that the poem asked him to go buy a doll, and wished that it would already be that day.

“Don't worry, we'll be there soon. We must leave within the week. ”

“Ahjussi, I'm already excited and my heart is pounding. ”

“Really? Let's see how much it beats. ”

The poem picked up the cat at the knee of the aru and placed it on the desk. Then he took the aru to bed. Then I stripped off the top of the aru and sucked on her sweet little breasts. At this point, I had no idea whether it was palpitating or not, but I liked it.

In a flash, he had hot sex with Aru. As always, I finished the vaginal affairs and made the skin and charm of the aru even more attractive.

After the sex, he went to his room and searched for equipment to record it on his computer. In order to capture the beauty of the aru, the poem searched for some information and ordered an expensive camera capable of recording 4K.

I didn't know this well, so I had to search for information on the internet. At this point, I tried to search the castle of Quezron to see if there was anything helpful because it looked like people who posted ordinary YouTube videos.

Then suddenly the phone rang.

It was autumn. I stopped doing it for a while, and he got a phone call.

[Can you answer the phone now?]

[Yeah, I'm fine.]

Do you have time tomorrow?]

It's always me. Fall is busy. I'm not busy.]

Now that I've also made advanced magic, I don't have to have sex all day long like before. Since the launch of the bag is all taken care of in the fall, all I had to do was play with someone who wanted to have sex while remaining like a white man.

It was only a matter of time.

Is that so? Anyway, can you come to my house tomorrow? I have a gift for you.]

[Gift? What kind of gift? I'm a little excited.]

[You'll be pleased. Oh, and I moved in this time. You used to live in the same lodge with the members. But now that everyone's settled down, I've moved into an apartment where I can be alone.]

The autumn popularity exploded thanks to the situation, and I made that much money, of course. Since the pink pets became famous, they didn't need to live together anymore, so they decided to live in the house they wanted and moved a while ago.

Then text me the address of where you live. I'll be there tomorrow at any time I want.]

[I'll take care of everything with Hye Mi tomorrow, so all you have to do is come.]


The pope hung up on me. Soon after, I received a text asking me to come to my home address and 5 pm.

I don't know what kind of gift he was going to give me all of a sudden, but I was a little excited about what kind of gift autumn would give me. From what I heard, I felt like there was a Hye Mi. I felt something a little different, but I didn't know what it was.

I decided to meet with him in the fall, so I decided to go buy Aru and a doll the day after tomorrow.

The city put the mobile phone on the desk and searched for equipment that might help with the recording earlier.

* *

It was the day I promised to meet Autumn.

The situation drove to the address that Autumn wrote down on time. Navigation teaches you exactly where to go.

Today, I was able to relax to see if there was no schedule. I thought I could play freely in this autumn house after meeting only in Ajin Entertainment, so my penis was already burning.

The story of a car stop in an apartment parking lot in the fall took an elevator up and down from the number of floors where the fall lived.

You press the bell, and the door opens quickly.

“Brother, you're here early. Come in.”

It was an autumn's usual outfit to wear at home.

The poem followed the fall.

“Hello, Jules. ”

Hye-mi who was in the living room also said hello. But he was dressed in ordinary T-shirts and jeans like autumn.

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