Dragon's Legacy

555 Civilization Advancement

Lunamos had already known that Han Gang-gyu had a dark heart and had heard everything Najjik had said. Usually, when you scheme like that, you don't know the situation at all and have to be beheaded, but it wasn't easy with Lunamos.

“My Lord, it seems that a man just held a grudge against us. ”

“Are you talking about Han Gang-gyu? What kind of grudge? ”

The poem said nonchalantly. I already checked the profile when I flirted with Lunamos. He was tall and fit and had a tremendous amount of sex. Of course, unlike what she did while making love with women who liked each other, she also wrote on her profile that women who hated Han Gang-gyu would have forced sex somehow with their wealth and abilities. It was a crime to have sex, but to force it even though I didn't like it.

“More than that, I want to have me, but the master intervened and I think he has a grudge because he can't fulfill his purpose. So I'm planning on destroying you and me with money and force you to take my body. ”

“Are you rich? I know the name. Why don't you search for it? ”

“When I introduced myself, I was Han Gang-gyu, head of Primero's business division. ”

“Let me do a quick search. ”

I thought that much information would be enough. Type Han Gang-gyu, the head of the Primero business division on the search site and press the search button to get information immediately.

He appeared to be quite young, but he was born with a banner, a diamond spoon, among the most commonly said banners. Han Gang-gyu was the son of a prominent Korean chairman with a chain of cafes, ice cream and restaurants. The wealth was definitely worth boasting about, just by name, as famous chains were known to everyone.

“The son of the chairman of the Shiva Group. How do you destroy something if you don't even know who I am? ”

“I've already taken a picture of you and me from afar. ”

“Hmm, really? He's amazing, too. Did you just take a look at Lunamos for a second to ruin me with one thing? That's a little extreme.Of course, there's not a man I'd rather fall in love with than see Lunamos, but isn't that the level that lacks common sense itself? He's the son of the chairman of a big business, so he must have what he wants to have. ”

Although the situation seems trivial, if the son of such a great corporate chairman wants to destroy ordinary people with his wealth and abilities, life will crumble to ruin. Everything was helpless in front of the world's money.

“It's amazing to see humans. The nobles of other planets persecute and take from them those who cannot use their power and power to get what they want. Wherever you look at the same thing, you can't help the human desire. ”

“Well, I'd better be careful not to become one, too. I need to figure out how to deal with him, anyway. I don't think he meant it when he took the picture. ”

“Shall we send them to a planet with only monsters and wipe them off the planet? ”

“No, you don't have to do that. It's better for us than that, but at the same time, it's going to make us feel bad about ourselves. Personally, I'd like to make you feel more alive than you've ever felt. ”

The poem ponders. In fact, when you are as powerless as before, you should be trembling and destroying without knowing anything and snatching Lunamos away from you like a dirty cartoon material, but now you have nothing to worry about. I was just wondering how I would repay you.

However, I couldn't do anything right now because Han Kang-gyu didn't do anything bad or use his hands. If the target was an ordinary woman like Aruna Chan, she would have done everything she could to avoid being harmed, but she was not even worried that Lunamos was the target.

“Shall I write down everything that man has? ”

“Oh, thank you. Do that, 'cause there's no footage of evidence these days. ”

“Okay, and I'm going to document all the crimes he's committed in the past. ”

“Can you do that? Are you going back in time? ”

“I can't go back in time. It's not a time reversal, it's a combination of the brain data that he remembers and the memories of people who have experienced the event directly into a single video. Depending on memory, there may be some errors, but it reproduces almost perfect situations. ”

“Brilliant. Lunamos indeed. ”

Lunamos smiles shyly as the poem compliments him. Even though tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of beings, believed themselves to be gods, the light compliment of the poem made me happier. Even the almighty dragon was just an ordinary woman in front of the poem.

As soon as Lunamos exercised his power, he recorded all the crimes he had committed in the past and all the things he had done from now on. Not just a camera, but a record of the space itself. At any angle, we could understand everything Han Kang Kyung Kyung did.

Unaware of this, Han Gang-gyu was smiling unparalleled. I was already so excited by the imagination of destroying the ordinary man next to me and making Lunamos his own. This was a great pleasure for Han Gang-gyu, rather than just having a woman.

“You know, bugs. I can't wait to see the look on your face. ”

Han Kang-gyu took her coffee elegantly without even realizing that a sharp knife was aiming at her neck.

* *

After eating until dinner, the poem returned home to Lunamos' room after playing with the girls until late at night. I wanted to go to Lunamos' castle as I told you in the cafe.

As the poem opened the door, a mysterious image connected to the castle turned on the wall immediately caught my attention. And this time, a woman in fine maid clothes was pouring her car on Lunamos. It was the first woman I'd ever met who didn't come to Lunamos' room very well.

When she saw the poem, she politely said hello. Very beautiful, she had a small wing with a long, pointed black tail with a triangular tip. There didn't seem to be any other special features.

“Who's there?”

