
The meal was okay. I was as awkward with women as I used to be, so I didn't stop talking. Eunji laughed well at the words of the poem, so the overall atmosphere was fine.

“Brother, thank you so much for eating today. ”

Eun-ji said as she finished eating.

“I'm glad you ate well. You're full, right?”

“Yes, I'm very full. I think I've eaten too much in a long time. ”

Eun-ji said, smiling shyly.

I spent over an hour at the buffet talking casually and eating. It was already dark.

“Let's take a walk in a nearby park. ”

“Yes. Walk slowly. ”

There was a park a little further downtown. Lots of people used to walk or run around a small pond.

Seeing the pond, you walk down a dark street with streetlights shining through it. I liked the atmosphere. At this rate, I thought I could be successful enough to confess.

The poem looked at the timing to confess as he walked down the road. I was originally thinking of going to a cafe or cocktail bar, but the cafe was not a great place to go for a lot of drinks at the buffet, and the cocktail bar was difficult to refuse and I had never been to, so I chose an okay park.

Slowly walked around the park while having a small chat.

“Hey, you want to sit down for a second? ”


The poem points to a bench that is slightly crushed. I chose a place that wasn't crowded around me on purpose.

I sat on the bench and looked at the lake for a moment.

The streetlights glide on the surface of the pond.


The poem looked up at the lake and called out Najjik's name. My heart trembles. I didn't know I'd be so nervous to confess.


Eun-ji looks a little nervous as she flows in a slightly different direction than when we first met.

“First time……. ”

I looked at Eunji. I was shaken and couldn't speak properly. I thought I was used to women, but it was a different matter than a confession. I didn't fall in love at first sight, and I didn't like my breasts getting hot, but this much tension!

“I've loved it since I first saw it. Will you go out with me? ”

I looked into his eyes and said, "It's short and simple, but how many times have I thought about it and organized the dialogue today?"

“Ah……. Th……. ”

Eunji and the poem's eyes met. Eunji looks embarrassed.

“I'm so sorry. I have someone I like. ”

“Ah……. I see.”

I was shocked. I wanted to pretend I didn't feel anything, but I couldn't speak properly for a moment.

It's not that I wasn't aware of the possibility that Eun-si could refuse, but I really didn't know if she would. I tried to explain something, but I felt a significant impact at the moment.

“Is that the guy from yesterday? ”


Eunji replied with a sorry expression.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Until just now, the atmosphere was good, but now there was only so much awkwardness that it was painful to be together.

It was my first confession, but it was a car.

So far, whatever the process and emotion were, this was the conclusion.

“I don't know if I can ask you this, but how long have you liked him? ”

Mentals were cleared up quicker than I thought. When I first saw it, I felt full of love, but when I met Aruwa Jiyoung, Chan, Yumi, I guess that heart disappeared gradually.

Anyway, this question was asked to look back at his problem. I was going to be careful not to let this happen.

“Well, that's ……. Ha, I met her at the beginning of the semester, but she was so good to me and helped me a lot... ”

Eunji was embarrassed by the words of the poem, but he replied carefully.

So Eunji's words meant that the handsome wand, who had 400 strange sex times, had been constantly trying to gain his favor. By comparison, I met the poem and didn't really appeal to Eunji. I had to work that hard to get the stone that was rolled up, but without even trying, I wanted to gain the heart of the mystery.

“I see.”

“I'm so sorry. You're a good man, and you'll meet a better woman than me. ”

Eun-ji was sorry.

“No, it's okay. You want to go home now? ”


There was no poetry or silver or words on the way home.

In a way, it seemed like a natural outcome.

It was all his fault. Who would choose a woman who constantly tries to have sex with a man who decides to go out and have sex with him with a light heart? When I think about it, I never thought of silver as just a sexual object, but I had to do something for it.

No, I think I ever really thought about women. In the first place, Aroo lived to ease his lust, because he had been sympathetic for 26 years. I couldn't stand to have sex. Now, I never thought of Aru as just a tool for sexual appetite, but at first I bought it with that intention.

He did not call the police, but helped praising them directly because he was interested in the ashes and Yumi also used them for level 3. Now that I think about it, I'm not ashamed.

I thought that I would not win a woman's heart like hiding with a simple object of sexual desire and a light heart. A little more sincerely, a little more thoughtfully, and a little more proactively.

While I was clearing my head, I arrived at the officetel.

“Thank you for today. ”

“Yes? I'm sorry. ”

Eun-ji was embarrassed at the entrance of the officetel because he thanked me. You refused to confess, and you thanked me?

“I have somewhere I need to be for a while, so I'm going to break up here. See you in class.”

