
Of course, Jiyoung knew that she had a crush on herself. How can you not know when you're acting too beautifully? It's a pleasure to have someone like you.

However, no one knew when this heart, which was burning like a flame, would fade away. It's more beautiful and glorious in Tao, but only black ash remains after it's gone.

Jiyoung didn't want to miss it like Eun-ji did. Until now, I have treated Jiyoung aesthetically. I didn't text well first and hardly ever whispered sweet words. If we continue to behave this way, the women around us would get tired and leave first.

After differing from Eunji, he had a lot of troubles while walking. And I decided to approach Jiyoung and other women a little more actively. I wanted to be able to truly share each other's minds, not just for sex partners, sex drive, or purpose.

But this was the most important thing.

I've never bought a poem with a woman. So I studied romance with the internet, writing and games. I made love to a lot of women like a simulation game in my head. Anyone without a girlfriend would have imagined it.

However, I was bored with the most precautionary part of meeting women because there was no practice and I thought the poem only vaguely knew the theory.

If you open everything up and love like fire, you will soon be fed. Because they know everything, they lose interest in each other and feel nothing.

If we know everything from each other, we get bored quickly. If we hide too much, we get frustrated and leave. It was important to stimulate the psychology of that subtle person.

That's why I'm acting now. If we had a simple and ordinary relationship because Ji-young liked me, I was sure that my liking would soon cool off. So was the game - at first they run hard to achieve their goals, but they become worn out and bored once they have completed all their goals.

That's why we needed a Wheat Party!

“Sissy, I'll make you forget. ”

“Thank you, Sis. I really wish I hadn't been with you... ”

The poem came out of Jiyoung's arms. Then he looked at Jiyoung's face and said, I was so thankful to Jiyoung who comforted me like this rather than just acting.

“Sleep at my sister's house today. Let's have fun today because you don't have to sleep. ”

Jiyoung said, touching the cheek of the poem.

“You know what? ”

“What? ”

“I love that sister. ”

The moment Jiyoung said she liked the poem, she felt a squinting sound in her heart. It was a tremor I had never felt in any man I had met so far.

Jiyoung blushes her cheeks. I've heard that I like or love hundreds and thousands of times, but I've never felt so ashamed and good.

“Give me a kiss. ”

“Hey, here? ”

Ji-young looked out the window at the door because of the blatant poem. Staff and people are busy in the hallway. Even Jiyoung was ashamed to kiss in a place like this.

“I'm sorry. I'm asking too much. ”

“No, I'll do it. ”

After the poem made a long face, Jiyoung looked outside a little and kissed the lips when no one was there.

It was a short moment, but Jiyoung was more excited than any kiss I had ever had.

“Thank you. I feel energized by you. ”

“Good. Forget about him. You have a sister.”

The poem gently patted Jiyoung's thighs as she touched her cheeks. Suddenly, Jiyoung's movements stiffen and she glances out through the window in the door. Luckily, no one gets through.

However, the poet's hands dig deeper into the miniskirt and stroke the crack. Jiyoung, furious, pulls out the hand of the poem.

“Ba, you idiot. You can't touch it from here. ”

“If this doesn't work, will you let me touch you at your house? ”

Jiyoung blushed her cheeks as she whispered in her ear. I was ashamed of every action I did, just like when I made love for the first time.

“Well, yeah. I'm gonna go home and do it for you. You can't be here. You see, this kind of thing upsets other people. ”

“I'm sorry. I just liked her so much.... I'm so sorry."

At Jiyoung's words, the poem made a dead face.

“No, it's not. When you go home, I'll give you whatever the poem wants. So just hang in there. Okay?"

“She's so sweet. ”

The poem said, Jiyoung blushed her cheeks again. I don't know why I get so hot just listening to the poem today.

“I'll go that way, then. ”

“Yes, let's have a drink. ”

I thought that if I asked him to let me touch the poem, he would let me touch it without knowing it. I could say no before, but I didn't want to say no now.

I moved to the other side of the poem and told a small story. Jiyoung mostly said that she was struggling or annoyed while working, and the situation confronted her appropriately. I didn't have any friends to show up like this, but the poem was good at fighting back while listening to others. I didn't know the situation, but this was a really great advantage.

I drank 1,700 cc's of alcohol. The poem dozed off to see if he drank more alcohol than usual.

“Sissy, let's go. You must be exhausted.”

“Oh! I'm sorry. Sis, I can't keep my eyes closed because I drink too much. ”

The poem woke up, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Jiyoung crossed her arms and went to the counter in case the situation got hurt.

The people around me looked at it with astonishing eyes when I brought out a man who looked like a beautiful woman like Jiyoung who was drunk. Normally, a man would take a woman out and feed her a lot of alcohol, but now it was the opposite.

