Dragon's Legacy

556 Civilization Advancement

Elma hugged the poem with all her might because she was so happy and excited. Then, in accordance with the movement of the poem, the waist moved rhythmically and responded to the best feeling. It was a movement you couldn't see as a virgin.

It was instinct. Instinct carved into a species called the Circubus, even if no one taught it. In this game, it was engraved on instinct to drown men in the swamp of pleasure when they had sex with racial traits and suck as much as possible.

The situation was unbearable due to the overwhelming pleasures, and I still assessed Elma's quality. A sperm with enormous efficacy like elixir swept through Elma's body like a storm.

“Oh, my...”

Elma trembles as she absorbs the spirit contained in the sperm of the poem. Pleasure ruled the whole body. I had never felt so good and delicious. In addition, the periodic purity was also full of dark magical power, increasing the amount of magical power at once.

Circubus feels pleasant when having sex, but also tastes and enjoys when eating pure routine. The sperm of the poem that was erupting into the vagina was so delicious that it whitened Elma's head and brought her whole body to cheer.

The poem shook his back again and again, as Elma held the whole body tightly with her arms and legs.


Elma finally let go of the poem because she couldn't help but feel the awful pleasure of losing Izzie. Elma lies prone to the bed and vomits out of joy.

Only released, Lunamos bites his penis next to him. Even though it was covered with Elma's servant's love fluid and the sperm of the poem, Lunamos carelessly sucked his penis as the poem wanted.

While Elma was distracted by the excitement, the situation was boring while waiting, so she also had sex with Lunamos. To keep Elma from interrupting, Lunamos' torso was lying on his desk, backing him up, finishing up his vaginal affairs, and looking at Elma, something strange was happening.

The small and small black wings grew so large that they covered the body, and the breasts and buttocks became more obscene.

“It's evolving. ”

“Evolution? Does the circus evolve? ”

“Circubus evolves into more powerful and more beautiful shapes when men absorb irregular periods. ”

“Amazing. It's like a cartoon. ”

The poem looked at Elma with strange eyes. Even though my face did not change or change, my body itself was sexy and beautiful enough to melt a man.

After evolving, Elma opened her eyes. The black eyes were transparent and beautiful enough to seduce a man at least immediately. Elma rises from her bed, checking her body and wings. Immediately I realized that I had become the best Circubus when I felt the glossy, full-bodied wings, the naughty tail, and the overwhelming power inside.

“How did this happen...”

Supreme Circubus was the hardship of the ascent when it could absorb the routine of countless men without even counting cells, and had to grind and polish itself endlessly. Even though I wasn't just trying, I was also the best Circubus in the whole world. However, just two siphons of the poetry became the best circular system.

“You've become an excellent circular. Congratulations."

Lunamos congratulates you.

“How did I...”

But Elma still doesn't believe that she has become the best Circus. Is it possible to be a virgin who's just been virgin and has absorbed her life twice?

“It's not strange that you became the best circumcubeus because the period contained in the master's semen is superior to any other being. If we keep having sex with the owner, maybe we can even look up to the queen of the circus. ”

“Ah, thank you. Thank you, Lunamos. I can't believe I'm becoming a great circus... I never dreamed of that. ”

Elma shed tears of joy. I shed tears over the joy that I was finally not a virgin until I had sex. If I was excited and excited, I now shed tears over the joy that I became an excellent circumcubes.

The poem hugged Elma like that. However, unlike before sex, the skin was soft and tender as if the hand holding the skin would melt. It was like a creature created to elicit a man's lust. The poem was also a man, so I immediately had an erection.

“Pope, have sex with me again. I'll make you feel better. ”

Elma grabbed the penis of the poem and whispered while rubbing sensitive areas. I was filled with obscenity beyond my wildest imagination that I'd just lost my virginity. Elma wanted to have sex and excitement with the poem again. The sex that I had always dreamed of was more pleasant than I thought, and there was only a desire to continue. I was already addicted to the penis of the poem.

“Elma, the master is busy. I did it once. Give it to the other kids. Is that okay?"

“Oh, I see. Do you mind if I come with you instead? ”

“That's okay. Then go to my castle, my lord. ”

Lunamos immediately moved the space with the poem and Elma. The mediocre room was transformed and moved to a spacious bedroom with a beautiful beauty.

The poem looked around the bedroom. It was a place women would love. Flowers bloomed all around and there was nothing not beautiful about it. It didn't matter where the poem was because he was satisfied with sex.

“Have a seat and wait. I'll call it my turn. ”

Lunamos is gone.

The poem hugged and kissed Elma next to him while waiting for a moment. Then, more actively than the poem, Elma hugged and moved her tongue sexually. While kissing comfortably, Lunamos brings a woman, and Elma falls down with a sad expression.

“This is a fairy child in charge of the overall management of my castle. ”

She was quite stubborn and callous. Dressed in a nice, neat suit, she had mature beauty. I didn't feel awkward even if I was a school teacher.

“I'm Lucy. It's an honor to meet you, Pope. ”

She looks at the penis of the poem and greets him with a blank expression.