Seeing that it was full of leisure, I didn't think I was here to save the world like Rupelin.

“He's a servant. He listens to my acolytes. Elma, introduce yourself. ”

In Lunamos's words, Elma comes forward and greets you politely.

“I'm Elma. I work with Lunamos in the Circus. Please take good care of him.”

“The Circus? Isn't the Circus the Devil? ”

A dragon or an elf, but I didn't even know there was gonna be a circus. The poem was a little embarrassed and asked.

“There is a world where demons live. Elma has been sent to me since childhood as the daughter of the Demon King. So even though it's a circumcision, it doesn't have a male relationship, so it has a pure body. ”

“Lou, Lunamos... if you say so...”

Elma blushes. I first met Lunamos' master today, who had only been told by rumors, but I was worried he might make fun of him for being pure circular. The fact that the adult Circus still has no experience was beyond mere shame. I couldn't live without a man's routine in the first place, but I was living peacefully without interruption even though Lunamos' ability did not absorb the man's routine.

“Don't worry. My master likes virgins. Now that you're here, give your virginity to your master. ”

Lunamos politely told Elma. It was a kind gesture that felt pure and loving, but the content was to have sex with the poem.

“Me? Me? May I? You're Master Lunamos...”

Elma was furious and asked Lunamos. It was not because I did not dislike it, but because it was so unbelievable, I asked it again as a confirmation.

“Never mind me. The joy of the master is my joy. Now, sit down. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

Lunamos strips off his clothes as Elma sits on the bed. As I heard the sound of falling, Elma's maid's clothes were peeled off. Only choker and black stockings were left around his neck, revealing Elma's luscious chest and hairless vagina.

Elma shuddered as she showed her nakedness in front of the poem. It was a tremor that was noticeable to anyone. Even his eyes hung up with big tears.

“Are you sure you're okay with trembling so much? Did you say Elma? If you don't like it, you can say no now. I would never touch you if I didn't want to. ”

“No, I'm just so happy... I'm so glad I finally got rid of my virginity... I don't know... I'm so sorry. ”

“Huh? Is that it? ”

I didn't know it was because I was happy that I was crying and shaking. You think it's a circus?

The poem wondered, and Lunamos smiled lightly and briefly explained.

“It's beyond shame that adult Circus doesn't have sex. Think of it like a human male. Aren't human men ashamed to be adults when they haven't had sex in a long time? It's more sensitive and important because it absorbs a man's routine and nourishes him and enhances his abilities. It's just that Elma was a special occasion for me as a child, but she always wanted to have sex, like human men. ”

“Is that it? I know what that's like. ”

It was easy to understand when I thought he was a man. The poem nods. Obviously, I was really happy when I first had sex. I couldn't help but feel what Elma felt like. When I looked at Elma again, I could feel what she was making that desperate face with. Seeing me craving sex like that, I was so excited that I immediately had an erection. I swelled my pants like they were bursting because of my big penis.


As soon as he saw the poem's erection, Elma puckered her face and let out a deep breath of fluid. It was similar to when the sympathetic man first held hands with the woman and spilled Cooper's fluid.

“Master, Elma is already excited. Look, it's overflowing with fluid. ”

Lunamos, himself, shows you the gaping hole in Elma's vagina. The extremely lewd-looking hole was seducing me as if I wanted to get my penis in quickly. Lunamos touches the clitoris slightly, and Elma trembles.

The poet sat on the bed and hugged Elma. Then Elma hugged the poem as if to pounce. I was a beginner who had never kissed, but my desire for sex lightly leapt over a sympathetic man.

Lunamos stepped aside, sat a little distance away, watching the poem and Elma kiss, and began to record the space. I wanted to give it as a gift to Elma as it was the first sex I had prayed so much for.

“Ha... ha...”

It turned out that even just by kissing, Elma jumped up with excitement. As Lunamos sleeps, the amniotic fluid continues to flow. It was the excitement of the first sex, rather than the fact that he was bleeding too much.

“Let me get you undressed. ”

Lunamos strips off the poem's clothes and reveals a gigantic erect penis.

“Ah... beautiful. ”

Elma couldn't help but admire the real genitals for the first time in her life. The penis that I wanted to see, touch and put so badly was in front of my eyes. I couldn't even look away because I was so glorious. I couldn't control my excitement from what it felt like to be inside my body.

“Can I call you Pope? ”

“Well, isn't that enough? ”

The poem replied, touching Elma's breasts. The breasts were so soft and comfortable that I could hold them with my hands.

“Hah... Thank you. Mr. Pope, would you please put your penis in now? It's too, too unbearable. Please put your penis in Elma. Please.”

“Okay, I'll let you in if you want. ”

The poem, as always, activated the magical circuitry and inserted the penis into Elma's vagina.

“Ah! I finally...”

Elma's expression was both pleasant and touching as the poem inserted the penis. I finally had the sex I wanted so much. I was so delighted and moved that Lunamos' owner, the poem, took away the purity that my tears broke out.

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