Even though I thought I was drunk a lot, the situation walked freely and arrived at Jiyoung's house. As soon as the door opened, he took off his shoes and lay down on Jiyoung's bed.

“Sissy, you have to change your clothes and sleep. ”

“Yes……. ”

I replied, but the situation was unlikely to happen. I didn't snore, but I thought I was asleep because of the regular breathing sounds.

“You must be exhausted. ”

Ji-young tried to take off his socks and trousers and take off his top right away, but it was so heavy that it was too much.

“Sissy, you've got to take off your top. ”


Ji-young waved the poem, and the gazelle-eyed gazelle opened his eyes and threw his clothes on the sloth. Then he lay back in bed and fell straight into sleep.

“Phew... ”

Jiyoung, who hung up her clothes and put them in the wardrobe, also took off all her clothes and went into the shower.


As Jiyoung heard the sound of entering the shower room, the poem carefully opened its eyes. It was weak, but it wasn't that I couldn't stay sober for 1700cc and a half.

So far, it seems to have worked as well as I thought. Obviously, I could see Jiyoung's heart deepening in feeling more compassionate about herself. Satisfactory results

The poet put his panties on the bed as if he was sleeping and pretended to go back to sleep before Jiyoung came out.

Soon after, I heard Jiyoung come out of the door to see if she had finished showering.

“Oh, my.”

Jiyoung was surprised when she was sleeping without her panties on the bed, and she burst a little smile.

“The poem wants to have sex with you. ”

At that moment, the poem flinched to see if he had been found sleeping.

Jiyoung lay beside the poem without clothes on. Then he rubbed his head for a long time and suddenly kissed his lips. Jiyoung licked her lips with her tongue, but the poem pretended to be asleep and was silent.

After kissing, Jiyoung grabbed the penis of the poem with her hand and gently stroked it. And then you start erecting.

“Huh? That's a big one. ”

Jiyoung was surprised to see the penis. Just a few days ago, it was smaller than this, but it suddenly grew.


Seeing the penis of the larger poem, Jiyoung smiled happily and kissed the penis. Unlike sucking, the situation excitedly spilled Cooper's fluid because of the loving behavior.

Jiyoung gently touches the lock with Cooper's liquid on her finger, then takes the slippery hand to her vagina and stimulates the clitoris.

“Hmmm... ”

My body quickly warmed up, and the liquid was already strong.

Jiyoung climbs up to the top of the poem and carefully tucks her penis into her hole. Called Riding Stance!

The poem was preparing to recite the yin and yang union before Jiyoung put the penis in. And since Jiyoung tried to stutter her penis and put it in the hole, she recited the monologue neatly, there was no worry that she would get pregnant even if she had an assessment in Jiyoung's vagina.

“Ahh……. ”

Jiyoung's waist shifts with a hot groan. Jiyoung was very excited even though the situation was not even affectionate at all.

After inserting it, Jiyoung's penis twitched and poured out a full amount of semen.

Jiyoung smiled as more semen poured in than usual. Then I lay down beside the poem and kissed him, enjoying the aftertaste for a long time, until I wiped the semen that was pouring out of his hole and cleaned up the semen that was on the penis of the poem.

After roughly organizing, Jiyoung wanted to sleep by touching the heart of the poem.

The poem was worried about Aru, so Jiyoung quickly ate the food and left Jiyoung's house early in the morning. I woke up in the morning and there was a phone call from Aru. I should have called ahead, but given the situation, there was no time for that.

When I pressed the door lock code and entered the house, Aru was lying on the living room couch. I felt like I was on the living room couch waiting for the situation.

“Woof…. Have you been to your brother's?”

I woke up with a rub of my eyes to see if I woke up when the poem came in.

“Aruya, more sleep."

“I'm fine. Have you eaten? ”

“Yes, I did. ”

“Good. Haam. ”

Aru yawned heavily.

“Aruya. Let's go back to sleep. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

The poet took Aru to the second floor, took off his clothes and put on panties, and lay down in bed with Aru.

Aru soon goes back to sleep.

I decided to spend the morning with Aru because I was too late to go to work in yin and yang anyway.

The poem looked away at Aru and wondered what to do next.

The most important thing now was to save Laroline. However, you have no idea how dangerous the planet Rickondra is at Level 3. I needed a weapon to strengthen my body or help me to keep myself safe.

For the record, it was a level 3 magical circuit imprint. However, I had no idea that this would improve my magical circuitry or imprint a new magical circuit.

First this matter was decided to go to Konz later, and then the next important thing was the law. I was studying by myself while looking at the book, but I couldn't tell if it was working.

I was thinking about going to the planet Rickondra this Saturday, but before that I had to make the most of it.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for always reading.

Have a nice day.

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