I was a little worried that the poem was allowed to have sex like this, not my favorite face. I never wanted to force myself on a woman I hated. Even if it costs experience.

“Hey, you know why you're here, right? ”

“I know. Not to have sex with the Pope? ”

“That's true. Do I feel like I don't like this situation? You don't have to force it because you don't have to. ”

“I don't hate it. ”

“You sure you don't like it? ”

“That's right.”

“Okay, then come here. ”

The poem brought Lucy to bed, still expressionless, and kissed her. His face slightly flushed, but there was no change in his expression unlike other women. Neither disliked nor liked the skinship It seemed like he didn't really care.

For some reason, the situation I wanted to see when Lucy's face changed began to be a little more sexually touching Lucy. I took off my clothes, stroked my little chest, and persistently licked and sucked my nipple. Lucy is still indifferent, even though her nipples stand tall.

Eventually, I gave up and the poem stripped off my bottom. However, as I took off my panties, there was a rush of ecstasy.

“Huh? I knew you didn't feel any pleasure. You must have felt pretty good. ”

The poem showed Lucy the amniotic fluid on her finger. Then Lucy looks away shyly, her slight expression shifting.

Because it was already ready, the poem immediately inserted the penis and used all the skills that had been learned, and eventually Lucy, who did not win the pleasure, vomited endlessly with a ferocious face. Lucy was groaning so loudly that she thought she had just been expressionless. If it was a studio or something like that, the Wi-Fi name would say that the x room moaning was too loud.

“Wow, I've never seen Lucy look like that before. Isn't Lunamos a wonder? ”

“I've never seen you before. ”

Lunamos and Elma stare at Lucy, struggling with pleasure. Watching Elma having dazed sex, Elma couldn't resist the excitement, and lightly masturbated.

The end of sex also ended with a vagina. As the poem pulled the penis out of Lucy's vagina, Lucy's body lit up this time, and her four layers of transparent wings on her back turned into a jewel of resplendent light.

“What is this? Is this evolving, too? ”

“That's the growth of the faction. ”

“Growth? Not evolution? ”

“Yes, unlike the circular system, when the faction gathers more than a certain amount of magical power, it grows. Just as caterpillars grow into butterflies, so do factions of the lumen. ”

“Yeah? Then why does it keep happening if you have sex with me? Amazing.”

Until now, when I came here to have sex, suddenly there was a change called evolutionary tooth growth. It was a good place, but the situation was quite embarrassing because it was too sudden.

“That's because your semen is more effective than any elixir for magical estramorwn. Just by accepting semen into your vagina, you can dramatically increase your magical strength and benefit everyone at once. It's all because of you. ”

Lunamos smiles lightly and explains. I don't know about the situation, but it was never that easy. The power of the poem is so great that just by having sex, it was to change all kinds of species, and if I found out about it, it was not strange for me to go to war to gain power using the sperm of the poem. Of course, that can't happen unless you own it.

After growing up, Lucy thanked the town several times with a joyful face that she had just been expressionless.

After the sex was over until Lucy, Lunamos brought in the heterosexuals who worked in the castle in turn, and the poet checked with the doctor and then had sex. I did not count the number of heterogeneous people working in the castle since over 20 people.

A man of modest stature spilled semen to the extent that all the routines were fast and unconscious, but the poem never tires and took the virgins of innocent xenophiles. Occasionally, the magic-sensitive xenogens had enormous magical powers, like Elma and Lucy, which evolved through vaginal issues or even ate elixirs.

In the end, it took more than 40 people to finish the sex. After giving a vaginal plea to the last heterogeneous woman, the poem got up from bed. As we look around, more than 40 heterogeneous women who gave themselves sanctity were staring at you naked.

“Congratulations. You've had sex with all the heterosexual children in my castle. ”

Lunamos congratulates you.

“Ugh, yeah. Thank you. I'm a little embarrassed. ”

“Everyone was very happy with the sex with the owner. If you have time, come and have sex with me once, and everyone will be happy. ”

“Yes, I understand. I will.”

“Now, everybody, back off. Don't be too disappointed because the owner will come and make you happy again later. ”

“Yes, Lunamos. ”

Everyone politely greets Lunamos and retreats. Among them, Elma and Lucy continue to look at the situation and leave the bedroom.

The poem was laid bare in bed. It wasn't hard or tiring, but I got a little tired from so much sex. Of course, from now on, I had the power to have sex all day, but now I just wanted to lie down.

Lunamos approaches, lays beside you, and touches the pope's chest. The gentle touch revitalized the weary poem.

“Have you had a good experience? ”

“Let me check for a second. ”

The purpose of this sex was not for the desire of the poem, but for experience. Of course, I fulfilled my desires by taking the purity of many women, but that was the important goal.

The poem took the tablet out of the subspace and checked the completed quest.

[Have sex with a pure Circus] [Complete] [EXP 5000]

[Evolve the Circus] [Complete] [EXP 20000]

[Have sex with a pure species] [Completed] [EXP 3000]

[Grow the Faction] [Complete] [EXP] [EXP 15000]


A tremendous amount of quests were completed. Every one of them is quite large, so I quickly gained over 100,000 XP.

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