“Yes, I'm going in. I had fun today.”

“Yeah, bye. ”

Eun-si bowed to the poem and entered the officetel. I used to get a little chummy with Eunji, but this confession only left me awkward.

However, after learning a good lesson, it was not just a business that lost money.

The poem took the phone out and sent cocoa to Jiyoung's house.

[Sis, I'm on my way home.]

[Should be here soon. What do you want to eat?]

It was only a few seconds before I heard back from him.

[I don't want to eat too much before.]

[Oh, yeah? Would you like to have a quick drink with your sister? I'll be right out.]

[Okay, then I'll wait in front of your house.]

[Okay, I'll be right out.]

I walked about 10 minutes before Jiyoung's studio.


I tried to text him that the sigh had arrived, but Jiyoung came out just in time.

“Have you been waiting long? ”

“No, I just got here. ”

Ji-young was originally pretty, but I felt more dressed than usual. I wore a clean skirt and blouse with flat shoes on my bare legs, not heels.

Jiyoung's height supported her up to 168cm. Even though she wore flat shoes, she had excellent angles.

Through body changes, the poem was 173 centimeters tall, so it looked definitely bigger than Jiyoung in flat shoes.


As the poem glanced back, Jiyoung asked.

“Just looking prettier today. ”

“What a shame. ”

Jiyoung felt better about what the poem said, tangled up with the poem and folded her arms. I felt a brassiere on my arm because it was tight, and a sweet aroma permeated the nose of the poem.

Ji-young took the situation to a room bar. It was easy to talk about because it was divided into individual rooms, unlike a regular bar, and I liked that I didn't need to notice the surroundings.

As I entered the bar, some men at the entrance looked at Jiyoung, including a man with a girlfriend next to him.

The poem understood such men. It wasn't done willingly. Before the brain even realized it, this series of actions that turned its head and saw a woman was an instinctive movement, such as a hunting beast.

The poem curiously looked around and entered the room. The glass was rectangular in the middle of the entrance, so it was clearly visible from the outside, and the room was about four people.

I had never known a bar like this existed before.

Jiyoung skillfully made a chicken salad and 1700cc of beer when the staff brought the menu.

“What did you play with today? ”

Jiyoung asked as soon as the employee left.

“I didn't do much. I ate and walked in the park. ”

“Are you just a friend from school? ”

Jiyoung has been frustrated and irritated ever since she saw the text that the poem met a woman yesterday. I thought about texting the poet a dozen more times, but I didn't think I would hate it if I interrupted him.

“I told you the other day, when you and I first met, you seemed to like her. I met him.”

“Oh, yeah? ”

Jiyoung's face was frozen instantly.

“But……. ”

The poem wanted to say more, but the staff brought liquor and food. I didn't know Jiyoung's expression was going to be so stiff while the staff put the food on the table.

After the staff left, the silence subsided for a moment.

“But……. I confessed today and got dumped. ”

The poem said with a few moments.

“Oh, really? Oh, my God, we must have lost a lot of money. ”

As soon as I heard the poem, Jiyoung tried to make a face that she felt sorry for the laughter, but it was too sad to be happy.

“It's okay. I'm not famous, of course. ”

“Oh, no! What a wonderful poet we are! Don't worry, Mr. Hwang. She thinks he's the coolest. ”

“Thank you, Sis. ”

Ji-young revealed her mind in secret, but the poem only smiled a little to see if it was only to comfort Ji-young. The reaction of the mystical situation was too sad.


“Why? What a poem. ”

When the poem finished drinking a beer, Jiyoung looked at me with slightly anticipated eyes. Do you think he's going to confess something to himself?

“I'm such an idiot. I keep thinking about her even though she dumped me. What do I do? ”

When Jiyoung heard the words of the poem with a disgraceful look on her face, she felt so heartbroken. You love and love poetry so much more than the gutless one who has the guts to do it. Why don't they know that?

“Sissy, forget it all. I'll make you forget all those bad memories today. ”

During this time, Jiyoung moved to the side of the poem and held the poem in her arms. I wanted to turn the heart of the poem to myself somehow.

“How can I forget her? Ugh... ”

I patted the head of the talking poet in my arms. I never thought the situation would be so delicate that I thought it was nice and naive. Unlike usual, when I saw the weakness of the poem, I felt sorry for him, but my feelings for the poem only grew bigger.

The poem in Jiyoung's arms pretended to suffer while feeling the sweet scent of Jiyoung. Since I got dumped, I still felt a bit tingly, so I felt better than I thought. I was going to shed tears, but it didn't turn out like I thought.

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I'll have another one up before noon!

Thank you for always reading!

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